
Dead in the Water



6 Years
09-27-2013, 09:17 PM

The sun was rising ever higher in the sky. With its rising Azalea's heart dropped further and further. As if to make it all worse, a needle pieced her gut, making her walk almost as though she desired to double over. When she finally got to where she would be held, she did exactly that.

Body curled in on itself, eyes wide and unfocused. There was nothing but cold here. The scenery was lack luster with all the snow. Snow. Snow. Snow. The landscape was a good indicator of the wolves, bitterly cold.

Vixe accompanied her, and she refused to look at him all the while, not that she was overly present to begin with. He was like them, just like them. Standing by idly as Isardis tore her down with her biggest weakness. Winter was just around the corner.

Just around the corner.

Now as she curled in on herself, laying on her side, she stared off into the spacey trees. Dark pines made up the tree content here. Dark green with no array of yellow, brown, red, and orange to make the place feel like autumn. It felt like winter and looked like winter and a terror seized her heart as she wondered if being her might bring her heat on sooner.



09-27-2013, 09:31 PM

He followed in silence, walking almost as numbly as the female before him as his eyes focused on the sun as it rose. He almost welcomed the burning of his eyes, at least it made him feel something, it told him that he wasn't completely dead. He felt a dead weight in his stomach, a warring of emotions had left his insides torn and ragged. He was loyal to Isa, though the ghost's methods were questionable at times and Vixe felt like the male would eventually lead Vixe to his death, but at the same time he felt a strong pull towards this female he barely knew. He wanted to take her, whisk her away and keep her safe. But they would never truly be safe... The safest he could keep her was here...

Occasionally he would direct her with a slight touch to a hip with his nose, leading her from behind to the alcove the pack females sometimes used to keep out of the snow. Winter was almost here and he knew what that meant for the both of them.

They would be two....

She moved to where he had directed her and she lay down solemnly, saying nothing to him and not daring to look back at him. There felt like there was a solid lump in the young male's throat, causing him to swallow more then needed and making his breath come a bit heavier. He should say something, promise to keep her safe, tell her that it would be alright but really... He could promise her nothing.

He sat a little distance off from her, close enough that if he stretched out his nose he could touch the tips of her fur but far enough away to give her her space. "Why..." He started, but it came out a croak, the first sign of emotions flickering over the large male's features. He looked lost. "Why did you do this...?" His voice was soft, needing her to explain her thinking. She had seen Isa's violence, his obsession. Why would she offer herself to a man such as that? A male was useless to them but a female? And a heir to the Valhallan throne? That was priceless...




6 Years
09-27-2013, 09:54 PM

How easy it came, the submission antiquated with a wolf of low or no rank. Never had she been so compliant, following the grey boy's indicators. How quickly she had hit rock bottom. How quickly she had gone from a noble princess to no more than a slave. She was trash, she was an item. Azalea was to be used and abused and then tossed out.

The land semi circled around her, indicating the end of the line. She wondered if this was where the pale lord would take her. It was his land after all, no reason to whisk her away to somewhere more hidden. A hitched breath left her as they settled into silence, only broken by the sound of the other breathing. His breathing seemed off, as though something were obstructing his wind pipe.

"Why..." The sound came suddenly, mangled and hard to hear. The voice bounced off the wall and jumped back at her, making her hear him surprisingly well. "Why did you do this...?" She gulped, for a moment unable to speak. Her eyes squeezed shut and her body refused to move. "I am no more than a child, useless in the war that comes. Chrysanthe doesn't deserve to face the hurt without her king by her side. Gideon is new to the throne but he is no less my alpha." She fell silent once more.

"My loyalty is undying." Now her voice came out choked, no more than a broken whisper. It was much like what she had told her aunt recently. Valhalla was her home, it ran in her veins. She loved her family and she loved her people. She was not a lesser wolf without her title, she was a lesser wolf without her spirit and right now her spirit was being crushed over the thought of alien seed invading and taking root in her body.

She let out a huff them, the closest sound she could muster to humor and she remembered that she had wanted to attack Vixe. He really did deserve it but now she could not be bothered, she hadn't even remembered. To think that she had almost given herself over to him or that Greed wolf. Sarak was the only wolf who deserved her in that way and he had already had the run of her body. He would probably never touch her again after Isardis got a hold of her. Hell, for all she knew, Vixe would get a hold of her too.


09-30-2013, 11:58 PM

She followed his cues, her head hung low and dead eyes failing to focus on anything in particular as she moved. If he had not seen the change for himself he would have never guessed this was the Azalea he had met and fell for, never would have guessed that this was the energetic heir to the Valhallen throne that he had been fairly sure was going to rip his throat out the second they were alone after seeing her at the battlefield. But now all the fire and determination he had seen in her eyes was gone, it had fled and retreated from Isa's icy threats. Vixe found that the male had either this effect on women who came here of the effect he had on Argent. Women either loved him or were resigned to his rule.

Vixe had broken up a few fights between the brood in his time here, he found that they got rather emotional and sometimes crazy around their heat cycles. He would avoid them if he could but his job was to keep them safe even if that meant from other pack members.

She was motionless, a statue amidst the frigid wasteland the surrounded them and her eyes were as dead as the lands around them. She only showed life as his voice echoed around them, her eyes closing as if that could somehow hold herself in, somehow cut herself off. But finally she spoke, her tone as dead as her eyes. He focused on steadying his breathing, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. Her words were straight to the point, cold and cut off, devoid of life. But somewhere deep down he understood what she meant. Her words that followed cut even deeper and he cast his gaze to the ground beside him.

For a time he let the silence lapse, hearing her breath come out in a swift ball as if she was trying to release the pent up frustrations that must be boiling inside her. He sat behind her for quite some time, eyes trying to pry the answers out of the ground he was staring at but none of them came. "I'm sorry..." His words were soft now, though he wasn't sure what exactly he was apologizing for.

He knew he had a lot to be sorry for, but he didn't want to list them when she could probably list them better then he. And what else could he say? He wanted to tell her everything, to make her understand but he knew she wouldn't. "I'll do what I can for you but..." He trailed off and sighed, closing his eyes before letting his gaze drift upwards.

"If could take you and run away right now I would." He said, head tipped down now and he closed his eyes, waiting for her to yell at him or explode and tell him that she was a strong independent woman and was more then able to care for herself. The Azalea he knew would have done that but to be honest he wasn't sure how this new withdrawn woman would react to his words...




6 Years
10-01-2013, 09:30 AM

There was a long silence that came with her words. She could feel his presence, feel the effect of her words. Sprawled on her side with her eyes clenched shut she lent herself a better ability to hear and feel the world around her. There was life in this land, much as she didn't want to see it. The wolves here inked out a life just as they did in Valhalla. How could she consider them to be so different from her own pack? Minds did not always agree, did that hold true here? Isardis had done one thing right, and that was surround himself with a group of wolves that would do nearly anything for him. They were of the same mind but that did not mean the common wolves were.

"I'm sorry..." His word made her eyes open, a spark igniting. Anger turned her stomach and fueled her blood. She pushed away from the ground, to her feet where she pivoted about to face him with a hard look. "I don't need your pity." Her voice held an edge but when her eyes met his upon turning to look at him, she knew that she couldn't be so cold to him as she would like. She had the chance here and now to spring at the towering male but her paws would not lift from the ground. She didn't have it in her to fight a wolf that didn't truly deserve her punishment.

Azalea had come here of her own accord and he could not be blamed for the events that would follow. Azalea could not give herself up to her terror and ultimately horror, she had to push through. She had to be strong.

"I'll do what I can for you but..." He paused, her head tipping to one side. "If I could take you and run away right now I would." She shook her head, seating herself to quell the feelings that overcame her now. "Shut up." Her response came through clenched teeth. She was trying to hide the smile that wanted to overcome what frustration she had with him thinking she needed his help. But didn't she need help? She needed all the help in the world but wanted none of it.

Part of her wished him away. Her emotions were playing the entire field on their own, a one man team, making her far too unstable to have Vixe charming her. "Ugh. I'm going to go insane." With that she flopped back to the ground, only this time her stomach was firmly on the ground. Legs splayed out, reaching dangerously close to Vixe. Her tone though was lighter than before, her true self slowly creeping back in as the side effects of being to close to Isardis wore off.