
Attack and Conquer



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-08-2022, 12:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2022, 01:00 PM by Chimera. Edited 1 time in total.)

The pups were old enough and strong enough to be out in the world for a time, so Chimera pushed open the doors of the sleeping chamber and motioned the six boys outside and into the center of the complex. No doubt the massive tree at the center and all of the other foliage, sights, sounds and smells would keep them occupied for a time. "Stay within sight," he warned the hoard of younglings. He didn't want to have to hunt them down later.

Chimera sprawled on the deck keeping himself in the shade and away from the bright sun of day. It wasn't too bad on the deck. He could tolerate it. As the gaggle of boys made their way off of the porch and onto the sandy, rocky ground, Chimera looked back to Aliana with a smirk. "There's no stopping them now." And there wouldn't be. If Chimera had his way, he'd be whipping all of his children into shape and creating a veritable army with their skills. Already he saw the six boys as a unit. They would train together and hone their skills. Ah, but that would come later. For now, he was content to let them be children. Gods knew that portion of life went by in the blink of an eye.

"Chimera Klein"

Location: Atrium at the center of the resort
Time of day: Late morning
Weather: Clear and dry
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
01-08-2022, 03:06 PM
The day had finally come where their sons were big enough to start exploring the world around them. Aliana gently ushered the six boys towards the sliding door of the bedchamber they'd been living in for the past few weeks, steadily growing and getting more bold as the days went by. Watching her little boys ambulatory and running about made Aliana's heart swell with pride and love, watching as they rushed for the door Chimera was waiting beside to set them loose on an unsuspecting world. "Be careful, little loves! Don't put anything in your mouths!" she called after them as the half dozen pups went tumbling out through the open door and into the world for the first time.

The petite queen followed her king out into the atrium, watching their children closely while they wandered around the giant tree, then began to meander their way to the bright and sunny outdoor world. Aliana was grateful for the nice weather, a good departure from the rain they'd been having so much of lately. They'd get to see sunlight for the first time, feel sand beneath their toes, hear and smell the ocean surrounding their island home. Padding gently over to take up a position beside Chimera on the deck, the ash and snow queen laid down and leaned into the side of her mate, beaming with pride and love in her eyes. "Not a chance," she replied with a giggle, leaning over to place a tender lick to his cheek. "Hopefully they won't cause too much trouble." But if they did, she knew they would always be able to turn to their parents for any help they ever needed. They were her treasures, little pieces of her heart and soul set forth into the world, and she would give her life for any of them any time.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
01-08-2022, 04:16 PM
Revenant gave an irritated yap when Morendo pounced across his back, toppling the black and silver-furred boy to the floor. He turned to snap tiny puppy teeth at his only slightly larger brother's face, pushing him back off with a paw to the chest while the Klein litter began scrambling their way to the bedchamber door. It was finally time! After day after day of being stuck inside with his brothers and mother and father just listening to the world outside, they would finally get to see the world! Bounding towards the sliding door, the pup was practically vibrating with excitement to get out and see what was beyond the big sliding wall his father kept disappearing behind. He turned mismatched aqua and violet eyes back over his shoulder to his brothers, barely containing his energy to get out and explore. His father told them to stay within their sight and his mother told them not to put anything in their mouths. Then the door opened and they were free.

Revenant gave an excited yap and led the charge out into the greater world, little paws bounding over the old wood floors and down the hall to the atrium. Everything was so much bigger outside! The main antechamber was gigantic, and the massive tree growing in the center was cause for the boy to skid to a sliding halt, gaping with wide eyes and open mouth up at it. "Whoooa...!" exclaimed Revenant, padding slowly around the tree to inspect it from all angles. It was so big—even bigger than Dad! Was everything in the world big? Did that mean he'd get big too? Tumbling about over the overgrown roots of the tree, Revenant saw the glimpse of golden sunlight from outside the main doors of the estate, feeling the warm breeze rippling in from outdoors. The Klein boy saw both of his parents make their way outside to lie on the deck, and puffing up his tiny chest with bravado and pride, he charged for the glowing doorway.

Dark fur was instantly warmed by bright sunlight as it bathed over him. Revenant was forced to squint against the bright sun, his eyes adjusting to the new light for the first time. But when they had, the boy's eyes widened more than they ever had before. All around him was a lush green jungle, buildings swallowed up by nature as it reclaimed the ruins of the island. The sun hung bright and warm in a clear blue sky, and the air smelled faintly of salt. Off in the nearby distance, he could hear water lapping all around them. Gaping and speechless at the world he suddenly found himself in, Revenant shot a cautious look back at his parents as if seeking their confirmation that it was okay, and then he took his first step off the deck. Soft sand crunched beneath tiny paws, leaving a physical imprint of young Revenant's first steps out into the world. Slowly the look of awe shifted and evolved into elated smiles while bright youthful eyes ate up everything around him. It was all so big and bright and amazing! Revenant wanted it all.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
01-08-2022, 04:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2022, 12:21 PM by Orthrus. Edited 1 time in total.)

The world until now was a mere space, a den with five more pups and two parents, beyond that he knew nor saw anything beside that, all was small, limited. But today that would change, change in a way the pup would find such a bigger place, a place beyond anything he had ever seen in his short and nearly started life. Eyes of pale pink lurked from the shadows of his home, peeking for the first time the huge world, the world beyond the entrance of what has been his home, home with those he was independent to. Ears perked up, catching any sounds, his nose worked too as different and new scents carried by the wind. Being from birth an outgoing boy, he didn't wait too much to walk out, to make a first step into the world. All picked up his interest quick, feeling joy and a burning desire to explore it all.

From his reduced size, all seemed gigantic, huge, enormous. His lower jaw dropped into a surprise, he couldnt believe it, he couldnt process all he was seeing. "Woaa." He said in a medium voice, mirroring Revys' reaction. And interested he followed his brother around, exploring on his own accord.

"The Talking"

Code by Shelby
[Image: ort-new-cloack.png]
●Orthrus is rathed M due to his posts sometimes containing graphic gore,dissections and death.
●Orth has a female Caracara that is always perched on his back.
●He always wears a black cloack



1 Year
Dire wolf
01-08-2022, 06:44 PM
Solid foods were becoming much more normal than nursing now, he and his many brothers were finally reaching a point where life could really begin. They were destined for the world outside, they wouldn’t be beforever in their den. With his father as their guide Kasos followed after their King. His mismatched paws carried him forward with his gaggle of brothers. He was only able to catch his mother or father’s gaze for a moment as they continued past towards the next brother. There were so many of them it was hard to feel like an individual sometimes.

Of the young pups Revenant was first out the door with their mother bringing up the rear. Kas followed close at his brother’s hip, pacing evenly behind him, a Klein smirk already fitting well over his features. He tumbled over the roots behind his brother, taking in the awe and wonder of the massive tree that erupted from the courtyard. It was so much bigger up close like this. Kasos tumbled the opposite direction of Rev, spilling out into the sunlight.

The half and half boy lay there, belly up, just taking in the big blue sky above him. All f it was massive and overwhelming and amazing, all he could do was lay there in the grass, no doubt easy pickings for a naughty sibling.



Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

4 Years
Dire wolf
01-08-2022, 11:30 PM

Quill was a solemn, thoughtful boy at only a few weeks old. It was evident that he wouldn't be your average pup. As he grew, he would turn into your less than average wolf as well, but that would be a long time from now. Today, excitement thrummed through the boy with the knowledge that they would be allowed out of the room that they'd lived in thus far. He would see something new. He would learn new things. Quill couldn't wait!

As their father gathered him and his brothers, Quill walked along beside him, trying to keep pace. It was difficult with such short legs, but he tried very hard. Once the door was open and they were let loose, his brother's tore off into the world, but Quill stayed with his parents for a moment. He stood at the edge of the deck just before their stretched out paws and closed his eyes. Tilting his muzzle upwards, he inhaled deeply of the new world, absorbing all of the scents. His ears shifted, absorbing all of the sounds. Finally he opened his eyes and took his time absorbing all of the sights. The world opened before them was... so cool!

Tail wagging furiously, Quill made his way down the steps. Once more he raised his muzzle, but this time it was in a squeaky, puppy howl. He was so excited that he couldn't help himself. When the howl had petered out and he was panting from using all of the air in his lungs, the boy inhaled deeply and took off after his brothers.




01-15-2022, 05:06 PM
He was one of the last to leave, and his little paws didn't make it far. He stopped, bicolored eyes wide with shock. The blast of fresh air made him aware of the scent of the den he'd been living in for, well, his entire little life. A natural bitter smell of budding life, a clinging metallic undertone, and an overall strong scent of his mother, father, and siblings. Suddenly those condense scents dispersed into the entire world. New odors and smells flooded his senses, and little Satyr couldn't stop blinking as the scents rolled through his nares. He opened his mouth slightly to let the scents really roll through his system and he stopped, staring, bewildered. Pine, earth, dirt, leaves, animals - everything around him had such delightful smells!

He finally found his legs and clumsily galloped towards the first thing that looked interesting - a big leaf. He meant to stop before getting to it, but misjudged the distance and crunched it with his big, silly paws. He laughed when he heard the noise, and stomped on the leaf a few more times for good measure. He reached down and sniffed, finding the vague scent of the leaf intoxicating. He grabbed the leaf in his mouth, completely forgetting (or ignoring) his mother's only request. Satyr flipped the leaf in the air, watched it fall, and tried to catch it, only to fall onto his back, giggling with joy.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (10)

3 Years
Extra large
01-22-2022, 12:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2022, 12:21 PM by Orthrus. Edited 1 time in total.)

He glared to his brothers, seeing them go to their own little adventures, a soft smile formed on his lips. He was enjoying himself quite a lot, seeing so much to explore, to live in this new world that was now offered to them. The sand beneath his large paws called for him, whispered him to go ahead and run along the wind that flew across. And following his hearts wish he began trotting, moving through the sand, but not going beyond sight, with nose by the sand, sniffing and exploring. Eyes of pink travelling from all he was able to spot there as he enjoyed his first trip outside of the safety of his house. Tail up in confidence, not afraid, not scared of allowing himself to see the world.

And there, he saw the body of a dead seagull, eyes soon caught by the image. Approaching, he pocked it with his fore paw. "OOooo, found a toy!!" He said to the four winds. It smelled...nice! Opening his small jaws, he aimed to bite it.

"The Talking"

Code by Shelby
[Image: ort-new-cloack.png]
●Orthrus is rathed M due to his posts sometimes containing graphic gore,dissections and death.
●Orth has a female Caracara that is always perched on his back.
●He always wears a black cloack