
Life Happens When You Are Awake



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-02-2022, 06:42 PM
Ricin has been hiding. The large island that they now call home has made the lighter blue sibling feel even more alone. Chade has been out getting to know pack mates while the he has retreated into himself. Thoughts of worthlessness and being a burden have hounded him since revealing that he had told Chade’s secret to Manea. Everything felt wrong, strained between the once inseparable siblings. The lighter brother feels like he had messed everything up and that nothing could repair the damage he had done to their relationship. Everything felt hopeless as he had laid down to sleep next to Chade, the lure of dream world slowly pulling him under.

Ricin did not expect to see his father night. But there he was, the tall, muscular form of their dead father, the wounds and gore that had been on the man the last time Ricin had laid eyes on him are gone. He was whole again and the boy had quickly run to give his father a hug. The solid, comforting arms of Theo had wrapped around Ricin and the pup had told the dead wolf everything. When the tears were done and Theo’s arms were still wrapped around him, Ricin tilted his head back to look into his father’s eyes. There is a warmth and love in Theo’s eyes as he gazes back at the pup, reaching down to place a small kiss between dark coated ears.

The touch feels so real and it helps to ground the turbulent boy’s emotions. Then, his father tells him of a way to repair the strained bond with his brother. A smile grows as he listens to every single word Theo says, taking them to heart and back into the waking world. It was the early hours of the morning, darkness still hugging the land firmly, when the lighter brother awoke. Chade was curled next to him and Ricin had worked to leave their den without disturbing his brother. Once out in darkness, the boy had quickly made his way to the place his father had told him about, finding everything exactly like his father had said.

The sun is breaking the horizon when Ricin returns to the cave with a wrapped gift in his maw. Luckily, Chade is still deep in dreamland and the lighter brother is able to take a seat near him and hide the present behind his back. Poking a paw into Chade’s shoulder, Ricin calls out, “Chade? Hey Chade wake up. I have something to tell you.” Scooting back a little, the present moving with him, the light boy allows his brother room to stretch and wake up.





Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-10-2022, 12:06 AM

Chade had been dealing with his own fears of his secret shared in his own way.  Primarily it meant working harder so he didn’t have time to dwell on the nightmares of the past.  Unfortunately, if there was a way to train one's mind in how not to dream he hadn’t learned it.  The horrible event was back to being a raw fresh reality in his sleep.  

Their sister's face, the bear, the heart-pumping terror.  The weight of the decision and the life that died of his own decision. Ricin’s voice calls to him.  At first, it's Ricin calling him as they ran from the bear, two small helpless kids and Ry was in trouble again.  The last of the words didn’t fit properly into his nightmare though and after his mind puzzled that out for a few moments Chade stirred into wakefulness.  

“Hey Ry,” Chade offered his brother by way of greeting.  This Ricin wasn’t a small pup, they were both bigger and older, more capable of caring for themselves.  Despite the nightmares and his uncertainties on how to handle the issue, Chade wasn’t holding a grudge.  Pulling away from Ry was a thing Chade couldn't afford to do, his brother was too precious to him.

Wait.  Something to tell him?  Well, he didn’t seem nervous about sharing this time so it was probably something safe to hear.  Had Ry found something to share about like hobbies or friends or something good like that? “What’s up?”

"Chade & Ricin"
[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-10-2022, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2022, 02:26 AM by Ricin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ricin waits for Chade to stir, dark lips twitching slightly as he watches his brother blink open sleep filled eyes. A genuine smile appears as he reaches out to give Chade a gentle nudge, while saying, “Come on Ny. You don’t want to sleep through this.” His tone is teasing but the lighter pup is eager for his brother to be awaken enough to understand what he has to say. When Chade finally sits up, Ricin schools his face into a more serious expression, the words he has to say have purpose behind them and he wants his brother to understand this. Clearing his throat, Ricin says, “Ny, I want to tell you, again, that I am very sorry for telling Manea your secret. While no one is mad at us, I understand that was your secret to tell. But Ny… you need to know how thankful I am that you chose to save me.”

While their sibling had died, Ricin doubts she and Chade would have had a bond like the brothers. A soft smile appears as he goes on to say, “Thank you Ny. Thanks for always looking out for me and being there when I needed it. You have grown up into the wolf father knew you be and… I am proud of Chade.” His smile grows while his eyes hold a hint of sadness for their lost father. Straightening his back, Ricin sits up to his full size as he says, “Ny, I want to be your rock. I want you to be able to tell me anything and know I will not tell another wolf. So… on my soul, I swear to you, everything you tell me will be kept in confidence.”

Lifting a paw, Ricin draws an ‘x’ on his chest before lifting the paw into the air to state, “Cross my heart and hope to cry. I will never tell anyone another secret of yours. Ever.” Giving a firm nod, Ricin lowers his paw, waiting to hear what Chade thinks of all this before he reveals the present hidden behind his back.

"Ricin Dauner"




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-12-2022, 10:44 PM

Chade sat down, ears perked forward to give Ricin his full attention.  While Chade had been asleep apparently Ricin had been up to something or in some deep thought. Then he went into apologizing for the thing Chade would rather be done with and not think on.  No one else was bringing it up so better to be done with the bad memories.  This must be Ry’s way of finding closure with it though so Chade would let him say his piece.

Dad proud of him?  Chade somehow managed to keep his face neutral.  A pang in his gut and it felt like in his soul assured him dad wouldn’t be proud of him.  Dad had loved their sister also.  At least he’d never have to face father and admit to what he had done.

Chade remained quiet until Ricin was done swearing to never again share his secret.  Once it was finished Chade gave his brother a soft smile, standing up to nudge his brother’s muzzle in a camaraderie style.  “I know Ry.  I know you felt guilty about it and I know you won’t do it again.  I’ve full faith in you.  Ry,” Chade sat back down right next to him, placing a paw on his brother’s shoulder, “You and I have a bond stronger than blood, and fortified under the moon's light, right?  I’ll always trust you.”

[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-13-2022, 11:44 PM
Ricin looks at his brother, the words that flow from him seem to come with an almost supernatural ease. Chade remains quiet, emotions flickering across his features in subtle, almost unnoticeable waves. The minuscule twitching of certain groups of muscles let the lighter boy read the pain of the situation in his brother, the doubt that their father is proud of Chade and finally, the understanding of it all. Most wolves would not be able to read these small signs but Ricin is the other half of Chade. Because of this, the brothers know each other almost better then themselves.

The final words fade away into the early morning hours, the soft echo their den gives, reverberates the promise back at the brothers. When the soft smile appears on his brother’s lighter lips, it feels like the dawn breaking after a dark night. A small, bright smile answers Chade’s as the darker pup stands to nudge Ricin’s muzzle. The smile grows as his brother speaks, the fact that Chade still has faith in him only endears the lighter boy to his brother even more. When Chade finishes speaking, Ricin dips his head in understanding, the smile he wears as bright as ever.

For a moment, he just looks at the other half of his soul, the knowledge that Chade will never leave him lifting the sad boy’s heart. Clearing his throat, Ricin says, “I love you Ny. And dad loves you too. This might sound crazy but dad visited me in a dream last night Ny. He wanted me to give you something.” Reaching a paw behind his back, the lighter pup maneuvers the small gift in between them, the small square of cloth tied loosely with a strip of leather. Light tail wags as he looks up to Chade, waiting for his brother to open the gift.

Only when Chade has revealed the small emerald stone set in gold, does Ricin explain. Eyes look at the green stone hanging from a golden chain as he says, “Dad visited this island years ago, Ny. He told me so. He buried that necklace at a specific spot because he planned to bring the true love of his life here, later.” Ruby gaze slowly pulls up to meet Chade’s eyes and a small smile appears as he explains, “Ny, mom wasn’t the love of his life… we were. He loved us all. He isn’t mad at you. He isn’t even mad at me. He is proud that we made it here. Dad wants you to wear this as a reminder of his love… of the love we both have for you.”

Reaching a paw out to place it on top of Chade’s, Ricin finishes, “Nothing you could ever do would make us love you any less.” A gentle smile rests on Ricin’s lips as he looks from Chade to the necklace, hoping his brother understands the deep importance of this object.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-10-2022, 12:59 AM

Chade can tell Ry means everything he says and would never doubt that.  Dad visiting him in a dream?  That did sound strange but the boys had talked with a ghost before so he couldn’t deny the possibility of it.  Ry also had always shown more interest in the moon and maybe it really was a moon-thing?  

Chade’s brow furrows confusion to surprise and obvious interest. Scraping at the leather strip a few times before it gives way and then the cloth.  The item also gets a bit of confusion first, certainly not a thing he’d expected to see.  Chade had imagined something maybe of bone or rock or some other natural thing.  This was more like some of the gems they’d found before in that one strange cave.

It was an amazing eye-catching thing, eyes flicking from it to Ry as he spoke, inwardly still doubting about their dad.  Chade couldn’t accept that, maybe he didn’t want to accept it or maybe he was so wound up in his own self-guilt it was too deep of a hole to climb out of for now.  Their father did love them but Chade had killed one of the pups dads had loved.  Sure, not with his own paw but Chade had made that choice.  Maybe someday he could imagine dad forgiving him but now the dad of his memories, not yet.  He’d have to earn that forgiveness somehow if that was even doable.

None of that was positive and hear Ry had just given him an amazing present so it was best to focus on that.  “This is amazing Ry,” Chade lowered his head, using his paw to get under the chain part of the necklace so that it was at least partway off the ground so he could get it over his muzzle, tossing his head up and with a shake or two getting it to settle down around his neck.  Chade’s eyes crisscrossed as he looked down to it, “Whatcha think? It’s really shiny.” It was from dad and Ry.  His stomach twisted at part of that when he thought of dad giving it.  Chade would accept it as from Ry, though there was a small tiny part of him inside that clutched at the meaning of an item that came from dad.  Chade wasn’t ready to accept that part of him yet.

“Well,” Chade hesitated on adding to it but finally dragging out the words with some choked emotions mostly hidden, “if you see dad again tell him thanks.” Dad saw Ry, not Chade.  Why?  He had a good guess.  “I swear I’ll take good care of it.”

"Chade & Ricin"
[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]