
Biting Down



6 Years
08-20-2013, 06:44 PM

It had rained in Valhalla. Not much, just enough to lay a mist over everything that made walking through the grass annoying. It was very early morning, light just peaking over the tops of the treeline. Shots of indigo mingled with trickles of mango making an array of other colors.

Azalea was up early, fur damp and tussled in an improper manner. She just couldn't sleep well lately, too much on her mind. All the pressure put on her to preform as they desired was stressful to her. She needed someone to confide in, to let them know what was going through her mind.

Head tipped back, calling out long and low for her brother. Hopefully he would be the only one to come. She needed her big brother to discuss life with her. It was likely to be much more serious a conversation than she had ever had before.



08-20-2013, 07:32 PM

Since having returned to Valhalla, Gael hadn't been able to spend much time with his younger sister Azalea. She had been promoted to the heir to the Valhalla throne and he well...he had made a new friend by the name of Meili. They were getting along splendidly and there were even some feelings brewing for the teal eyed woman, but nothing had come of their relationship as of yet. As much as it was hanging out with Mei, a part of him missed his younger sister. He missed the days of their puphood, when they romp and play together, without a care in the world. He felt isolated from his sister, like if things between them weren't the same anymore. And he didn't like it. He didn't want to feel separated from her. She was his immediate family and he needed to look out for her. Which was he would begin doing.

Starting today apparently, by the sound of her call. She was asking him to come because she needed him. But needed him for what? Aza never called him. The only other time she'd ever called for him was when they had their spar, but that had been a while back. What could be the matter now that would prompt her to want to talk to him? He rose from his den, having just been relaxing for the day, limbs stirring into action as they propelled him in the direction of his sister's call. He found her familiar figure easily enough, a heaviness sitting about her. Gael slowed to a walk before coming to a complete stop before her, brows creased together in a worried frown. Aza, is something the matter? Tones were concerned as he looked his younger sister over, seeing nothing that would cause her physical distress. So what was the matter?

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6 Years
08-20-2013, 10:01 PM

Just as she had hoped, Gael came to her call and better yet he was alone. The gal walked forward to meet him, stopping at a friendly distance. Of all her family members, he would likely be the first she would actually embrace affectionately but today she didn't feel like it. It was a surprise he had even shown up, given how rotten she was to him. All in good fun, though he hardly seemed to realize it.

"Aza, is something the matter?" He asked her, looking her over with concern. She took on an indecisive look. Physically she wasn't hurt but mentally... well she supposed she wasn't hurt mentally either, just a little lost. She fumbled for words, it was clear that she was really at a loss on where to start. Finally she threw herself to her belly with a heavy sigh. "I'm going insane! I don't know what to do. There is so much pressure being put on me right now."

She hung her head, defeated. "Everyone wants me to shape up and become a great leader but no one has shown me what to do. Everyone is judging me. I'm just not cut out for it. It's just too much between that and my personal feelings and everyone's constant chiding." Her eyes were full of water. "Erani hates me, Cromalin thinks I'm a floozy, Sarak thinks I hate him. Everyone has opinions but no one honestly tries to help me." She sat down heavily. She could go into more specific details but she just wanted to lay it all out on the table first.

"And don't even get me started on my boy troubles!"



08-20-2013, 10:24 PM

This was certainly a bit of the ordinary. Not that he really had an ordinary now, since he'd only been back for a few months, but it still was the first time since his return that Aza had asked him to talk. Usually, they never saw each other alone, only when the rest of the family was around or if there was something to do with the pack. But not today. His younger sister had called out to him with the intent of talking. But about what exactly? She didn't seem to have very much that was troubling her, but then again he wasn't around her often enough to know what was going on in her life. But, he would make more of an effort to, after today especially.

She gave him a look that told him she didn't know where to start. Gael didn't pressure her, didn't try to coax her. He could tell she was on the verge of spilling, so he was just going to let it come out on its own. And boy did it come out. I'm going insane! I don't know what to do. There is so much pressure being put on me right now. She dropped to the ground, hanging her head as she continued. Everyone wants me to shape up and become a great leader but no one has shown me what to do. Everyone is judging me. I'm just not cut out for it. It's just too much between that and my personal feelings and everyone's constant chiding. Erani hates me, Cromalin thinks I'm a floozy, Sarak thinks I hate him. Everyone has opinions but no one honestly tries to help me. Woah. That was not what he had expected. And don't even get me started on my boy troubles! Wait, boy trouble?! What the hell had she been doing lately?

Haunches folded beneath him, plume curling around his paws. This was going to be a very long talk. He recognized some of the names, like Erani and Cormalin, though he wasn't too sure who Cormalin was, but the name Sarak rang absolutely no bells whatsoever. So that left the question; who was this Sarak kid? First of, no one hates you Aza. If I don't hate you, then neither does Erani, Cormalin or Sarak. Second of all, no one is helping you because you haven't gone out and asked for it. No one is a mind reader. If you don't communicate and ask for help, then no one is going to reach out to you. If you asked, maybe things would be easier for you. And last of all, who the hell is Sarak? And what do you mean boy troubles? A hint of a growl touched the last two sentences, an eyebrow raising questioningly towards his sister. She didn't have a boyfriend did she?

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6 Years
08-21-2013, 06:26 AM

Azalea had been extremely stressed out over the events of late and when it all came out, jumbled up and in a rush, Gael was there to catch it and talk sense to her. "First off, no one hates you Aza. If I don't hate you, then neither does Erani, Cormalin or Sarak. Second of all, no one is helping you because you haven't gone out and asked for it. No one is a mind reader. If you don't communicate and ask for help, then no one is going to reach out to you. If you asked, maybe things would be easier for you. And last of all, who the hell is Sarak? And what do you mean boy troubles?"

Just the mention of help was enough to make her want to hit her head on a tree. It was that simple. She could just ask for help. He spoke logically, his tone to the point which was really what she needed currently. Of course, she wasn't entirely sure that certain wolves didn't hate her because they probably did. When he got to Sarak he was no longer just serious, but dead serious. Words outlined in a low rumble of a growl. His last sentence was enough to make her give a half laugh that came out something like "a-hee" as she clenched her teeth and lowered her ears.

Maybe that part had been best left for something who was not blood related to her and male. "Uhhhhh, he's my friend. My best friend." She began a bit awkwardly, trying to play it down and put her sibling at ease.

"You see, me and Sarak have been friends for a long long time and well certain feelings have developed lately... and it goes both ways. Then there was, uh, Greed, who I uh- suppose I was getting too friendly with when Cromalin came around and starting tossing around words like "mates" and "babies" and "forever"," She nearly gagged her, trying to keep the mood light with a little joke over those words that made her cringe in general.

"I went north... and met Vixe. He's our age and boy is he cute! Nice too. So, I suppose I like him but see I was gone for days and had kinda been avoiding Sarak since realizing how I felt about him and well he pretty much starved himself without me around and well that's a lot of pressure to put on a gal. I'm not even two yet, I don't want commitment, I don't even know if I want the commitment for Valhalla. Before you saying I could just ask for help, I didn't realize that I could. I thought it was a lost cause and had actually even considered leaving Valhalla. I love it here but it its going to suffocate me then I can't stay here. I haven't been sleeping much since coming back from the north."



08-21-2013, 06:48 PM

He stared down accusingly at his sister, an eyebrow arched questioningly. Who the hell had she been running around with? Did their father know about this? Or their mother? He suspected they didn't. So far, to his knowledge he was the only one who knew about Aza's little escapades and adventures. And he wasn't exactly happy for her. His interrogatory tone made her nervous, something of a laugh bubbling from her lips. It only made his look become more stern, waiting to here what her explanation would be. Uhhhhh, he's my friend. My best friend. You see, me and Sarak have been friends for a long long time and well certain feelings have developed lately... and it goes both ways. Then there was, uh, Greed, who I uh- suppose I was getting too friendly with when Cromalin came around and starting tossing around words like "mates" and "babies" and "forever. Best friends? Since when in the hell was she best friends with anyone? Especially another guy? Greed? She'd only mentioned Sarak. Now it turned out that she'd been hanging around with more than one guy?!

Silver lips pulled back against his ivory daggers, revealing only the tips of his pearly dentures as she continued. I went north... and met Vixe. He's our age and boy is he cute! Nice too. So, I suppose I like him but see I was gone for days and had kinda been avoiding Sarak since realizing how I felt about him and well he pretty much starved himself without me around and well that's a lot of pressure to put on a gal. I'm not even two yet, I don't want commitment, I don't even know if I want the commitment for Valhalla. Before you saying I could just ask for help, I didn't realize that I could. I thought it was a lost cause and had actually even considered leaving Valhalla. I love it here but it its going to suffocate me then I can't stay here. I haven't been sleeping much since coming back from the north. And now there was a Vixe too?! How many damn guys had she been hanging around with?! He snarled at the mention of the last male, ears flattening against his skull. Why did she decide to tell him now? Why not consult him before? She liked this Sarak fellow and thought that the Vixe kid was cute. His little sister was beginning to discover what the male race was and he wasn't sure that he liked it.

You would leave Valhalla Aza and never come back? Do you know how heartbroken mom would be if she knew that you left and never planned to return? I left to broaden my horizons and explore, but I came back. Would you come back? He completely set aside the fact that she was running around with different guys. What mattered what that she wanted to leave Valhalla. How could she do that to her family? To her pack? If she never wanted the responsibility then she should've never accepted being named Heir. She should've told Chrysanthe from the start instead of leading her on.

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6 Years
08-21-2013, 09:11 PM

With every word that fell off her tongue her brother seemed to glare at her harder, his lips beginning to raise in anger. She hoped that he wouldn't go babbling to their parents or even to his little lady friend, Meili. No one needed to know, this was a private conversation. She didn't want her family to know, outside of Gael. Collision would bring down his mighty paw and Soleil would likely be horrified to know what her eldest daughter had almost done.

In the end, Azalea had done nothing wrong. She was a growing young lady and males were beginning to think of her less as a child. Soon she would come into her first season and be an official woman, who knew how things would go then. Her brother snarled at the mention of Vixe making her duck her head. Surprisingly, when he spoke he didn't attack the issue of the males she had come to know. "You would leave Valhalla Aza and never come back? Do you know how heartbroken mom would be if she knew that you left and never planned to return? I left to broaden my horizons and explore, but I came back. Would you come back?"

Azalea sat down heavily to keep herself from snarling back at her brother. "Do you know how heartbroken she was when you and Soleon left, Gael? Do you know how completely alone I was to have a sick mother and a workaholic father and NO siblings? I grew apart from them, Gael, you didn't have to endure it. I made myself no one's problem by taking care of myself. And the way you are looking at me is the exact reason I want to leave. Why do I have to be different? Why can't everyone just accept me as I am?" Her miniature rant was enough to put off the issue of if she would return or not.

It wasn't like she wanted to completely abandon her family, she still loved them all, every last one of them. But if she wasn't cut out to be the heir, then what was she cut out to be?

She sighed, hanging her head heavily. "We may be of the same blood, but we are of different minds about things. I'm more of a... free spirit and you're more grounded. I adore Valhalla." Her voice was calm, more logical now.



08-21-2013, 10:27 PM

The right thing to do would be to probably go tell his parents, maybe even tell his Aunt Chrysanthe. If Aza didn't feel like she could be the Heir anymore, then their aunt needed to know. If Aza was going renounce, then Chrysanthe would have to find a new heir to name, someone else who would be much more adequate to take the reins. But for the sake of trying to keep something of a relationship with his sister, Gael would keep his lips sealed. It would all be on Azalea whether or not their parents found out about what was happening to her and whether she was willing to let their aunt know that she didn't feel comfortable enough to hold the title of hair anymore.

He could feel the tension come off his sister in waves as she sat down heavily in front of him. Do you know how heartbroken she was when you and Soleon left, Gael? Do you know how completely alone I was to have a sick mother and a workaholic father and NO siblings? I grew apart from them, Gael, you didn't have to endure it. I made myself no one's problem by taking care of myself. And the way you are looking at me is the exact reason I want to leave. Why do I have to be different? Why can't everyone just accept me as I am? The snarl that had slipped from his lips several moments came back again, only this time it was one continuous growl, his eyes narrowing to cerulean slits. Don't try to turn this around on me. You have never been a problem to anyone Aza. Mom and Dad love you and you know that. Instead of isolating yourself, you could've been there for mom and you could've involved yourself more with dad. No one told you to go off by yourself. No one excluded you. You excluded yourself. No one said you have to be different Azalea, you can be yourself. Everyone accepts you the way you are, but you have to take into consideration the good of the pack. Our aunt chose you to be the Heir for a reason, but if you feel that you can't take on the responsibility, talk to Chrysanthe about it. Tell her how you feel. Maybe she can help you. But if you never say anything, no one can help you Aza.

We may be of the same blood, but we are of different minds about things. I'm more of a... free spirit and you're more grounded. I adore Valhalla. His steam was starting to drain, but he couldn't keep the serious and otherwise emotionless tone from his words. You have a funny way of showing it... He rumbled, casting his gaze to their surroundings, unable to look at his sister for the moment.

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6 Years
08-22-2013, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 06:22 AM by Azalea.)

When Gael snarled again, this time at her rather than at a name falling off her tongue, she looked genuinely taken back. She had held herself in check before but if he was going to act like that then she was more than willing to be a bitch right back to him. "Don't try to turn this around on me. You have never been a problem to anyone Aza. Mom and Dad love you and you know that. Instead of isolating yourself, you could've been there for mom and you could've involved yourself more with dad. No one told you to go off by yourself. No one excluded you. You excluded yourself. No one said you have to be different Azalea, you can be yourself. Everyone accepts you the way you are, but you have to take into consideration the good of the pack. Our aunt chose you to be the Heir for a reason, but if you feel that you can't take on the responsibility, talk to Chrysanthe about it. Tell her how you feel. Maybe she can help you. But if you never say anything, no one can help you Aza."

He was being annoyingly redundant and she wondered if he was the right wolf to talk to after all. They had already discussed this, he was the one who had brought up her abandoning Valhalla all together. Like she could ever do that, Azalea loved this land and she loved her people. Maybe she didn't want to leave, maybe she just wanted a little space for a while. She was fairly certain that she wouldn't get it, if anything she would dig in deeper, like a tick. She had a clear plan to try and become better. Azalea would ask Chrysanthe how to help her better and she would try to be around more often rather than less often.

Full of pride as always, she decided she would bite the bullet and hold her heard high to prove everyone wrong. Perhaps she had the least noble intentions but she had to have at least some reasoning to make her keep at it. Azalea loved Valhalla but she didn't have to be Heir to show it.

When she spoke again, her tone deflated, it seemed to let Gael's temper come down as well. His voice was still solid and with underlying hum, "You have a funny way of showing it..." She huffed.

"How many chances have I had to leave and always returned? This is my home and that holds more sway over me, you should remember this from the day you and Soleon said goodbye and I couldn't bring myself to follow. I love you, Gael, and I love mother and father as well - and our sisters - but there is no one in the world that could convince me to leave Valhalla without knowing the day to return is at least 'soon.'" She smiled a bit bitterly now, "So, what's new with Meeilllliii?" Her voice was teasing.



08-23-2013, 01:49 PM

He was beginning to think that his whole meeting had been a bad idea. He was trying to help his sister as much as he could, but from the type of reactions she was bringing out in him and him in her, it didn't seem like they were getting anywhere really. Perhaps she should've gone to talk about this with her best friend, or Greed or Vixe. They probably would've been a lot nicer and probably sugar coated a lot of this, but Gael couldn't. Azalea was playing with the well being of the pack and he couldn't just sit to the side and let it happen, especially when she was coming to tell him about it. She needed to get her priorities straight and decide if she was going to step up to the plate and be the heir that their aunt had chosen her to be, or if she was simply going to fade into the background.

He could hear the sincerity in her words but he couldn't bring himself to say anything in respect to them. He knew everything he said was true, but with what she'd been telling him about how she'd been feeling lately, it seemed to contradict what she was telling him now. But of course, she wouldn't let him get away that easily. So, what's new with Meeilllliii? A stupid grin threatened to split his silver lips but he fought it, contorting his features so that they were serious, brows furrowing together. Why don't you worry about Sarak or Greed or Vixe, mm? They weren't here to talk about Meili. That was none of her business how they were getting along. If she wanted to talk about his little woman, then he might as well head out now because he wasn't going to say a single thing about her.

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6 Years
08-24-2013, 10:48 PM

Her brother didn't like it much at all when she turned the tables on him, despite her attempts to be light toned and teasing. "Why don't you worry about Sarak or Greed or Vixe, mm?" She frowned heavily, now allowing herself to growl at her brother. It was a low threatening rumble.

"Shut up." She was short, angry. The female turned away from her brother, flopping to the ground and putting her head on her paws. Pouting, or something of the sort. "I've got problems, okay? What about you? You seem to be mister perfect these days." She stared at the scenery but spoke clearly to the shaded male behind her.

With a heavy sigh she stretch out, hind legs going out behind her and her legs in front of her. Stretching out to where her stomach was on the ground. Day came upon them quickly. A nearly cloudless sky, washed out blue.



08-25-2013, 05:59 PM

Shut up. He could hear the threatening rumble underlying her words. Didn't like it when her doings were thrown in her face eh? Well he didn't either, especially when it had to do with Meili. He wasn't sure how his sister got along with his little woman, but at the moment, he didn't want Aza anywhere near her. Who knows what she was capable of doing to the teal eyed woman. Gael wasn't in the mood to find out either. His sister turned away from him, flopping onto the ground in typical Azalea fashion. I've got problems, okay? What about you? You seem to be mister perfect these days. Mr. Perfect? How sorely mistaken she was. Just because he wasn't having inner turmoil about being chose to the heir or not didn't mean that he didn't have his own set of problems. Meili was an older woman, about two years or so older than him. To top that off, he already knew his father didn't like her. He could still remember that day his father come and interrupted their play session, staring down at his little woman with a disapproving look. How was he supposed to walk around comfortably in Valhalla knowing that his father disapproved of the woman whom was quickly becoming a huge part of his life? The almost two year old said nothing in return to his sister's questions, letting the silence envelop the pair.

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6 Years
08-25-2013, 06:21 PM

The two sat silently, left to their own thoughts. It was horrible in her mind, a mess of emotions and she didn't even understand them all. She was beginning to thoroughly hate growing up, there were just too many strings attached. Perhaps if she had read the fine print she would have chosen not to, opted out, canceled, quit, whatever. The red headed sheila sat there sorting things out, filing things away in her mind. She really needed to get things settled out and would soon need to speak with Chrysanthe.

Azalea thought back to when things were simpler. Before their mother got sick and before her brothers left Valhalla. She smiled glumly, "Hey Gael? Remember when we were little? You, me, and Soleon would go on adventures into the forest. I suppose we would both sorta follow Soleon then but we both also did our own things." She pushed up, turning to face her brother with her rump still planted to the ground.

"You're a lot like dad, you know. Loving, protective, bossy." Her eyes flashed to him at the last word, a mischievous spark in them. The gal let silence fall again, looking away from her brother. "I wasn't trying to be rude... about Meili. I was just curious. I haven't gotten to really meet her, but she seems nice." All of Azalea's words were subdued, she was trying to make piece in the only way she know how. Don't say sorry. Honestly the female just wanted to hug her brother and being that she wasn't a touchy-feely wolf when it came to family, her emotions really were out of whack.



08-25-2013, 06:44 PM

A quiet sigh slipped past his silver lips. He knew part of this was his fault. It was because of him leaving that Aza felt so alone, like she had no one to turn to, no one who could ever understand what she was going through. He didn't like being this way with his sister. She was the youngest of the first Adravendi litter and the only girl. She had been the odd one out from the beginning, but that didn't mean that she would have to remain that way for the rest of her days. Gael loved his little sister dearly, as he did with his parents and still missing brother Soleon and now his two new baby sisters. But sometimes the red-head could be so headstrong and arrogant that it would get to be too much to handle...But the young Adravendi took it all in stride. His sister was who she was anyway. There was no changing her. Not that he had ever wanted her to change in the first place.

Hey Gael? Remember when we were little? You, me, and Soleon would go on adventures into the forest. I suppose we would both sorta follow Soleon then but we both also did our own things. He could help the fond smile of nostalgia that creased his kissers. He did remember indeed. He would spend hours staring at all the plants and interesting little bug things, sometimes roughhousing with Soleon or with Azalea. Those were really the good ol' days. Sometimes he wished he could go back to them, but he knew all good things eventually came to an end, including one's time as a child. Everyone grew up eventually, whether they wanted to or not. It was the natural process of nature. You're a lot like dad, you know. Loving, protective, bossy. An eyebrow raised questioningly at her last statement. Bossy? He ignored the last word, chuckling gently. I guess I am. He murmured, conjuring up an image of the grey man who he knew as his father. They were very similar in stature as well as physical appearance. Who knew that they were similar in character as well.

By then Aza had sat up, turning around to face him, glancing away from him as she spoke up again. I wasn't trying to be rude... about Meili. I was just curious. I haven't gotten to really meet her, but she seems nice. He sighed, scooting a bit closer to his sister, closing the gap between them significantly, nearly enough that they could touch muzzles if they so wished. I know you weren't Aza but it's just that....Dad doesn't really approve of her... He trailed off, knowing that she would want to know why and he would end up telling her the fact that Mei was older than him. Would she be disapproving just like their father? He could only wonder as he waited for the question he knew was only a moment from spilling from her jaws.

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6 Years
08-25-2013, 07:41 PM

When they were younger Azalea had tried to be the valiant savior. Looking back, even then she tried to do things her own way. The whelp would "save" Gael from Soleon, or at least try and try until she was thrown in the dirt with no more energy to get up.

Her vocalized call to remember the past made even grumpy Gael smile. When she turned the talk to Meili again, this time Gale gave in. The multicolored male sighed before moving significantly closer to her. " I know you weren't Aza but it's just that....Dad doesn't really approve of her..." He let his words fall off slowly, waiting for her reaction. Azalea looked confused, on ear falling back and her eyes shadowed by heavy lashes. "He doesn't? Well, why not?"

Azalea knew that Meili was older... well that or just mature looking... in the face. It had been a while since the small female had come to the pack and Azalea had honestly paid little attention. Perhaps it was time she got to know the small female? As Heir of the pack she had a right to check up on wolves, didn't she? Surely Meili was fitting in just fine and she seemed to be rather sweet and innocent so why wouldn't Collision like her? Maybe he just thought his son too young for love?
