


08-14-2013, 11:01 PM
Quote:How the young girl had survived this long was probably an anomaly, thank god for the spring and summer that allowed her to fill her own belly with fresh berries as well as bugs and small rodents. But thus far she had remained a semi healthy weight that allowed her to grow. She was just shy of a year now and had every plan to remain on her own with only contact with her brother if she could. She found that she struggled far too much with socializing with others, especially after her last run in with the purple boy when she had first found her brother. So she had remained further north, keeping where she had last seen her brother, where there were less wolves as well. The young girl walked easily, blue gaze slipping back and forth as she walked in search for anything she could eat. She was hungry all the time it seemed, stomach grumbling unhappily.



5 Years
Extra large
08-14-2013, 11:53 PM

Rabbit. It was often times the most difficult thing to catch. Those little buggers were quick on their paws, jumping and dodging obstacles like if they weren't there. Not only did they have their quickness on their side, but their little burrows aided them well in hiding from predators, but even then that wasn't enough to deter a determined wolf, or at least one who time to spare on his paws. Like Taurig. He usually wouldn't go out hunting for rabbits, but with an insane amount of time to himself, the young Blood needed something to entertain himself with and hunting rabbits fitted the bill for today. And what a chase it had been. The little bugger had nearly gotten away from him, but a particular unseen hole tripped the creature up, allowing the grey-blue brute to come in for the kill. Breakfast was served.

Usually he would eat right after killing his prey, but being in an unfamiliar land made him uneasy, so spilling blood that could possibly attract unwanted attention didn't seem like a very smart choice. So the young man chose to gather up his meal, preferring to dine in the comfort of Glaciem's borders. But he would dine this morning. As Taurig made the trek back home, his senses alerted him to the presence of another wolf nearby. Inky limbs pulled the knight to a halt, icy gems dancing across the snow covered landscape, searching for the owner of the scent he'd picked up. There. A tri-colored figure not too far up ahead. Another whiff told him the figure belonged to a female, and a young one at that. She was much smaller than him -nearly everyone was- and looked to hunting for something. Food perhaps? She didn't smell of a pack, so a rogue was the only title he could give her. Unable to deny helping a female, the young man pressed onwards, moving towards her, his massive paws sloshing in the snow as he approached her, a muffled bark erupting from his inky jaws as he called out to her.

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08-18-2013, 01:36 AM

There was blood in the air.

The scent made her pause, nose lifting delicately to quiver as it tested the breeze for the direction of the delectable scent. It had been some time since she had tasted meat, probably not since her mother had taken them and fled Tortuga and then ultimately left them. Did she crave it? Of course she did, but her fear of other wolves kept her from turning and running towards it. Though it didn't stop her head from swivelling and blue eyes from taking a quick look behind her. There was no one in the immediate area so tiny shoulders would rise and fall before she turned her vague gaze back towards the ground. For a long moment she simply stood there, mind a whirl as the desire for meat and blood set a light a new desire within the young girl. She didn't know it but she was slowly starving... She needed better, more life giving food then what she was managing to dig up herself. Maybe if she moved south? Maybe if she actually dared to use her vocals? Maybe if she actually asked someone for help? So many possibilities and yet she was still left wandering the north with a growling stomach. She couldn't leave the area, couldn't leave her brother even though his present location was a mystery to her.

A delicate paw lifted and just as she was about to set it back down and carry on on her way a bark alerted her to anothers presence. Once more her head would swivel, casting her blue gaze over her shoulder, expression blank and devoid of emotion. It didn't take long before the male came into view, a pretty slate colour she hadn't really seen in anyone before. But as she had realized before with the male she had met while in the company of her brother, she hadn't seen enough wolves to know what was right and what was wrong with coloration. He was headed her way and it was only what dangled from his jaws that kept her frozen in place. So he was the one who had caused the scent of blood in the air and the sudden twisting in her stomach. Tongue darted out, flicking over her lips to stop herself from drooling. Funny how you never realize how hungry you are until you see the food right in front of you. Gaze went from blank to questioning, hopeful almost as he approached. Her tail even dared to sway at her heels a big, hoping, praying that he was friendly.




5 Years
Extra large
08-18-2013, 01:59 PM

She was a tiny thing, both in size and body mass. It appeared that she hadn't had a decent meal in some time, but somehow she was managing to cling to some semblance of nourishment, but if she didn't receive the proper care, she would soon become emaciated and perhaps even perish. But Taurig would not let that happen. Not while there was strength in his limbs. The scent of blood was alluring and it was no surprise that the young babe turned in his direction, her azure gems quizzical as he approached; a hulking figure with a dangling, freshly killed morsel. He could see her tongue dart out from her grey lips, swiping against her lips as she watched him, tail swaying gently between her hocks. She was weary, but seemed to want to be friendly.

Onyx dipped plume curled high over his hips, wagging gently in an effort to appear more friendly. He stopped about a body length away from the young girl, dropping the rabbit against the snow, its blood trickling down onto the snow as he pushed it forward with his nose, closer to the young vixen as he stepped back. You look like you could use this more than me. He rumbled quietly, allowing his skull to become parallel with his spine, icy eyes dancing over her silhouette, wondering if she would take his humble offer.

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08-18-2013, 06:02 PM

His approach was slow and easy, he was obviously attempting not to scare her from the way his tail licked at his heels but his form continued to grow the closer he got. Her ears began to fold against her skull, jaws unhinging a bit as his impressive form filled her vision. She didn't know that wolves got that big. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered meeting one of the Tortuga pack members who had been a giant, possibly bigger then this male, but she had only ever been around him when he had been lying down. This male was so much more imposing and the closer he got the more she tried to disappear inside herself. her expression was a mixture of awe and fear now. Would he eat her? Suddenly even his friendly gestures were starting to seem menacing, she didn't run, no she was practically frozen in place at this point. All she could do was stand and wait for this beast to decide her fate.

He gave her some space, stopping a fair distance away and allowing his tail to curl up over his back and wag gently to show that he didn't mean her any harm. She was still staring at him when he dropped the rabbit, its blood turning the snow crimson as he lowered his head and pushed it towards her. For a long moment she stood there, cautious eyes darting between his features and the rabbit he was offering her. His words were gruff but his tone was low. By now she had learned enough English that the meaning of his words came through well enough paired with his actions. Slowly a smile slid over her lips, soft and easy, before tiny paws slowly carried her towards the male and his offering. Her head would dip politely to him before she pulled at the flank of the rabbit. It was a fairly large chunk, she would take it and place it beside her before ripping a similar sized chunk off the shoulder. She knew she couldn't eat much and she didn't want to take his whole meal. It took her a fair bit of effort but she pushed the rest of the now very bloody rabbit towards him and motioned for him to take it.

If he wanted to carry on his way and eat she wouldn't stop him, what she had ripped off would be more then enough to keep her going for another few days and then maybe she would move south. But either way the smile that was on her lips was genuine, one of the first ones she had allowed to break across her features. She was glad he had stopped and decided to share his meal rather then eat her...




5 Years
Extra large
08-18-2013, 07:32 PM

She was a tiny thing, but very pretty for her age. The grey of her coat varied in shade, giving her a tri-colored look about her, all the much more appealing. If his father saw this young thing, he would probably snatch her up in a second. Her children would be handsome things to look at, if only she could put on some more weight and gain a healthier body image. Lucky for her he had stumbled across her and not some monster or his father. Now that he was closer, he could clearly see the silent fear that was etched across her visage and he didn't blame her for it. He was a very imposing man, a titan in stature and his looks didn't exactly scream friendly, but he was doing his best to let his body language do most of the talking for him in regards to appearing friendly. As much as he expected her to bolt, she stayed right where she was, blues locked with his own. She was either frozen with fear or curious to see what he would do. Part of him thought it was most because of the fear, but he hoped there was a bit of curiosity mixed in there.

He stood quietly before rabbit, icy gaze dancing between the morsel and the young babe, waiting to see what her reaction would be. She stared at him for a long moment and he could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to decide what to do. And then a breakthrough; a smile. A small smile curled her grey lips as she slowly moved towards the rabbit, taking her small jaws to the rump of the animal, ripping a chunk from it before taking another bite from the shoulder, retreating back to her safe distance, motioning for him to take the rest. He quietly denied her offer, waiting for her to finish as he pushed the rabbit closer to her with his right forepaw. Take the whole thing. I can always catch another one. Powerful haunches folded beneath the young man, lowering him into a sitting position, a gentle smile curling his inky lips as he watched the young babe, wanting her to relax before he started asking any questions.

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08-18-2013, 08:32 PM

He was massive but as the time stretched on between them her fears began to ease, fairly certain that he wasn't planning on eating her. Size shouldn't be a fact anyways, just because he was huge didn't mean he was he to be evil just like just because someone was small didn't mean they should be so easily trusted either... So as he continued to give her some space and didn't make any sudden movements one by one the muscles in her body slowly began to relax. She didn't fixate so much on him, didn't watch his movements as closely as she slowly lowered her haunches to the ground and then allowed her small forepaws to slid forward through the snow until she was laying down. The hunk of flank was devoured quickly, almost too quickly, and she didn't immediately reach for the next piece she had pulled off. Her stomach convulsed, once, twice, but she didn't regurgitate it thankfully. It had been a long time since she had eaten meat, probably months... She was probably a good ten to fifteen inches shorter then him but had some more growing to do. But her body mass was seriously lacking. Her fur was thick and fluffy due to her young age so it covered her ribs and protruding hip and shoulders bones better then most but it was still obvious that she was hungry.

The second piece was eaten slowly, chewed carefully and then swallowed and she waited to see how her stomach would react before moving onto her next mouthful. The last thing she wanted was too eat this nice mans food and then puke it all up later. When she finally finished her two chunks she looked up to find the male watching her. Expression had returned to its normally stoic state as she watched him decline her offer to return the rest of his meal. She sighed and smiled, there really was no arguing with him when she couldn't speak. Reaching forward she pulled the rabbit closer and then reached forward to pat the ground before him, inviting him to lay with her. It wasn't the best place to eat but it wasn't terrible either. She flipped the rabbit over and began to proceed with the once again lengthy process of trying to eat and keep it down. In the end she would probably end up taking half the rabbit with her and try to find her brother. He was one of the few who knew that she didn't speak and accepted it. No one, even her, knew yet if she simply wouldn't speak or if she very well couldn't. The young female had yet to even attempt to try.




5 Years
Extra large
08-18-2013, 09:28 PM

Clearly, she needed the morsel more than he did. Taurig didn't mind loosing his breakfast. There was more than enough prey to go around in Alacritis, whether it be here or back in Glaciem. He had no problem finding something else to eat later on. He would rather give his kill to someone else who really needed it rather than hog it for himself when he was clearly beyond well off. Cords of thick muscle lined his shoulders, forearms, and haunches, invisible now that he sat, but clearly visible whenever he was in motion. He had more than enough meat on his bones, so he could spare the meal for the young dove. He had absolutely no problem with that.

His patience was paying off. He could see one by one as each of her muscles in her tiny body begin to relax, her hind limbs folding beneath her like his, forelimbs stretching out as she allowed herself to lay across the snow, patting the ground beside her, inviting him to join her. Well, that was good progress if he'd ever seen any. The gargantuan man allowed himself to lay across the snow, limbs splaying out before him in the same fashion as the girl's. He watched with the same gentle smile as she took the rest of the rabbit, slowly beginning to finish it, trying not to stuff her belly to fast. Though he was content to sit there in silence, he wanted to know the young woman's name and likewise, provide his own, that way if in a near future they ran into each other again, they could recognize each much more easily. What's your name little miss? Mine's Taurig.

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08-19-2013, 09:55 AM

One day she knew that she would have to bite the bullet and eventually ask a stranger for help, to get them to teach her to hunt though once again that came with particular difficulties when one didn't speak. Maybe that was why she felt so attached to Aeron, they seemed to be on the same wave length thought wise and it was helpful. It didn't leave her as frustrated as not being able to communicate her thoughts and needs normally did. She would have to find him soon, she had only seen him in passing since their meeting with the big yearling named Basilisk. She missed him... Or maybe it was simply the presence of another that she missed, because that main and void that she felt without her brother was slightly lessened with the presence of this male. Though she didn't feel as frustrated with him as she had with Basilisk, though she had a stronger desire to communicate in some way with him. With Basilisk she had also been more focused on her brother, wanting nothing more then to be alone with him at the time so it had left her with a strong anger towards the purple hued male. Here... She simply wanted to speak. Her English to begin with was no where near as strong as her brothers, having only listened to her mother and siblings speak french around her and then on occasion when pack members came to visit she would catch snippets of the English language. As she spent more time out here she began to experience it more but she was still far from fluent in it like she was in french.

The beast eventually lay with her, letting the silence envelope them as she precariously picked at the meal he had so graciously offered her. But as with all animals who spoke and didn't know of her inability to eventually he broke the silence. She continued to chew as he asked for her name and presented her with his own. She swallowed and then folded her ears to her skull, casting her gaze down to the ground beside her. Lips parted and she silently mouthed his name, allowing her tongue to go through the motions of pronouncing it while she repeated it in her mind. His name would do her little to no good in the future other then to mentally put a name to his face. After a moment she looked back up at him, icey gaze meeting his as she tried to will him to understand that words would not be leaving her vocals. Her throat worked, miming the motion of whining but as usual no sound joined the motion. She was simply left watching him, expression downcast and almost ashamed. Her ears remained folded to her skull as she slowly shook her head. She couldn't... She had tried and whether it was because she simply didn't know how or her vocals were in fact broken she didn't know but no sound had come out. Was she broken? This had always been her fear with trying, to try and fail so it had been better for her to simply remain silent and not try at all...




5 Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 05:08 PM

As he sat before her, he took the moment to look her over. He had already taken inventory of her pretty looks, but now he was realizing that her scent was one of a rogue. She was barely a yearling, and she was already living on her own? Where was her family? Did she even have a family at all? What of her parents? Did they know their daughter was out on her own, nearly starving to death? So many questions fired through Taurig's mind at all once, all without answers. Just what exactly was the story behind this little dove and how did she get to where she was right now?

She continued to eat, but he could tell that she had heard his question. Her ears folded against her skull at his words, her own icy gaze dropping to the snow beneath her paws. He watched her intently, noticing the movement of her lips and he could only assume that she was mouthing his name. Perhaps she was trying to make sure that she didn't mispronounce his name? A moment later her icy gaze returned to his, and he could see something in them, as if she were trying to tell him something through them. But what? He could see the muscles in her throat contracting, as if to make a sound, but no sound emitted from her voice box. Could she not talk? Grey brows furrowed together, ears flattening against his skull. Is there something wrong little miss? Can you not talk? came his concerned vocals. Was there something physically wrong with the girl's vocals that were limiting her speech?

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08-19-2013, 05:26 PM

Rouge? Yes... The young girl had never known her father, her mother had never spoken of him to any of them and no on had ever asked. They hadn't known much of their pack, allowing their mother to secret them away in their den until the day arrived that suddenly Tortuga had disappeared, the alpha's had left and a new pack had moved in. So they had been forced to leave, following their mother to attempt to find a new home. Starvation had started here, Luce never feeling anywhere was safe enough to leave her children unprotected and then one day it seemed Silana had awoken and everyone had disappeared. Her mother was gone and so were her siblings. Loneliness had started there. She had made her way north somehow, she didn't know how or why she had ended up in the submerged woods but she had found her brother. Unable to ask him where he had gone or if mother was near they had simply shared the silence. Of course interrupted constantly by the angry purple male but hey, she had found her brother and she had been happy. Now generally when she needed to find him he was in that area, why she didn't know but she didn't care.

He watched her, she felt like she could see his mind churning over the new details she had presented him. Would he understand? She could only hope, this was her first time meeting someone new and not having her mother or brother around to speak for her. Though Luce had generally shooed her back into the den rather then explaining. Had she been ashamed? After what felt like forever he spoke, asking if something was wrong before asking if she couldn't talk. Eyes closed and she let out a soft sigh of relief. Okay... He was smart enough to figure that out... Could he figure out the rest of what she needed of him? Slowly she would nod, jaws parting and throat once again working, attempting to churn out any sound but all that came out was her breath. So she sighed, shrugged and stood. It was an abrupt movement but she shook out her coat and reached down to pick up the half eaten rabbit. 'Come with me,' she willed him silently, motioning with her head towards the lands further north. She turned and began walking in the direction of the submerged woods before pausing and looking back at him. If he didn't join her immediately she would motion again and wait for him to follow. They had to find her brother...




5 Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 06:02 PM

Everyone talked. Pups were born with the ability to talk, it was just a matter of developing their skills and teaching them how to speak. Taurig had obviously been able to master the art of speech without difficult and so had every other wolf he knew in his life. But what about this little dame? She seemed to want to speak, with the mouthing of his name and the attempt to formulate speech, but her body didn't allow her to. Or was it really her body? Could she be doing this to herself, not allowing herself to speak for fear of something? But what could instill such fear in a young babe that it would make her become mute? Taurig was determined now, to coax this little thing into talking. He wanted to show her that there was nothing to fear from speech. If anything, it would make her life a bit easier. He would help her. It was decided.

She nodded to his question. So she couldn't talk. Well she could understand him. That was something. Her jaws unhinge and he could see the effort she made to try and speak, but just as before, no sound emitted from her vocals. She sighed, shrugging as he stood, collecting what was left of the rabbit, motioning with her head for him to follow her. He understood right away, inky limbs unscrambling from beneath his mass, hoisting back onto his paws, a brief shake given to his pelt before he pushed forward, gliding easily over the snow as he trailed after the tiny babe. He wasn't sure where exactly she was taking him, but if she was asking him to accompany her, there had to be a chance that she needed help. And he was willing to give her that help.

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08-19-2013, 11:40 PM

((Seren said she'd throw Aeron in with us in a bit :D ))

Fear... It had always been present in the young girls mind although she would probably never consciously recognize it on her own. She had grown up with such beautiful voices flowing around her, especially that of her mothers, tempting her and yet silencing her at the same time. What if she spoke and her voice wasn't nearly as enchanting as her mothers or her brothers? Jacques had always had a pretty voice, Aeron as well but more the way he pronounced things then his actual tone. It wasn't open that any hint of emotion seeped into his words no matter what he was talking about. Some part of her wanted to try but a bigger part of her was afraid of failing, so many doubts were present in her mind especially after attempting to use her voice today. What if she tried and her voice was broken or didn't live up to the high standards her family had placed on her? What if she tried and she simply couldn't? At least right now she could live under the illusion that she simply didn't want to speak.

He arose quickly, scrambling to follow her after she motioned for him to follow and a smile slid across her lips as her shoulders shook with silent laughter. His long legs closed the distance between them quickly but she set off further north before he was directly beside her. She moved at a long legged trot, head lowered and sniffing until she realized that she could smell nothing around the blood rabbit in her jaws. Frowning she paused, turned and tossed the rabbit at Taurig. If he caught it then great but if not she hoped he would understand that she was asking him to carry it for her. Funny how half a rabbit made her feel so much stronger already... She didn't miss a beat, sneezing to rid her nose of any blood she may still have blocking her senses before starting off at her trot again, this time with her head lowered and nose to the ground. Aeron's scent was in the area but it wasn't especially fresh, hopefully he was nearby and would either see her or be looking for her. A girl could hope...




5 Years
Extra large
08-20-2013, 12:52 AM

She was tiny, but she was nowhere near fragile. It seemed that the rabbit had been exactly what she needed. She appeared more revived, with more energy as she moved ahead of him, clearly having some kind of mission in mind. As to what it was, he had absolutely no clue, given the fact that she couldn't -or wouldn't- tell him. He didn't mind much though, he was happy to help the silent babe in whatever she needed help with. The titan strode powerfully beside her, his elongated legs traversing the landscape with ease, his strides lengthy. The girl trotted with her head down, as if trying to track something. How on earth would she be able to track something will all the rabbit blood in her face? She seemed to realize this and came up with a quick solution. Without warning she tossed the half eaten rabbit his way, apparently intending for him to carry out. With quick reflexes the young Blood snatched up the morsel in mid-air, jaws clamping down securely on the bloody carcass, never faltering in his step. He continued on, the rabbit now securely in his jaws, freeing the girl's nose. Now she could track whatever it was that she was tracking.

A faint scent trailed along the edges of his dark nostrils, catching his attention. Upon further examination, he discovered the scent was male and it had a familiar tinge, resembling the grey babe's. Could this unknown male be a sibling or family member? Was this who she was tracking? He kept his questions to himself, words held back behind the rabbit in his teeth, icy gaze scanning the area around them, trying to spot a figure that would tell him the other male was here. If he was here at all.

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3 Years
09-22-2013, 04:45 PM
Trailing after her had been harder through the snow than he had assumed. Although fresh tracks were always an easy thing to see, it seemed that the fresh snow would quickly cover said tracks up. So by scent alone he would follow her, trailing after her, wondering whether the next turn tha the took he would see her on the horizon. So many times he thought that he had found her, a little gray speck in the distance, only to be fooled time and time again. How did his sister manage to get so far so quickly?

Perhaps it was not as far as Aeron thought. The north was vast, its territories daunting. And for two parentless children, it was even larger, more dangerous than it was for your average adult. Yet somehow they managed to survive, sometimes together, normally alone, they were somewhat of a miracle paired with their lack of social skills. In ways, they could assumed to be worse for each other than better, for Aeron had long since appreciated Silana's silence, attached it to what came with her gentle presence. He saw no reason for her to talk, and because of that with him, she could simply remain silent, not pressured to perhaps push past the ailment.

And he was slowly finding the voices of others to be foreign, and each time he heard a howl in the distance, it became stranger and stranger to him.

The boy had lost track of time looking for his sister, but finally he could scent her. The boy was immediately running after her, not wanting her to give him the slip once more. Yet as he approached he realized that she wasn't alone. Approaching the scene, he blinked at the large man that was with his siblings, blinking at him before moving to stand alongside his kin. His movements were not alarmed, he only cast a questioning glance at the male, before looking his sister in the eye. Her lips were stained red, and he was surprised at that - the two of them weren't the most... substantial of hunters.

"You fed her?" He questioned the brute, not bothering to introduce himself or Silana just yet. It didn't occur to him that it would be the polite thing to do - at least, not at first. His meeting with Basalisk though, would be his reminder that names were for some reason important. The male's lips twitched, and then he was speaking - his voice that of a young adolescent, albeit there was a bit of a croak from being underused. "I am Aeron, this is Silana. Why did you feed my sister?" What did he want of them? They had nothing to give anyone - they were barely managing to take care of each other.


09-23-2013, 01:53 AM

It felt forigen and almost alien to have a full belly, to have the organ not twisting and convulsing within her core as it snarled for food felt strange. It wasn't bad just... She couldn't remember the last time she had had more then a mouse to fill her up. Every once and a while she or Aeron would get lucky and kill and especially stupid grouse or ptarmigan and once or twice a baby bunny that got lost but generally their hunts were in vain and alone she had even less luck. Her need for silence often left her skirting around the scents of other wolves as well, craving socoization and companionship but only from her brother. This was probably only her third or fourth time meeting a wolf outside of her family. But even though she knew somehow that he meant her no harm she still found herself looking over her shoulder and mentally measuring the distance between them every so often when he nose would come up from the ground.

His scent was here but it was faint and after a while she found herself looping back around towards where she had been eariler that day. How long they walked she didn't know but it was actually Aeron who found them in the end. His approch didnt go unnoticed and she turned around as he loped towards them. No smile greeted him, only a faint tail wave to show her recognition as eyes followed his form as it grew. He looked thin, no different from her though she noted faintly that he had grown slightly in height since last they had met. His voice was forigen sounding to her ears, harsher almost as though it hadn't been put to use in quite some time. His accent was also fading more, without Jacques of their mother there was really no one to speak their native tongue to... Even in her mind she was beginning to have to really think to remember the words sometimes.

The words he spoke were English, a simple question as he came to stand before them. The young girls gaze was fixated on him now, the slightest wave to her tail though her expression remained relativly blank. Aeron stopped a short distance from her and she closed that distance, pressing her face into his shoulder just as she did now almost every time they met. She inhaled deeply, feeling the vibrations of his words as well as hearing them as he introduced himself and her to Taurig. Baby blue eyes would turn back towards the towering male, gaze soft as she looked through her brothers dense coat. What would happen now would be up to her brother, though she had been wandering off from him more and more lately she didn't have any intention of leaving him and what he decided to do she would follow without a second thought.




5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2013, 02:41 PM

Icy gaze would spot a grey figure in the distance. It was only a tiny speck in the distance, but slowly the speck would grow as the silhouette moved closer and from the silhouette would appear a wolf. It was much the same size as the young woman beside him, though slightly taller and lankier. His scent was similar to hers as was his appearance, and the titan could only assume that this boy was the girl's brother that she had apparently been looking for. He would approach the pair, heading straight towards his sister. The boy would remain calm, only tossing the titan a questioning look as he asked if he had fed her. I did. came his simple response. Was he not supposed to? The boy was making it seem like it was a bad thing. He had only meant to help the young girl.

The boy would speak up again, introducing himself as Aeron and the little girl beside him as his sister Silana, again asking why he had fed her. Silana would bury her face into her brother's fur, turning to peek at him through it. He wouldn't smile for worry of offending Aeron, but the titan's eyes would soften every so slightly as they flitted to Silana's face, jaws parting as he spoke. I am Taurig and I fed Silana because she needed some food. She needed it more than I did so I gave her my rabbit. I don't mean her any harm Aeron, I was just trying to help. I can bring something for you as well if you need it. He would try to explain himself to the brother, trying to make him understand that he meant his sister no harm.

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