
birds of the same feather




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-10-2022, 09:21 AM
Her haunches wiggled in the air as her paws stretched out in front of her. With the sun lingering overhead during a bright afternoon, Celeste had taken it upon herself to go visit the doves on the nearby island. Pecking at the sands on the shore, the white-feathered birds cooed softly. They didn't particularly seem to mind her except for when her companion would come pouncing out of the nearby shadows. Their wings would flap in displeasure before settling back down on the ground to peck away again.

"I'll catch one of you, I promise you that," she whispered in her native tongue with eyes focused on the group. Flicking her tail back and forth, she pounced forward into a cloud of feathers unsuccessful. Letting out a disapproving grunt, she turned on her paws and rested once more in the shade of a tree. This time, laid out with legs stretching across the sand. Her aquamarine eyes watch the birds until a sound nearby catches her attention. Turning her chin to look over, a familiar shape causes her head to tilt. "Oi, Cy!" Celeste calls out with a smile as her cat settles in to curl between her legs.



4 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 3 Worship
02-25-2022, 02:13 AM

Cy was learning all she could about the lands Ashen controlled. Sure, there was combat training to do as well, but that could wait until she had more time with Oki. The wraith had become his responsibility, somehow. It was the exploring that she could do on her own. Right, as long as Cyanide framed it in such a way that she was learning the boarders and familiarizing herself with all of the territory they controlled, it seemed like she was doing her job. She was getting away with exploring, and she was getting away with something that was probably closer to shirking social responsibility. It's not her fault that she's more than a little feral, okay? Cyanide was a sharp creature, all elbows and teeth. Elbows. Teeth. Quick wit. A silver tongue. Razor sharp. It's kept her alive, it's kept her going. She's not the most well equipped when it comes to actually having to be part of a pack, at least when it comes to actually behaving.

Could she contribute? Yeah, and she'd do it well. Could she endear herself to those in positions of power, more than enough to keep herself safe? Probably not.

She tried not to think on it too much, though. The future was a fickle beast, and Cyanide wasn't really interested in entertaining hypothetical scenarios. No, for now, she'd learn each of the islands in the chain. She'd learn every damn thing she could about the lands on which the pack sat. Cyanide would do what she could on her own, and when Oki came back she'd have him train with her. That was all she could do for a plan. It's in her exploring, though, that she hears her name. It's a voice she recognizes, at least a bit. Celeste. Ah fuck, what's she done now? "Hey," she changes course. "Sorry if I crashed your hiding spot," the words are casual, offering a smile. Shit, why does she have such a hard time with smiling? Really, Cy's smile was mostly teeth, but at least she's trying.

[Image: f8y68ba.png]
[Image: aOnym4W.gif]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
03-03-2022, 08:43 AM
Stretched out like the languid beauty she was, her aquamarine eyes watched the obsidian girl notice her before approaching. Giving her legs a stretch so that her companion could get comfortable, she nearly couldn't hide the odd expression on her face when Cyanide grinned at her. Well, if that was the girl's smile then so be it. A short giggle leaves her lips as she gives her head a shake. "Crashed? Not a bit," she muses, considering standing up, but laying out in the shade felt better.

"Actually, I'm glad you wandered by," Celeste's voice pauses a moment as she thinks through what she wanted to say. "I know Oki's decision probably wasn't the best idea for either of us, but we might as well make the best of it," her own lips curl up in the friendliest smile she could muster. Picture Regina George smiling at someone who you know she's not exactly friends with. Sweet with a hint of gossip and mischief, yes. Patting the patch of grassy sand near her, she nods her horned crown in that direction. "Come sit, we can, I don't know, gossip, or I can teach you some words," she leans back now to drag a paw across her cat's side. His gentle purrs are quieted by the lull of waves rolling against the nearby shore.

"I'm sure Oki is a considerate guy and wouldn't try to push it on you to learn Nihon, but maybe you can use it to surprise him," the mischievous glint is back in her eyes as she watches Cy. Whether Oki wanted both of them, neither of them, or would eventually pick one, she figured she might as well make a friend out of it. No sense living in a pack and not getting to know the others, right?



4 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 3 Worship
03-06-2022, 12:59 AM

Sharp. All of her is sharp edges and rough corners. She doesn't apologize for that... hell, she doesn't even know how to apologize for it. Cy wouldn't ever need to. She'd hold onto that fact. Gods, she'd never need to apologize for being herself. Sure, she was still working on being okay with herself, but at least she'd never feel the need to apologize. It wasn't like the insecurity would eat her alive, certainly not. No, she's not insecure beside the pretty, petite girl. The girl who, now that her fur had returned, was actually quite pretty. Nope, no reason for Cyanide to be insecure except for... basically every reason. Socially competent, pretty, and charming. How could she ever compare?

The wraith isn't sure if she trusts the smile coming from Celeste, she's not sure at all. Well... what else could Cy do? It's better that she treat the girl with whatever kindness she could muster, right? Fuck, sure. Good enough. She'd offer a smile as best she could (it's mostly teeth, maybe more of a grimace, sorry.) Oki's decision... right. The thing that had landed them both here, and in the crossfire of whatever this was. Cy hadn't even had the chance to decide if she liked him or not before she'd agreed to be here. Why did it sting so much, then, being here with Celeste instead of on her own? More than likely, Kuroki was being nice in bringing her here. He was just being nice. He was invested in Celeste, not Cyanide. She'd be delusional to think otherwise... but she could dream? Not that she would dream either.

And still, she moves to the girl's side, she takes a seat. Long legs stretching out before her, sinking to the soft sand. At least it was comfortable enough. Cy's gaze sets on the woman before her, chin resting on her paws. "Gossip? I'm listening," her grin was... well, was trying at casual. Trying, but likely not actually making it happen. The whole situation was weird, but she could... try? Holy fuck how does she even pretend to handle this?

At least her offer was kind. "I dunno how well it'll go, but you can try to teach me if you want," her tail wagged a bit in the sand. Around them, the sound of the waves and the birds somewhere not so far off. At least it was a nice afternoon, a nice backdrop for it all. Cy could hope.

[Image: f8y68ba.png]
[Image: aOnym4W.gif]



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
03-15-2022, 07:45 AM
Celeste was actually quite surprised when the awkward and grimacing girl came to lay by her side. If anything at all, her first impression of Cy had been well, rather bristly. The girl didn't appear too comfortable being around others, but perhaps she wasn't used to socializing. It was all that Celeste knew. Socializing and catering to others was how she was raised so it came easy to her. Though she was glad that Cy had agreed to indulge her lazy afternoon offer and soon her aquamarine eyes warmed up to the idea.

Shooing her cat away to go out into the grasses beyond the beach, she shifted her petite body into a more comfortable position. "Hm, yes, gossip. I haven't spent too much time with the others, but something does seem a bit off," she said casually, her expression fluidly changing to something more curious. Maybe Cy had heard something different. It was in Celeste's nature to be nosy, if not a bit brash, but she tried her best to be smooth at it. Even if Cy had nothing to share, Celeste could at least teach her some of the native languages. Knowledge was power, right?

"Nihon can be a bit difficult, but with practice, you'll do great," Celeste offered, her smile turning into a grin as she glanced over to Cy. "We can start easy," her mind drifted a bit here to pick out where to start. Ah, yes, they could start with greetings. "So, to say hello would be konnichiwa, ko-ni-chi-wa," she said it slowly so that Cy could hear each syllable and the differences in pronunciation. "Or, if you really want his attention, you can just say oi with a bit of a growl and I'm sure his head will turn," Celeste watched Cy carefully to see if the girl got it before moving on.