
cool southern breeze



02-07-2022, 06:56 PM

The central cavern where everyone gathered was deserted at this time of day, which meant that it would be relatively easy to get a cooking fire started with no interruptions. This high up in the mountains, the air was bitterly cold despite the season, but there was a warm breeze coming up the ridge from the ocean to the west. Having carried the coals from their forge in a covered bucket along the craggy slopes, it was much easier to get the fire going than if they'd tried to start it from scratch. Instead, it was merely a matter of feeding them until a few logs could be added to the blaze. A cooking spit was set up from the long tines of caribou antlers that had been shed and discarded on the steppes to the east, with a sharpened spit run through the bighorn haunch and then balanced across the supports. Perfect. While that cooked on one side, it was time to go out searching for some clean snow to melt for water.

Massive frame carried the titan with practiced ease down the slopes of the col until they were meandering along a less travelled area of the deadly ridge. From a rocky overhang ahead hung a series of wicked looking icicles. Well, those would be far easier to manage than snow or ice sheets, wouldn't they? They picked their way up the slope until they could get a better view of the long spires of ice glittering in the mid-afternoon sunlight. It was easy work to grab hold of a particularly thick one with minimal inclusions of pebbles and debris locked away inside, and with a jerk of their impossibly powerful neck muscles they dislodged it from the overhang. The showering of snow that fell onto their face and into their ears came as a surprise, met with a heavy snort that mingled with a soft yelp. "Co'd! Co'd! Nosh, co'd!" they whined aloud, shaking away the light dusting of snow that was clinging to their lashes, whiskers, and inner ear fur.


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-07-2022, 09:03 PM
Being without a home was proving more troublesome than she thought. There was nowhere for her to store meats, craft with ready-made tools, or bed down comfortably for the night. Out in the elements, all alone, made her mind question if this had been a good idea or not. After much debate around whether she would simply go back to rebuild or stay for her revenge, Tenshi had decided to go with the latter. This was something she needed to see out for the time being. Unfortunately, there was nothing left for her on the other side of the ocean. She may as well make the best of it for now.

Keeping to the higher peaks along the western sides of the land, the titan of a girl enjoyed the bitter cold that whipped across her face. Attempting to avoid as much of the heat as possible, she shouldered the winds that swept up from the ocean. Surely, she could find a place to rest for the time being. As she trekked across a narrow path, her nose began to twitch when the scent of something cooking and the smolders of coal caught her attention. Her body froze as she assessed which direction before heading toward a cavern's opening. Thankful that it wasn't far off, her piercing blue eyes watched as a bunch of snow tumbled from somewhere above.

Eyes widening for a moment, she hesitated until the sound of whining echoed toward her. Her motherly instincts kicked in as her golden paws rushed her over to where the ivory and obsidian speckled wolf was making noise. Stopping a few feet away, her gaze looked him over initially for any superficial wounds before realizing that they weren't terribly hurt. Unknowingly, a rush of air escaped her lips that she didn't know she'd been holding. Why had a stranger made her so worried? Frustrated with herself, she still couldn't resist not ensuring that the wolf was at least alright. "Are you okay?" Her slightly gruff and thickly accented tone reaches out as she closes the distance between them.


02-16-2022, 04:46 PM

A feminine voice, heavily accented and insistent, piped up from somewhere behind them. A soft grunt of surprise escaped them, and the monochrome wolf turned to see a massive fae looming nearby. She looked perfectly at home amidst the jagged rocks and snow, and her thick fur spoke to a life in the cold- not unlike they and their ilk in this very range. As the question registered in their brain, belatedly of course, they bobbed their head affirmatively. There was still a large icicle clasped in their jaws, which they quickly dropped into the snow to beam impishly at the titanic dame. "Yes, I just got snow in my eyes- didn't expect it!" they rumbled sheepishly, ears tipping back towards their skull for a moment.

"I was just starting to cook dinner, would you like to join?" a quizzical tip of the head, and a gentle wagging of that plush banner against their hocks. The tenets of the clan encouraged sharing and benevolence, which should be extended to any who wandered into their territory. "There's more than enough to share, and it looks like the weather is going to stay clear for the next day or two." they added, partly to stress the lack of imposition by the strange fae, and partly simply for the sake of reassuring her that her journey back down the slopes would be safe the next day if she stuck around.


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-21-2022, 10:58 AM

The monochromatic wolf before her was equal in size to her. Which wasn't surprising and almost comforting. Wolves from her land had tended to be larger in size due to the need to fight off larger predators such as bear and moose. Her features relaxed when they exclaimed that they were indeed okay and hadn't been hurt. A breath of air released from her lungs that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "The snow can be quite dangerous," Tenshi heeded quietly to the wolf as her head tilted gingerly to the side. By the looks of it, the wolf didn't appear out of place and cared not for the lump of snow that had fallen.

Continuing her silent assessment, her ears pricked at the offer of food. Quietly, her stomach rumbled in protest. She needed to eat. Nodding slowly, Tenshi let a smile grace her steely expression. "A nice meal sounds pleasant," she agreed as she looked past the wolf toward the cavern not far off. Her attention then turned upward to the clear sky as she let out a huff of agreement. Not that she cared much for the weather. Sunny days or turbulent storms never bothered her much. If she needed to travel, she would. "I appreciate the offer. Can I help some?" Her common tongue was still shoddy at best, but it was at least understandable.