
Modern Day Romance

Chi ♡


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
01-28-2022, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2022, 09:55 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)

Some weeks had passed since the newest brood of Klein children had been set loose on an unprepared world. Over the days, Aliana had watched her sons grow and explore the world with unbounded enthusiasm and zeal, and each day her love for them grew. It was astounding to her to watch as they each developed into their own little beings. Nothing could have made her happier than to see her little family simply existing, watching as Chimera evolved into a true exemplar of a father, not just for their pups, but for all of his children. One would think that perhaps a queen might get envious of having to share her king, especially when the king had multiple children with his other women, but not Aliana. She was simply grateful for the life he'd given her. Their relationship might not have been perfect, and it certainly wasn't traditional or orthodox, but it was perfect for her, just as he was.

Since the birth of their litter, there had been scarce precious time for the two lovers to spend alone together. Aliana felt a little guilty that she couldn't give Chimera the intimacy or the attention she knew he craved, contenting herself with knowing that her fellow queens would tend to Chimera in her absence. Now that the boys were getting big enough to venture about the island on their own, and with Dalila and Siren both readily available to supervise them, it gave Ali all the free time she needed to prepare something nice for her mate. She knew how much Chimera enjoyed them doing couplesy things together, so the ash and snow queen had put together a plan for a little date night for her and her king. With Dalila and Siren watching the boys during a stormy evening, Aliana prepared a private dinner for her and Chimera.

She'd spared no expenses tonight, gathering choice cuts of venison tenderloin that she roasted to a juicy medium rare along with a side of roast pork. Alongside the meats, she had a selection of honeyed seasonal fruits she'd found growing around the tropical island to enjoy as a little dessert—although she had an idea Chimera would prefer something else for his dessert. She had also procured a bottle of rich red wine left behind by that friendly Hallows alpha. She didn't believe she'd ever seen Chimera indulge in drink before, but even if he didn't, she felt like imbibing a bit while she enjoyed her evening with the love of her life. Ali had the spread laid out before the crackling fire in the large open hearth, keeping the chill of the damp Austerian winter night at bay and casting the entire bedroom suite in a warm orange glow.

Then the queen set about making herself presentable. She knew Chimera would love her the way she was, but she was feeling a little playful and a bit of a tease tonight. The clouded queen had found quite a few swaths of fine silks and cloths and fashioned them into gowns. She draped herself in a gown of flowing sheer gossamer, just sheer enough to see the details and outlines of her body beneath the garment, yet just in the way enough to make a present of herself her king would have to unwrap to get to. Her goal was to drive him a little wild, to let him get all of those pent up lustful frustrations out with her tonight. With her headdress in place and her gown cinched around her, Aliana gave a gentle call for her lover, then went to relax into a large pillow beside the fire, popping a piece of fruit into her mouth while she eagerly awaited her lover's arrival.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-28-2022, 11:25 PM

"Pent up" was a good way of putting it. Chimera was very pent up. With so many children running around and so much to do, there was very little time to himself, let alone time to drag one of his ladies off into the bushes to have his way with them. It was making the man irritable and he was a little snappy towards those around him. Did that make him some sort of sex addict? Probably. Did he care? Not one fucking bit.

A call from Aliana brought a low growl from the man. What could she possibly want? He imagined she was with the children, so why would she need him? Finishing his task, the King of Fenmyre moved across the island. Washing his paws in a barrel of collected rainwater, he slid open the door of the chamber that he shared with Aliana and their children. What he saw... what not what he expected.

The only light was the golden glow of the flickering fire. There wasn't a child in sight. What Chimera did see was the woman displayed upon the furs and cushions, dressed in her finery. The smell of cooked meats met his speckled nose, but that hardly mattered right now. Chimera only had eyes for Aliana. Stepping into the room, he used one hind paw to slide the wooden door shut behind him. There was a predatory gleam in his eye and the behemoth of a man widened his stance, head lowering as though he was prepared to hunt the woman across from him.

A deep growl reverberated through the giant's wide chest as he stared hard at the fancied fae. "I hope you don't like that fabric," was all that he said before he was crossing the room towards her. A bit of that old Chimera rose up within him and suddenly he was fighting with himself not to tear the woman to shreds. Instead, he snatched her up, light as a feather, and tore the finery from her altered frame. Childbirth had left her a little rounder in areas and he liked it quite a bit. The fabric shredded beneath claws and teeth like water, bits of it raining down around them. He took the crown atop her head and threw it away from them, not wanting it to get damaged in the crossfire... and crossfire there would be.

The scent of the woman filled his nostrils, intoxicating as no wine or herb would ever be. Unable to help himself any longer, the beast lifted the tiny woman and slammed her down on her stomach in the furs. In an instant he was over her, his teeth sinking into her scruff as he held her down. Unbridled lust consumed him, controlled him as he brought their hips crashing together. He didn't care if he hurt her. He would make up for it later. For now, nothing on earth could tamp down the fire within him other than Aliana. He wanted her writhing beneath him, screaming his name. Screaming anything really. He wanted to hurt her, make her bleed, claim her, devour her, dominate her and love her all at once. And he did just that.

--Fade, I suppose--

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
01-29-2022, 12:01 AM

The door to the atrium slid open and there stood her king in all his splendor, silhouetted in the doorway and looking like a veritable icon of masculinity and dominance. Aliana met his smoldering gaze with a twinkle of desire in her own aquamarine jewels, her lips parting into an inviting grin while he stepped inside and slid the door closed with a hind paw. The look in his eyes was that of an apex predator stalking his prey, a look she'd seen in his eyes before, though not recently. It excited her, thrilled her, made her pulse quicken in her veins while her breathing turned shallow. A heated pressure built in her belly the closer he stalked to her, dark shadows flickering over his features from the firelight. She knew she was his prey and yet she remained where she was, letting him devour her with his eyes before he did so with other parts of his anatomy. She gave a languid stretch of her hind legs across the pillows and furs for him, batting half-lidded eyes in his direction.

Then came that growl—the growl that turned her on like nothing else and sent fire racing through her blood to settle beneath her tail. He issued a curt threat to her attire, but before she could respond, the monochrome behemoth was storming across the room to snatch her up in his powerful grasp. Aliana gasped and giggled in delight while her king went feral, unleashing the beast she'd known him as first. He tore the delicate gossamer from her shapely body, childbirth having added voluptuous curves around her hips and bosom, her belly sleek and slim once more, and her entire form a few inches shorter since the Long Night, another added benefit for Chimera to enjoy. Aliana gave no cares for her desecrated gown; she'd worn it entirely for him to destroy, and he was enjoying doing just that. She loved watching him lose control like this, loved knowing that she was the one to get him in this state and give him that primal release he sought. The other queens all shared Chimera, and she was fine with that. But this... this was all hers.

Once Chimera had torn the gown from her body, she felt him lift the crown from her head and toss it aside, listening to the metal reverberate off the wooden floor for a second before she was being flipped and slammed onto her belly on the pile of furs. Ali grunted as Chimera's weight settled over top of her, a wide grin peeled across her lips while she waited for that first moment of contact—either from his fangs or his flesh. The teeth came first, and Aliana cried out in short yelps as his fangs tore into her scruff. Her hot blood spilled across his tongue, but the pain she felt was instantly blended with untempered pleasure as Chimera brought their hips together and she felt her mate sink deep into her. Aquamarine eyes rolled back in her head, slender forelegs stretched out to grip and claw at the furs just to hold on to anything, and her hind legs kicked and scrabbled as he flooded her with a primal pleasure and pain that had become the signature high of their love.

Chimera was her drug that she wanted to overdose on every day until it took her life. He set her ablaze just as she did to him. He owned her, claimed her, dominated her, and he demonstrated that total control over her in the most exquisite of ways. Everything he wanted from her, she gave him. Aliana writhed, Aliana squirmed, Aliana moaned and whined and yelped and gasped. But most of all, Aliana screamed. She screamed her pain. She screamed her ecstasy. She screamed every time Chimera brought her to a peak of pleasure again and again and again. And before it was over, she would scream his name louder than all the thunder in the heavens above over and over again until it was the only sound left on her tongue.

- fade -

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-05-2022, 06:17 PM

Aliana took him to heights that no one else was capable of. She was a whore for him. A glutton for the punishment that he meted out. He loved her for it. Chimera loved her so, so much. She was a dream made flesh. That someone could see the beast in him and crave the receiving end of his feral nature... he was amazed by the clouded woman every single time.

They came rising to pleasure together only to crash after like waves on the rocks. She had screamed his name so fiercely that he imagined she very well might lose her voice. Chimera collapsed to the ground after, panting growls pulling from him as he fought for breath. He couldn't bear to part with her at first, but he forced himself to do so. If he could live inside the woman, he very well might.

Only after he regained his breathing did the man get to shaky legs. He slowly moved across the room, got a dish of water, and brought it back to the woman in the furs. Once the water was placed before her, he collapsed to the ground again, wrapping Aliana in his arms and legs. His tongue and teeth found the back of her neck and he gently cleaned the wounds that he'd inflicted there. He'd bitten into her flesh, but he'd been careful not to tear. He had simply needed to claim her, to hold her beneath him while he ravaged her. Now he would take care of the damage as best as he could. Later, she could see Siren like always.

Once the wounds seemed clean, the giant lay on his side in the furs, his cheek on the ground. With Aliana in his arms, he watched her. The firelight illuminated her small, yet voluptuous frame, giving her a very ethereal look. She was his queen, his goddess. He wasn't through with her yet this night, but he would give her time to rest and would take the time to do the same. "I waited too long for you," he spoke in a soft timbre. "I won't take it easy on you this night, but if there's anything in particular that you want, I'll consider it if you ask." A game that he played. She was still the slave, begging her master for attention. Whether he gave in to her wishes or not depending on how generous he was feeling at the time. It also depended on how creative and descriptive she was with her explanations as to what she wanted.

"Chimera & Aliana"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
02-05-2022, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2022, 10:20 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)
As was his way, Chimera ravaged her in ways she could never have imagined on her own. In ways she never anticipated she would have ever wanted. He showed her true unrestrained ferocity as he unleashed his primal nature over her and within her. Aliana took it all. However rough he wanted to be, he could be. However violent and unhinged and deranged he wanted to be, however he wanted to use her and break her and degrade her and hurt her, she allowed and took what he dealt. Ali loved every moment of it. Not only because it made her feel alive—but because it made her feel like she was his. So much recently she had begun to feel that Chimera's interests were moving in other directions, but in this moment, she felt like she could never be replaced. She gave him what he craved and what he needed, this outlet he could only find with her. And that made her feel powerful even when she was being fucked like a slave or like his whore.

When their crescendoes had ended in a beautiful symphony of gasping breaths and heavy panting, Aliana lay strewn across the pillows and furs amongst the tattered remains of her gown, her fur mussed and ruffled, especially around her neck where the pallid fur was slowly staining crimson with the rivulets of her blood. Chimera might not have savaged her the way he had when he'd scarred her the first time, but his teeth had still sunk through flesh and he'd tasted her blood tonight. It was an erotic and intimate experience for the dainty demure fae. The two lay there like that, still coupled and with her lover within her until he finally withdrew from her to rise to shaking legs and stumble across the room. Ali couldn't move for some time, her entire body numb and tingling with residual pleasure as her toes continued to curl and and flex with the beat of her heart, eyelids heavy and half-lidded with a pleasure-drunk dopey grin on her face.

Chimera placed a bowl of water before her, and Aliana lifted her head to drink greedily, cooling her parched throat from the screaming he'd drawn from her while he wrapped her up in his arms and legs again. Pressed close to his muscular body, Aliana uttered quiet moans while her king cleaned the wounds he'd left on her, tilting he head down to grant him easier access to her neck. The bleeding wasn't bad, and after some tending to, Chimera would urge the bleeding to stop. Afterwards, they lay together on the furs with her back pressed to his chest and belly, surrounded by the warm glow of firelight and dark shadows drowning out the rest of the world. She couldn't see him, but she didn't need to. His intimate touch and hold around her svelte body was all she needed to know her king was here with her. Ali tipped her head back, finding his handsome face while she drank in his masculine scent, gazing up at him with heavy bedroom eyes.

Chimera spoke, his words drawing a lustful hum from the ash and snow queen when he vowed to not go easy on her tonight. "Mmmm promise?" she teased him with a little grin on her lips, slipping petite paws down to rest over his larger ones draped over her side. The shapely fae gave a not so subtle press of her hips back into her brute's, using gentle rolling motions to move herself against certain sensitive and firm parts of her mate. Then Chimera challenged her, stating if there was anything she wanted, he would consider it if she asked for it. Aliana considered his words for a moment, peering up at him with lust smoldering in her aqua eyes. She thought of all the things she could ask of him. None of them were gentle and none of them were loving. But Aliana didn't want gentle and loving tonight. She wanted to see the animal Chimera Klein was, and she wanted all of him in his most primal, raw state.

With a little lyrical giggle and a flick of her silken tail between his thighs, Aliana gave another firm, languid press of her plump ass back into Chimera. "What I want the most, my king, is for you to just let go," she purred to him in a velvety, sensual voice. "Back on Ibis Island, there was a time where you took me—and then you choked me. When you were strangling me, I saw something in your eyes. I saw a part of you I'd never seen before. And I think the only wolves that ever see that part of you... don't live long after." Aliana tipped her muzzle up to plant a long, languorous lick along the underside of Chimera's chin and jaw, keeping her supple body gently gyrating against his as she spoke. "You've unleashed your desires on me in so many ways, my Chimera. But I think there's still a part of you that you're holding back. Tonight, I want you to let him go. I want all of Chimera Klein." Her paws gripped at his forelegs around her side, batting heavy eyelids up at him while she gave a quiet, needy whine to the massive brute, hoping to unwind him. "I want to feel you all over me, inside of me, doing whatever that animal in you wants to do to me. Take me like I'm in heat, make me scream so loud my voice breaks, choke me til my world goes black and you're the last thing I see. Take me until you're satisfied like you've never been satisfied before."

Aliana wanted to be the first and only woman he'd ever fully satisfied his urges and lusts with, another confirmation of sorts for herself. Even if she wasn't conscious when he did it. With a lecherous grin on her lips, Aliana went to deliver the coup de grace to untether his feral mind, pressing her lips to the underside of his chin in a tender kiss before whispering against his skin, "You could even kill me while you have your way with me. My life is yours, Chimera Klein."

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-15-2022, 11:15 AM

With the bowl of cool water placed before her, Aliana drank greedily. He imagined she was quite thirsty after the symphony that she'd screamed out while pressed beneath him. His own throat was a little sore from the sheer amount of growling that he'd done while wrapped up within the fae.

As he made his vow to be rough, Aliana questioned him then followed by rolling her hips back into his own. Yet another low growl pulled from the giant's wide chest and he nipped at one pale ear. "Do I ever lie?" Yes, but he wasn't in this instance. And besides, he tried not to lie to his family, however brutal the truth might be. One big, black toed paw slid downward to rest upon the fae's svelte hip as if to help guide her rolling frame back into his. He rather liked the feeling of her hips dancing against him.

With his order given, he allowed the woman time to think about her request, for she would only get one. He half expected her to say something as simple as 'fuck me silly and bite me,' but Aliana went a step further. She spoke and Chimera stilled, his gaze narrowed as he looked down at the woman within his grasp. She wanted something that he couldn't give. Something that was too difficult to give. Too risky.

The comical thing about this whole ordeal was that Chimera wasn't the man that he had been when he'd first laid eye upon the petite, clouded woman. Back then, he hadn't care if she lived or died. As a slave, Aliana had been nothing more than a piece of merchandise, purchased to thrive or expire at her masters whim. Only her endless devotion to him and her willingness to take whatever abuse he chose to give kept her alive. That was the only reason that she was alive now. Aliana had given Chimera everything that he wanted at a point in his life where he hadn't been sure at all of what he actually wanted. She had held onto her life through the ups and downs of him and eventually the brute evened out. He matured. Mellowed, in a sense. Yes, he still had brutal, animalistic urges, but there were more important things than his own lust these days. One of them lay right beside him.

Though her words were fire in his veins and the proof her of affect on him lay hard against her rump, Chimera would always have to hold back. He could fuck her bloody, rend her flesh with his teeth, choke her into black oblivion, but he would always, always have to hold back.

Aliana completed her request by stating that he could even kill her if he wished. The paw that had been settled upon her hip flew up to grasp her chin, forcing the woman's aqua eyes up to stare into his own pink and milky pools. He grasped her chin hard, to the point of bruising as his gaze bore into her own. Then he released her, stroking the speckled pads of his paws ever so gently over the fae's silver cheek. "Never," he released in a low whisper. She was too important to risk. He could not be without her.

Did she not realize how important she was to him? That she wasn't just some other woman in his bed? The others knew him, but he shielded them. Chimera shielded nothing from Aliana. Again he stroked her cheek with a gentleness that was very rare for the man. "You are the only one that knows me," he admitted quietly. "The only one that knows how deep and depraved and violent my desires run." And yet she'd never seen those desires fully unleashed. She couldn't. He kept their eyes locked, his paw continuing to move over her cheek and down the long length of her throat. "That is why I can't fulfill that request. Not with you." Rather than be upset about it, he hoped that she could understand. He couldn't trust himself to go untethered with her. The draw of inflicting pain and suffering upon the beauty in his arms was far too great.

"If what you wish is simply to see me act and not hold back, you're free to watch as I do so with one of the slaves, but I can't with you." And that was the end of it. There was no room for bartering or begging. He could still ravage her, abuse her, make her unable to speak or walk the following morning, make her bleed, but he couldn't let himself free. He always had to be leashed. For her safety, for his own, for the entire islands. For without Aliana, all would burn.

"Chimera & Aliana"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
02-18-2022, 08:00 PM
Ever the caretaker of her man, Aliana drank her fill of water to slake her parched throat, then slid the bowl around on the wood floor to present to Chimera. She had heard all of the sounds he'd made while ravaging her and knew he'd likely make use of a drink as well, especially if he intended to fuck her as many times as he implied. Chimera's quiet growl as he nipped at her ear sent delightful chills down her spine that settled between her thighs. He asked if he ever lied, and for a moment, Ali shot him a playfully teasing look—but then the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she couldn't recall a time he had ever lied to her. He'd been gruff and curt with the truth sometimes, but he'd never lied to her or misled her. Of all the things people could claim about Chimera Klein, at least she could assert he was an honest man.

While she was lost in her thoughts, she felt Chimera's paw slide down her slender side to rest upon her shapely hip, almost subtly guiding her gyrating motions back into him. A little grin played on Aliana's lips; oh, so he liked that, did he? She made a mental note to remember that as she did as he silently bid her, lazily rolling her hips in tight circles against his groin, feeling the most sensitive parts of him rubbing against her as she did. It turned her on and made her feel so sexy to know he found pleasure in the simplest little ministrations of her body and simply from having her pressed so close to him. It was the one place where she felt powerful in her femininity and truly like a queen. A sex goddess whose domain was his bedroom. She would do anything, give anything of herself for her mate's every pleasure and desire, for nothing pleased her more than seeing that satisfied look on his face and hearing his ragged breathing when he came undone.

As she spoke her desires to him, Ali saw Chi's eyes narrow, but felt his body tense and quiver wit every sultry word she purred to him. The parts of him pressed up against her firmed until he was pressed hard into her leisurely rolling hips. For a moment, Aliana thought that perhaps Chimera would give in, that her king would fully unleash himself and that she would be in for a ravaging the likes of which she couldn't even imagine. But as she finished speaking, she gasped in surprise to find her king's paw moving from her hip to grasp her by the chin, tilting her head hard so their gazes held. Ali's breath shortened as she prepared for him to claim her once more—until he didn't. He refused. Stunned, Ali could only stare at Chimera as he stroked her silvery cheek with gentle paw pads.

At first, Aliana didn't understand. She had offered all of herself to her lover, giving him no restrictions with her, and he had refused. Chimera didn't leave her wondering for long as he began to explain that she was the only one who knew the real him. He kept nothing from her, hid no side of himself and shielded her from nothing. But he had to keep himself restrained because he couldn't lose her. As the behemoth's paw ran down over her long, slender throat, Aliana instinctively tipped her head back, offering her vulnerable throat up to his strong paw. She gave an especially firm push of her hips back into his arousal, whining quietly in the back of her throat to his intimate touch. All the while he spoke, Ali couldn't tear her aqua eyes away from his, falling into a trance with the handsome brute as he stroked her with such delicateness as if she were made of porcelain. It was erotic and romantic all at once, a true show of how Chimera had grown and matured as a man from the aggressive adolescent he had once been.

"I understand," she spoke with soft tones to her mate, leaning her head gently back until it was resting against his broad, burly chest. "I just wish I could soothe all of your urges and satisfy all of your desires, my Chimera." Aliana would not try to persuade or debate him over this. She knew a hard line when she saw it, and this was not one Chimera would bend on. For good reason though. She would take everything he wanted to release on her. If he wanted to make her scream til her voice broke, he could. If he wanted to fuck her and choke her until she was little more than a barely conscious toy for him to slake his lusts with, he could. If he wanted to sink his shark-like teeth into any parts of her flesh and taste her blood like an aphrodisiac, he could. But Aliana adored his love for her and respected his boundaries.

Then he offered to let her watch as he unleashed himself wholly on one of the slaves, and Ali froze. Did... Did Chimera want her to watch while he fucked and killed another wolf? A stranger to them both? Aliana's stomach twisted; she didn't know how to feel about his offer. But something in the way he said those words made her realize that he was probably doing this anyway without her knowing... wasn't he? Would it make it any different to know and see for herself? She didn't know. "Would you like that? Would it turn you on to let me watch you become unleashed, my handsome king?" she asked, reaching a petite snowy paw up to rest over his black-dipped toes still on her neck while she resumed the slow rolling grind of her hips back into Chimera's male parts, gazing up at her lover with sultry, half-lidded eyes.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.