
I know who I want to take me home


08-12-2013, 04:24 PM

She was alone. It felt like forever since she had last seen her parents or her siblings. Where had they all gone? She didn't know. All she knew was that they had left her to fend for herself. Her stomach growled, having not eaten in days. Ebony pelt had begun to dull from the lack of nutrients, though she kept it as clean as she could. The pup had stayed close to the den, just in case her family returned, but her hopes faded everyday. Curled up outside the entrance to her home, she laid in the sun, thankful that it was at least warm. A soft whine escaped her inky lips.

Why was there no one around? She had heard the summoning calls of an Alpha, but she was oblivious to the fact that her home had been taken over. No one had managed to find her yet, and she had come across no one. Lids drifted shut, hiding two toned gems, a frown tugging at her features. Tiny frame curled up tightly, tail wrapping around herself. May today would be the day someone would find her? One could only hope, she would do anything for a meal to fill her belly and warm to place to sleep.

Ears laid flat against her skull, it seemed to be a normal place for them now days. Along the sad empty look that marred her pretty face. She fought the tears that welled up behind closed eyes. Daddy wouldn't want her to cry. So she wouldn't cry. A deep breath filled her lungs, calming herself, resigning herself to whatever her fate would be.

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Ares 1


08-12-2013, 04:32 PM

His large white paws carried him through the territory, he was doing as mother did, while she was busy he would scout the territory. Know one had found the little den he had come across, the scent of wolves he recognized was not there, only the pitiful form of a small she pup.
He walked up to her slowly, he figured they were the same age, though she showed much more bone than he. What are you doing here? He lips pulled back into a small sneer, she wasn't part of his pack, but she didn't look like she was part of anyone. He knew he could over power her if he tried, maybe he could claim her for the pack. Judging by the scents he found, this was where she had taken up permanent residence. You look kind of weak, but maybe if you had some food you'd be useful.



08-12-2013, 04:42 PM

The muted thud of paws kissing the earth caused her to lift her crown, uncurling herself. Blue green eyes met the light lavender gaze of a strange. His pelt reminded her of her father, milky white. A sneer wrinkled his expression as he spoke, demanding to know why she was here. She pushed herself to her paws, shaking out her pelt. "I live here." If she learned anything in the short time she spent with her family it was to never waiver. Her mother had been the queen of lies, her father a ruthless leader. Strength ran through her blood.

Audits flipped forward, eyes narrowing a fraction. You look weak. She didn't like being called weak. She was not raised to be weak. Inky lips curled back, revealing only the tips of small puppy fangs. He was bigger than her, even though they were about the same age, he could easily over power her. But she had the body of a runner, she was built to be quick and light on her feet. "Don't you have something better to do?" Toxic eyes glared at the small brute. Who did he think he was?

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08-12-2013, 05:15 PM

Bleached incisors protruded from skewed, inky lips as the brat succumbed to her own amusement, the devious smirk plastered to her porcelain countenance the product of her mischief. She had utilized the same technique that her smaller sibling had used against her to successfully pin her to the earth now against her gangly brother, stalking at his heels whilst he remained oblivious to her presence, waiting to seize the perfect moment to launch her attack and force him to the earth beneath her. Ares had made the game of predator and prey quite easy on the pallid babe, and only a few times did she feel the urge to obscure herself behind the foliage littering her mother?s kingdom to avoid detection from her sibling. For the most part, it was trial and error, and the tyke picked up on her mistakes with ease, realizing that her footfalls needed to be strategically placed in order to create minimal distracting noises for the young male ahead of her, so her pace was sluggish in comparison to his carefree; but it would be a fair price to pay for the presumably amusing reaction she wished to extract from him.

The child crept forward tentatively as her sibling halted in his tracks for an unknown purpose, her toes brushing against the soft soil of the earth while her body remained in a static crouch, inching her way closer to his form. Words she couldn?t quite digest resounded in his tones but she disregarded them, focusing solely upon her mission, the smirk stretching vastly across her visage with every short stride taken. Tail lashed at the babe?s heels as she ceased all other motions, gathering momentum in her hinds in preparation of the impending leap to close the slight distance created between them. As a foreign voice breached the atmosphere, the child lunged forth, forelimbs outstretched before her broad chest cavity, seeking to wrap about his abdomen and force his lower half to the ground while her gaping jaws would seek to ensnare whatever flesh she could grasp upon his backside. The other tyke?s presence would go disregarded for the time being, granting her sibling and assail the entirety of her attention.


08-12-2013, 05:32 PM

Waiting. Seraphim had simply been waiting for the chance to speak with Morphine about his place in Tortuga, yet the opportunity had not come. In his spare time, he had decided to seek out a little knowledge of the Tortugan lands, and perhaps do a little non-emotional bonding with his children. While doing the first today, he had fallen into seeking the latter. On a walk about the territory, he had caught the scent of two of his children and had pursued it, hoping for even a glimpse of a moment with them. It was a shame that while he cherished them so, he was unable to show it.

Carefully he tracked them, lids narrowed over verdant eyes in total focus on his mission. Large paws carried him over the land until he happened upon the trio - his own young and one other. He focused his attention on Ares first, taking in his words toward the stranger before Artemis came flying out toward her brother. From the looks of it, the ebony pup seemed to be totally alone. She seemed to handle her situation with the boy well, but something told Seraph that there was more to the picture. Concern, along with an idea, crossed his mind. If she was alone, she would need a parent. Perhaps he had found a child whom he could love without restraint.

He shook his head and snickered at his two children as he walked past them, approaching the other and leaving them to their rough housing. He spoke, in a voice both husky and gentle. What is your name, young one?


Ares 1


08-12-2013, 07:03 PM

Scrutinizing lavender gaze washed over the darkly colored pup, her words meaning little to him. She might have lived there before but she hadn't come to the meeting, she hadn't pledged anything to the pack or his mother. If only she knew who he was. He growled at her words, but was cute short before he could answer her back. As he was suddenly aware of his father's presence as well he could feel his rump being attacked.
His head swung around to be greeted by the pale form of his sister. Her body colliding with his rump, bringing his hind legs to the ground. His surprised squeak turned into an annoyed growl as her teeth found his hide. A bark came from his lips as his teeth became unsheathed. Ares' aimed for her ivory ear that was closest his mouth, while she only caught loose back skin he would crave the more tender cartilage. His focus was now wholly on the she pup Artemis, she may have caught him off guard this time, but it wouldn't happen again.



08-13-2013, 08:24 AM

All she received from the boy was a growl before another pale wolf flung herself at him. The pair were thoroughly distracted with each other, leaving her an escape. But a much large wolf approached her, his pelt just as milky as the pups. What he their father? Face tilted upwards to meet his gaze, audits pushing forward as he spoke to her. What is your name, young one?" "Devya." She wasn't sure of this stranger, Daddy had warned her of the dangers of the world around her. She could only hope he wouldn't hurt her.

"Who are you?" Polite tones demanded to know. She turned out the growls of the pups fighting, two toned eyes focusing on this new wolf. She let her rump slide to the ground, tail curling around her paws. Crown tilted to the left curiously, eyes wide with innocence.

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08-13-2013, 09:28 PM

Developing figure collided with that of her sibling?s, successful in pressing his rump into the earth with the force of her mass as well seizing the excess fur upon his backside, the grip attained to his flesh purposely loose. The pallid babe registered the squeak she had extracted from the male, an arrogant smirk chiseling her visage while she attempted to playfully tug at the flesh encased between her locked jaws, satisfied that her mission to surprise the hellion had proven to be a success on her part. The devious expression that plagued her porcelain countenance, however, vanished abruptly as dull pain shot through her perked ears, causing the tyke?s jaws to slacken and relinquish her grasp upon his fur in order to release a startled yelp. Removing herself hastily from his lower half to signify the conclusion of their play and to indicate that it was time the male freed her tender ear of his teeth, the babe attempted to widen the distance between she and the brutish child once again, chuckles cascading from her leathery lips despite the fact that she had technically lost.

Attention wavered from that of her sibling to the only adult that had strode into the scene without greeting, mismatched metallic and amethyst gaze settling upon the familiar form of her father, causing her tail to sway gently at her heels. He was distracted and conversing with one the babe had failed to recognize yet, forcing curiosity upon the viper and causing her neck to crane as she attempted to pinpoint the source of her father?s interest. Pupils landed upon the malnourished form of a foreign whelp who appeared close to her own age, a disdainful scowl claiming her features as she inhaled the tyke?s scent lingering in the stagnant air only to find that it lacked the domineering aroma of her mother that seemed to lace every Tortugan?s scent; what was this outsider doing, roaming in their kingdom? Gaze flicked back and forth between her father and the shadowed whelp, wondering if her father would take back the child as a prisoner for her mother since she had obviously disregarded the fact that she was treading on claimed turf. However, her father seemed none too intent upon enslaving the sable brat, but instead, concerned for her. Skull tilted minutely and she allowed her serpentine limbs to propel her closer to the stranger, drawing to the right side of her father to better observe the stranger. ?Are you gonna eat her, dad?? the child questioned, her vocals soft and tentative while her skull tilted back to view her taller father?s countenance.


08-14-2013, 06:55 PM

As his children wrestled behind him, Seraphim's attention remained focused on the whelp he had greeted. Her manner seemed tentative as she addressed him, clearly being cautious as she did not know who he was. He hoped to ease her concerns by continuing to speak gently, but something told him it wouldn't be quite so simple. Glad to meet you, Devya, he began in earnest. My name is Seraphim, and I only want to help you. Your parents are gone, are they not? He took careful note of her thin body and the fright that his behind her eyes.

The appearance of his daughter at his side was mildly surprising, though since her mother wasn't around it wasn't as unwarranted. He turned his face toward her as she spoke, shaking his head slightly. No, Artemis, I am not going to eat her, he replied patiently. Since when did his children imagine him a cannibal? While he was not a kind wolf, and certainly had little interaction with them (against his own wishes), he was far from that degree of evil. If she is alone, she will need someone to care for her, and to teach her the same things I will teach you - hunting, fishing... surviving. That is why I am speaking with her.

He glanced toward Devya as the final words emitted from his maw, gauging the reaction on her face. Deep within him was a desperate hope that she would be interested in the offer he was putting forth, but he wondered idly how his children might react to his adoption of another child in the event that this worked out in his favor.


Ares 1


08-14-2013, 07:28 PM

He smiled victoriously through ear fur as he heard the squeal part from his sister's lips. Mercifully, he let her free taking note her expression as she moved away. Her chuckles reached his ears and he mirrored that reaction, a condescending giggle fell from his lips. It was almost mocking in tone, but he knew she'd take it well. Artemis was one of the few wolves he could actually say he 'liked'. He let his attention follow hers and be occupied by the large male who sired him.
His pale paws carried him behind her form over to the opposing lupines. As she came to a stop he let himself nip her rump playfully, showing her where he was in relation to her stance. ?Are you gonna eat her, dad?? It was a good question, and he hoped Seraphim refrained from such a practice. He wanted to keep her as a pet. No, Artemis, I am not going to eat her, That was a relief at least, If she is alone, she will need someone to care for her, and to teach her the same things I will teach you - hunting, fishing... surviving. That is why I am speaking with her. Oh no, his father collected the same idea that he had. His face became a bit downtrodden as the older wolf ruined his fun. You won't keep her all to yourself, will you Father? His lavender gaze slipped up to the adult's face. I wanted to have her.



08-16-2013, 08:50 AM

A frown crossed her features as she listed. He had a funny name. Seraphim. I only want to help you. Her parents. His reminder that her family had abandoned her was painful. "I suppose. I haven't seen them in a very long time." Words trembled, laced with sadness. She still didn't understand why they had left her, left her to fend for herself when she was incapable of doing so. Are you gonna eat her, dad? Eyes widened in alarm as she gazed up at the pallid wolf. He wouldn't, would her? Tiny shoulders slumped with relief when he denied such a thing.

She listened carefully. Was her offering to take care of her? To teach her how to survive on her own? Could she be so lucky? No longer would she spend her nights cold and hungry and alone. Though she wasn't sure she liked the other pups that seemed to belong to him. Sharp eyes snapped to the little brute. I wanted to have her. "I don't belong to you!" She snapped, bright eyes narrowing as her ears folded tightly against her skull. She was not going to let some other pup claim her! A growl rumbled from her throat, words spoken with distaste as though she couldn't stand the thought of being around him.

She found this bunch of wolves to be odd. One offering to help her, one wanting to stake his claim over her. Who had moved into her home? Why had daddy allowed this to happen? Two toned gems turned back to the older wolf, "Would you help me?" Crown tilted to the left, eyes brightening with what could only be a flicker of hope.

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08-17-2013, 05:46 PM

Pupils returned to the emaciated form of Devya, a hint of amusement laden on her porcelain features as the brat?s verdant eyes flooded with fear at the possibility of being slaughtered and feasted upon, but such portrayal of her alarm subsided as the viper?s sire reassured them he would not proceed with the practice. Mismatched eyes flickered back to greet the reptilian of her father?s with evident disappointment, the sneer that had previously claimed her countenance now warped into a slight scowl that only deepened as the male offered to provide for the sable babe. Jaws unhinged with the promise of opinionated protest, but they abruptly swung shut as her sibling?s teeth penetrated the loose fur upon her backside. Her front twisted at a ninety degree angle and her neck craned grotesquely so that she may deliver a playful snap in the direction of the gangly tyke?s muzzle, snickers flooding the silent atmosphere as the wench shut out the company of her father and the stranger just briefly to focus upon the jocose antics of her sibling.

Rump abandoned its perch as the viper heaved her mass back upon all fours, pivoting towards her sibling and slithering to his right side while their father continued to offer the stranger his support and care. Once she was adjacent to her brother, she offered him a disdainful glance, indicating that she was none too pleased with the fact that their father was so willing to aid the lanky brat rather than to dispose of her quickly before their mother did. ?She seems so weak ? she doesn?t deserve our help,? the wench commented, vocals only meant to reach her sibling?s ears while her attention returned to the tyke she spoke of, predictions of the downfall of Tortuga surfacing as she imagined a weakling within their midst. As her brother chimed in at last, her tail unfurled from its position embracing her haunches, beating rapidly against the earth to portray her support for the idea. Perhaps the child could play slave to their prince and princess ? such an idea was appealing to the covetous prodigy and she only hoped that their father would recognize the brilliance of Ares? words.

Devya, on the other hand, appeared far from pleased with the idea, offering her sibling a protest laced with venomous tones as well as outraged growls. A snarl wracked the viper?s countenance and she leapt to her feet once more, stance shifting defensively while the fur adorning her spinal column prickled angrily. ?You?re in our home, stupid ? you belong to all of us!? The brazen behavior the viper portrayed was atypical for her silent and enigmatic nature, but the tyke could not contain her anger when the stranger had talked so vehemently towards her sibling. No one was allowed to speak with him in such a manner, and the child was lucky that neither of them had torn her limb from limb for settling into their turf.


08-17-2013, 06:07 PM

Morphine, you bitch. The thought floated easily and unguarded through Seraphim's mind as he stood there, taking in the words and reactions of the children around him. Fire gleamed in his verdant eyes as he turned to his own two, unable to consider anything Devya had said before dealing with the problem they presented. While he resented the way that Morphine had inspired them and chosen to raise them, he somehow had no regrets about siring them for her misusing. Perhaps it was because deep down, he harbored a belief that he would someday have a semblance of a good relationship with at least one of his children. Now, however, he felt only a burning desire to lash out at their mother for their current attitudes.

A growl escaped his throat as he turned on them, his eyes narrowed in anger. She does NOT, and will NOT, belong to either of you, he snapped, his voice resonating like booming thunder. Your mother's position as queen does not give you an inherent right to tell others what their places are or to control them. You have to age and earn the right to do those things on your own. He paused, taking in a deep breath before continue at a lower volume than before, his tone scolding but lacking the aggression it had previously held.

Good leaders know better than to be merciless to everyone they deem weaker than themselves. As of now, you are both disappointments and are not fit to act as the heirs to the throne of Tortuga. His head swiveled to face the pup whom he had turned away from. Seraph offered her a gentle gaze before turning back to his children. I will care for her, regardless of your opinions. You will learn to live with her and treat her as all pack mates should be treated, with respect. She will learn the basics of survival alongside both of you and your brother, though she will not be a party to anything your mother teaches you. She will be my child and mine alone.

With one last pointed look at each of his children, he turned his whole attention back to Devya. Again, he took in her emaciated state, the fright in her eyes. He wondered who her parents had been. They had obviously taught her to be strong, but they had also left her defenseless in the early stages of her childhood. If ever he had the opportunity to learn about them, he would take it. He offered her a very small smile of apology for what she had had to witness before speaking.

What do you say?

talk, think


Ares 1


08-18-2013, 04:18 PM

The skinny she wolf had much spirit left in her, as she very plainly voiced her unwillingness to be kept. It seemed she was quite willing on the other hand, to accept help from his father. He listened carefully to the vixen's hidden words, it wasn't that he didn't wish to help her. He couldn't keep her if she died of starvation. Suddenly his fathers words came to his ears, It was odd the sudden sternness he heard in the voice. A surprised look was placed on his face at the audacity hi father held to tell him that he was a disgrace. It was only mother who got to tell him that. Though he respected his father, he did not have the same views on life that the two pups possessed. Morphine was sure to raise little monsters.
He didn't say anything to his father and he did not look the least bit resentful about his actions. He hadn't wanted to hurt her, he just wanted her. But now he had to share her with Seraphim and share Seraphim with him! The outrage was incredible, how dare he? He glared over at the weaker pup, She'd get respect with his father could make him give it to her, but he wouldn't be able to shield her forever. A plot latched into his mind as thoughts of the future danced through his head.



08-19-2013, 08:51 AM

Two toned gaze turned upon the angry pup as she spoke out, claiming this to be her home. "You're home? This is my fathers home!" Inky lips curled back over her fangs, ebony pelt bristling along her spine. She didn't stand a chance against the two other pups in her current state and she knew it, but that didn't mean she had to roll over for them.

Quickly they were both reprimanded by their father. Heirs? Is this why her parents had left? Someone else had taken Tortuga from her father? Someone else had taken her throne? She recalled the conversations of her father being leader of the pack, her mother however was not. She had always known that she would take over one day, it was destined.

Midnight ears slide forward when Seraphim began speaking in regards to her. He would take care of her, would teach her how to survive. Ever so slowly her tail wagged behind her, the only sign of her pleasure. What do you say? The question was meant for her, crown tilted up to meet his gaze, a shy smile gracing her features. "I would like that a lot. Thank you." She ignored the glares from the siblings. It was clear they weren't fond of the idea, but she didn't care. This was her chance and she was going to take it.

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08-19-2013, 08:07 PM

Rooted to the earth defiantly, the porcelain prodigy never allowed her gaze to swoop from the emaciated figure of the outsider, velveteen lips pulling taut over her bleached incisors to mirror the reaction her current adversary offered in return for her cruel words. The rage that evidently stained her visage only developed in vividness as the brat retaliated, causing the child?s vibrant eyes to widen due to her astonishment and disbelief with the confident vocalizations that spewed from the inferior?s jaws. ?Then your daddy must love his home as much as he loves you to have left both,? the pallid babe scoffed, a curt snort flaring leathery nostrils as she pivoted away from the female and towards her steaming father, pupils traversing the plains of the sable juvenile?s physique one last time before diverting to greet her father?s verdant gaze that was hazed by evident fury. It perplexed the child and the snarl that had manifested upon her countenance throughout her clash with Devya dissipated into nothingness as domineering growls reverberated in her father?s throat, causing the minuscule viper?s ears to careen backwards in slight fear and obvious confusion. She had predicted that her behavior would be met with satisfaction from her sibling and father, but it seemed that she had instead derived a negative response from the male and his reprimanding tones only confirmed her suspicion.

Although, externally, the child appeared to digest and accept each vehement word that arose from her father?s larynx, in reality his entire speech caused her blood to boil. ?And what do you know about being a good leader, inferior? As the male?s topic of speech shifted back to the abandoned child, the wench?s mandible clenched to buffer any further objections although they numbered at many, amethyst and metallic gaze refraining from returning to the teal of the outsider?s to instead search for her sibling?s lavender. As her pupils ensnared his, her upper lip just barely twitched to portray her dissatisfaction with the entire situation, tacitly vowing to the male that they would handle the weaker child at a later date. Without offering a departing sentiment or another glance back towards Devya or her father, the wench slunk back in the direction she had entered, slipping away into the underbrush to go share the great news with her mother.

exeunt artemis.


08-21-2013, 04:09 PM

Disdain for his decision was clear in the expressions of his children, but he cared little. The child needed a parent, so he would give her one. He could hardly be considered a parent to his own offspring, and being a parent was all he had truly wanted. If they posed a problem to him or is new child, he would have little remorse for letting them go. If Morphine wanted to raise heathens, she could go right ahead. They wouldn't interfere with him because of it.

Deep down though, he still hoped that they would learn to care for others, to show mercy to those below them. He hoped that they would grow to be powerful leaders, but also that they would grow to be intelligent leaders. Seraphim didn't want to have to make the choice of completely releasing himself from being their father, but he knew he would have to keep a watchful eye and that the possibility would remain alive.

He watched his daughter exit for a moment, before smiling at the girl. Then it's settled, Devya, he said as he turned toward the way he had come. Follow me to your new home.

exit Seraphim

ooc;; Seraphim/Devya thread in the Rock Garden? Can you start and PM me a link?

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