
I Stilla Natt

barghest <3



6 Years

02-07-2022, 10:53 AM

Lately, Sanngriðr hadn't slept well... if she slept at all. Her dreams turned to nightmares before her eyes. She'd toss and turn, even to the point of waking herself up after crying out against them. There was something in her bones that was restless. Too restless. The excess violence was spilling into her system. It would taint the things that she didn't want to touch. A valkyrie, not a housecat. Though she understood the importance of biding her time, it was getting to be too much. How long had she been here? How long had it been since she was in the midst of a good fight?

There was something nearly religious about combat. The closest to communing with the gods that she'd ever get. Bleeding, drawing blood. It was in her very nature. The daughter of one of the most fearsome skjaldmær to ever live. It was only right that she grow to be as she was. It only made sense that Sanngriðr woke in the middle of the night, heart pounding in her chest, realizing just how badly every fiber of her being craved glory and gore in equal measure. She felt wildly incomplete.

As silently as she could manage, the valkyrie slipped from her family and into the darkness of the night. Wouldn't want to wake them. Wouldn't want to worry them. Their needs would come before her own. For them, she bided her time. For them, she did her best to remain the good example. For them, she'd take in the information she could, learn, grow, and wait. Their time would come soon, after all. With steady, careful steps, Sanngriðr moved into the sparse pines. Light from the full moon above her head to guide her path into the unseasonably chilly night. The valkyrie was consumed by the sound of her own steps, her own breath. Yes, she'd do her best to steady herself.

Kom och hata mig.


02-14-2022, 07:11 PM

San's discomfort had rubbed off on the big man. He had a keen sense of the fae and her disposition affected him. Aside from that, the moon had always called to him, and so he was awake. While most of the others were asleep, Bodin rested atop the thick trunk of a long fallen pine, chin on one bent foreleg. The brutes mismatched eyes were wide open, but he had been lost in mental musings, only snapping out of them when he saw the russet tinged fae stalking away from the sleeping group.

With a stretch and a sigh, the galactic giant slid down from his perch and made his way into the darkness after the woman. A low growl was released, alerting her to his presence as his longer legs drew him quickly to her side. Deep baritones poured forth in something akin to a whisper. They were too close for anything louder. Shall we hunt or would you like to find something to fight?" Though they hadn't known one another long, Bodin could already tell when something was bothering San.

Already his dark nose was scenting the air. There were scatterings of hoofed animals in the pines but he could also smell the lingering scent of a bear on the wind. Whatever she wanted to do, he was willing to accompany her in the hopes of wearing her out a bit so that she could get some sleep.



6 Years

02-15-2022, 04:05 AM
Not quite unhinged, but she'd be there soon. If she had to wait much longer, she'd be there soon. There was something in her system that needed to be out. More and more, the valkyrie felt like an animal caged. The worst kind of feeling. It wasn't even that things were bad here. No, things were good. Things were better than they had been in a long time. Things were good... why did she feel trapped? Why did she wake up reeling in the middle of the night? Why did she feel like this? Were they still being hunted? No. That wasn't it. Maybe it's that there isn't enough danger. Too much for too long... and it becomes an addiction. Sanngriðr had spent her entire lifetime looking over her shoulder. It was all she knew. Maybe that's why she felt as she did.

He growled, shattering the plate glass wall that her thoughts had formed within her head. There was no menace to it, no, and it was almost comforting. He'd only just joined them, but there was no pushing away the notion that his company was welcome. Even when Sanngriðr found herself wanting to be away from her siblings, wanted space from her family... no, it seemed that this didn't apply to Barghest. Her amber gaze remained steady, peering at the much taller man as he came to stand by her side. Curious. "You're awake," it's an observation. Sanngriðr's tone lacked the usual chill, replaced with something... something else. Something subtle. The valkyrie would pretend that her pulse didn't pick up with Barghest so near.

A hunt... a fight. Her bones ached for the thrill of it, for the violence. It wasn't just an ache, but a need. Overwhelming as it was, Sanngriðr couldn't put it into words... at least not the common words. No. Gods, if he was going to stick around, she'd have to teach him. Honestly, Sanngriðr didn't even mind the prospect. What had gotten into her? The valkyrie shifted her weight, lifting her muzzle to the stiff summer breeze. "A fight," there was a bear somewhere not far off, and she tipped her head towards it. That or maybe she could goad the man into fighting her... no, that was too forward. That, and as badly as Sanngriðr wanted to hurt and be hurt when she was in a mood like this, she didn't want to run the risk of taking things too far. The valkyrie wouldn't run the risk of harming him.

"Together?" Did he really want to come? Sanngriðr thought to herself for a moment. In a mood like this, she'd be rotten company. But he wanted to? The valkyrie had a hard time convincing herself of it. She had to double check, just to be... just to be sure of it.



02-21-2022, 01:46 PM

San remarked on his state of wakefulness and the man huffed with amusement. "As are you."The woman no doubt thought that she was hiding her emotions, but someone as keenly observant as Bodin could see them shifting across her hardened features. She was thinking hard, but eventually spoke, deciding upon a fight. She then questioned if they would be fighting together and the giant grinned, teeth flashing even in the dark. "As if I'd let you go alone." With a pull of his skull, he motioned for the fae to follow.

Being the hunter that he was, Bo read the winds, following the scent of the bear as it grew and waned. It was far off, but he doubted that she minded the journey. Their trek took them on a curling course through the pines. Having the woman beside him felt comfortable. It felt natural. Back home, there had been a few potential prospects of mates, but none had ever come to fruition. He hadn't found them interesting. All had been born and bred to serve, but Bodin had wanted more. Those women had been wet grass. Sanngridr was a blazing fire. A vast difference from the women of his homeland and he rather liked it.

The scent of the bear became more pungent. They were getting closer. "What's keeping you awake?" He came right out and asked, wondering if she would tell him the truth or if she'd brush it off. Bodin wanted to know what made the woman tick. He wanted to know all of her. The pull towards San made him want to know every little thing about her, both the good and the bad.

As the pair moved down the natural game trail between the pines, up ahead Bodin could hear the heavy breathing and groaning of their target. Along with the scent of bear came the scent of blood. It seemed as though the beast had made a kill... but it wasn't an herbivore. Ducked behind the low hanging branches of a wide reaching pine, Bodin placed a paw upon San's, both getting her attention and holding her back from attacking just yet. His voice was a low, soft whisper. "It's a wolf killer. We need to end it." Bodin would attack to kill and he wanted to make sure that the woman was on the same page.




6 Years

02-25-2022, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2022, 01:34 AM by Sanngriðr. Edited 1 time in total.)
Something strange, something tense hangs in the air between them. It's ever so strange and yet... well, the valkyrie can't bring herself to hate it. Comfortable. Sanngriðr can be comfortable with him, sure, but not vulnerable. Not vulnerable yet. To be vulnerable would only spell danger. Vulnerability meant danger, and it had for far too long. It would continue to. No, it wasn't until they were in a much different station in this place that they could even dream of vulnerability not being grave danger to every single one of them. Soon, but not yet. Soon. Even when there was less danger to the vulnerability, would she be able to show that side? Would she allow herself? There were too many questions, and only time would tell. By the gods, only time would tell.

At least it seemed that they had time here. There was less danger, more... more of something else. Time as a concept had Sanngriðr feeling strange. How old was she now? Her fourth spring had come and gone. It would be her siblings' birthday the coming autumn, just before the season ticked over into winter. Four years, and still she was out here unattached. The only bonds that the valkyrie had were those of blood. Maybe that was among the reasons that Bodin was so interesting to her.

She'd always been happy on her own... what had changed? It wasn't even that she was unhappy now-- save for the unrest that crept in, as it often did during times of peace. No, it wasn't that the valkyrie would have thrown herself at anyone's feet. This was specific to the man that now stood by her side. "I can handle myself," the words themselves may be a bit sharp, but her tone remains neutral. It's simply a reminder that she's more than capable of handling herself and she doesn't need him... but her smile speaks volumes. It glimmers in the low light of the moon, and says what her words don't. I'm glad you're here.

His question is a fair one, and it doesn't catch Sanngriðr off guard. She considers for a moment, but has no reason to tell him anything other than the truth. "Mardröm--" shit was the word. The valkyrie pursed her lips for a moment as she spoke, looking out to the woods before her. "Bad dreams," she finally sorted out the phrase, at least well enough. It happened to her far less than it did her brother, but there were still words in the common tongue that eluded her. Her tone never wavers from neutrality, and Sanngriðr would do her best to play it off like they didn't bother her so much. It's easy to be less bothered, after all, because she knows the source. She knows why they happen. "And you?" Maybe, hopefully, her honesty would bring about some from Bodin as well.

They move together, and the valkyrie matches his longer stride with some effort. Still, it was nice to be in step with someone else... someone who wasn't her brother. Putting down roots here would mean that she needed to let someone, anyone else in. The scent of the bear mingles with the scent of blood, and a pit forms in her stomach. Bodin wasn't wrong, and Sanngriðr held her breath for a moment. The bear had taken down a wolf of its own tonight. They needed to end it, and it would take both of them to do so. Sanngriðr had come out tonight looking for a fight, and a fight she would get. By the gods it was a fight she'd get. "We go together." There's resolve in her tone, nodding once as she looks to Bodin. Her jaw was set, gaze alight. Yes, this was the fight she wanted. Already, Sanngriðr was tense and ready to make a run in the direction of the predator.
