
Even the land is my enemy!




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-14-2022, 11:54 PM

Chade had spent a lot of his youth roaming about the land before he’d found a pack to join.  Even when he joined a pack it had included traveling from auster to northern boreas so was it any surprise that he felt a desire to roam a ways?  The surrounding area had some less than hospitable areas and this particular mountain was an area that he couldn’t have dared trek on when he was smaller.

The boy’s coat had grown thicker to offer more warmth and protection from the snowy cold.  Confidence in his balance had the boy roaming the dangerous rocky landscape with curiosity and a sort of enjoyment in the challenge the surrounding area offered him.

The wind howled about and kicked up snow to make visibility a shaky thing at points.  Chade had stepped in front of a cave but one stride in realized it was already inhabited.  The wind and snow had hidden the scent of the bear but the cave offered protection from those hindrances and made the scent of the bear clear as the scent of rotting meat.  The bear was able to smell him easily also.  Chade backed up, wide-eyed at just how huge the polar bear was.  Were all the white bears this huge?

His shock wore off after a moment and the memory struck him that he had refused to cave to fear and flee a predator.  Chade snarled at the polar bear as it stood up on its two hind legs to make itself even larger.  The snow kicked up snow like a wall of white between them.  Chade ran through it, leaping up to bite into a thickly muscled arm, shaking his head with muted growls and gleaming red eyes of hate.  It only lasted a few seconds before the beefy arm swung wide and Chade had to let go, feet slipping as he landed on a mix of ice, snow, and rock.  The terrain itself was going to be his enemy now! Well, that meant enemy for the bear also right?  No, its huge feet and claws seemed to work well over this landscape.

Chade took one step back to reposition himself but boldly snarled at the bear again, leaping away to avoid a massive paw swipe.  He tried to lunge in but the bear lunged forward.  Damn it!  He wouldn’t run!


[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
02-15-2022, 05:08 AM
Oscar has been trying to exploring more and more, and today he has wandered a little further south. The tells himself that he needs to get a lay of land and he keeps reminding himself of this fact as the small ass walks on. Small hooves plow through snow, drifting flakes falling lazily toward the ground. As winds his way around the jutting façade of the foreboding mountain, a bitter wind kicks up, tossing snow at him and whiting out the landscape for a moment. The small ass tucks his chin in and lays his ears back as he slowly moves on, Nugget, who is sitting fluffed out on the donkey’s butt, clacks his beak together each time the wind picks up. The annoyed bird’s rings out over the gusting wind, “Why exactly are we here again?” Oscar lets out an annoyed snort, small tail flicking up behind his back as he huffs out, “Because our group needs to understand this land better.”

The frozen Nugget clicks his beak and gives the grumpy donkey rump a rather hard peck. Giving a short bray of surprise, Oscar starts to raise up on his front legs, thinking of bucking his annoying rooster companion off but quickly changes his mind. Heaving a sigh, the caramel hued donkey continues onward. The rooster, realizing he struck a nerve with the cold ass, offers, “Well… at least we don’t have to worry about any wolves here.” All Oscar gives Nugget is a flick of his long ears, too exasperated to converse with the rooster. Taiga had rubbed up against the donkey before the group separated to do their own things and he hopes that will help too.

The roar of a polar bear stops the small ass in his tracks, eyes widening as he hears a wolf’s answering snarl. Oscar is racing through the snow before he even realizes it, trying not to think too hard on the fact that he is racing to help a predator. As the coat of tall blue wolf comes into view, the donkey quickly spies the bear lunging forward to swipe at it. Opening his mouth, the ass brays loudly, charging straight toward the attacking bear. Just before he is within the polar bear’s striking range, Oscar turns his body and sinks all his weight into his butt. Snow spews up into the bear’s eyes and it raises up onto its hind legs to try and clear its field of vision.

The donkey is already moving into the bear’s space and turning to present his rump to the creature. With an angry swipe of its paw, it clears its eyes and moves to return to all fours. Oscar is waiting for it. Rearing up, the donkey brays loudly again and lunges forward, sinking all his weight into his front legs as he lifts his rear of the ground. Back hooves connect squarely with beast’s jaw and it sends the bear sprawling to the ground in a dashed lump. Nugget flaps his wings to keep his balance through it all and, once the kick is delivered, the ass quickly retreats toward the dark blue pup.

Giving the kid a side glance, Oscar asks, “Got any plans?” The polar bear is already moving to regain its footing, roaring and striking out blindly to keep any attacks at bay while it tries to recover.

"Oscar" | "Nugget"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-16-2022, 01:19 AM

Chade didn’t think anything could surprise him out of the fighters zone when facing off against the polar bear.  A donkey rushing in, throwing snow at a bear and then actually kicking it fit into the realm of unexpected and shocking.  The donkey got stared at for a moment, the chicken was ignored.  When the donkey spoke Chade snapped his attention away from wondering what the hell was in the donkey’s mind, it was clearly some form of madness, and back to the bear.

“Winning,” Chade responded grimly but no more was said as he wasn’t going to waste the words.  The bear was as shocked as Chade had been and so he had an opening to act.  Chade rushed in at the bear’s face, biting into the sensitive muzzle.  Chade’s one paw tried to target the eye but he missed.  There was no time to hang close and keep up the damage with the monster he was fighting.  Chade let go as the bear’s mouth opened, and a paw simultaneously came swinging towards him.  It wanted to make chade a munchy!  Chade evaded, at least mostly, there was a flash of pain along his left side right after the shoulder.  It wasn’t too bad though, glancing blow.

Chade grinned darkly at the bear, a silent promise of death and mockery given to it.  Sure, biting the neck, or damaging a limb might have been better tactically.  Had he managed to do real damage to the face or the throat it would have been great.  Still, it had hurt and got the bear both angrier and more cautious.  Chade was willing to be most predators didn’t go that direct of a route.

“You can be bait, get his attention away from me and I’ll get him when he quits looking.” If the donkey still wanted ideas there was one.  Would the prey animal trust a wolf to his word on that and really play the part of bait?  Either way, Chade could make it work.

"Chade & Ricin"
[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
02-27-2022, 04:41 AM
The blue kid’s plan is to win. Oscar huffs out a loud snort and gives his skull shake to the pup. The grumpy donkey grounds out, “No shit.” Oh damn. This is a pup. Is he allowed to cuss in front of kids? Fuck it. Oscar doesn’t censor himself for anyone. Another short huff is given when the dazed bear leaves the dark pup an opening… and the kid takes it. The shocked donk watches as the wolf rushes in and bites the downed bear’s muzzle. When a lethal paw swings toward the large pup, Oscar feels his heart sink, the creature’s claws making bloody furrows on the kid’s side.

Fuck! Had he just killed this pup?

The donkey hangs back, waiting for the dark wolf to get closer so he can step towards the kid to give him a quick inspection. It doesn’t seem to slow the pup down as the small ass watches the wolf’s light lips curl back in a dark grin. Another short shake of his head and the small ass huffs out an incredulous sigh at the wolf wondering what makes the kid already want to inflict pain. When the wolf suggests that Oscar be bait, the donkey flicks his long ears in annoyance. Sure, just because he has flat teeth the donkey must not be a good fighter. Time to show this wolf a thing or two.

Lips tick up as the grumpy ass says, “Sure, kid.” Tossing a wink to the pup, the donkey suddenly rushes forward, small hooves pulling him into bear’s space. The slowly recovering, angry bear opens its mouth to take a chunk out of the bold ass. Perfect. The donkey throws his body sideways, slamming himself into the bear’s chest and knocking the wind from its lungs. As it grunts and attempts to pull in a breath, the small donkey moves out of range having already deposited his small surprise on the creature’s head.

Moving back toward the pup, Oscar turns to watch as Nugget starts to make a loud fuss from a top the beast’s head. Claws gripping the bear’s fur tightly, Nugget reaches down toward the bear’s left eye and quickly puts his beak through it. The bear throws his head back in agony as it roars its outrage at the pair.


Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-02-2022, 12:46 AM

When the donkey charged the polar bear Chade started slowly making a wide circuit trying to get around behind the polar bear.  Chade shakes his head in surprise when the donkey actually chooses to attack again.  The dark blue pup had to admit that was a pretty bold bit of prey.  Huh, he could see if it wanted to be his pet after all this?  Assuming it lived at least.  Did he really want a prey animal as a pet though?  Well, deal with that later.  

Oscar had done a great job of getting the bear's attention and even pissing it off.  Good job, but why was he heading back in this direction.  As Chade ran back towards the bear his brows lifted up as he saw a chicken of all things going for the bear's eye!  What the hell was with prey animals today?  Chade had no plans to admit to anyone he was helped by a donkey and a chicken to kill a polar bear.  Well, ok, he’d tell Ry.

As the bear thrashed about to throw off the chicken Chade leaped onto his back, pressing his weight onto the bear’s shoulders, mouth clamping onto the back of its neck, snarling as it tried to throw him off also.  Chade kept his jaws locked, and when the bear finally did manage to throw him a good chunk of bear flesh remained in Chade’s mouth.  Bright red blood flowed thickly from the injury.

Chade rolled back onto his feet looking at the giant predator.  An eye gone, some damage to an arm, and that big chunk missing from its neck along with some lesser injuries.  There was no doubt who would win now.  “C’mon,” Chade called to the donkey, actually acknowledging the creature could fight. “You got a lot of power for kicking right?  I’m gonna get him off balance right over there,” Chade nodded to a sharp edge on the mountain that had a hefty drop.  “When he’s off-balance, kick him right over it!”  Ok, that time he’d actually come up with a real plan!

Chade ran in front of the bear, luring him to the edge like he wanted and hoping Oscar would be ok with this plan.  Chade lunged forward to grab the front arm he hadn’t injured yet on the bear, pulling and thrashing his head.  With one injured paw already and Chade not letting this one free to help, hopefully, Oscar could kick hard enough to let gravity do the rest of the damage to the bear.

[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
03-03-2022, 04:04 AM
Oscar retreats to the pup’s side, watching Nugget’s progress from afar. As the rooster puts its beak through the polar bear’s eye, the injured beast lets out a mighty roar. It thrashes its body, trying to get rid of the small, deadly distraction. The blue wolf sees an opportunity and rushes the bear, leaping on to the creature’s back. The small ass is moving as well, maneuvering himself closer to the writhing bear’s form and giving a short whistle. Dodging a wild swing, the grumpy donkey watches as Nugget releases his hold on the beast’s fur and starts to fly toward him. The pup is throwing his weight into the bear and doing a lot of damage, so the thing hardly notices the disappearance of one, insignificant bird.

Nugget flaps his wings hard, slowing his descent and Oscar catches the rooster effortlessly. The donkey moves back as the blue wolf is thrown off and he eyes the kid. Nugget settles back onto the small ass’s rump, grumbling under his breath about being bait. The pup calls to Oscar and he turns his closest ear to listen. With a solid plan, the donkey gives an affirming nod and watches as the wolf charges in. Oscar brays and snorts, trying to distract the bear even more and throw it off balance quicker. As the pup grabs the bear’s uninjured paw, the hurt creature raises its opposite appendage, and that is when the donkey sees it wobble.

The pup had done well, one of bear’s back legs teeters half-on and half-off the mountain side. Oscar rushes forward, spinning around at the last possible moment to plant his front legs. The ass hollers, “Let go!” before leaning into his front legs and bring his rear end up. The sickening crunch of breaking bone can be heard as his small hooves connect with the bear’s jaw. It blinks slowly and the dazed creature takes a step back, only to find there is nothing there. Its glazed eyes widen a fraction in fear but the beast’s broken jaw does not allow it cry out as it tumbles off the cliff. Moving away from the edge, the small donkey checks to make sure Nugget is alright. Once satisfied, he looks to the blue pup and says, “Nice job kid. You’re handy in a fight.” while flashing his flat teeth at the wolf.

"Oscar"| "Nugget"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby