
Pretty is as Pretty Does



07-31-2013, 03:59 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2016, 08:39 PM by Nyx.)



Cross plodded along, now kicking it up to a sway backed trot, now stopping in place and waiting. He was the perfect guard dog. His cousin Orica had a love of travel - seeing new sights, meeting new people, finding new herbs, and lately Cross had been the one to accompany her everywhere. What did he get out of the deal? And excellent question. Peace of mind might be the only guess. If he was always on stand by to be Orica's companion on her foraging missions then he knew she wouldn't go sneaking out by herself. Cross was no great warrior like his mother or his father or his uncles, but he had had his share of training and he was a dang sight better than nothing.

Plus it gave him something to do.

He and Orica had been all over, in the past couple of weeks. But here, the boy was tempted to pull up. He could smell the Valhallan border. Sure he had family there, Solliel had even invited them to come down to the packlands some time. But ever since Eos.... Well, needless to say, goodwill between certain family members didn't always mean something. It just wasn't smart to get too close to a pack's lands when they were only two young rogues. He halted, held his ground and lowered back his ears sternly, usually enough to get his cousin - who'd become rather adept at reading his body language - to pull up. But not this time. The girl kept heading right for the border.

"Orica," Cross hissed. "Orica, what are you doing?" It was said quietly enough, but considering how little the boy liked to talk, it might as well have been an explosion.




07-31-2013, 04:10 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

With her knapsack thumping against her fore legs, Orica trotted through the greenery. The plains here were wonderful for finding herbs! Such a diverse biome! She could've been in heaven. And it was right next door to Valhalla. Though she didn't want to bother them or tresspass or anything, it was nice to know that a pack of decent wolves was within hearing distance of a cry for help. Unfortunately, the girl had to think about these things sometimes. But not -that- often. Usually Cross did all the worrying for her.

Perhaps that was why, when he halted and hissed her name, she didn't mind it too much. She was on a mission. Could anyone guess what she had found? Milk Thistle! Oh she could jump for joy if she wanted. Not bull or sow thistle, not stinging nettle or anything else - but real Milk Thistle! Sure it just looked like an ugly, nasty weed to some, but Orica knew better. Darn if it wasn't several yards past the scent markers though. Oh well! I mean - she wasn't really doing anything wrong right? She wasn't tresspassing very deep or taking any prey or bothering anyone. And it wasn't like she could make a dent in the amount of herbage even if she wanted to. "Just a second, Cross," she called over her shoulder as she hoped the border.

She slowed to a careful walk and began to gingerly pick her trail through the patch of pricklies. Ever so tentatively she began to bite off a head here and a head there. She was as careful as possibly, but of course she still got her tongue and gums stuck. Meanwhile, she explained to her troubled cousin. "This is Milk Thistle, Cross. Sometimes called -ow!- Blessed Milk Thistle. -Eek!- It's very, very potent -ooh!- and is known for almost miracleous cures to poisonings -yow!-." Having some would be absolutely wonderful. To know that she had that kind of power in her knapsack wherever she went. Did Cross have any idea of the lives she could save? This was very important.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-31-2013, 07:03 PM

Erani padded through the territory, pausing now and then to nip up certain herbs that she wanted to add to her stockpile. Yarrow, no, she had plenty of that, the supply seemed endless. Anti-immflamatory, sterile, it was excellent for treating infections. It treated fevers and colds, as well as sore throats. Often, she wondered if those properties could be enhanced somehow. Maybe if it was hot. But how to heat it? It was also useful in stopping diarrhea. So many uses. Oh! There was some Moon Grass. It was also good for sore throats, as well as tender gums. She nipped it up. Turning back to her memories, she recalled that it was also a good pain reliever.

She spotted mountain strawberries, ripe berries red dots of color against the verdant green foliage. She made a note of it?s location. It was a good calming plant, but not good for use during fevers. She paused, spotted the hooded purple flowers. Aconite. It was a poison, usually, but her mother had told her that used in the right way, it could ease fear, or panic attacks, and birthing fear. Her tail flicked. The root was never to be used. That was the death root. She turned away from the plant, noting the location. She padded along through a small meadow, and stopped to nip up meadowsweet plants. Effective in curing indigestion, aches, pains, and arthritis pains. This was one of the plants that she had been taking to Cairo when he?d? Her heart panged softly.

Her paws took her along a narrow wolf path into the shade of a patch of forest, deep blue eyes flicking along the bushes and mosses, then paused, one paw raised, ears pricked. Two scents brushed her muzzle, similar to what lay upon Mercianne?s fur. The old Glaciem wolves. She slipped forward on silent paws, interested to see who was at the borders, and, by the smell of it, past those borders. She paused just out of their sight, and watched the two. They were young, the same ages as her own children. One looked like he didn?t want to be here, and the other? Erani winced as the black and white female forced her way through the patch of Milk Thistle, yelping as she spoke. Naming the properties very well. Erani stepped forward, tail flicking amusedly. ?It also remedies depression, Jaundice, Infection in the liver, and Cancer.?

Deep blues glinted amusement as she approached and bent to pull one of the prickly plants down delicately to the ground, and deftly used her claw to sever the head from the stem. Her eyes lifted to the young female?s as she set the head before her own paws. ?I am Erani, Lead Healer of Valhalla. What brings you across our borders, little healer child?? Her voice was gentle, ghostly velvet, lilted with highland accent and a main strain of British.



08-01-2013, 07:41 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica gasped, even jumped, at the sudden sound of an incoming wolf. Oh no - they'd been found trespassing! Her heart quailed away for a moment as she took in the sudden wall of white. Up til then she'd just been thinking about how nice the other pack wolves she'd heard of had been - and about her Aunty Solliel. But now all she could think of was the story of how Aunty Asheni had been found trespassing for herbs years ago and been taken prisoner for months! Orica gave a soft little yipe! and shied away.... but then she realized what the Valhallan was talking about.


She was a healer too!

Orica straightened up, still looking rather meek and apologetic, but she listened to the other wolf's words. The older female had such nice blue eyes... - And she obviously knew what she was talking about. Orica was hardly surprised when she introduced herself as not just a healer, but a lead healer. Orica was quick to bow her head respectfully. Eyes lingering, fascinated on the thistle head that had been so deftly plucked. "It is an honor to meet you Miss Erani, but my name is Orica, and -oh, I'm terribly sorry for tresspassing, I just saw all this lovely milk thistle and I couldn't help myself." Oh dear. She hoped she wouldn't get in too much trouble.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 01:18 PM

Erani gave a gentle smile as the young black and white female shied away, then registered what she was talking about. Erani held no anger at the young female for trespassing over Valhalla?s border; after all, Milk Thistle was a find, especially if you didn?t live in a place here it grew in abundance like this patch did. She bowed her head in return to the young girl?s respectful gesture. ?And it is an honor to meet a healer who knows so much, at so young an age. And Milk Thistle is an irresistible find, indeed, so I wholly understand your lapse in protocol. But I urge you to remember that not all packs are friendly, Little Orica. Her attention turned to the male. He looked very much like Crusade. Cream with brown and beige markings. She smiled at him. ?I believe I?ve met your mother, Crusade. You look very much like her, young fellow.? The warm compliment was given with a gentle twinkle of her eyes.

She settled onto her haunches and gazed at Orica, ears perked with interest as she took in the young healer?s form. Black made up the top half of her body and tail, as well as the fronts of her forelegs and thighs. White made up the rest of her pattern, on the bottom half. Sparkling sapphires made up her eyes. The little female reminded her of Asheni, but she knew that this lass wasn?t born of Asheni?s blood. Sheni had no children. Her tail flicked to curl about her haunches as she took in the odd bag the young healer carried. ?So, what brings you young two down west, apart from the Milk Thistle?? Her eyes squinted in a gentle teasing manner as she spoke, tail tapping in a gentle wag.



7 Years
08-05-2013, 06:05 PM

Surreal nipped carefully at the plant her mother had sent her out to get. The descriptions had been carefully given, hammered into her mind. Peppermint. Dark reddish brown square stem and veins, deep green, coldly refreshing scented leaves. She liked the taste, and her tail wagged softly. She rather enjoyed gathering for her mother, it was a gentle reminder that life wasn?t all about warrior training. She wondered at a ladybug that crawled along a blade of grass, the orange-red base color spangled with neat black dots, and the black head, bright against the verdant green blade.

Straightening, mouth full of Peppermint, she breathed deeply, mind clearing with the smell of the plant, and made her way home. Coming down the ravine, her tail waved happily as she trotted along. She climbed the natural stairs and dropped the peppermint on her mother?s pile of unsorted herbs, then turned and bounded out of the cave, leaping the stair with a softly panted laugh, before she took off at a run down the narrow ravine path, silver back spangled with dappled sunlight from the gap at the top of what was almost a tunnel. During a rainstorm, the water that would dribble from the leaves that finished the gap was very pretty.

Surreal ran along the path out to the rest of Valhalla, tail high, but not too high. It didn?t take her long before she came to the border, panting slightly from the run. She padded along the border, patrolling. Alright, so, practicing patrolling. She was only a yearling, after all. But Azalea was a Yearling, and she was an Heir. Then again, Azalea?s papa had been Alpha for a while, so? Surreal bounced into a trot, then paused, quivering. Oooh. A stranger! The wind, her Uncle Cormalin had drilled it into her head to pay attention to the wind, and everything around her. Now, the wind carried a change, a scent. Her brow point?s pulled together as she tried to mull it over. Male, and as old as she was! He smelled kind of like? Creed! A sibling? One of the brothers Creed had said was actually bigger than him. And Creed had been big, last she had seen him. That was last season.

She could smell more now, now that she paid even closer attention. A female, about the same age! And there was Mother! She took off at a lope. Mother might need help. These two didn?t smell like Valhalla-- A butterfly fluttered past her nose, bright yellow with black markings. Her path averted, attention snagged. The butterfly fluttered along, delicately avoiding her leaps and pounces, completely caught until-- There was a big body in her path, right in front of! She swerved with a squeak, in mid leap, and the butterfly fluttered away, completely forgotten in favor of avoiding a collision with? whoever this was.

The effect of her attempt to avoid bumping into the other wolf was that she teetered back on her hind paws, then sat down hard with a soft ?Uhmph!?. She snuffed, blinking, then looked around, and blinked again. ?Oh? Erm this guy was big! And there was her mother. And a black and white female with blue eyes in a patch of thistles? Mismatched blue and gold eyes flicked back to the wall of wolf she?d nearly collided with, and her head ducked. ?Sorry?? She hefted herself to her feet and slipped to her mother?s side, feeling and looking embarrassed to the core. Butterflies were for puppies!

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



08-05-2013, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2016, 08:40 PM by Nyx.)



Cross hadn't taken to the sudden presence of a stranger too well. In his mind he swore away at the fact that Orica and her plants had gotten them into this, but his joints all popped and his fur tingled - ready to spring at the stranger if the wolf turned nasty. In this case it was only one wolf - and though it was an adult, Cross was it's match and more for height. Cross wasn't the self-flattering sort but he figured he could hold it off long enough for Orica to make a get away - and then run off and join her.

None of that, however, was to be neccisary, for as quickly as Cross was made ready, Orica was made calm. She'd recognized another healer and they'd begun talking quite nicely. Cross had had a bad experience with a stranger when he was younger, and it had given him a distrust for them, but so far on his travels as Orica's foraging companion, the girl's beliefs in other wolves were the ones being proved right. They'd encountered a couple of healers now and even been saved in the desert by a male rogue. Wonders never ceased.

"I believe I?ve met your mother, Crusade.-"

Cross would've been perfectly happy to be left out of the situation, but if he had to be brought in, this wasn't a bad way for it. The pup had remained standing tense and on guard, ready to charge to his cousin's side if needed, but at the name of the other white wolf, he'd started wondering. The name was indeed familiar. And now this clinched it. He'd overheard his mother mentioning the name once when talking about her trip to the south. She was alright then; a friend. From the way she talked to Orica she seemed nice enough. Cross's silence was never meant to be taken as rudeness, nor was did he ever speak in order to avoid showing it. He simply talked when he felt like it, no more and no less. In this case however, he did- after dipping his head politely. "She spoke of you," the boy said, putting in his two sense for the first time. He was still watching the older she-wolf carefully, but the fact that he spoke at all was a token of good will. "She said you were good friends with our Aunt Asheni." Cross nodded towards his cousin. "Orica here intends to be the next legend like her."

Orica spoke a bit then and Cross let his mind wander. He was distracted, or rather, his ears were, with the sound of approaching footfalls - quick, but too light to be any sort of dangerous warwolf approaching. He turned to see first a butterfly and then the grey wolf sprinting behind it - Coming right towards him! Running or not, she didn't look like she'd be enough to knock Cross off his feet so long as he was braced, and the boy didn't fancy leaping out of the way like a scared bird, so the boy did what his instincts said and held his ground. He just sort of stiffened slightly and leaned his shoulder into what was no doubt about to be a lovely collision.

But the girl, with the silliest of looks on her faces, pulled up suddenly and even rose into the air a bit. The butterfly flew off into the breeze - as light as a feather, but the girl flopped backwards onto her haunches. Cross just stared at her. She had lovely eyes...

"Sorry.." the stranger said.

Cross didn't try to come up with anything to say. He just wanted her rise and slink over to the white wolf's side. ... very lovely eyes.




08-05-2013, 07:27 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

From the voice and the smile of the older white she-wolf, Orica was begining to think that she was going to be just fine. She was rather nice.

"And it is an honor to meet a healer who knows so much at so young an age-"

Make that very nice; Orica tucked her chin, wiggling her ears and blinking her eyes like she always did when she was made to blush like that. One of the disadvantages to having such short, light colored cheek fur was that it it was possible that a touch of rouge was now made visible there as she wagged her tail happily. She didn't think she was anything to brag about - not yet anyway. She had a long way to go before she was as great or as brilliant as her Asheni and some of the other healers Aunty Crusade had talked about. But it was so nice to hear it said and to have that sort of encouragement. All at once she was proud and happy to meet someone new and extremely embarrassed at the situation she'd put herself in. Her head hung a little lower at the gentle chiding she received about pack borders. "Sorry," she murmured simply. She'd be better about that in the future.

That was when Miss Erani turned the conversation to Cross. It was a surprise to hear that she knew Crusade! And more of a surprise to hear that Cross knew of this - of course it was a surprise to hear Cross at all. Orica never quite knew where his mind was - even when he did speak, but it was nice to hear him talking naturally. Having turned her head she threw him a little, beaming smile. A smile which only widened when he talked about her aspirations to be like their dearly departed Aunt. Orica nodded vigorously as she turned back round to Erani.

?So, what brings you young two down west-??

That sent Orica's tail wagging. "Just a foraging trip," she said, happy to explain, and eager to speak with a wolf of her same craft. "Our family travels around now, mostly in the north so I like to keep stocked up on things." She turned a little, moving forward the shoulder over which hung her medic's bag. She loved it quite dearly and knew that it had been enough to impress the last fellow healer she'd met. It was where she stored much of her herbs, and even now a few thistle heads poked through the top. The scents of red clover and wood sorrel, not to mention lavender and dandelion and plantain and willow sprigs all flooded forth from the bag, along with the old musty scents of dust and earth from when it had laid in the ground for years. It was worn and moss covered in places, and it had an odd two-leg symbol of white with a red cross. "At the moment, our pack's only healer is all fat with puppies, so I run around and help whereever I can. I like to travel and meet new people - but Cross here-"


Orica gave a gasp and was quite close to closing her eyes, but she let out a sigh of relief as the grey she-wolf - who looked to be another yearling- pulled up just short of a crash. Orica blinked. She had been about to say "Cross here thinks its dangerous." Silently, she bit her tongue. Luckily, no one was hurt. The grey girl got up and slinked over to Erani, looking a tad embarressed. Orica's eyes flew to Cross worriedly. She hoped he wouldn't get aggitated or annoyed enough to ask to leave. But far from it... He looked...


What was wrong with his eyes? They kept staring at that girl like she was rainbow colored lobster.

Orica shook her head dismissively, and let show a little grin. "That was close.- I'm Orica, what's your name?" It was such a treat to meet someone her own age, and even cooler - this girl had the different colored eyes. With her mother, Ocena, having them and all, Orica had always thought them beautiful and secretly she wished to goodness that she had been born with one red eye like or mom or a gold eye like her dad. Here this girl had exactly that! Very lucky!




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 10:49 PM

Erani smiled softly as the young male answered. From his silence, and the faint rustiness of his voice, she had a feeling that this was something that didn?t happen often; him talking. Ocena?s minor reaction to his words confirmed her suspicions. She nodded. ?When she came over to Valhalla, just before she? passed, to help with my birthing, I asked her to be my sister, and she accepted.? She smiled at the young male, before her eyes turned to Orica, who was nodding at his last words. ?I can think of no better wolf to emulate, Orica.? To Orica?s apology, she added, late, ?And that?s quite alright, but if you?d like to cross the borders next time, go ahead and howl, I?ll tell Chrysanthe that you are welcome, that you come from the old Glaciem members. I can show you herbs, and teach you what I know. Good healers are a thing this world needs, and I?ll do all I can to attribute to the next generation.? She smiled then listened to Orica?s explanation, nodding. ?Keeping stockpiles full is always good, and with that pouch of yours, it must make gathering so much easier.?

Indeed, she could smell more herbs than she could hope to carry in her maw at once. If she had one of those, she could get so much more, and maybe even have extra time for, or say? A nap? She smiled at the thought, listening to Orica talking about Mercianne. ?She came to Valhalla not long ago, to ask advice about birthing. Very sweet lass. Her and Ocena. Now from what your Aunt Asheni said about Ocena?? Her deep blue eyes twinkled at the young female. ?Her daughter looks a great deal like her mother.? It was then that Surreal arrived, and Erani turned her head to watch the clumsy attempt to avoid running into the male. A smile pulled at her muzzle at the look on her daughter?s face, and she didn?t miss the look in the green eyes of the young fellow. Judging from Orica?s odd look at her guardian, this wasn?t normal. Erani felt her senses tingling.

Surreal slunk to her side, and Erani turned her head to run her tongue over Surreal?s forehead, stifling a grin at the silver yearling?s aghast and embarrassed reaction and the whispered ?Mother!? Deep blue eyes twinkled gaily as she turned to look at the other two yearlings, letting Surreal introduce herself.



7 Years
08-05-2013, 11:06 PM

Surreal was very thankful to have thick, fluffy dark fur all over her body, save for her throat and lower jaw, because she was sure she?d be glowing bright pink right about now, or maybe even red as he mother bent her head to lick her face. ?Mother! She ducked, well aware that the boy was watching her. He looked like Creed, but instead of greys, blacks, and whites and all in an interesting pattern, this fellow was huge, and made up of cream, beige, and brown, sporting green eyes. There was no doubt that he was one of Creed?s brothers. And she?d nearly run into him. And she?d fallen on her tail. And her mother had licked her face in front of him!

The female piped up, and Surreal gratefully grabbed onto the distraction, trying to ignore that hot feeling under her fur, and the ticklish, fluttery sensation in her middle. Why was her mother smiling like that? ?I?m Surreal.? Her voice was a lighter, higher version of her mother's, with a peculiar mixture of accents. Scottish, British, and Russian. The rolling lilt caught on the 'R's in her name, pearling them like whitecaps on a lake. Her mother smiled wider, adding, ?And my eldest daughter.? Mismatched gold and blue eyes dropped to the ground, but she felt her pride at being the daughter of Erani swell in her chest. Her mother was adoptive mother to Chrysanthe, who was the alpha of Valhalla! Who wouldn?t be proud of that?

Gaze lifted to glance at the boy. He was still staring at her like she had two tails. It was tempting to look down at herself to see if she was covered in mud somehow. A flutter of bright yellow and black wings. Her eyes lifted, snatching onto the butterfly that had started all this. It seemed to be teasing her. No! Her rump plonked down stubbornly onto the earth, tail flopping beside her right hip. She would not follow the butterfly. If she did, she?d probably end up actually tackling him. Why did that make her tail tip wiggle? Quit that! She pressed her paw down on her tail. And now her fur was hot again.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



08-06-2013, 02:23 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica listened to Erani's words about her Aunt. Of course she knew Asheni! Everyone seemed to know Asheni. And to know her was to love her. More than that, the white she-wolf and the medic had become sisters. Orica's grin spread with a gasp.. "But- that practically makes us family!" It was just like she'd always thought when she was little - some how or other all wolves were related. It was one of the main reasons why she got along so well with everyone... and why she could never understand how two wolves would want to hurt eachother. When Erani went on to say that she could come back in and visit sometime, that grin only went wider. Her fluff-mop of a tail curled up and wagged like a husky's. Her sparkled with a very clear, very pleased you mean it? Cross had gotten to make friends in Seracia, perhaps Orica would be able to make friends in Valhalla.

The grey girl seemed a good place to start. Erani's final remark about Orica's mother made it clear that much was known about these two of the old glaciem tribe, well time to learn about the pair of Valhallans. Eagerly Orica waited to her what Erani's daughter would say.

"I'm Surreal."

"Well it's nice to meet you Surreal," said Orica in a voice that more befitted a high mountain stream than a creature of flesh and blood. She sat down to keep calm, but her tail couldn't help give a thump or two against the grass. "Are you a healer too?" she asked. Meeting another wolf in medicine, and one her own age- Could her luck be that good?




08-06-2013, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2016, 08:40 PM by Nyx.)



Cross had one ear trained on Orica, but now his attention was diverted. He didn't really realize that he was staring until the girl glanced back at him, met his eyes for the quickest heartbeat and then looked away. Cross dropped his gaze too, or at least focused it back on the other she-wolves. They were still talking about family and healer stuff. Apparently this Miss Erani knew just about everyone. At another time it might've made the boy suscpicious, but his mom had met her and if Crusade approved of her that was good enough for the boy. Besides, his thoughts were elsewhere. The little grey youth was flicking her tail. She had acted all embarressed and meek when her mother had licked her face, but it was quite clear that she still felt like running around and bashing into other things. And she was still glancing at something - Without shifting his head, Cross moved his eyes to catch the bit of yellow and black that had nearly caused a couple bruises. It was a big, lovely swallowtail with wings that looked more like jewels than real earth-stones did.

Cross wasn't big into all that kind of pretty stuff, but he had been gifted with a quiet appreciation of nature. It was often the best kind. In this case, it meant that the butterfly wasn't as scared of him. The boy hadn't moved a paw since coming. Even when he'd been about to get rammed into, he'd staid put. Now he willed even his fur not to move. Orica had dragged him through plenty of feilds of flowers, time for that to pay off.

The swallowtail danced back and forth, eventually slowly, and then coming to rest on an alabaster shoulder. Cross didn't even breathe. He couldn't been stone for all that the insect knew. Then-! Quick as a flash, he'd slapped his big bushy tail over to his shoulder - it was far too soft and fuzzy to do any sort of damage, and that wasn't what Cross intended. One of the other things Orica had dragged him through? Pine forest. he'd gotten some of that yucky sticky sap in his fur and hadn't been able to get it all out. It was coming in handy now. The butterfly was stuck quite nicely by the tip of his tail. Oh it could still be pulled off easily enough if someone wanted to eat it... or let it go, you know if you were into that sort of catch and release silliness. Cross just kept his green eyes on the fluttering thing, standing up now and walking over to join the group for the first time. Surreal was the only one he seemed interested in though. He didn't look up from the butterfly until he was right in front of her. Then he silently offered up his tail and the captured treasure on it's tip.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-14-2013, 04:38 PM

Orica?s word brought a smile to her muzzle, her tail gently whacking the ground. ?All Healers are in some ways related. By their love of healing and compassion for life.? She smiled as Orica?s attention turned to Surreal. A soft chuckle rippled from her throat at the question as to whether or not Surreal was a healer. She decided to let Surreal answer that, her eyes caught by the same butterfly Surreal had been eyeing.

She watched it as it fluttered down to land on the young male, Cross as Orica had called him. She watched from the corner of her eye as he handled it. And she was pleased at how gently he did so. He seemed to have taken an interest in Surreal, and she didn?t blame him. Her daughter was an exquisite young lady, but had the fire and mettle to stand up for herself, and the temperament to have many good friends. She wanted to be the greatest warrior in Valhalla, not for her own glory, but for her pack. Erani was very proud of her eldest daughter.

She turned her attention to Orica, smiling. ?What would you say to being one of my pupils?? She did hope Orica would say yes. She liked the young female, could feel the ready mind eager to drink in knowledge. Not for power, but to be better able to help those in need. The world needed more like her.



7 Years
08-14-2013, 05:01 PM

Surreal?s tail wagged softly as the black and white female, Orica, said it was nice to meet her. The question, however, gave her a pause. She mulled it over. ?No? I?m in training to be a warrior. I want to be the greatest warrior in Valhalla, so I can maybe be a great Beta like my Uncle Cormalin!? Her head lifted high in pride for having an Uncle like Cormalin, silver tail wagging harder. The butterfly was almost forgotten, until the male brought her attention back to it, as it had landed on his shoulder. She found it rather hard not to look at it, and to keep her eyes from traveling beyond the insect.

She didn?t know what to do, or think when he managed to ensnare the butterfly on his tail. How?d he do? that? He was walking over to her. Was it just her, or was it getting warm? Then he offered the butterfly to her. Well, it was rude to refuse a gift, and the butterfly seemed to be begging for release. She leaned her head forward, touching her nose to the butterfly, and incidentally, got sap on her nose, as well as a butterfly. Surprised, she pulled back, eyes crossing to look at the fluttering creature, which seemed to be indignant. Thankfully, her nose was wet enough that the sap couldn?t stay stuck for long. The butterfly was just strong enough to pull away, and it fluttered off.

She cast a shy glance at the male, a little embarrassed by having a butterfly stuck to her nose.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



08-19-2013, 04:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2016, 08:40 PM by Nyx.)



The grey she-wolf, embarrassed into silence, watched him silently as he came over. She accepted his gift, by nose it with her nose. The pine sap stuck to her now, and she pulled away, with the winged gem fluttering on her nose. Her eyes peeked in and out of hiding as those gold and black wings unfurled. Even had Cross been the sort given to speaking all the time, he wagered he would've been struck mute at the sight. It was his first time interacting with a girl. A real girl. Not like one of his cousins, he'd grown up with like sisters. Were they all this pretty?

The moment seemed to last an hour, but it wasn't long enough. The butterfly flew away and they were staring at one another again. The little she-wolf was quiet. But that was alright. Cross didn't mind silence. Sometimes it was the most expressive reaction one could give. Now, it couldn't been a trick of the light, or it might've just been a stray shift of the fur, but for a moment, it looked like he'd begun to smile a little at the corner of his muzzle.

It disappeared though, as he silently turned around, took a few quick pads to where he'd been sitting before, and promptly seated himself again. By this time his face had returned to normal, and he was once more waiting, taciturn and patient for Orica's interview to be over. Now, however, he didn't mind if it took a while. Maybe the grey girl would try to talk to him some more. - Or maybe their moment was over. Either way, he was content. The adult-sized boy, stretched out his forelegs and laid down in the foliage among the border, carefully avoiding a stray thistle leaf that had been flung to the ground near him.




08-19-2013, 05:10 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Erani's first words, mirrored some of the girl's own thoughts. She'd always felt a kinship towards healers - one which extended to the white male she and Cross had met by Wolfpaw Lake. What had been his name? Cael! That was it! His accent had been really quite interesting. Kinda like Miss Erani's now that she thought about it. Who knows? Maybe there were related too! Wouldn't surprise her! They were even both white. Orica didn't care whether she was thinking sense or not. Her puppish thoughts went all over the place sometimes. Healing was what focused her. What gave her drive. It was really a blessing she had discovered her love of the craft early on or she might've been one of those rambling, purposeless yearlings just waiting for an excuse for their energy to explode.

Speaking of other yearlings... Orica also listened to the girl who'd introduced herself as Surreal. Orica had really wondered if this was another healer, but no no. She wanted to be a warrior. Somehow.... somehow the marbled girl had trouble seeing the other fae as a warrior. She knew what warriors were and what they did. The fighters she knew were her father Gargoyle, her old packmates Awaken and Cifer and Odin and Oxia; they killed things. They were tough. Orica couldn't place a picture of Surreal alongside such galadiators in her mind. But then again, Miss Midnight was a warrior too - she'd helped fight a bear in defense of the ground. There were many kinds of fighters, Orica reminded herself. "Well I wish you all the luck in the world!" she said in her happy, yipping, squeak.

It was then that the little medic saw a bit of white move out of the corner of her eye. Cross was walking over, bearing something on his tail. The butterfly? He gave it to Surreal, without a word. How like him - and yet - well he'd never done something like that before. Not even to Orica. For a second the little fae was jealous; not only did this Valhallan girl have different colored eyes, and a healer mom, but she also got a gift from Cross? Not fair, if you asked Orica. Oh but that was silly. She was being puppish there. She'd never really been jealous before, and she wasn't about to start now. It made her feel all sad and yucky inside. She dismissed the idea with a flick of her bat-sized ears, and even found herself giggling when the butterfly flew off. Cross seemed to think that was it and returned to his sentry post as Orica's bodyguard.

With a broom like sweep of her tail, Orica turned to look back at Erani - just in time to catch her offer. She gasped - her face lighting up like a night of shooting stars. "You'd do that? You'd be willing to teach me?" She was up on her paws without realizing it - the soft little white things squirming in the green glades of grass. Her giant tail wagged back and forth. This was wonder! Oh, but... - She stopped for a moment- It wasn't as though she could really spend too much time away from home. She certainly wasn't about to go live in Valhalla - though the people and place did seem extra nice-. "Well," she said with a measure of meekness, "I wouldn't be able to do it permanently or anything - my family still needs me back home. But I'm sure I could get permission to come down here ever now and then." Her tail was wagging crazily again. "We could spend the whole day together!" Oh she could learn so much! "- You too Cross and Surreal," she added as an afterthought. She'd love to have them along, but it was mostly said for politeness-sake. She didn't think either of the would-be warriors would find it too interesting. Unfortunately for them.
