
Sticks And Stones Make The Best Weapons

Ballad Pups Seasonal Skill



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (165)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Critical Fail!Ooh La La
01-09-2022, 03:34 PM

In the early morning hours, Kore finds himself out in the grasses close to the family den. He has found a nice stick to chew on and that is precisely what he is doing. The long branch snaps in his jaws as the pup rolls the small bit of tree around in his mouth, crunching it loudly before swallowing the remaining debris. It helps lessen the throb of his growing saber teeth and gives the bored pup an activity. Biting off a slightly larger piece, Kore takes time to roll the material around until his growing teeth can crush it. Smiling contently at the loud ‘crunch’ that seems to echo around the area (or just in his head), Kore continues to enjoy his barky treat. Soon, as puppy’s are prone to do, the galaxy clad boy grows bored with the stick and decides to try and find his siblings. Maybe they can fight all fight! Tail wags lightly at the thought, knowing his siblings love to fight… almost as much Kore.

When goes to move away, one of his paws takes an errant step and lands on the stick he been chewing. With a loud yelp, Kore pulls his paw up, looking at the small speck of blood on his paw pad. Eyes widen at he looks down at the stick, trying to understand what just happened. Inspecting it closely, Kore finds the end appears to be sharpened and he realizes, it is probably from his chewing. An idea springs to mind and the purple boy shouts excitedly, “Kal! Ao! Get over here! I have an idea!!” Licking the speck of blood from his pad, Kore begins to search the area for large branches or sticks… anything that they can sharpen into weapons to fight with. Carefully, Kore picks nine sticks and gathers them into a pile nearby.

By the time his siblings arrives, Kore will have laid out three bundles of three sticks and sits in front of one of the bundles. Motioning for his siblings to sit with him, the galaxy hued pup will point to stick he had accidently sharpened and explain his grand idea, “I was chewing on that stick earlier and the point became sharp. I was thinking, maybe we can craft some different types of weapons with these sticks and our teeth! Maybe even add more things to them…” Casting his bright blue gaze around, Kore spies some rocks and points them outl, “Maybe use those too! I bet we can make the best weapons anyone has ever seen. What do you say?” Eyes sparkle with mischievousness as he looks at them, eager to try out his idea.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Post WC: 444
Total WC: 444
Goal WC: 1500

"Kore Regni"



3 Years
Extra large
01-09-2022, 05:05 PM

Kal was playing with a thing he had found a short way off.  He didn’t know what he found but it was hard on top but softer underneath and the softer limbs would wiggle as he held it.  When Kore called he had glanced up to look in the direction of his brother but then gone back to playing with the thing.  The ornate box turtle was still young and not much larger than a tennis ball, basically the perfect size for a teething pup.  

Curiously nibbled on him as surely as his teeth nibbled at the creature's shell.  Scooping it up in his mouth Kal jogged over to where his brother had a bunch of sticks lined up “I found a thing!” he dropped his turtle, watching legs and head try to tuck into the shell more. “Can it be used to make the weapon ya think?  It’s got a solid top.” Would a wiggly thing added to the stick make a better weapon?  It’d sure be cooler looking.  

The wiggling could be a problem though.  Then turtle get its head enough out to bite onto the careless puppy lip, “ow ow ow it’s a weapon! It’s a weapon!” Frantic paws swatted and swatted at the turtle until it let go and fell to the grass, “ouch, ok.  I dunno, it might kind of hard to add to the sticks.” That said putting a paw on the shell to keep it from fleeing.  Revenge was coming.  The boy looked to the rocks than at the sticks.  

“That’s a lot of sticks.  Are we attaching them to each other and if so how?  Or did ya want to just make a lot of little stick weapons?  I’m sure I can chew 'em all real good.”  Chewing seemed to be the thing to do lately after all.  Chew on rocks, sticks, funny moving things solid as rocks, it all worked.

Shoving his toy turtle towards Kore, “watch that for me.” Laying down, assuming Kore would assume turtle-watching duty, Kal worked on chewing down a corner of one of the sticks, grinding them with his back teeth before pulling his head up to show the progress.

Post WC: 364
Total WC: 808
Goal WC: 1500




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Navigator (70)

4 Years
01-09-2022, 07:45 PM
She didn’t really know what a real sleeping schedule was but it was a really good thing for naps. Aoede was up in the middle of the night to watch the moon with Kore, then they were up in the early morning. She was young and the lack of sleep had much less of an effect than an adult, plus nap times were always taken advantage of. They were out exploring, wandering the lands. At the moment she didn’t know what the future had in store. All that mattered right now was having fun with her siblings. Fun included discovering all the fun things around the den.

Each puppy went their own way. Kalyke was a little ways off, Ao couldn’t quite see what he was doing, and then Kore was a little closer and he just looked like he was gnawing on some sticks. She couldn’t deny the act appealed to her with her canines continuing to grow and peek from beneath her dark lips. Kore then called out to both siblings and Aoede heeded just as Kalyke did. She watched curiously with shimmering golden eyes, wondering just what each brother had up their sleeve, or in their mouths as it were.

Before Kore lay a few bundles of various sized sticks and twigs. Besides chewing on Ao wasn’t sure what they might be used for or why they were so special that her brother brought them over to him so enthusiastically. As Kalyke bound up he too seemed to have something to share with the class. Ao tilted her moon light colored features curious as her fire pelted brother dropped the creature on the ground.

As usual her brothers provided more than enough words for their sister so she listened quietly as Kalyke asked after the sticks that were at Kore’s feet. Ao’s lips pulled back slightly into a grin to reflect her similar interest. He was picking up on the game much quicker than she was. Interested as she was, the small girl wasn’t sure she could make near as good of use out of a spear as her brother’s could. Her teeth were a better weapon than holding a kinda sharp stick. She didn’t mention that as she grabbed one of Kore’s sticks. And it was totally because she wanted to sharpen the end not because her teeth were sore.

Buffalo Knolls / early morning / warm
"Aoede Regni"



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (165)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Critical Fail!Ooh La La
01-09-2022, 08:39 PM

His brother bounds over, some strange creature held proudly in his maw. Quirking a brow at his brother’s suggestion, Kore has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing when the turtle pokes its head out and clamps onto Kalyke’s lip. After dislodging the snappy creature, Kal asks questions. Aoede approaches silently, her golden gaze weighing the situation and her brothers. The galaxy pup offers his sister a smile, a fondness growing in his heart for the moon touched girl and their bond with the moon. When he turns his gaze back toward his brother, he finds Kal is thrusting the strange creature toward him. What? Why? Listening with wide eyes, Kore looks down at the slowly moving thing.

Okay. Looks like he is going to be creature sitting instead of weapon. Fun. Placing a paw on the wiggling thing, Kore casts his bright blue eyes over his siblings and sits back on his haunches. Poking his other paw at Kal, the galaxy pup says, “You know, if you bite the stick at an angle, it creates less work for you. Try holding it between your paws while you chew.” Watching for a few more moments, the purple boy nods to himself before looking over to his starry sister.   He offers an encouraging smile and nod. The turtle moves under his paw and Kore gives it a little knock before pointing at a slightly thicker stick and saying, “Those are really good for easing the ache.” With a wink and lift of his lip, Kore then turns his attention to his own pile of sticks.

Scooting a long stick closer to himself, Kore looks to the turtle and then back at the stick. Giving the thing a knock on its shell, causing it to curl inside, the galaxy clad boy quickly picks up the stick and places it in mouth. Using his back legs to keep the turtle crawling in a U shape, the galaxy hued pup starts to chew and naw on his weapon. While he has to stop frequently to reposition the creature, Kore is eventually able to finish his weapon. When he deems himself done, Kore shouts happily, “Look at my stick! Kal, look!” In his eagerness to show off the pointy object, the purple boy swings the stick right toward Kal’s head. Oh dear. Closing his eyes tight in fear, Kore hopes he hasn’t just killed his brother. Maybe pointy sticks are more dangerous than he thought.

Post WC: 411
Total WC: 1613

"Kore Regni"