
dangerous and sweet like a jawbreaker



5 Years

Trick 2019
02-16-2022, 10:27 AM
He took his job seriously, seeing to Lucien as he recovered. The pale man had been in much worse shape even than Erystotle had been when Chimera claimed him from the slavers. He was given plenty of work to keep himself busy, but taking care of another wolf so closely was something new. Having another wolf depending on him like this was a completely new experience and Erys had jumped into his efforts to see Luc into health.

Mostly the man slept, but that didn’t mean Erys wasn’t giving his all. His healing skills weren’t anything to write home about but Chimera trusted him with the slave. Looking after the man took most of his time, not that he enjoyed freetime anyway. But he was maybe overdoing his efforts. He didn’t know anything but full speed ahead, where he came from there were no breaks or relief from his work and he didn’t realize that habit was spilling over into his new life of freedom.

His efforts were really only obvious in how purple the skin beneath his eyes was becoming. Erys was tired, but he was so determined to work he ignored it. It was a hard habit to break. The pearlescent man wouldn’t be stopped, there was always something to be done. Right now he was making a nice lunch for his King. He knew he didn’t have to feed Chimera, he was capable of caring for himself but Erys enjoyed the task. It was one thing he could personally do for him, and that made him feel good.

As usual, when the sun reached its zenith at midday Erystotle carried the carefully prepared meal to the King’s office where he usually found him. Sometimes he wasn’t there and Erys would leave the food for him to find when he made his return. Erys knocked on the door to announce himself, but didn’t wait for an answer in case the King was not present. Despite his fatigue Erys wore a hint of a sweet smile on his pearlescent lips. He was a simple man with simple pleasures, and taking care of Chimera was his favorite.

His grin widened when his ghostly white eyes found Chimera’s form occupying the space, though he couldn’t have been here for very long. "I’ve brought you lunch, your Grace.” He said like this was not a regular occurrence. Every meal was special to the pearlescent man. Erys placed the meal, but kept his own portion packed away unless Chimera invited him.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-16-2022, 12:41 PM

The morning had started off nice and cloudy, but by midday, the sun was beating down and it was far too much for the sensitive eyes of Chimera to bear. He'd been working on the den at the dam, collecting proper wood for the flooring that he planned to install. He'd collected a fair bit too. Ducking in and out of the den, the sun baked his dark half and threatened to burn his light half. Deciding he'd had enough, the King of Fenmyre made his way back to the ferry, but decided to swim across rather than take the lift. Wide paws cut through the cool, ocean water, making short work of the swim. Soon he was on the beach and shaking the clinging water from his pelt. Now the sun could do its job while he made his way back to the compound.

Chimera stopped at one of the freshwater streams and rinsed his face and paws of saltwater. He planned to head back to the mainland after a break, so he didn't soak his entire body again. Besides, he didn't want to drench the floor in his office. A soft smile pulled at the giant's maw as the far off sounds of his children playing met the mans ears. Crossing the atrium, Chimera took a moment to dust the clinging sand from his paws before entering his office. He was barely there for a moment when Erystotle came through the door.

The voice of the man announcing that he'd brought lunch pulled Chimera's gaze around to look upon the pearlescent wolf. It was only when Erystotle met his gaze that Chi realized how haggard he looked. A frown shifted the brute's maw downwards and he motioned for Erys to place the meal by the straw mats at the center of the room where Chi did most of his work. "You look a little tired, Erystotle. Join me for lunch. Take a break." What had kept him from sleep? He aimed to find out.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
02-16-2022, 04:13 PM
Erys very quickly garnered the King’s attention as he announced his presence and crossed the threshold. Chimera couldn’t have been here very long himself, as he hadn’t even settled in quite yet. Was he damp? For a moment Erys looked up to the King and his grin brightened, Chimera had become the center of his world. He felt like so much of his life had been wasted as a captive, of both wolf and the curse Chi lifted. When the dual toned brute looked at him all Erys could see was the way his expression shifted to a frown.

Once upon a time that expression meant that he had failed, and in a way he had. Erys hadn’t really been sleeping enough, and he’d been working too hard for the state his body was in. This was nothing compared to how he’d been forced to work himself to the bone. Still, it was enough for Chimera to notice, and find disappointment in.

Mismatched ears lowered to his head as Chimera spoke to him softly, his voice didn’t match the emotions Erys was reliving. He perked softly and almost instinctually followed Chimera’s request. The pearlescent man was making progress, but it didn’t take much to revert to past habits. His little smile returned to his features, Chimera had invited him closer and to share in the meal he provided. "Thank you, my Lord.” He returned softly, already defying the order to break by setting up the meal they were to eat together.

"Maybe a little tired, I just want to work as hard as you do, my King.” He didn’t deny what he knew to be true, but so far he hadn’t seen a problem in his actions. He settled back onto his galactic hued haunches, letting his attention fall from Chimera’s intense pink gaze to the dinner at his paws.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-19-2022, 04:39 PM

The man's posture visibly drooped as he was lightly chastised for not getting enough sleep. Chimera wasn't angry with him, he simply wanted Erystotle to take care of himself. There was no reason to work himself to the bone and slip back into a state of...disrepair. The pearlescent man had filled out some, but still needed to put on some more weight as far as Chimera was concerned. He wanted Erystotle to be healthy and perhaps leaning a little towards the plump side of healthy, if he was being honest.

With the request given to dine with him, Erystotle set up the food then joined Chimera on the mat. The smaller man's words brought a soft huff of laughter from the larger. "I am fit and healthy. You are still recovering." Picking up a piece of the meat, he offered it to the man beside him. "Eat," he commanded, though there was amusement in his eyes as he held the morsel out for Erystotle to take. Once it was taken, Chimera moved on to the next piece, allowing the man to chew and swallow before holding out the next bit. He was taking from his own dish, but it didn't matter. If Erystotle wanted to eat it all, then he very well should.

"You should get more sleep," the man instructed. Having Erystotle eat from his paw was having an effect on the big man. He very much liked feeling the lithe brute and wanted more than anything to have him lick the meaty remnants from his digits. Chimera would then return the favor by licking the juices and oils from Erys' lips... but they hadn't gotten that far yet. "Perhaps you need a bit of strenuous activity to help your body prepare for sleep," he suggested... suggestively.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
02-20-2022, 06:00 PM
Erys needed to learn how to really take care of himself. His well being was never a priority, but being with Chimera was changing that. He needed more sleep, he needed to fully recover. As the King said. He was fit and healthy, something Erys was familiar with and the blush on his features revealed that fact. "You’re right, my King.” He could keep up with Chimera one day, but for now he still needed to finish getting healthy. Not that he was sure he’d ever really been healthy to the degree Chi took care of his wolves.

Dark paws went to pick up the first morsels and to Erys’ surprise he lifted the bite to his own lips, with a soft word that left little room to argue. Not that the pearlescent man was about to object, he was surprised though. Silvery white eyes lifted to Chimera’s features as he timidly nibbled the morsel offered to him. That wasn’t the only bite either, as he swallowed shortly after Chimera presented another, and this one was taken just as delicately.

Chimera spoke softly to him as he was being fed, he mentioned Erys’ needing more sleep. It did sound like a command, but it was one that came from Chimera’s worrying over him. Erys hadn’t ever been worried over before. Chimera was a lot of firsts for him, and sometimes it was hard to even believe he was here after so many years of abuse. He put him at ease, however free he was the command from his King was guidance he craved. He needed structure, he needed to be told to eat more and sleep more.

For a moment Erys didn’t catch Chimera’s suggestion. Confusion crossed his features as he swallowed another morsel. He’d been told to take a break, and the connection from hard work to strenuous was too strong. But Chimera meant something far different from Erys’ first thought. A bashful grin overtook his features as he realized, and he leaned in a little closer. "Do you think so?” His vibrant galaxy tail wagged lightly at his hips, brushed against Chimera’s as he did. "How does someone so fit and healthy,” he chuckled as he used Chimera’s words. "Prepare for sleep?”

"Erystotle Atlas"