
Feed The Hungry




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-02-2022, 10:47 PM

In late evenings Relm wouldn't go to tuck herself away somewhere for the night. These days she was on edge because of Kefka, or more so the ghost of Agria that came to see her. Whether it was stating his intentions, or feeling like seeing the ghost of her not-mother was some kind of sign. She tended not to stay in the same place for more than a few hours at a time and stuck to the same nearby territories for a while. Sleep was scarce these days.

Approaching the steppe was not a new territory for her. In fact, she had felt like she had been everywhere at this point. Everywhere besides the packs that was. With the setting sun turning over the red and purple skies, she couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of the night and the moon. The sun was not around long enough since The Long Night.

The heat of her first season was bothersome, but she buried that down somewhere below the other feelings she was hiding. She was near an empty shell these days because showing how she felt was a sign of weakness. Somehow with the little wolves she knew she suffered a grave loss or really just felt rather lonely. With nothing but her cape draped over her back, she sat not admiring the clear skies but instead getting lost in her thoughts in the grasses.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-03-2022, 04:39 AM
The steps of the behemoth of a wolf were surprisingly nearly silent as he moved over the smooth stone ground. The hunter had long ago learned how to move as shadow when he needed to, and frequent use had made that his default method of movement. Sitka prowled through the Stone Steppe with practiced ease, going nowhere in particular. One benefit of not having somewhere to hang his hat was that everywhere was his home. Wherever he happened to stop and camp for the night, that was his refuge until he moved on. It was a life of total freedom and liberty, defunct of any monotony or morality and law. He decided what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how he got it. And right now, he wanted whatever was at the other end of that inviting scent trail.

He’d smelled her long before he saw her. The young fae's heat was like a beacon in the approaching night. Sure, Sitka could have taken the easy route and simply gone to find Lorikeet again if he wanted to get his rocks off, but there was nothing quite like a romp in the hay with a lady in her season. And if things worked out well, they’d both share a very pleasant evening together. If not… well, Sitka always got his in the end, one way or another.

The tricolored brute found his quarry sitting and watching the fading sunset while twilight and dusk took over the skies in rich indigo hues. Steel blue eyes studied her for a moment. With that stupid cloak on, he couldn’t exactly get a good look at her. All he could tell was that she was a couple inches shorter than him. That worked just fine for the hunter. Putting on his best charming rogue smile, he stalked closer to her, giant paws softly shuffling the grass beneath him with every step. "Good evenin’," he called out as he came closer, silently urging her to look at him so he could get a better look at what he was working with tonight. "I was wonderin’ who that delectable smell was. Looks like I came in the nick of time. A little lady like yourself shouldn’t have to be alone at night." The smile he flashed her way was almost predatory, the gleam in his steely eyes mirthful while he waited to see how she’d choose to play their little game.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-03-2022, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2022, 01:02 PM by Relm. Edited 1 time in total.)
The man who was apparently well practiced in quiet steps made her jump when he announced himself from behind her. Her head flicking in his direction, she showed her teeth with a quiet growl. She was certainly on edge, though maybe that could have been expected towards a stranger. You'd think she would recognize the voice of her father if it was him though maybe she didn't really want company at all. No that was a lie. From Kefka's own negligence, she knew she wanted something more, but she didn't know what that was. Unknown to everyone at this time in her life, she was wrecked from her childhood though it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

She relaxed slightly to the brute's appearance, clearly not who she was afraid of. Was that a compliment? She couldn't tell. She knew little about sexual interactions as a whole or at least what they could offer and hadn't really had anyone there to explain her heat season though she understood basics. She could feel the differences in her body and being more irritable, maybe adolescence is what put her through this emotional or rather unemotional spell to begin with.

She didn't dismiss the man, but she probably didn't seem entirely welcoming as she let him join beside her and her gaze moved back out ahead of her This time turning to the sky, not responding to any of his comments. She hadn't really cared if he left, or started a fight with him. She preferred the later, but she was really in no mood to initiate it herself.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-04-2022, 12:06 AM
The young woman turned to face him with a snarl, and at first, sitka thought that perhaps he might have found a fight along with his fuck, but when the wolf saw who he was, that violent malice on her countenance vanished. Hmm... pity. Still, even after seeing that he wasn't the one she clearly feared he was, the fae didn't say a word to him. She simply turned and looked back up at the rapidly appearing stars while twilight claimed the land. That was a shame. From what he'd seen of her face, she was decently pretty. Too bad she didn't want to engage in conversation or play along, the uptight bitch. It was also too bad that Sitka wasn't giving her a choice.

Taking a seat beside the young lady, Sitka took the opportunity to look her over more closely now that he was right upon her. That cloak covered most of her body, obscuring her from view. He would fix that easily enough. She was running and hiding from someone, that much he knew. Maybe he could use that to his advantage. "Y'know, if you're lookin' for a safe place to rest your head, I think I can lend a helpin' paw." A rakish, lecherous grin crept across his lips while steely blue eyes made no effort to hide the fact that he was trying to check her out, already thinking of settling in somewhere snug with her so he could settle in her. "Why don't we go find a nice den, hunker down for the night? I'll show you all sorts of ways we can keep warm together." That was Sitka's M.O., all right—no need for names or personal details. Just get in, fuck around, and get out by sunrise. Easy, clean, fun. At the end of the day, the girl was just an outlet, a means of release, and she didn't care for him either. This would be a very temporary, very transactional relationship between them.

Ever the bold one, Sitka leaned in closer to the girl, bringing a massive coal-dipped paw up to lift at the edge of her cloak. He wondered what she looked like under her shawl, but supposed he'd find out soon enough. And if she was concealing a smoking hot body, then all the more fun for him to play with. The only question was whether she would come willingly or if there was about to be some pain with his pleasure tonight.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-04-2022, 11:10 AM

It seemed he had the same idea of siting down and shutting up, or maybe not. Relm turned toward him slightly as he spoke again, her eyes narrowing to his offers. Perhaps her silence wasn't hint enough, though she secretly would have preferred his company rather than no company. Though, those feelings were fading quickly.

She understood what he was offering, but didn't know the feelings herself. She couldn't say she was interested either. "Thanks but no thanks, I've got somewhere to stay." The protection of the band was a little relieving, but not enough. She needed more. But again, she didn't understand what she was after. A friend? A mate? A harem? She would probably never know the answer.

The brute reached forward making every nerve in her skin twinge. Relm didn't like to be touched, not unless she was fighting. And as of more recently, knew she wasn't happy unless she was bleeding. When his paw touched her cloak, she flung her own paw up and around, nearly smacking his paw with her foreleg giving him clear signs of the rejection. She was not playing easy to get, not because of a nervousness for her first time but very simply because of her childhood trauma that made her so cringy. As a young girl she only craved to cuddle up to anyone. She didn't have a mother and Kefka didn't allow her so close to him because of his own maniacal thoughts. This was brought to light by the ghost of Agria, and Relm understood now what her problem was and why. That didn't mean she wanted to fix it though.

Clearly not receptive to his advances, she stood up to face him, her expression at the least not welcoming. "You got some balls to find yourself so highly valuable." She was certainly ready to snap back had he tried again. Funny how terrified she was at the thought of Kefka finding her, but she would so easily stand up to a stranger.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-05-2022, 03:24 PM
The fae was tepid to him at best, giving him little to no response with any of his comments. The one thing that did seem to get her attention was when he reached to lift her cloak off of her. The young woman turned a venomous glare his way and smacked his paw away from her, getting an intrigued chuckle from the dire brute. She was doing her best to reject him. Unfortunately for her, rejection was not something Sitka accepted. All it did was make her more of a challenge, and the more of a challenge she was, the sweeter she would be when he finally overcame her. She claimed she had somewhere to stay, but that didn't matter to the lecherous brute either. She could go running back to her friends after he was done with her if she truly wanted, or she could stay and enjoy the evening with him for as long as she wanted. Either way, Sitka always got his way.

"Oh, so there's a little fight in you, is there?" he commented with a darkly playful sneer that flashed all of his wickedly sharp teeth to her. If she wanted to play rough and hard to get, then he was more than happy to play along with her. "And you got a pair yourself thinkin' you're some special high-end bitch. One way or another, some brute's gonna find his way beneath your tail so long as you go 'round smellin' like that." Sitka shifted to face the girl, fixing her with a much less friendly glower. Maybe now she'd begin to understand the situation she was in. Seldom did a lady walk away from Sitka when he was interested—they never did when they were in heat. "Turns out, you already found that brute. Now, are we gonna do this the nice way or am I gonna have to show you what a little lady in heat like yourself is supposed to do?"

By now, Sitka had squared himself up against the girl, dark fire in his cold eyes. His fur bristled, lips peeling back from deadly fangs in a silent snarl, daring her to challenge him. He didn't mind roughing her up, making her bleed a little to take what he wanted. Maybe he'd shred that cloak of hers too, just for shits and giggles. It was all up to her now. Would she behave, or was this about to become fun?

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-05-2022, 04:24 PM

Relm was less than reasonable, though maybe it was well justified. Some women may have craved the kind of attention he was giving her, some may have played along with his game and maybe wanted to earn it. She was neither. Her face winced slightly like she was disgusted at the thought. She had never dreamed or fantasized of things of this nature, she wasn't a little prissy princess looking for a love story nor was she dying for the experience. All she had done in her life was survive, though she had fonder emotions towards Kichi and Rhaegath. She didn't know how to follow those feelings, and she chose to just leave them where they were.

Relm did not think herself as special as the brute claimed. She just wasn't a sleezy slut looking to get herself filled. She didn't find pleasure in it, or at least she didn't think she would. She didn't know from experience at least. She certainly wasn't planning on learning tonight.

She didn't give him much time once he stared getting outwardly defensive, though she had to be quite honest with herself that when she saw his wicked grin, it did remind of her of her father. The cocky manic, it only made her angrier. She immediately shot forward to snap down on his foreleg, pushing her body weight into him through her shoulder. She was well practiced certainly, but she had never been against someone who would have received something more than fighting lesson after the fact.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-07-2022, 07:58 PM
Sitka had been expecting a modicum of resistance from the girl once she'd made it clear that she was going to play hard to get. What he hadn't been expecting, however, was for the black and white wolf to lunge forward and catch his foreleg in her jaws. The renegade snarled against the sudden flash of pain, feeling her throw her weight forward into his shoulder. Had he not been standing and braced on his legs, he might have toppled over. In this case, all it did was push him back before his muscles tensed and he stopped her advance. Lips pulling back from sharp fangs in a violent snarl, Sitka pushed back against her and lunged with his muzzle aiming down to grab at the girl's scruff through her cloak. With one rough tug, he ripped the cloak from her body with a tearing of fabric, tossing it aside to reveal all of her pretty young form to his cold eyes. The garish pink coat that had been hiding beneath could very nearly have blinded him had the sun still been up. As it was, it just made her a much more noticeable target in the dark. Suddenly he realized why she'd been wearing the cloak so protectively. She was trying to hide this hideously ostentatious pink fur. Where the fuck did a wolf even get pink fur from?

With his leg still held in her jaws, Sitka felt her teeth rip into his skin, causing him to bleed, though fortunately not nearly as badly as he was planning on making her. Again, Sitka pushed his greater size and weight forward into her, aiming to topple her or at least get her off balance while he lunged with his jaws parted aiming to sink his fangs right into the girl's scruff. If he managed to get a hold of her, the dire brute would thrash with all his might, absolutely savaging the girl until she managed to break free or collapsed in submission to him. If the bitch wanted a fight for her virtue, then gods dammit he'd give her the fight of her young life.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-07-2022, 09:26 PM

The brute had put his weight into the ground as Relm quickly moved forward to attack. He had reached down and pulled her cloak from her but she wasn’t ashamed of her body or her color. It was only so targeted and easy to see which is why she hid under it. A little because of her father but mostly for hunts and things of that nature.

Relm had bitten down hard on his leg, hopping she would hurt him enough to get him to back off but that didn’t seem to be the case. As he pushed forward, the front half of her body lifted up and she violently fell backward onto her back. The commotion had caused her to release the brute’s leg, but she would search for her next target quick enough.

His own teeth came down into the blind side of her neck and she had forgotten why she loved the thrill of the fight so much, because of the pain. She huffed loudly out of her nose almost like her head had been held under water, and she too moved forward to send a bite on the side the brute’s neck mirrored to his own attack. He was silly to think she would give up, the only way of true submission would have been when she passed out from exhaustion.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-08-2022, 03:23 AM
Much to Sitka's sadistic delight, his brash attempts to push the girl back had succeeded far greater than he could have hoped! Instead of just putting her off balance, the little bitch actually went backwards, tumbling to her back on the ground and bringing him with her by his leg, which she still didn't release. Fuck, let go..! Fortunately, the moment she hit the ground and his weight wound up on top of hers, she let go of his leg, but both wolves were already moving again, a flurry of claws and teeth and vicious snarls. He tasted her fur and flesh as his teeth found purchase in the side of her neck, wondering why she hadn't reacted more to try and stop him, but savoring his newfound hold on her. He heard her heated exhale, the sound sending delightfully erotic chills down his spine. Was the crazy bitch actually enjoying this? Was this what she was into?

As if answering his unspoken questions, the fae beneath him turned her head to bite down on the side of his neck in turn. Ferocious snarls rumbled in the brute's chest when he felt the flash of pain of her teeth in his skin. She hadn't bitten anything vital, however, so as much as it stung, he'd be fine. He'd had a hell of a lot worse from some of the bounties he'd tracked down in his time. This was nothing but foreplay to him. Maneuvering his body so he was straddling her prone form and the bulk of his weight was pressing down on her chest and torso to keep her pinned, Sitka clenched his jaws harder, feeling flesh give way as his teeth sunk into warm, tender skin, the hot gush of blood spilling across his tongue as he did so. He'd made sure he didn't bite down on anything vital either, just wanting to put the bitch in her place and get her to submit, not kill her. But that didn't mean he wouldn't use every trick in his arsenal to get what he wanted from her though.

With three paws bracing himself and pushing his weight down on her to try and subdue her struggling, Sitka slid his free paw up to find the fae's slender neck, placing her windpipe between his digits and pushing down hard on her throat. His goal wasn't to crush her throat, just to choke her out enough to put panic in her heart. As he did this, he also tried to readjust his jaws, looking to sink a more secure bite into her right where her neck and shoulder met, the taste of her blood already lingering on his tongue and the violent brute wanting even more.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-08-2022, 08:22 AM

The brute bit down harder as he adjusted his grip on her scruff, he laid on top of her in a way to keep her still but a paw still slid up to her throat. She had again released her own grip on him while her breath became gentle and uneasy from slightly cutting off her air supply. Her throat extended as her head laid back from the pressure. Relm had never experienced something like this in a battle but maybe that was because she had never fought a real battle before.

With her paw that was more loose from him choking her out, she threw it up attempting to punch him in his throat, though it was a bit weak and probably wouldn't have caused him too much trouble. With deep breaths in she would have tried to find his gaze had he released her from the throat punch. The own look in her eye was different than when she started the fight or rejected him. She still didn't really want what he was offering, but there was a small feeling in her mind that made her want to know how it felt. She wasn't one for much sentiment in general, so having dreams of falling in love for her first time was not her cup of tea. He would have been disposable to her.

Still in uneven breaths, she struggled to speak through his claws, "Fucking hurt me. Bite me." He was probably going to get what he wanted either way, and her attempt to get him to look at her was to show him that maybe she would cooperate enough to behave. She had terms and conditions though, Relm wanted to get hurt. She wanted to feel something, feel what she knew would hurt her. But she didn't know how she would feel if he proceeded with his own original intentions.




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-08-2022, 02:18 PM
The pressure he put on the girl's throat had the intended effect on her he'd hoped for. Sitka felt her release his neck with a gasping breath, struggling to get air into her lungs while he choked her without mercy. But to his surprise, the crazy bitch actually laid her head on the ground and extended her neck to his grip, allowing him to find stronger purchase around her slender throat. The dire brute squeezed so hard he felt her pulse throbbing against his paw pads, her heart working desperately to keep her conscious and alive. It gave him such a rush of adrenaline, a feeling of total dominance and power over her. If he wanted, he could have snuffed out her life in the blink of an eye. How easy it would be to bite a little further in and sever her carotid, to taste every beat of her heart in his mouth while she bled to death, or he could simply twist her head until her neck snapped. Or perhaps he'd just keep his weight on her neck and watch as her squirming died away along with her. Ah, but then he wouldn't get to enjoy the real reasons he'd tracked her down...

Speaking of, Sitka felt the girl's wriggle against his in a delightful way, drawing a deep groan from the sadistic beast. Turned out she was just trying to free her paw to swing at his throat, but with her waning strength from a lack of oxygen, it came out more like a forceful tap against his neck. Sitka grunted and could have bore the irritation, but he still didn't want to kill the pink bitch—not yet, anyway. So he relented, letting up on her throat, though he kept his paw where it was, flexing sharp claws over her tender skin around her windpipe. He released her from his jaws and drew back, holding her gaze and finding a familiar smoldering look in those pallid eyes. It was hate, but it was also so much more. Curiosity. Sitka could work with curiosity. He'd satisfy it for her along with other things for the both of them before the end of the night.

The fae struggled to speak, her words coming out guttural and strangled, but coherent, and the words she spoke caused his instinctual lust from the smell of her heat to flare up within him, a tightness growing between his thighs and a heat raging in his core. Raising himself above her with his silvery tail flagging high in a display of dominance over her, Sitka flashed his bloodstained fangs while he held her gaze with his own lecherous stare. With the way he was situated on top of her, it only took a shuffle of his hips and a repositioning of his hind legs to get himself positioned just right. One hind paw stepped down on her tail to pin it to the ground and keep it out of his way, the forepaw on her throat pushing up to shove beneath her chin and tip her head up. With her delicate throat now exposed to him, Sitka uttered a throaty growl and latched his jaws around her throat, sinking sharp teeth into her soft skin and squeezing with powerful jaws again, just enough to taste her blood. With his deadly hold on her, Sitka waited no longer, pressing his hips to hers and taking what he wanted. If she was lucky, the girl might even begin to enjoy herself too.

- fade? -

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-08-2022, 07:59 PM

Relm couldn't see or really care about the brute's dominating stature over her. He did have her, but she wouldn't have fully accepted that thought. At least not while she was willing to endure what he was about to do to her.

Out of reflex, when his paw stretched down to keep her tail out of the way, it curled up but hit the barrier he forced on her. Her whole body tensed but there wasn't anywhere for her to go. If she was really honest with herself, than she was scared. But she would be able to move on from it. The brute's jaws latched down around her throat in place of his paw which in a way was what she had asked for. Her body waved against his still in a fight or flight mechanism, but she was ready for him. Right at the start, she whined deeply and her body attempted to squirm almost violently from the sharp pain of her first time and it was not a pain she was happy with for the first time in her life. But as he continued it got better. She had still tensed over the course of their time together just from the thought of his body against hers. When his teeth would tighten over her throat though, she relaxed and showed true signs of enjoyment in quiet tones. It was a mixed ratio. Maybe he would have gotten what he wanted in the end, and Relm would receive enough.





5 Years
Dire wolf

01-09-2022, 08:19 PM
The nameless woman had told him to hurt her, and so he had. Sitka worked the fae over with little care for her own enjoyment. He'd given her several chances to be amicable and she'd chosen the hard way instead. With his teeth in her neck he'd had his way with her, working her over furiously for his own satisfaction. Her sounds were a turn on, but ultimately meant little to him. Whether she enjoyed herself or not didn't factor into the equation anymore. All that mattered what that he got what he wanted and found his own pleasure and release. Sitka found just that with the squirming girl beneath him that whined and gave breathy sounds of enjoyment partway through their rough coupling. He'd clawed her up while he held onto her wriggling body, sunk his teeth into her tender throat until he tasted trickles of blood on his tongue, and snarled his delight fro beginning to end.

Once he was done, he climbed off of the girl and left her sprawled unceremoniously across the ground. The dire brute was panting while he gathered his breath again, flopping down a step or two away from the pink bitch to start licking his wounds clean. Sitka didn't say a word to the woman he'd just violated, only barely paying attention to her on the fringe of his peripheral. He fully intended to have another go at her if she chose to stay around—or hell, maybe she'd even want a round two if her sounds were any clue!—but if she took off, he wouldn't raise a fuss. He'd gotten his rocks off and gotten to dominate the bitch in the process. It had been a win for him and a very, very good night so far.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-09-2022, 10:50 PM

The brute had slowed as he finished his pleasures with her and Relm hated it. It was much better when he was more keen on choking her out and making her bleed, but as he took the final few movements, it wasn't as enjoyable to her.

He released her, and she immediately gasped for air she didn't even realize she was missing. She panted quietly as her lungs filled normally again and recovered, her body rolled over sore from both his teeth and what he had done. She looked over at him briefly thinking that he had gone about his way but he was just lounging there like he was at home. She was very disgusted at the thought. Half of the time she really had felt enjoyment, and she had asked for it. But after having his body all over and in her, she didn't want to look at him. It took her a long while to roll over on her stomach and get her legs back under her, but once they were she didn't waste any time in going to stand. Her legs shook under her but she seemed to manage. Without looking back she walked on to go back towards Alastor and the band.

-Exit Relm-
