

Sedna x Raijin litter



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
02-16-2022, 11:25 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2022, 05:54 AM by Sedna. Edited 2 times in total.)

The basics

Feeling the ticking of her biological clock, Sedna is following in her mother’s footsteps and has found herself a baby daddy. Because I am terrible and try to avoid planning anything OOC, nothing is set in stone for these kids. Will they stay in the Armada, or will Sedna pack her stuff and set out to raise them as a loner? Will Raijin swoop in and sweep her off her feet? While it is certain dad will be in the picture in some capacity, there are no OOC guarantees with regards to what you are buying into until the threads happen.

What is guaranteed is a professor mumma with a chaotic streak who wants to see her kids be all they can be, two older half-siblings causing a ruckus around the place, a new pack of koi relatives springing up in the south, and some sexy firey spacey designs up for grabs!



I (Nacho) work full time and have kids. I understand life happens and I don’t want to be policing activity for these kids. That being said, I am not above killing inactive characters off for the drama. Once they reach 50 posts or hit their first birthday (whichever comes first), they are yours forever more, but I reserve the right to use them as plot fodder if you abandon them for 1 OOC month before that point (unless we’ve discussed it, my/our DMs are always open).


Sedna would lean towards giving her kids botanical names, bonus points if they are toxic, double points if they are Japanese. You can find some inspiration here. and here.


Sedna has retractable deer fangs and glowing crystal shards, Raij has a cute bunny tail and sabre teeth. Both are heavy and dire, though Sedna hasn’t always been, so all builds/heights are welcome. Mutations welcome but not necessary. Likewise, all alignments welcome (as long as actions are justifiable IC).

As I’ve said, if you would like to drop one of these kids, murder or kidnapping can be discussed for the plot fodder. Incest related plots will be discouraged and there will be IC consequences if they happen.


Pups will be born on March 13 so to allow for time to get everything together, players will be chosen on March 3rd. Additionally, I know it can be nerve wracking posting an app publicly, so if you would prefer, you are always welcome to DM your applications through to myself and Kristen.

Designs: (or BYO)

Sedna has had a number of run ins with the witches bathwater, drinking it and shaving a year off her life in 2020 and taking a dip in early 2022 resulting in her coat changing and a growth spurt occurring. Feel free to get creative if you want to bring your own! Throw backs on mums side could include chocolates, silver black phases and russets with silver or peach/orange eyes.

Designs by Nyssa

Designs by Salt

Designs by Bones

Designs by Kristen

Designs by Nacho

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (50% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b> Mutations</b>: (Optional)
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b> Alignment</b>:
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]



2 Years
02-16-2022, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2022, 12:27 AM by Lucian. Edited 9 times in total.)

officially rakusupa
male ─ x small (19") ─ light ─ neutral for now ─ bisexual ─ intel x healing
by skelle

Appearance Description:
── Mutations: perhaps sabers or sedna's teeth, undecided currently.
Lark is positively tiny for a boy of his lineage, although it isn't something that he lets get to him. His frame will always be childlike, thin and with little muscle besides any forced on his bones through training. Stealth and speed are his strong suits, strength and stamina never being on the table for a boy so tiny and frail. Borderline feminine, Lark takes pride in his appearance and bathes often, smelling of whatever aromas he chooses at that time.

A shadow of his mother, Lark even looks like one. Split between almost-black and muted purple, with the splotchy koi design of his Japanese heritage it's quite difficult to tell whether he's more grey or more purple. It appears as though he is black with purple splotches, and within some of those are even darker, actually black specks. His limbs brighten into a more vibrant lavender with white speckling accents across the front of each paw. White accent specks appear across his body although focus heavily on his face. A large white spot sits atop his forehead, surrounded by white speckling in a wide 'U' shape underneath. White also swells underneath each argent eye and dots down his face as if they were tears.

Personality: i really dont have the energy for this, i wish i hadn't procrastinated rip. Small and quiet bean, people watcher but sneaky. soaks up information like a sponge, learning quickly. generally friendly, but not overly so. ambivert. playful. moms n'th boob, learning everything he can from her. inquisitive and adventurous. accident prone. sassy, also known to be bossy.

Intended plots: probably mature into making sake? idk yet.

Lucian is a mature character with an adult themed past. Hover for details at your own risk.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-16-2022, 11:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2022, 12:07 PM by Laeta. Edited 10 times in total.)
Okay now I’m actually done I swear-
Out-of-Character Name: Talia
Character's Name: Ajisai (Aji for short)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 40" (36" plus 4 inches from Prezzies)
Build: Light
Appearance Description:
Reference Here

One could say Aji’s coat is the epitome of equal parts elegant, equal parts adorable, plus some space panda in between! Her base coat resembles the freshly fallen snow in an untouched field - crisp, clean and not a speck of dirt or wayward tuft to be found. Aji isn’t quite so vain but keeps herself presentable whenever possible. The only blotches of true color that dares interrupt the silent serenity of her smooth, perfectly medium-length fur are those purple nebulas that seemingly give one a view into the universe itself - all carefully collected on the woman’s slender, graceful form. Much resembling her mother in the coloring organization of clouded nebulas and dotted stars that almost seem to twinkle in the rips, yet also bearing resemblance of her father within her nub tail and koi-like splotching, she is a sight to behold. The striking combination of panda markings over her elegant peach-hued eyes and slender ears will surely attract attention of many kinds as she gets older. Her patterning is as symmetrical as they come, surrounding her slim shoulders and willowy hind legs like the mammal she resembles - though she is anything but lazy and burly. Her build is for speed - light like a rabbit, swift like one too, pefect for races and long-distance runs she’ll come to enjoy. She carries herself with the elegance of a ballerina, tall but not lanky, muscular but not bulky. She is the sole dancer, runner, and ruler lf her own galaxy, inside and out.
Mutations: None
Personality: Aji doesn’t quite carry the same naïvete and unabashed joy of her siblings, even when experiencing the world and its inhbitants for the first. For no truly known reason, she’s born restrained, restricted, as if poised to be proper and stiff. She doesn’t really fit in with others - her words don’t fall smoothly from her tongue as her beautiful, confident appearance and graceful strides would suggest. She’s not shy, and yearns for connection, but often needs prompting from her littermates and parents to do so. She tends to dissociate, wandering around a world of her own creation inside her head, and it canmake her lose sight of a conversation or her tasks clearly. Despite her awkwardness socially, she isn’t meek and she certainly won’t take shit from others. Push her too far and you’ll see what she keeps so tightly hidden under wraps, a fierce banshee unwilling to back down until she feels she’s won her verbal wars. Her stumbling tongue holds a fire beneath, and she’s honest, oftentimes brutal. Though not a fighter, her well-concealed temper is enough to make her an opponent of proverbial battles. With her family, she’s close, and tends to stick to them - reluctant to see them out of her sight when she’s younger, but soon realizes how she enjoys being alone when she’s a bit older. But she’ll always have a soft spot for them, treating them with a dignified monotonous tone that’s filled with affection that she can’t quite express. In all, she’s proper, stiff, awkward, but can easily switch and be bold and sharp-tongued if needed, and certainly loves her family and friends and will hold them close to her.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Skills: Healing & Nav
Intended plots:To develop ICly but I can see her clinging to her mom and wanting to learn anything and everything about herbs. She’ll quietly patch up her brothers and sisters after tumbles and spills but may soon try and innovate new ways of making the healing process less painful and more smooth, like finding new ways to combine herbs or new ways to craft splints. She’ll travel far and wide when older to try and meet more healers to bring knowledge back to her pack. But anything goes, and sometimes things pan out differently than planned.
comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



1 Year
02-16-2022, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2022, 03:36 PM by Noëlie. Edited 29 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Salt
Character's Name: Sayuri or Himawari, leaning toward Himawari >.>
Gender: Female
Adult Height: Large
Height: 36 Inches
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:

Based in a deep brown, Himawari's coat draws elements from both progenitors, leaving no doubt in one's mind just whose child she is. Bright orange koi markings litter her spine, fading into a deep purple as they trail down her sides, ending just before her limbs. White splotches break up the monotony, forming a skull-like marking that frames her face, as well as dotting her back and tail, and running part-way down her back legs. Her front paws are dipped in orange, matching the tufts of fur in her ears, and the markings that underline her eyes, which are the same color deep brown as the majority of her coat.

Her silhouette boasts a large frame with a medium build, a bobbed tail, and a pair of saber teeth.

Mutations: Toofers
Charismatic - Dutiful - Warm - Ambitious - Stubborn - Blunt - Competitive - Rough Around the Edges

i'm all talk with a thorn in my side
i've got a real big heart
that i'm willing to hide

While charismatic and warm, Himawari can be a little rough around the edges, and even overbearing at times. Her respect is earned, not given, though she isn't rude for the sake of being rude. She is ambitious and dutiful in accomplishing her goals, but far from boring, as the girl is always down for a good time. She is passionate and free-spirited, flexible when it suits her, but stubborn when her beliefs or opinions are challenged. She can be proud, though not to the extent of vanity, and while she exudes confidence on the outside, she struggles internally with the feeling of not being good enough. She definitely takes on more than she can handle and spreads herself a little too thin. She is fiercely loyal when it comes to her family, though she can be a bit overcritical and has a tendency to nag since she isn't always the most delicate or considerate when it comes to other's feelings, but she does her best.

As she ages I expect she'll have a power and presence reminiscent to her great grandmother, Elettra, with a taste for challenging herself and pushing her limits.

(I kind of view her as an overbearing older sibling, but like.. the cool overbearing older sibling if that's a thing xD)
Note: Personality and alignment are always subject to change through IC events

Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Skills: Healing and Intellect or Healing and Nav
Intended plots: I prefer to let things play out naturally IC ~



02-16-2022, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2022, 12:36 AM by Boneset. Edited 3 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Fig
Character's Name: Burūberu (Beru for short)
Gender: Male
Adult Height: Dire
Height: 43"
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description: Dis one
As a child Beru will likely remain in a comfortable state of 'you're pretty tall for your age!'.  He will be chunky and non-threatening.
The boy will grow to be quite handsome, there's no denying that.  Rich caramel hues make way through his midnight black coat in a way that might remind one of the remnants left behind after a world-shattering solar flare.  His eyes are a brilliant and almost hypnotic shade of gold.  Beru will big, like.. really big.  As an adult he'll tower over most wolves at a height of 43 inches, and if that weren't enough then he also just so happens to be covered in a thick layer of muscle.  

Mutations: Just the dire height

Personality: A real momma's boy, but besides that Beru is intelligent, daring, curious, cunning, and extremely ambitious.  As a pup the boy wont have much of a filter when it comes to things that are appropriate to talk about and things that should definitely be kept to yourself, which will likely lead to him stepping on some toes on more than one occasion.  He will talk far too much and ask ten questions too many about anything and everything.  A real trouble maker and a huge handful.

He will grow to have questionable morals and won't mind throwing someone else under the bus to advance his own agenda if he thinks he can get away with it, though he would never do such a thing to a member of his immediate family or anyone with obvious disability.  Beru loves anything that involves problem solving, as keeping his brain sharp is extremely important to him.  In fact learning in general is exciting, it doesn't even really matter what the subject is.  He likes to know how people and things work so that he can later use that information to his advantage.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Skills: Intellect and Fighting

Intended plots: Gotta let that happen IC I think.  Puppy shenanigans and charismatic evilry



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
02-17-2022, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2022, 05:28 PM by wicked. Edited 17 times in total.)
okokok I think this is done but also like, is there a possibility I keep improving on it until apps officially close? ... yeaaaaah <3

Out-of-Character Name: wicked
Character's Name: Potato
Gender: male
Adult Height: 40" I think
Height: extra large
Build: heavy
Mutations: if I can get my hands on an inheritance pass he'll get mom's fangos
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Skills: fighting & intellect
Intended plots: I would like for him to have some kind of relationship with his siblings as they get older, as well as both parents, but the terms of that relationship will develop IC. As he ages (maybe around a year) he's going to start trying to insist that people call him Tate, but it's sorta up to IC development if the nickname sticks or not. Also I 110% see him starting up a gambling ring of some sort in the future??? Looking forward to seeing his adult personality develop, but I know that it's absolutely going to include "terrible commitment issues."
Other: (sorry I added my own category to your application ily) I made him a quick moodboard

this design
Potato is a big boy, there's no two ways about it. While not the tallest, every bit of this boy is broad, strong, and dense. It will take this boy some extra time to grow out of the puppy fat stage, and he'll be a late bloomer. Though it doesn't seem to bother him much (he knows he's handsome), he'll be the chubbiest of his siblings. Around the time he hits his second birthday, that's when you'll see it-- the glow up will be incredible. When he finally grows into himself, Potato's build echoes his father's. Stacked, sinewy muscle and pure strength. Similarly, this boy bears a striking resemblance to his father when it comes to facial features.

And then there's his coat. Potato's base color is a rich brown, skewing towards red undertones. Rusty highlights illuminate his shoulders, and play in the places where the sunlight hits the most. This coloring is also expressed as subtle masking beneath his eyes. White markings play down his topline to his tail, snake around both right legs, and trail across the left side of his face. Potato's fur is dense and protective. His eyes are a peachy orange, dimensional in nature, and ever-alert.

Equal parts the tall boy that little old ladies ask for help getting things off the top shelf at the grocery store and the punk giving the cops the finger as he longboards past drinking a shoplifted monster

With a name like Potato, you learn not to take things too seriously. No, really, he like... can't take pretty much anything seriously. Especially authority. There's a real 'stick it to the man' streak in him, and he's going to be a rebel without a cause from birth until the day he dies. It's a fire that will never go out, for better or worse. For Potato, anyone claiming to be an authority figure is to be treated with extreme suspicion, and likely not to be trusted.

He absolutely loves to take risks. A betting man by nature, he'll quickly learn to take calculated risks. Tipping the scales in his favor, saying what he needs to in order to get what he wants... Potato will learn. He'll always learn. He'll develop an eye for body language, both as a way to see if others are believing his ploy and to see if he's being scammed himself. Maybe it'll take a little trial and error, soon he's going to be not just good but incredible at it. Dad was a prodigy, and he's one too. Still, much like his mother, Potato knows when to speak and when to listen. Never mistake silence for ignorance-- perhaps this part of his mother's personality makes up the very best of him as well.

Dripping with charm and prone to flattery in ways that might get him into trouble, Potato is always down to clown. He'll try anything once for better or worse. Young and headstrong, it's going to take him a long time to realize that actions have consequences. Consequences... ha! Eventually he'll learn that what goes around comes around, until then he'll probably get knocked on his ass a few times. That's okay though, because he's always going to get back up again. Nothing can keep Tate down.

potato archer-lyall-genji
I've never been one to
halfass shenanigans


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
02-17-2022, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2022, 05:45 AM by Bunni. Edited 3 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: bunni
Character's Name: rheum
Gender: female
Adult Height: medium
Height: 30"
Build: medium
Appearance Description: click (not sure i want to go with this one)
she is beauty, she is grace, she will punch you in the face. cloaked in darkness with a splattering of bleach across her body, she enjoys not standing out. two bold eyes of soft cream stare at you, asking questions and demanding answers. oh, how easy it is to wrap someone around her little fingers if she wants. her slim legs and body hold strength in different ways compared to her burlier siblings. like a shadow slipping through the night, she blends in well. one maroon marking across her sides extending up from her elbows displays the only real color about her. unlike her other siblings, she was gipped in the mutation department and appears as normal as any other wolf out there.
Mutations: n/a
Personality: rheum the kind of kid that is lazy as all get out. don't ask her to do anything because she'll most likely bribe someone else to do it for her. she'll rub you the wrong way just for shits and giggles then come around and cuddle with you to make up for it. very aloof and detached, she doesn't really care to stick around the gang. don't get her wrong, she loves her fam and always will. preferring to be independent and strong by herself, she'll defy anyone who tells her she can't do something. intelligent, coy, and sometimes devilish, she'll be the one to push you over the edge to do something bad. not as selfish as one might think she is, but she can tend to give off that vibe. if she can get away with something without lifting her finger, she will. while there's no malice in her body and she won't wish harm on anyone, she won't turn a blind eye if someone gets hurt. that's just the way life is, ya know?
Alignment: true neutral
Skills: navigation / fighting
Intended plots: to annoy you c:



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
02-17-2022, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2022, 08:46 AM by Hanzō. Edited 5 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Ali
Character's Name:Tachibana (Tachi)
Gender: Male
Adult Height: extra large
Height: 42
Appearance Description: no.3 edited!
Simply put, Tachi is a Morganna throwback with a space-koi twist. Like his grandmother, the base of his coat is a soft chocolate brown and is accented with darker swathes that have rough, dappled edges. Akin to koi markings, if they cared to at least try and be subtle. Flecks of bright orange are spread across his form, all the way from the tip of his short nubby tail to the freckles upon his cheeks.

Speaking of his face, it's a handsome one. The lines of his jawline and muzzle are strong and defined, paired with surprisingly soft eyes that are a bright and clever orange. His expressions very rarely dip into serious territory, favouring smiles and smirks that don't always meet his eyes.  Like his sire, long canines dip from the length of his muzzle. In terms of build, Tachi is a tall and lanky boy. He’s mostly leg and so doesn’t carry much extra meat on his bones, setting him apart from the beefcakes of his bloodline. He's swift and agile on his paws, and more often than not holds himself in a very relaxed, laid back posture.

In all, he's a pretty twink?

Mutations: An agility mutie? Idk if they have an actual physical thing or not. Teeth from his dad? May change to mums.

Personality:  Tachi is happy to be just another face in the crowd. A supposed voice of reason amongst the chaos and snark of his littermates. He makes a point of being friendly and approachable, an honest and boring nice guy who’d offer the food in his mouth if someone wanted it more. But there is always a catch with Tachi, he doesn’t do anything for free and what he wants in return isn't always worth the price of admission.

Beyond the happy smiles and fake charm, the real Tachi is a little more complicated. Like any good Archer, Tachi thrives on one-upmanship. Being better and letting everyone know for a fact that he is indeed hot shit. Despite what it may seem, he doesn’t go out of his way to be manipulative or conniving, he’s just the sort of guy who will point out that you ought to look at the fine print before getting involved with him. Read between the lines. He doesn’t believe anyone is good just for the sake of it; everyone has an agenda and Tachi is no exception.

When it comes to his family, Tachi spares them the worst of his antics. After all, you don’t shit where you eat.

In all, he’s mostly harmless. Jk. Unless?

Alignment:Chaotic neutral
Skills: Fighting and intellect.
Intended plots: Wanna play it by ear. Want lots of family shenanigans!
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



3 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
02-17-2022, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2022, 03:43 PM by Cendrillion. Edited 2 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Higanbana (Higan for short)
Gender: Male
Adult Height: Extra Large
Height: 41"
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: This one! (Edited eye color)
Higanbana doesn't wholly resemble the spider lily that provides his name, but there is a sort of ethereal danger and beauty to him, same as the death flower. As an adult, he will stand an impressive 41 inches tall though he will never be quite as built as other wolves he is well balanced, neither overly strong or overly light. He has a sort of softness to him that belies his true strength, which works just fine for him. He walks with a sort of saunter, clearly confident in himself.

His coat is short and coarse, the base of his coloration is white, fresh, and snowy. But he is covered in splatters of yellows, oranges, reds, and blacks. These colors start as a mask along the top of his face, moves up to cover his ears in full, and then slides down the side of his neck, over his forelegs to their midpoints, his underbelly, hocks, and the top of his tail, the markings are clearly influenced by his koi blood.

Higan's whole package is wrapped up in a nice little bow with his eyes, a pair of brilliant dual-toned orbs. The majority of his eyes are a bright pink but the bottoms of his iris contain a bloodred color, like that of his namesake. Finally, a pair of small retractable fangs peek out from under his upper lips like that found on a water deer.

Mutations: Waterdeer fangs
Personality: 150 words
Intended plots: (Optional)
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

[Image: vLNuVP4.png]



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-27-2022, 05:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2022, 05:39 PM by Sirius. Edited 2 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Sea
Character's Name: Wisteria (Wisp for short)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 23”
Height: 23”
Build: Light

Appearance Description:
Tones of deep purple encase the majority of this lady’s coat. Colors so dark they could easily be mistaken for black. A roaring fire starts at her shoulder blades and burns down her back in the colors of a flame. The swirling pattern seems almost to glow with the intensity of its colors. Her tail is a darker, muted flame and her paws are dipped in faint grey.

Her eyes are light and soft, a striking comparison to her coat. A tone of sweet purple, like the flowers of a hanging wisteria. A trail of white sweeps lightly down her face, originating from her left ear and grazing beneath her left eye.
Mutations: sabre teeth
Personality: Small and nimble, this girl loves to run. She loves open fields and the feel of her paws thundering beneath her. She’s likely to run head first into trouble before she realises it. Her fierce nature however is just as likely to get her out of it. She’s not one to back down from a fight. She wants to be strong and independent and reliable. She wants to learn, especially the art of healing from her mum.

She wants to be a fighter too, with big dreams of being able to use her body as fluidly as a warrior. Small motions, and big impact. She’s not above using her small height and sweet eyes to her advantage. She’s a cute wee thing, and she knows it. She’s fiercely loyal to family and friends, and would take the secrets of her siblings or parents to the grave if it was asked of her.
Alignment: lawful neutral
Skills: Healing and fighting
Intended plots: (Optional)



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
03-03-2022, 02:19 PM
Thanks so much everyone! You made it so hard to choose and I wish we could have more! Hopefully there will be another chance next year <.<

Congratulations to Wicked, Salt, Fig, Ali and Bunni! We look forward to seeing how these kids grow!
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]