
You got lucky, kid


09-30-2013, 11:54 PM

The rustle of the underbrush displaced by Royale?s movements could easily have been mistaken for gentle gusts threading through the paddocks browning foliage. Grasses bowed, parting in the wake of the canine?s form, offering only the barest whispers of his presence as he moved with deliberate slowness. He couldn?t afford a misstep at present. Not when the north winds churned in every gust and the sun?s glow provided less and less warmth. The symptoms of winter are much too apparent now for him to rely solely on dumb luck ? impressive though it was.

Royale hunkered low, ears pricked forward and oscillating in accordance to every sound that flitted within range. While the land was undoubtedly undergoing preparations for months of hibernation, so also were the prey animals that made their homes in every nook and cranny of the wild provinces. Busily stockpiling for the scarce days ahead their inattention would be his triumph ? at least that was the hope. Quite frankly he wasn?t all too certain he?d fair too well when the herds migrated and the rodents he liked to prey on went to ground to escape winter?s grip. It was his first winter after all and without a reliable pack to call his own the odds weren?t exactly in his favor. Probably should have thought of that before taking his chances as a loner.

It was with a soft sigh that he readjusted his thoughts, determination glinting in the male?s sharp gaze. There would be time enough later to berate himself for his poorly planned departure from stability, preferably when hunger wasn?t threatening to eat its way through his stomach lining.

He redoubled his effort. Nostrils flaring, the plethora of smells was slightly muted by the overlaying hint of decay but there were still signs of promise in the Serpent Plains. Tracks crossed twice over from recent visitors, presumably small foraging rodents from the vague indentations left behind. It?d be scarcely more than a mouthful whatever he managed to catch but it would tide him over until he could make another attempt, tiring though it would be.

In his rare moment of seriousness Royale?s efforts paid off. Hare?s were abundant but elusive quarry, often times overlooked for slower, dumber targets. But he wasn?t a runner for nothing! His desired mark was skittishly drinking from the creek winding through the grasslands, wary of being in such an exposed location. Roy would be taking full advantage of that.

Daring to inch closer he waited ? with more patience than he was used to exerting ? for the right moment to strike before he burst out of hiding. The badly startled rodent flipped, momentarily unable to choose which direction to flee in before veering toward the thicker grass where Royale was quick to follow. He kept his eyes firmly on the brown form careening through the grass with enviable agility but his own speed and additional reach prevailed. A swipe of his paw tripped the animal and his teeth locked possessively around it?s head, encompassing it entirely as his fangs punctured it?s windpipe. A swift death, no muss, no fuss, just the way he liked it.



10-01-2013, 02:30 AM
Sebastian stalked through the plains, he had just finished his meal a little earlier. He was completely satisfied, but he wanted to kill something, make it squirm. He loved the sensation that killing gave him. The feeling that you were in control. It made him laugh. It was getting colder, and winter was getting nearer. Thank god for his thick, black fur, not that he felt sorry for those less fortunate than him. He did not know why he had travelled so far from his den, he was very, very far from his den. They wind nipped ever so slightly at his skin. He muscles were aching ever so slightly, he had been climbing a rather steep slope the other day.

Prey was clearly rare around here. But eventually, he spotted a hare. He was about to set after it when a scent hit his nostrils. Definitely wolf. Just then, a wolf leapt out and wrapped it's jaws around the hare. It was a male, so it gave Sebastian no reason to instantly hate it. It was not exactly the most interesting looking of wolves. It was a mix of earthy tones. It's build was nothing to marvel at either. Small and puny. He stalked out into plain view, with a proud swagger. "And who do we have here?" he asked with a grin on his face. His grin exposed his razor sharp canines.


OOC: your post is long! Mine is tiny!


10-01-2013, 10:01 AM

Traction was lacking on the wet grassland but for once the universe wasn?t conspiring against him. Apparently fate had finally gotten bored with throwing hurdles at him. Royale didn?t fall ? a fleeting concern that had run the gambit of his thoughts ? and he had a rather nice hare for his efforts. ?Now all I need is about a dozen more and things will be totally crash.? He chortled thoughtfully, lips twitching with a wave of amusement at his own thoughts as he relished the afterglow of a fresh kill. And he wouldn?t have to share it either.

Fate, as if having heard the youth?s mental ramblings, was quick to present him with another possible dilemma. Royale was savoring the drip, drip factor of a meal he hadn?t scavenged for when the grasses parted, presenting him with the full view of another male.

His heart skidded to a stop, the comforting palpitations quieting to a dull throb as the smaller gauged his obvious disadvantages. Typically loners weren?t a big deal ? at least not to him ? but this one was larger then most wolves he?d encountered, not to mention he wasn?t exactly projecting warm, fuzzy feelings. Still, Royale?s assessment was reserved and didn?t affect his amiable demeanor, flashing a big smile and offering a happy tail wag. Chances were if he was attacked he could take off, rabbit and all.

?That?d be Royale, loner extraordinaire! Roy if it?s a mouthful for ya. You are?? He chirped merrily, unperturbed and didn't wait for a response before he continued. ?Speaking of mouthfuls, just what are they feeding you guys down here? I mean you?ve got to be the second wolf I?ve met who?s practically a glorified hill.? He rattled off with scarcely a hitch in his speech. ?Not to say that you?re fat or something ? well you might be, can?t really tell from here, or maybe it?s fur? Are you just really fluffy but shrink two sizes when you get wet??



10-01-2013, 03:44 PM
He smirked at the males feeble attempt to annoy him. "Well hello my dear Royale." He chuckled at his comment about his fur. He found it amusing when they tried to annoy him, he had heard much, much worse. Especially from those that had exiled him. Now they had had a lot to say. "Why my dear Royale, if I shrink two sizes. Then that would make you, what? A pup?" He was not even ever so slightly impressed by this man. The male spoke with a kind of proud, cocky tone. It was funny. "Where is mama? Left her by the den? Pups really shouldn't wander of." He mocked seriousness. Then he laughed his maniacal laugh. "But then again, all that fluff would make a great carpet." He howled again at his own humour. He did not want to recruit this wolf, he was not intimidating, bright or even slightly scary. This was just a game.



10-02-2013, 02:31 PM

Had Royale been privy to the assessments he was being christened with some choice words might have been exchanged, or at the very least sulked over through the duration of this encounter. It wouldn?t even be that he felt some justifiable level of irritation at the other for affixing him to the lower end of the threat spectrum due to the fact that it was one hundred percent accurate ? loathe as he was to admit it. As sore as he so often was when the topic of his lack of vertical achievements were concerned, Roy still was comparatively smaller than those of the same sex. It only became irksome when it was females who towered over him and cooed glibly about how adorable he was.

A frown ? a pout really ? stole the hapless glow of the juvenile?s smile, brows furrowing with apparent discontent. ?Dear? ? seriously? If the fellow was going to mock him the least he could do was not attach a moniker that his grandmother might?ve used. Royale?s expression flickered briefly with disgruntlement before resolving itself in another gleeful beam, albeit it didn?t touch his eyes as it had before. ?Weeeell, I wouldn?t say a pup but hey maybe to you I am just that spritely.? He joked casually. Sure he was young and not conventionally handsome, rugged or any other adjective males strove to achieve to attract others but he was quite certain he wasn?t a ?dear? worthy candidate. And he certainly wasn't a pup either!

Now the brute was being just plain rude. Nobody brought up his mother! ?Geez, who pissed in your watering hole this morning?? Roy grumbled, dropping all pretenses of amicability and allowing the slowly frothing irritation to taint his attitude. ?I mean I get that loners tend not to be the friendliest of folks but maybe I?m overreaching in assuming you?d want to make a good first impression with wolves you don?t know.? He shrugged stiffly and gave the other canine the stink eye.

?There is such a thing as karma ya know? Loner today, might be your Alpha tomorrow.? Was it a longshot? Like you wouldn?t believe but hey, stranger things had happened, right? ?Now, let?s start over. I?m Royale, I?m not pack affiliated, I like chasing things. And you are~??



10-04-2013, 03:47 PM
He had clearly annoyed the wolf. He smirked. "Well I am Sebastian." He looked at the wolf again, taking him in. He really wasn't impressive. He looked at the sky, it was chilly. "I can see that you do not like me too much." He faked a grown and then howled with laughter. He was thinking of his den, he wanted to get back to it. The lovely pelt he used as a rug, the blood splashed on the walls and floor (he lived in a cave), he sighed. Soon he would be back, after this. "May I ask you what puts you off. Is it my sheer brilliance or Is it the fear I radiate?" He smiled a smile that did not reach his eyes, and that was more threatening than warm.



10-04-2013, 06:23 PM

Sebastian. It was kind of a snooty name if one were to spend an underserved amount time thinking about it. Although he could scarcely point this out to the brute considering his name was no less pompous if not entirely more so for its intended connotation. Even though he hadn?t an ounce of royal blood to his namesake he had supposedly been a candidate for a much greater purpose, a destiny he hadn?t actively pursued nor was suited for.

Royale observed the other canine in confusion, head tilted sideways as if the new angle would permit some viable measure of understanding to seep into his brain. As it turned out, it didn?t. But it made Sebastian look funny if that was worth anything. ?It?s not even that I don?t like you, Sebby,? the smaller began cheekily, quickly attaching a nickname because, hey, Sebastian was a mouthful and nobody had time for that. His dinner was getting cold too. ?But my mother was a very nice lady so I?m told; just don?t appreciate the comment.? With an ambivalent shrug he swiftly moved to the male?s next inquiry and had to resist the burning need to sit down. He might not be overtly scared of the guy but that didn?t mean he trusted him any. It was better not to give him an exploitable opportunity and Royale was swifter on his feet as opposed to reclining.

A smirk curved his lips, the frown banished for the time being and the mischievous air returning to the young wolf. ?Sorry but I?m not all that put off by your...uh, radiance. I mean, yeah you?re built like a boulder but you?ve got nothing to gain from attacking me and you look smarter than that. Wasting your time fighting me earns you nothing but lost time.?



10-06-2013, 03:18 PM
So he had no mother, well that was brilliant he thought giddily, he could almost forgive him for calling him Sebby, Sebastian was a fine name he thought. Another way to get to get to Royale. He was buzzing with energy and happiness. He loved upsetting people, making them cry, making them angry, watching them squirm. He grinned revealing his pink tinged canines. "I do not like Sebby, well I don't really like you either." He paused. Wondering how he could get to him best. "So no mama, what did she leave you? Is she dead? Is mama dead!" He sang and danced around. He loved this. He certainly hoped that this annoyed him, he hoped he would cry, or even better, well you don't really get better than crying. Total humiliation.



10-07-2013, 11:24 AM

Well that was rather blunt of him. The blue-eyed sprinter jerked as though he'd been stricken, offering Sebastian a look of mottled affront. What could he have possibly done to earn such dislike? Surely the nickname wasn't the worst he'd heard before right? "If you don't even like me then why are you bothering me?" He grumbled sullenly as his irritation dissolved into unhappiness for the poor circumstances he found himself in. Worse still, he knew he shouldn't respond to the wild hound's acerbic words. They were only meant to get a rise out of them, thriving on his pain, anger, or whatever reaction he showed. But those words still hurt, even if they were from a stranger he didn't know.

Roy visibly flinched as the conversation tapered off to the subject of his mother and his eyes vividly flashed with pain as memories surged, unbidden and no less cruel than Sebastian's desire to poke fun at his missing parent. "It's not funny!" He flared, a snarl creasing the once joyful visage as he squared off before the larger male. His mother had been the center of his world, his everything. When she had passed away it felt as though his whole world seemed to lurch to a halt. Despite his brothers and sister sharing in his grief the hole where her presence had existed remained, a scarred over wound that he tried not to think about.

And Sebastian had the nerve to mock him for him?!

"Guys like you are such tools! What? You got a limp dick and no lady with half a brain wants you so you pick on anyone smaller than you to get your kicks!?" God he was angry. When was the last time he'd felt like this? Honestly, he couldn't remember nor did he believe he'd ever experience rage like this. It was dark and consuming, it felt good. And that scared him.

Fury burned in his eyes or maybe it was tears collecting that brought the searing sensation, either way Royale was livid. "Sod off would ya? Your ruining my dinner." Even though the thought of food appalled him at the moment and his hare looked less than appetizing.



10-07-2013, 11:36 AM
He loved how upset he was getting. "Are we upset? I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." He looked at Royale and feighned a look of sympaty. "Look at me. I killed a stupid bitch and was banished. Withpout anyone, and look how happy I am. If you're looking for someone to follow. Follow me. I am also choosing to ignore your crappy comeback. But think about it, you could be my little Roy Roy." He laughed at his comment again. He laughed at his own hilarity a lot. He thought that he was God's gift to the world. He would laugh, even if it wasn't too funny. He wondered if he would follow him. Probably not. He should not have started with the mum jokes. Oh well, he got kicks out of others sorrow.

OOC: sorry for the short-ness and crappy-ness


10-07-2013, 12:48 PM

Never could it be said that Royale did not possess a backbone. The gleeful sprinter whose lips so often curled in a coltish grin now scowled fiercely at his mirthful tormentor. ?All life is precious - even yours as much as it pains me to say.? He grunted with obvious displeasure as he sized up the male in front of him. Funnily enough it did look like choking out those words caused him discomfort. Fighting was not his forte but he truly didn?t wish to run from this wolf and give him the satisfaction of an easy victory. Pride could be such a terrible thing at times.

Royale paused in giving Sebastian the once over in order to sneer unkindly. ?Me follow You? Yeah, you're NUTS. No confirmation needed.?He would rather trust his life to a starving bear! How could he even suggest such a ludicrous idea! ?I don?t want to be your anything, got it? You?ll try to kill me in my sleep!? There was no way he?d give any sort of loyalty to a guy who insulted him and then offered the proverbial olive branch all in the same breath.

Bristling, the young juvenile stood as tall as his stature would allow, tail high and proud. ?Take a flying leap, dung for brains. And don?t call me Roy Roy, that names reserved for people I like.?



10-18-2013, 01:26 PM
Hmmmm... he definitely shouldn't have started with the mum jokes. Oh well, he would find more willing followers. There's plenty of fish in the sea.There's plenty more fish in the sea. Well, rather wolves in Alacritis He sighed and looked at Royale. "Dear Dear me Royale. Your manners are shocking, didn't your mother teach you how to be polite? Oh yes, I forgot, she's Dead! " He grinned and said, "Oh well, I'll just need to find some more willing imbeseils. If you need me, you know where I am. Well, you don't acctually, but... I trust that you can find me. Good bye Royale, it has not truthfully been that nice meeting you." and with that Sebastian stalked away, with his usually swagger of course. He hoped he would not cross paths with him again he was not the most interesting of people. Well at least he was fun to annoy. Sebastian began to make the long journey home...

*Exit Sebastian*

OOC : Don't really know how to end a thread, hope this is okay XD