
I don't care


08-09-2013, 08:46 AM
He was seemingly alone, but that didn?t scare him. He had somehow gotten used to being alone in his short life. The sun was bright, and it burned his eyes, even the one that would never see the vivid images that the world had to offer. It was hot; the heat scorched his white and black coat, a mixture of parents who had sired them. He didn?t know where his mother had disappeared too, or where his sister had gone, all he knew, was that he was alone. His father and brother, both he had lost track of, having wandered away from home. That didn?t matter.

Little paws pattered against the forest earth, scrambling over fallen branches, and climbing his way out of divets and grooves in the earth. Orange eye surveyed the worlds around him excitedly, ready to take it on. Moments after this triumphant thought, he felt the earth slip beneath him, and he tumbled down into a deep hole. A hole he couldn?t climb out of, no matter how hard he would try. Exhausting himself, he tilted his head back, a high pitched whining howl escaping him. Who would come to the pups rescue?

?Help me!?

His howl would cut across the lands, demanding anyone?s attention, pleading for their help.


08-09-2013, 04:30 PM

Silver paws kissed the earth, each placed ever so carefully so as not to fall into one of the many bottomless pits. Silenced blanketed the cavernous land, only the sounds of her soft breathing interrupting. That is until an ear splitting howl shattered everything. Lips twitched, curling to reveal just the tips of two fangs. A hiss came from the feline that trailed behind her, tiny ears pinning against her spotted skull. "Noisy bastard." She huffed, bringing a smirk to the larger womans face. But now she was intrigued. Whoever it was was in trouble. She swung her bodice towards the source, altering her course, ignoring any complaints from the feline.

Following her ears, she stopped at the edge of a hole that actually had a bottom that you could see. And in it sat a pup, all alone. He was clearly exhausted from trying to escape. "Lost little one?" She cooed gently to the little wolf, hungry coral gems watching him intently. The hole was deep, not deep enough that she couldn't get out, but getting out with a pup in tow would be interesting. "Where are your parents?"

Who would let such a youngster out their sights, especially in such a dangerous part of the land. She hadn't encountered anyone else, unfortunately. She was growing restless, craving the taste of blood. But never had she killed a pup. Nor was she about to start. It was the only minuscule shred of morals that she had.

Taking a brief moment to take in the pups appearance, the first thing she noticed was his bright orange eyes, so peculiar. His pelt was a rich ivory, dirtied by his attempted escape, a dark charcoal strip ran up his face and between his ears, front limbs dipped in the same coloring. He was probably no more than a few months old, but she couldn't be sure.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


08-09-2013, 06:45 PM
Exhausted, the little pup soon slumped against the sides of the hole. A little whine escaped him, as he laid there resigning himself to the wait. Orang ocular occasionally would look up, hoping someone would appear, and each time he was met with a disappointment. Eyes would drift shut, at the bottom of the hole, he would try to ignore the fact that he was stuck, and caked in dirt and mud. Someone would come along soon?

?Lost little one?? A voice spoke, causing him to jerk himself upright to look up at the speaker. A strange looking wolf and another creature greeted him, and he stared at them warily, as he wagged his tail gently against the ground. They were here to help, right? No one would hurt a pup? ?Where are your parents?? He was prompted.

?Yes ma?am, I am lost.? He spoke very slowly, his little tail wagging politely. A frown would pass his features, as he contemplated the next question. ?I don?t know where my parents are. Momma?s been gone for a while and I?m not sure where Father is?.? The betrayal and confusion he felt at his parents absence was evident in his voice. Looking at the feline, he spared her a confused look.

?Who? he began directing at the pair before focusing on the strange creature, ?and what are you?? He asked as politely as he could, the curiosity evident in his tones.


08-12-2013, 11:49 AM

A pup without parents. Such a terrible thing. He would starve to death before he could even learn to hunt. She knew she should pity the poor boy, she should want to take in him in and care for him, love him and give him a home. But rather she saw an innocent face that she could corrupt and use to her advantage. Even as a pup it was clear that he would lean, build for speed rather than brute strength. Cold thoughts were interrupted by his voice. A smirk tugged at her features, coral gaze dropping to Cena who looked mildy offended. "My name is Cena, and questions like that would be considered rude, but if you must know, I'm an ocelot." As always tones were sharp and to the point.

Amusement glittered the larger womans features as she let her gaze slide back towards the pup. "What would your name be lovely?" Lyrics purred sweetly to the boy. Toes flexed against the edge of the hole, gems seeking a way in and out. Walking around, she noticed a small ledge, just big enough to hold her front paws. Keeping her hind legs planted outside the hold, she dropped her front paws to the ledge, claws digging into the earth to hold her in place. "Come." She barked the commanded to the boy, intending to grab him up by his scruff should she be able to reach him.

Cena followed, standing beside the woman, watching the pup, reluctantly offering her help should it be required, already she knew what Cat was up to. The pair were well suited for each other, each just as a heartless as the other in their own special way. Tail flicked behind her, wide blue eyes watching the wolves. She was curious to see what would become of the pup should he decide to follow Cataleya, what he would grow up to be. If he would even make it that far. If only he knew just who had found him. A devilish smirk crossed her features, one she kept hidden from the child, knowing eyes drifting to her counterpart.

OOC- So Cataleya would totally adopt him and corrupt his little mind if you don't mind, otherwise she'll just leave him there.
"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"


08-19-2013, 04:44 AM
An ocelot? He had never met one of those before! Perhaps his tumble wasn't completely bad. "And oc-lot?" He began, stumbling over the word, "I've never met an ocelot before, Ms. Cena. 'Sowry, if I was rude for asking." In the seconds following, the other would ask his name, and his small tail would wag, thumping against the ground gently. "My momma called me Seth Famine, and I think my last name was Jae-...Jaeger." Her carefully pronounced.

Teeth met his scruff, as he scampered towards the woman, his paws scrambling against the dirt as she helped him out. Paws firmly on the outside ground, he gave himself a little shake and plopped on his haunches, looking up at the larger wolf."Thank you, ma'am, for helping me out." A small smile would flicker on his jaws, his tail wagging feebly as he stared at the pair, blissfully unaware as to who had just saved him.

ooc- he's going to glaciem generally, but he can always ask cat if she knows the way? :o


08-21-2013, 08:45 AM

The feline couldn't help the mild amusement that light up her bright eyes. She offered him nothing more than a brief smile. 'At least the child has manners.' She thought so quietly to herself, tiny audits flipping to attention when he introduced himself. Seth Famine Jaeger. None of it meant anything to her. Just another name to add to an infinite list. Wide baby blues watched as Cat leaned in to snatch the pup up, releasing him.

It wasn't hard to pull the smaller child from his prisoner. Along with his help of flailing paws he was freed in no time. He plopped his rump on the ground, two toned face turning up to meet Cat's gaze. Thank you ma'am.. So polite. "You're welcome dear, now tell me, where do you plan on going?" A gentle smile graced her dark features, false concern laced her words. But it would all go unnoticed by the na?ve pup.

No pack, no parents, no obvious scent of a family. No one would notice a pup going missing. Silver haunches lower, dropping to the earth, her tail curling around her paws as she watched the youngster with eyes like a hawk. Her lust for power is what kept her rooted in place, what kept her from leaving the pup and letting him die and miserable death. Curiosity as to what his answer would be kept her focus on him. Charcoal tipped audits stood at attention, face tipped downward to look at the pup. Seth.

ooc- Cat would agree, but she may lead him on for awhile, trying to convince him to stay with her
"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"