
I want to release the pent up anger


09-30-2013, 09:35 AM
Ardhel was so angry, the rage swerved in her blood, coursing through her system like poison. Some days were like this, all the pent up anger she stored would just boil over, filling her with an immense hatred. She had lost her brother, her only true friend. Her parents had tried to kill her, she had fled, she was allowed to lose it sometimes. But when it did happen, it really did happen. She was like a time bomb, just waiting to explode.

She had sprinted up to the battlefield, her rage filling her with boundless energy. She wanted to fight, to hurt somebody. She didn't care if she got hurt, she didn't care if she died, she wanted to fight. She was boiling by the time she had reached the battlefield. The unusually hot autumn Sun beating down of her, her dark pelt keeping the heat in. Her eyes had changed with her anger, instead of the usual purple, the were now deep blue.

She looked up into the sky and let forth a howl.

(OOC: this is my first spar, can you make the first move? And I know it says Arwen, I made a mistake while registering)


09-30-2013, 09:52 AM

The howl hadn't gone unnoticed but alas Morgana didn't plan on playing far, oh no. Entering the right with a barreling run, Morgana aimed to slam into their left side; hopping to catch them off balance and at the same time to knock the wind out of them. If this succeeded, Morgana would twist her front half to the right so they were side by side, those jaws would jape open and go for the fea's muzzle, intending to simply rip into her. The want, no, the need had been burning within her awhile to spill someones blood. A fight was fight and Morgana wasn't going to shy form one such a this, when they were looking for one. It didn't mean she had to play fair after all.

Attacks made; Barring into left side, after making a move for the muzzle to rip into it.

Defense; None.

Move; 1 of 3.


09-30-2013, 10:07 AM
Ardhel saw the femme thundering toward her too late, and she slammed into her, she was winded and she saw the woman's jaws coming at her. She twisted, but the idea caught her muzzle, scraping it, not damaging it too much. They were still useable. She began circling. She wanted to enrange it, to wind it up, make it mad, even though she was older than ardhel. "That all you got bitch?" Still encircling her, weighing her options. She laughed and spat. The sun beating down on her, her muzzle stung. The blood slowly welling. Not too sore though. She wanted to off-balance the far, that would give her an advantage. She feighned a pounce, muscles tending beneath her fur, but she didn't tease it.

ATTACKS MADE: Feighned a pounce to throw of balance, then makes swipe with her paw at the fea's side.
DEFENSE: Chin down to prevent access to throat
INJURIES: small Tears in muzzle (will probably scar)

OOC: edited with nyx's permission


09-30-2013, 10:33 AM

The Pendragon had managed to slam into the other, both knocking her off balance and winding her. Those teeth scrapped the muzzle leaving small marks at best, growling as the Pendragon was unsatisfied with the result of her hit; little could be done about it. Snorting as the other had the audacity to circle her, shaking that head of hers those lips curled up in a smirk as she called her a bitch, chuckling as that head shook side to side. "Come and see what I can do, pup." A tease, anything to anger her, while she remained unaffected by her words; she had been called worse. Those trained frosted blue eyes remained on her form it was clear she was moving for a pounce yet didn't move smirking Morgana rushed forth, lowering that head as she quite aimed to bash into Ardhel's skull with her own. Despite the daze that would come with it; Morg would shake it off only to step back a few paces. Those paws pushed forth as she lunged once again for the fea's muzzle, aiming to get a hold of the top part of it.

Attacks made; Bashing into Ardhel's head with her own, going for top part of muzzle.

Defense; None.

Move; 2 of 3.


09-30-2013, 10:46 AM
Ardhel tried to keep calm at the fea's words. "I am no pup, I have fended for myself since birth" she growled. The woman did not fall for her fake pounce, she was very skilled. She saw the woman coming to ward her, aiming for her head. Ardhel leaned into the blow, knowing she could not stop her, hoping only to daze the femme more. When it hit she was off balanced and she had hoped to do that too to the female. She saw the jaws come in again for her muzzle and tried to dodge but the woman caught her, she bit deeper. As her fangs were in her muzzle, Ardhel made a swipe with her paw at the exposed throat of the female.

ATTACKS: steps into the blow with the femme head, hoping to daze her more. Swipe at the femme's throat, hoping to cut at main arteries.
DEFENSE: Ears flattened, chin down
INJURIES: Fazed and has deeper tears in muzzle (will definitely scar)


09-30-2013, 10:55 AM

"Keep spilling the lies to your self, kid." The french accent was thick but her words rang with truth, fended for her self since birth? Pah, what moronic insight. Like it or not, they all needed their mother at birth; to feed and stay warm and protected. Els, they would perish. The fea met her head on blow, proving to daze the skilled assassin slightly more then originally but alas Morgana shook it off to grab a hold of the muzzle. As she had her grip, the Pendragon would make a move to bend her head downward to make the swipe miss while also aiming to bash the girls head into the ground as Morgana would try to and force her head to the left and down downward as all her weight shifted forward for the straining attack, not that it would of been all that dangerous as it was. Her claws certainly weren't that sharp nor did she have the power behind the blow to offer such a devastating blow. Gripping that muzzle harder Morgana only added more pressure to ensure both a flow of blood along with intense pain; those teeth dug into the already bloodied muzzle making the previous wounds far bigger then before; at lest Morgana would hope it did.

Attacks made; Trying to force their head down in order to make their swipe ineffective, while also trying to bash their head into the ground.

Defense; None.

Move; 3 of 3.


09-30-2013, 11:11 AM
The female bit harder into Ardhel's Muzzle, she wanted to scream. Maybe she shouldn't have come here. Or given in earlier, but her pride was too great for that. The fea pushed her head down, Ardhel did not get her throat like intended, but she could still get her muzzle. Abandoning that idea, Ardhel began to try and claw at the femme's muzzle, hoping to loosen her grip. She was trying to push Ardhel onto the ground, she had to stay standing, she tried to shift her weight, stabilizing her. Still hoping to shred the femme's muzzle and loosen her grip.

ATTACKS: Claws at Morgana's muzzle, shifts weight to stay standing, tries to shred Morgana's muzzle and loosen her grip
INJURIES: bash on the head and very bad bites on her muzzle (she will be left with scarring and possibly disfiguration)

The Judge


09-30-2013, 03:01 PM


Round 1

10 for clarity- clear post

10 for powerplaying- none

0 for defenses- alright, so here you received zero points because there were no defenses in this post. on alacritis, we judge on how many you have written in your post and how your character uses them to protect them self. you need at least five or single defenses in every single fight post.

6 for attack- running at ardhel, aiming to ram in her left side, and if that were to succeed she would twist to her right and aim for her muzzle. To get a full ten, you need two to three different attacks, each one could be either in steps, or can be different scenarios based on how your character would think its opponent would react. Also, in your attacks you need to add what your character is going to do with their attack if it succeeds. For example, was morgana going to release(trying to tear flesh) and go for another attack, or was she aiming to hold the muzzle and crunch down the best she could?

0 for injuries-First round

Round one morgana Total: 26/50


8 for clarity- make sure you read your post before you write it, and also your wording was a little confusing to follow. make sure it is all crystal clear.

5 for powerplaying- explained in the cbox, like I said, everything must be an attempt, and when your opponent's attack succeeds, your character must counter around that. for example, maybe she could have swiped at morgana's face while morgana was biting her muzzle to try to push her away.

0 for defenses- at the bottom of your post you listen a defense, but in your actual post there was nothing regarding it. remember, if it is not in your post, it does not happen. also, to get a full ten, we look for at least five to six defenses in every fight post. the defenses help protect your character from your opponents attacks.

4 for attack- jumps at morgana, hoping to knock her off balance. To get a full ten, you need two to three different attacks, each one could be either in steps, or can be different scenarios based on how your character would think its opponent would react

0 for injuries-
First round

Round one ardhel Total: 17/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- pretty clear, but toward the middle your wording got confusing. make sure you make it crystal clear

10 for powerplaying- none

1 for defenses- in your post you put that her lips were curled. that could be considered a defense, since her teeth are bared and she is ready to protect herself.

5 for attack- trying to bash her head into arhdel's then is going for the top part of her muzzle again, intends to get a hold of it.

10 for injuries- no injuries yet

Round two morgana Total: 35/50


8 for clarity- again, watch your wording.

10 for powerplaying. none

0 for defenses. again, no defenses were written into your post. make sure they or they do not count

7 for attack. steps into the headbutt, then tries to swipe at morgana's throat. At the bottom you said she wanted to "cut main arteries" wolf's claws are not sharp, they can barley break skin and that is if they get lucky.

10 for injuries. hazed and has deeper tears in muzzle from morgana's fangs

Round two ardhel Total: 35/50

Round 3

8 for clarity- your wording was a bit hard to keep up with toward the middle, using a lot of sentences as opposed to one long one is always better to do.

10 for powerplaying. none

0 for defenses. no defenses stated in this post

10 for attack. Trying to force their heads down while also trying to bash her head into the ground.

0 for injuries. she took no damage from the paw swipe, and she should have at least got scratched. wolf claws are not sharp enough to easily break skin, but they can cause pain and scrapes. even if she were to move the swipe would have hit her somewhere on her body, not completely miss. don't be afraid to let your wolf take damage, we actually judge on how accurate the damage is, not how much they have.

Round three morgana Total: 28/50


10 for clarity- clear

10 for powerplaying. none

0 for defenses. still no defenses listed.

5 for attack. tries to claw at morgana's muzzle. one more attack would have been beneficial

10 for injuries. bruised head, bad bites on muzzle

Round three ardhel Total: 35/50

morgana: 89/150

ardhel: 87/150

And the winner is...

morgana! ardhel must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


morgana- bruising on forehead, three OOC days to heal.

ardhel- deep bites to muzzle, will take one OOC week to heal. Possible scarring, nothing severe.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

Notes for you BOTH: Usually we give separate notes for each person, but since you are both new to the fighting style on alacritis, I will tell you both the same thing. first, you must always write a crystal clear post. if the judge cant understand it perfectly, points are being docked. as for powerplaying, you must always make an attempt when making an attack. also, when your opponents attack hits always work your next attack around theirs. for defenses, always have about five or six in every single fight post you do. you can repeat them, but always have them. without them your character is defenseless and cannot realistically protect themselves from any attacks. for your attack, you should have two to three minimum attacks. they can either be in steps, or they can be different scenarios in regards to your opponents possible reactions. for injuries, don't be afraid to let your wolf take damage. we judge based on how realistic the damage is, not how much they have. remember these things and your next fight score will be much higher. if either of you have questions feel free to ask me on skype<3

- By [aislyn]


09-30-2013, 04:54 PM
The bitch had a strong grip on her muzzle. The pain was really starting to get to her, it was so sore. She had to give in, but it was a matter of pride. She did not want to, but she feared that if she kept going that she would end up being severely injured. A tear rolled down her face, and mixed with the blood. She had to submit.

"I give in! I give in!" She screamed, with great difficulty. She hoped that this female would let her go, and not toss her about like a rag doll anymore. This fight had definitely been a bad idea, a very bad idea.

She waited for the woman to let go of her, sobbing. Having to let her know that she had gotten the better of her.



09-30-2013, 05:02 PM

The fight had ended and the fea lost her battle as Morgana kept a hold of the muzzle, as she kept her hold Morgana bit a bit more as she was forcing the other to submit. Next time this wrench wouldn't be so lucky, growling lowly as she held on Morgana merely waited luckily keeping her other side at bay, for the moment. Those ears flicked at the sobbing sounds of her submitting finally, smirking slightly as she let go of the muzzle of the fea finally Morgana looked down at her with a growl. "You've much to learn, kid." Maybe, she should of taken her prisoner but choices to do that would come with time. Turning the french women left the younger fea be as she made her way back towards Amenti territory.

Morg exits.

Magnus 1


09-30-2013, 05:12 PM
After the woman had stalked away, Ardhel broke down, sobbing. She hoped no one was around to see this. Bad enough being defeated, but breaking down where there were likely others? No. She had to get out of here. She slunk into the undergrowth. She wanted to be alone and cry. She wanted her mother. That was the first time that she had ever thought that, even in those first few weeks of being alone, she had never wanted her mother. Because her mother hadn't wanted her.

Ardhel remained in the undergrowth for about an hour. She would need something to help with the pain, and to wash the blood of her face. She picked herself off the ground and walked from whence she came. With her head held high, maintaining some dignity.