
The Summer Bonfire Festival

For Hallows wolves and ALL Carpathians


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
02-17-2022, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2022, 08:15 PM by Artorias. Edited 1 time in total.)

Artorias had waited until Auster had a few consecutive dry days—a rare occurrence in the southern continent's winter season—before holding their summer bonfire celebration. This would be the first time the Hallows held the event, and he wanted it to go off perfectly. Not only would it mark the coming of age for himself and his siblings, but it was also the first time all the Carpathian children had been back in Hallowed lands since their mother fell ill. This felt like a long time in the making, and while Artorias gazed at the large pile of dry lumber, deadwood, driftwood, and kindling that had been gathered from the Shimmering Shore and nearby forests, he couldn't help but reflect on how far they had all come. Every wolf in the Hallows had faced their own trials and tribulations, and by the grace of the gods, had somehow overcome them all. They were all still here, all reunited, all still one family. He hoped that his mother would be proud of them and their achievements.

As the sun slowly fell into sunset and early evening and stars began to appear in the twilight sky, the Aegis felt as if she was there with them. This was the time of day when the worlds of the living and dead seemed to blend, just like they had half a year ago. Artorias wished Resin could still have been the culmination of their efforts to bring her dream to life. "I miss you, Mom," whispered Artorias into the gentle breeze that rippled over the plains from the coast, golden-orange eyes drifting closed for a moment as if doing so would reanimate her before him again.

When his eyes reopened and he was still alone, Artorias breathed a sigh and grabbed one of the jars of flammable oil, pouring it over the bonfire until it was doused, then repeating the process with a second jar. The oil would help keep the fire contained. Once prepared, Artorias lifted his head and called for his family and for all of the Hallows wolves who wished to attend to celebrate their birthdays with them, and also those who wished to use the bonfire to pay their respects to lost loves, friends, and family. Then he sat and waited, gazing over at the large spread of food and drink set up buffet style on several blankets of furs like a picnic. Tonight would be a chance to celebrate and be merry, but also a time for catharsis. Once everyone who showed up had gathered, he would ignite the fire and the festivities could begin.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
02-17-2022, 09:39 PM
Although Grimshaw had come down here to visit partly because it was all of their birthdays, he hadn't really expected an actual party. Maybe a dinner or something, but not an actual party. As soon as he heard Artorias call just after the sun set, he immediately stopped and swallowed the lumped that had formed in his throat. While he hadn't been avoiding him entirely since that night a few very short nights ago, he wasn't really looking forward to crossing him again. Or worse, Briar. Could he even look her in the face? Probably not.

Though, he knew if he didn't go, things would get more awkward later. Art would come looking for him and then what? They'd be alone all over again and he didn't want to stop and think about the other night, let alone set them up for a second event. Not that he was ashamed or embarrassed or anything, he was actually quite the opposite. Some shame and embarrassment came with the territory, but not for anything other than who it would affect if they found out.

He didn't exactly take his time getting to the plains, but he certainly tried not to hurry. Unfortunately, he wasn't exactly far from the place Artorias called from. When he had arrived, and only saw his brother, Grimshaw seriously debated turning back and waiting until someone else showed up. Maybe Bowen or Daphne would get here soon to distract him or Art or both. He stood in the brush instead, hoping he would go unnoticed until someone else arrived.

Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-18-2022, 05:00 PM

Out of all the Hallows wolves that would surely come over at the Aegis’s call, Laeta was likely one of the more unexpected. She was not of Carpathius blood, nor knew the young leader as well as others, or his family. However, she had much to owe him for offering her a home when she was at her lowest. In some extension, he might’ve even saved her life - who knows what could’ve happened to her if she had chosen to remain on Boreas - her thin body wouldn’t be able to tolerate another harsh, naked winter there. Even the winters here, wet as they were, were warmer and more pleasant. She loved Auster, loved the Hallows, and was certainly in great gratitude to Artorias himself. Everybody of this pack was kind, generous, and had as much warmth to give as she herself. There was much she could say about how this place had changed her for the better, and as her thin but healing body wobbled across the land, she glanced up at the sky every so often, as if searching for a sign from her mother. Oh, how proud she would be that she’d endured the most hellish of injuries, the most horrible mental anguish, and sruvived it all. It was really a miracle of all miracles, she the Hallows wolves were a trememdous part of her recovery thus far.

Mel nervously shuffled next to the she-wolf, his muscular brawn acting as a crutch next to her lanky limbs, that trembled with each cautious step like a newborn fawn. He’d nearly blanched when Laeta mentioned she’d wished to stop by this event the Aegis had seemingly prepared - having been tired of being restricted to the castle grounds for so long, it would be a wonderful change of scenery. The plains were just so peaceful now, even as the events of the Long Night still left a bitter taste on her tongue - thank goodness fireflies weren’t anywhere to be seen. As the monochromatic woman approached, she realized she hadn’t seen her leader since, well, just before the Long Night had taken such a cruel hold on them all. He looked taller, more mature, yet had the same warm expression he carried when he first encountered the woman upon her joining all thise months ago. Ruby eyes looked at the male as she gingerly padded towards the festive layout, marveling over it before looking back st him with a wide smile. Mel stood quietly, not wanting to say much as he helped steady her on her weak legs. Her body looked bony, more hollowed than their initial meeting, and certainly not well yet - but her gaze held the most happiest of glimmers.

"Artorias," She said, offering him a polite dip of her head - she was still still in her joints and neck, but nonetheless was able to take a seat at a respectful distance, "It’s been so long. What a wonderful setup you have here!" She prompted her badger to sit as well as he plunked down next to her, worriedly checking that she wasn’t going to fall over. They’d certainly walked a good distance from the castle, but it was clear she was brimming with pride at her accomplishments post-paralysis. She’d gone from barely standing up to walking, albeit heavily assisted, to the plains. It was no small feat, that was for sure. She waited for others to arrive, ensuring that the rest of the Carpathians would have room to sit by their brother.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-18-2022, 06:59 PM
She was pregnant. The thought was still foreign but she was slowly getting used to it everyday. Waking up to Romulus' smiling face, remembering they were going to be parents soon.. It was both riveting and exhausting. She was still nervous about everything and those feelings were obvious in the way she more frequently lost her breath. She was sure it was no big deal, she was just letting her anxiety get to her. Lillith had nothing to worry about, she had Roman beside her and some of the best healers in Auster to help her through any struggles.

When she heard Artorias call the pack together for a bonfire she knew the distraction would be just what she needed. By now it was pretty obvious what her condition was. Her scent said it all, but she barely started to boast a pooch. Still, even that little growth had her heart excited and her belly full of butterflies. She told Ulric and his acceptance had really allowed her to embrace the situation. Unplanned or not this was what she wanted.

This was the first time she’d face the rest of her family now that they were far enough along. And as Roman escorted her out to the plains she wore a huge grin on her features. Along with her joy there were the thoughts of her own mom. Lil hadn’t even had them yet and she knew she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving them. She thought about her and everything she would miss and had missed. How much she didn’t even deserve to be called her mother.

Lilith shook the thought as she paced along with Roman to find a comfortable place to sit. Tonight was about celebration and remembrance, but the only remembrance she wanted to do was what not to do herself. Lil leaned into Roman’s shoulder and yawned, already feeling tired despite the early hour.




2 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-19-2022, 06:35 PM

Daphne had only held off her departure for the sake of being here for this. Her memories were coming back in fits and bursts, enough for her to know their last birthday had been the beginning of the end. She had made her mind up to head out back to Boreas in the morning, so she would be mindful to not overindulge tonight. She kept a pleasant smile on her face, masking her own anxiety as best she could. It certainly looked like it was going to be a big event, so she would settle herself off to the side, somewhere near where her nose told her Grim was lurking. If he wanted to join her, he would be more than welcome, but she wouldn’t come right out and out him.


I could use some friends for a change
Daphne’s memories have been taken by fireflies in a trenchcoat
[Image: Daphne-Chibi1.png][Image: crossfitdaph.png]


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-20-2022, 12:07 AM

Being so close to the Aegis of the pack, Bowen was privy to certain information. She knew that the bonfire would be happening tonight and she knew some other things as well. Things that made the woman chuckle internally. Oh... the Carpathians... The information didn't bother her at all. The whole ordeal seemed natural to her. She was a lover of both sexes, so why would she judge if others were as well. As the call came and Bowen made her way through the plain, one of the wolves in question came into view. Stepping up beside Grimshaw, Bowen stood on tiptoe to place a kiss upon her brother's cheek. She noted the apprehensive expression on his face and could feel the tension pouring off of him. "Come on," she prompted her sibling to follow. "It's not a big deal and no one will judge you. Especially me," she chuckled softly, bumping her shoulder against Grim's leg. "I'm sleeping with him too." Boy, was she.

Pulling away from Grimshaw, the lithe little fae moved across the plain, her long, silken tail hissing as it slithered through the long grass. She did much the same as she'd done to Grimshaw, coming up alongside Artorias and rising up on tiptoe to place a kiss upon his cheek. Others were filing in and Bo didn't want to keep all of his attention. Okay, she totally did want all of his attention, but she knew that she couldn't have it. He was the Aegis and this was his show. She definitely wanted to drag him off into the long grass and give him a little 'remembrance' of her own. Still heavily in her heat, Bowen didn't plan on being in the thick of the festivities. She would eventually find a place off to the side where she could be on her own until it was proper to leave. In fact...

Bowen leaned into Art's shoulder with her cheek for a moment, then pointed off into the distance where there was a little rise on the plain. Pulling away from him, she made her way there, turning in a little circle before curling up in a neat little ball, her long tail circling around her. She'd still be able to feel the heat of the fire from here, but she wouldn't make anyone uncomfortable with the pheromones that drifted around her like an invisible aura. Bo didn't really feel the need to mingle. She was content with remembering on her own.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
02-21-2022, 08:52 AM


Night beginning to draw over the horizon when the call from Artorias rang out. Lifting her head from her paws where she lay upon her bed, Audra waited a few moments. Her body tensed as she noticed that Avantika was nowhere to be seen in their room. Another night of her girlfriend patrolling. It was all she knew now and her heart was starting to ache. Letting a quiet sigh, Audra knew she couldn't not attend the summer bonfire. Getting up with a long stretch of her petite legs, the fae made her way out of the castle and over the grounds.

Calling to her bobcat, Mack, who had been out hunting, the feline made a quick approach to accompany her. At least she had him to help keep her negative thoughts at bay. Attempting a wistful smile, the two similar-sized beings crossed through the tall grass until the large bonfire was roaring in front of them. Glancing around hesitantly as others also joined, Audra looked for a familiar face. Not far off to the side, she saw Laeta with her badger. Excited to see the once-paralyzed girl had made it safely, Audra wandered over to her.

Casting a quick nod in Artorias' direction, she took a seat beside Laeta with Mack curling up behind her. "Laeta!" She chirped, her smile brightening as her fur warmed before the blazing flames. "I see y-you're doing much better," her voice is a quiet hum of newfound happiness as her singular eye looked the girl over. Definitely not as frail-looking as she had been before. "Sir Mel, I s-see you're doing w-well too," she mentioned as she leaned around Laeta for a moment to nod at the companion. "S-speaking of! I-I'd like to i-introduce you two to M-Mack! He w-won't say it, b-but I think he's grown q-quite attached to me," Audra voice brightened as she lifted her chin to glance at the bundle of fur behind her. The only acknowledgment she received was a grunt and a flick of the ear.

Maybe attending the bonfire wouldn't be so lonely after all.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise


"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
02-21-2022, 08:03 PM

Avantika knew she was slipping. It happened over and over and over again. She'd bid Audra good night usually, sometimes she'd even get into bed with her, waiting with her heart racing as her girlfriend's gradually slowed, but no matter what, she always ended up here. Staring at the horizon like there were lightning-fast enemies right there, ready to sprint over the line as soon as she glanced away, she would run the patrol for hours. She didn't get much sleep anymore, but she couldn't sleep if she didn't fully exhaust herself to the point of nearly fainting on her feet first. The pull of impending doom was magnetic, impossible to drag herself away from. Nothing happened. But it could.

The call for the celebration came. Avantika stared out at the horizon for a moment more, now standing statue still. Did she really have to go? Sure, she should. But what if something happened out here while she was busy being selfish and partying? She realized the direction of her thoughts and vehemently shook her head. She couldn't miss one of the Hallows' celebrations. It was her adoptive siblings' birthday season, too. She had to wish them a happy birthday, at least. And one face kept appearing in her mind's eye. Audra. Her beautiful, amazing girlfriend. She didn't want to face her. But she needed to talk to her again. She needed to kiss her and feel safe like she never could anytime else. It was a dangerous feeling, security. Some wolves were adrenaline junkies, but that soft hug of safety was the drug Avantika would chase until it killed her.

Avantika scanned the faces as she always did, grading herself on how many wolves managed to arrive before her. Her score? Not great. But it was one particular face that her eyes were drawn to. Audra was already there, sitting with Laeta. Kaata and Kit flew down to roost on both of Avantika's shoulders as she moved over to her love. "Hey," she said softly, a touch of apology in her tone. She wouldn't talk to anyone else until Audra said whatever she wanted and they had a good conversation for once.


Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
02-22-2022, 01:29 AM

Briar's ears perked when Artorias called for them to join him at the bonfire and she smiled gently as she got up from her work to go out to the plains, Marigold staying behind to put away a few odds and ends so that she wouldn't be held up. She had hung back to let him do this on his own since she knew this was an important event for him, only helping where he wanted her to, but she of course would be there for him. She walked out toward the unlit pile of wood, spotting Bowen moving away from Artorias to go sit a short distance away from the group. She wondered for a bit if she should go sit with Bowen once the festivities were in full swing.

She knew they were both still trying to figure out how to navigate each other, but she was determined to find at least an amicable middle ground. They had made a lot of progress, but her own irrational jealousy still nagged at her occasionally. When her turquoise gaze landed on Grimshaw for a brief moment she was reminded of the conversation she and Artorias had regarding his adoptive brother and her ears flicked a bit before she pulled a small smile onto her lips for the male. She didn't know how to feel about that situation just yet, but it didn't strike quite the same jealousy in her that Bowen did.

Briar stepped up along side Artorias, giving him a loving smile as she turned her full attention onto the man she loved. She kissed him lightly, her tail swaying gently behind her. She had left it unbraided for the occassion, her coat groomed meticulously as usual with a subtle sheen to the fur, her tail silky and flowing out behind her. She was always pretty particular about her grooming and bathing, but since this was her first Hallows event as the Queen of the Hallows and the first time she'd be in front of a good portion of the pack and all of his family she wanted to make sure she made a good impression. She leaned into his shoulder affectionately for a moment before taking a little step away to sit so that she was still beside him but just behind his shoulder so that she could be with him but not in the way as he began the bonfire and greeted the other guests.

"Briar Fatalis"


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
02-22-2022, 02:02 AM

She had felt strangely antsy since she returned from going to see Ysmir in her brief stint away from the pack. It was almost as if now that the door had been reopened for her she wanted to just keep going through it. She missed the Fireside male whenever they were away from one another, but she tried to keep herself from going back too soon. She didn't want to feel needy or clingy on him. There was also a small part of her that hoped that if he did really want to see her and be with her then maybe he'd come to visit her instead and they'd take turns making the trip like she had suggested. For now she tried to keep herself busy as much as possible to keep herself from thinking about it too much. It was what she always did, making herself productive and useful to avoid confronting things she didn't know how to address.

She was in the middle of restocking some of the herbs in the storage they had in the infirmary separate from the larger pharmacy, the things that they usually needed to keep on paw at all times, when she heard Artorias calling for them. She stopped in the middle of putting away from marigold flowers, her ears flicking uncertainly. She had forgotten about the bonfire he had been planning and she very quickly tried to clean herself up a bit, smoothing out her fur and straightening up the circlet that sat on her brow. Eilwen shooed her out the door before she could try to find a reason to not go and she sighed as she walked out of the castle and out toward the plains.

There was plenty of familiar faces—some more familiar than others and some that she hadn't seen in a long time, but were still familiar all the same. She spotted Grimshaw's dark frame and blinked with surprise and was maybe even more surprised to see Daphne sitting near her adopted brother. She hadn't seen either of them in an age and she wondered what Artorias had done to get them here for their celebration. She hesitated toward the outskirts for a moment before finding herself a spot somewhere that was close enough to the gathering crowd that she could say she was attending and was with the others without feeling overwhelmed by the crowd. She smiled gently, looking over toward where Artorias was standing with Briar near the wood that would eventually be their bonfire and waited for it to begin.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-22-2022, 02:05 AM

Fern knew the bonfire festival was drawing close and she had busied herself making small gifts for the Carpthius siblings. After picking Rudy’s brain for details about what each wolf liked, the gray girl had tried her best to get them each something special. Six small, wrapped bundles lay on the table before her and counts them, again. A seventh gift waits in the room Rudy and Fern share, where she can give it to him in a more private setting. Nodding at the number she finds, six, the gray wolf casts her gaze to a set of two pieces of clothes. It is simple, one laid on top of the other with a pressed sunflower resting between the layers. A small, sad smile passes across her light lips as she looks at the tied cloths. The call rings out Fern knows it is time to say goodbye to her mother.

Quickly and carefully, Fern moves the objects into a small pack that she then slings around her neck. Stepping away from the table, the gray girl grabs her wooden training sword from beside her and Puff moves to help buckle the scabbard into place across her back. Giving everything one more quick inspection, Fern nods to herself and the girl and stoat head out toward the plains. Rudy had promised he would find her, that he would be there on time but… he isn’t. Wolves are already gathered and her ocean-hued eyes cannot pick out the motley gray boy. Giving the absent wolf a small shake of her head, the gray girl moves to join the others. Smiles are offered to everyone and respectful dip of her head is given to Artorias.

Fern settles near the back of group as she does not want to interrupt any conversations or draw attention to herself. Taking a deep breath, the gray girl sits under the twilight sky on the soft grass and waits.

"Rudyard & Fern"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
02-22-2022, 02:12 AM
Ezra was in the courtyard of the castle with Syanna, hanging out with her under one of the shade trees. He was so beyond smitten and he just kept waiting for the moment that felt right to finally bring up how he felt, but none of it felt right. It just felt like he wanted only the very best for her and wanted to really show what she meant to him and he had no idea how to do that. For now he just tried to love her in the few ways he did know and hoped that was enough to at least scratch the surface. He stopped in the middle of nuzzling her cheek when Artorias called for the rest of the pack to join in on the bonfire that he had been going back and forth preparing most of the day. Ezra smiled and slipped Syanna a quick kiss before he got to his paws and walked with her out to the plains to join the other wolves that had begun to gather. He walked over to where Lillith and Romulus were sitting, giving his sister an affectionate nudge with his nose to her shoulder and offering her boyfriend a nod before he settled down on his haunches. He waited for Syanna to settle in beside him before he gave the top of her head a kiss, giving her a grin before he turns his attention up toward his best friend to see what all he had planned.

"Ezra Adravendi"



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
02-22-2022, 02:23 AM
He had kept to his time table of leaving with Eska to begin their travels despite the news that Lillith had given him, but he did decide to keep close to The Hallows through her pregnancy and birth. They still traveled a bit around Auster, but he was pretty much always close enough to visit often and check up on her and was close enough to be easily found by one of the pack's birds if needed. They were just in the gardens when Artorias' howl went out for the pack to gather for an event of some kind and since that felt like an innocent enough reason to be there he decided to trot over to the plains to join into the group that had gathered. He didn't want Lillith to think he was being overbearing with his worry, but he did want to make sure she was doing okay. When he arrived he only saw Lillith and Ezra out of his children so he moved toward them, giving his son a grin and an affectionate tap of his paw on the young man's shoulder before he looked to Lillith and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. He offered their respective partners nods as well before he settled on his haunches near them, turning his attention toward the pile of wood just waiting to be turned into a bonfire.

Ulric Adravendi


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
02-22-2022, 05:21 PM
Artorias had let her know about the event he had planned for the evening so as they neared sunset she helped Kane get the pups down for a nap and left him with a kiss to pupsit while she went up from the shore where they had been staying to go up toward the castle. She had just gotten to the top of the hill to go past the castle to the plains when she heard Artorias' howl and she smiled, glad that she had timed it almost perfectly. She didn't rush to get to where the bonfire had been set up so once she got there there where quite a few wolves there already—including all of her older children. Well, almost. She didn't see Rudyard in the crowd just yet, but she was hopeful that she'd get to see him while she was here. A surprised, pleased smile pulled across her scarred features, her tail wagging happily as she picked them out of the crowd. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen them all in one spot, including her adopted children, and she was honestly blown away and so happy that Artorias had managed to do that for their bonfire celebration.

She went to Gwynevere first on the outskirts of the celebration, her sweet daughter as much of a loner as ever. She gave her a kiss on the cheek before she went to do the same to Avantika, offering her a grin before she went to find the others. She went over to where Daphne and Grimshaw where sitting, giving her daughter a loving smile and a quick hug before giving Grimshaw the same affection. "It's so good to see you both," she told them sincerely before moving off to where Bowen had made herself into a caramel and cream doughnut off to the side. She gave her wild adventurer a kiss on the top of her head and then went down to where Artorias was standing by the soon to be bonfire next to Briar. She gave the young woman she had first met as "Zeelet" a sweet smile and reached up to put a light kiss on her cheek as well. Even if Briar wasn't her own flesh and blood she was practically her daughter as well with how often she had been in The Hallows growing up and she fully expected Artorias to make her his mate sooner or later.

She then turned her attention to Artorias who had arranged all of this and she grinned, sitting back so she could lift her forelegs to wrap them around his neck in a hug, forcing him to stoop so she could kiss the top of his head. "I can't believe you got everyone here!" she told him quietly, her happiness at this fact clearly visible on her expression. "Well... almost everyone," she added with a chuckle and a little roll of her eyes. She loved Rudyard dearly and wouldn't change him for the world, but he was always a bit of a mess so she wasn't even surprised that he was the one running behind. She stepped away to join the crowd then, deciding to go sit with Daphne and Grimshaw since she hadn't seen them in so long and didn't often get a chance to see them.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-22-2022, 05:42 PM

Some time had passed since the discovery of Lillith’s unexpected pregnancy, and with each day that passed, Romulus found himself becoming more and more comfortable and excited at the prospect of being a father. He had panicked at first, certain he wasn’t ready and would be ill for for the role. But with the soul bearing and introspection he and Lil had done that first night, he committed to being the best parent he could be. Whatever these children and his lover needed from him, he would move mountains to give them. He didn’t think it would be possible to ever be fully ready to be a father, but he’d do his damnedest for them.

When Artorias called for the pack for the summer bonfire festival, Roman helped Lil out of the castle and down to the plains to join the rest of the pack for the celebration. His lover was starting to show a small bump in her belly where their perfect little surprises were growing healthy and strong with each day. Already Roman had taken a fondness to snuggling Lillith with his paws wrapped around her belly, holding the most important things in his life close whenever he could. This would be the first time any of her family or the rest of the pack saw any visible signs of Lil’s pregnancy and he was somewhat anxious, not that he anticipated any sort of judgment from her family. Ultimate had been so accepting and supportive when he was certain the Adravendi patriarch would want to bury him alive, so he could only assume everyone else would be happy for them too.

Roman returned Lillith’s grin as he escorted his lover out to the gathering of their friends and family. He didn’t think he had anyone to pay respects to, since all of his family was alive and well when he’d left home, but he did have cause to celebrate! Picking a spot on the soft grass near the others, Romulus settled in to snuggle beside Lil, gently nuzzling her forehead. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" he asked when she yawned. Lil hadn’t been very ill throughout her pregnancy so far, but his usual protectiveness was amplified tenfold now that she was carrying their children.



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
02-22-2022, 05:55 PM

A light giggle escaped Syanna while Ezra tickled her with his nose nuzzling through the fur on her cheek and behind her ear while they relaxed together out in the garden beneath one of the many magnolia trees, giving a playful swat at his muzzle. She didn’t know if he was still recovering from his season of pining for her while he’d been away for work, but the big dopey dire wolf had been extra affectionate and cuddly with her—among other sorts of physical affections—lately. Not that she was complaining, of course! She adored the way he dawned and doted over her and made her feel with his very Ezra brand of loving. Sometimes he was ridiculous and incorrigible, but it was part of his charm.

When Ezra leaned in again, Syanna was sure he was about to pounce all over her until Artorias’ call interrupted them, making her laugh and flash Ezra a playfully scolding grin as he kissed her quickly. "Behave yourself, big boy. I think the last thing your family wants to see is you getting too drunk and trying to get frisky," Syanna teased him, swatting his hip with her bushy tail as they made their way to the bonfire gathering. When they took a place beside Lillith and Romulus, Syanna settled her smaller frame into the side of Ezra’s side, shooting him a look and a grin back when he kissed the top of her head and responded by slowly brushing her tail against the inside of his thigh from where she was lying pressed into his side.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-22-2022, 07:15 PM

Serenity seemed most absent from everything, though she was always lingering over the castle walls and doing her duties on patrols and hunts for the pack. But she would never miss out on the opportunity to gather with the rest of the pack. Despite her more secluded and hermit nature, she did enjoy being around others and she was pretty open when given the opportunity. It was just hard for her to put herself out there or make the decision to.

She came to Artorias' call, joining the gathered wolves but sticking closer to the back of them looking towards the prepared bonfire. Finding her spot in the circle before settling, she waited to hear what Artorias' would have to say in opening.



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-23-2022, 07:05 PM

Rudyard was late but it wasn’t his fault!  He shouldn’t be all that late yet, this would be called fashionably late?  He had chosen to hunt before the party started and he’d made sure there was plenty of time.  Days of no rain but of course Rudy had found the muddiest spots to splash through somehow while chasing the deer.  The shade of trees refused to let the mud dry fast enough and Rudy hadn’t felt going to a party coated from the chest down in mud the best way to show up.

It had meant a quick swim and some fast bit of plucking off med before he was finally clean enough to run to the party.  How many would have noticed he was ‘fashionably late?'  Probably Fern, she’d be there waiting for him after all.  The rest of his family had enough to do chatting with themselves and the rest of the pack, hopefully.  Oh well, it probably wouldn’t surprise anyone either.

Rudy slowed before he came into sight, a casual relaxed walk and not that of someone rushing in a guilty hurry.  His fur from chest down wasn’t soaked but it was still damp.  Rudy spotted Fern in the back around and moved silently up behind her with a wicked grin but, they weren’t alone.  Rudy hadn’t started any surprise pounces on her and while it sounded like a fun way to start things off they were at a party.  The motley wolf settled for pushing his shoulder into hers and a fast rub of his head into her chest.  The latter meant affectionally but also his head was still itching like crazy but he’d pretend it was just for affection.

Glancing ahead of Fern he grinned to the different members of his family as he spotted them, “Let’s go closer to the front, hm?” Rudy wasn’t much of one to stay at the back part of a crowd!

"Rudyard & Fern"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
02-24-2022, 07:31 PM

It didn't take long before the members of the Hallows began to show up to answer his call. Artorias greeted Laeta, the first wolf to show up with the widest smile and amazed eyes when he saw the small woman walking on her own. It was nothing short of a miracle the recovery she had made since the Long Night! She took a seat some distance away after greeting him, but Artorias was having none of that. He marched up to his wolf and went to throw his forelegs around her in a warm embrace. "Laeta... I was so afraid we would lose you," he admitted softly to her and her alone. His heart felt full seeing her mobile again. "It's been far too long, and I'm sorry for that. We should go adventuring together sometime soon." he hadn't quickly forgotten how she had introduced herself as a traveler when they'd first met. They might not have had much time together, but the Aegis committed then and there to rectify that mistake.

Drawing back, Artorias returned to his place, greeting Lillith and Romulus with a smile and nod as they arrived, Lil's pregnancy just beginning to show. Daphne appeared, and Artorias met his sister's anxious gaze with a gently reassuring smile. He would never be able to say just how happy he was that, even for a brief time, their family was back together. Even if life pulled them in different directions, they would always be family. As if on cue, the moment he began thinking of his family, the lighter hues of Bowen appeared, and as she paused by some brush, that was when he noticed Grimshaw hovering off to the side. Amber eyes saw his brother's silver ones and his expression lightened, giving him a little smile from a distance until Bowen came up to kiss his cheek. He returned the kiss to hers in turn, then followed her gaze to the solitary hilltop a short distance away. He nodded his head in understanding; he would seek her out once everything was underway and tended to here.

Audra arrived, conversing with Laeta after a nod to him, followed by his other sister, Avantika, whom he watched head directly for her girlfriend. He knew what they were dealing with, and gave them their privacy. It was easy to do, given the next face to arrive brought a bright smile and glistening affectionate eyes to his face. Briar stepped up to his side and kissed him, the Aegis returning his Queen's affections with wagging bushy tail. Gwynevere was next, greeted with a similar affectionate smile, and then a nod to Fern when she arrived. Odd to see her without Rudyard, but Artorias had to remind himself that this was Rudy, and it wouldn't be like his brother to arrive on time. Ezra and Syanna joined Romulus and Lillith, and then Ulric, followed by Tamsyn.

Artorias watched with wistful eyes while their mother greeted each and every Carpathian with the love she was known for, even extending it to Briar when she approached them. He didn't want to think about how they were all losing their mother, even briefly, and how empty the Hallows would feel without their matriarch around. Still, he put on a brave face and smiled wholeheartedly when Tamsyn came to him and threw her arms around his neck in a hug, her dire son having to bend down slightly to fully embrace her in a tight hug, like he could keep her from leaving if he squeezed hard enough. "It wouldn't be Rudy if he wasn't late," he remarked to his mother's jest, chuckling before finally releasing her to go join the group. Serenity showed up just as the sun was disappearing below the horizon, their ever present watcher on the walls. Then, just as he was preparing to begin, he saw the patchwork form of Rudy appear by Fern, shooting his brother an exasperated smirk.

"Thank you everyone for coming. Tonight, we celebrate the Hallows' first ever summer bonfire festival. This bonfire, meant to commemorate the light the Hallows shines in the night, is also a chance for us to keep the spirits of our friends, family, and loved ones we've lost alive. As the fire burns through the night, so too do the memories of those we keep close in our hearts. I invite everyone to either light a candle or add a torch to the fire in the name of anyone you wish."

Artorias turned his attention out towards his siblings next, warm amber eyes moving over each of their faces. For the first time since their childhoods, all of the Carpathians were home. It was almost enough to bring a mist of teal-glowing tears to his eyes. "This year, the bonfire will also be a special celebration for us all. Two years ago, my mothers not only established this pack for us, but also brought my siblings and I into the world. As we reach adulthood, I'd like tonight to be the chance to look to the future for us all as much as we look back on where we've come from and how far we've come. I love you, my brothers and sisters. There's no one in the world I'd rather call family."

With his poignant speech delivered, Artorias turned and reached for a torch from a small pile of oil-dipped torches and candles, striking a piece of tinder and flint to spark the torch to life. The glow of the fire grew at the end of the stick, and Arteries lifted it in his jaws, gazing at the pile of wood for a moment, reflecting on Resin's memory as he tossed the burning torch into the pile. The dry, oil-soaked wood immediately caught fire, flames licking and spreading through the pile until it was engulfed in a matter of minutes. Artorias stepped back while the flames climbed higher, the heat pouring from the bonfire like an ocean wave, the bright orange glow keeping the darkness of the fading twilight at bay. Once the fire had grown to a substantial size, the Aegis turned back to his wolves. "Celebrate and remember, my friends and family. We have plenty of food and drink as well, so enjoy yourselves, Hallowed wolves!"

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2022, 04:47 PM
Roman escorted her from the castle, at her shoulder and by her side like he always was. Ulric had been able to retire as any care or protection she needed had naturally shifted to Romulus. The closer they became the tighter their lives were bound to where they were now with her pregnant with his puppies. She was excited, and much of her nerves had transferred to Roman. Yeah she was worried about a couple of things, but she had him there supporting her. He would make sure everything worked out to the very best of his ability and that fact alone comforted her. He’d taken to holding her with his paws around her belly, holding her and their unborn children close. She wasn’t sure there was anything sweeter.

Happy thoughts played in her mind as the two of them approached the gathering and took their place. Her family was quick to gather round, Ezra and Syanna were the first to sit by her, and she nudged Ezra’s shoulder in return. Then Ulric was there and Lil leaned into his kiss, again amazed at how accepting he had been through her whole relationship with Roman.

They settled in and while they waited for Artorias to begin Roman nuzzled against her ear and asked after her well being. She was feeling a little breathless, but it was probably nothing. "I’m fine,” she grinned and leaned into him, sneaking a little kiss to his chin. Artorias voice was then asking for their attention.

Lil didn’t have anyone she wanted to remember. Maybe her lost sister but she would be better off forgetting her mother all together. She’d left when they needed her the most, even sweet Lillith couldn’t find it in her heart to forgive her. Lil leaned into Rom and tried to smile politely as Artorias spoke from his heart. She looked up to Ulric, feeling incredibly fortunate that he would be here to know his grandpuppies.

She returned her garnet gaze to the bonfire that was lit as Art invited them all to join him. Lil applauded when Artorias concluded his speech exuberantly and the mood was set. She felt like this was some kind of beautiful dream as she leaned into Romulus and watched the flames rise.
