
Slow Down You Crazy Child



Master Healer (255)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

3 Years
Extra large
03-12-2022, 01:11 PM

Ulmaria was growing rapidly, now at two seasons old she was starting to grow out of her puppy fluff and into a leaner, lankier version of a wolf. While not her full size she was much bigger than she used to be and with the growth in size was a growing striving for independence. Ulmaria felt good with how her healing skills had progressed but she felt there was still a lot to learn as far as her fighting skills. Apart from her siblings she didn't dare fight another creature solo. Well, siblings and the battlefield. Though every time she'd ever gone she'd been accompanied by her uncle. He was always there just in case things went really wrong.

Ulmaria strode along the river side debating about heading north to the Battleifeld herself so she could experience her first truly solo fight. The Battlefield wasn't that far north, not really, so maybe she could go up this morning and still get back before bed time. Álarr had headed back toward Fireside so there was one less adult to worry about. Valentine, Motif and Jupiter were probably occupied with tending to the other pups so it was now or never. Preparing herself for the journey ahead she strode closer to the banks of the river as she looked for the best place to cross. She certainly didn't want to try swimming the river. They'd crossed at a point farther back so she'd likely need to cross at that same point if she didn't want to struggle to swim across.

Lost in her thoughts she almost didn't notice the strange scent that drifted in the wind. She caught it for just a moment and then it seemed to fade. Her ears twitched, seeking for the sound the scent belonged to. It was somewhat familiar, almost lion-like and that made her fur stand up on end. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. It sounded much better in her adolescent brain but now that she was off by herself with only her companions she was starting to feel much more nervous about being out on her own. Maybe it was time to turn back.

Ulmaria turned around only to see something moving in the bushes ahead, blocking her from the path she'd originally traveled. Out of the brush emerged a large, striped cat. A tiger! Ulmaria gasped. Oh shit! Her hackles stood on end, her tail tucking between her legs as she took a few slow steps back. What should she do? She couldn't fight this cat all on her own and if she screamed would it pounce? There was no way anyone was going to arrive in time even if she did yell. Her only hope was that someone happened to be nearby and notice she was in trouble but had her luck run out on that account. The tiger padded forward, its head lowering as its eyes fixed unblinkingly on her. Shit.

Ulmaria snarled and snapped at the cat, trying to make herself look as big as possible. The tiger's ears twitched and it pausded but just for a moment. She shrieked as the tiger pounced, launching itself toward her. She ducked down darting right underneath the cat and just managing to sneak out behind it. She hadn't escaped unscathed. The tiger's claws hand cut the top of her right thigh as she scooted under it and now, not even a second later, the cat whirled around and gave chase. Ulmaria knew that even with her longer legs she'd never be able to outrun the tiger. She swerved toward a tree as the tiger swept the hind legs out from under her. Heart hammering she stumbled thinking she was going to die before her fishing cat companion leapt onto the tiger's back. Distracted the larger cat swirled around. Before Ulmaria could look to see what was happening Piper dragged her down into an empty badger hole.

She huddled up there in the dark, worried about her companion. The little fishing cat was swift and well camoflagued but it was no match against a fully grown tiger. One swat, one bite would be enough to end her companion and she couldn't help but feel that she should be out there fighting not hidding in a hole like a coward. Yet, part of her knew that she wouldn't stand a chance against the tiger either and to go out and try would just result in the deaths of both of them. At least the fishing cat was small and could slink away into the brush far more easily than Ulmaria could with her brilliantly colored coat. She’d just have to hope that the fishing cat made a quick break for it and that hopefully the tiger would just leave. She didn’t want it tracking them to the little badger den either.

Time stretched on, seemingly for hours until at last the fishing cat returned. She'd lured the tiger into giving chase and encouraged it on chasing her into the river where she'd been able to dive into the muddy water and slink back onto shore before the tiger realized where she'd gone. "I'm so glad you're safe!" she cried. The cat had a few scratches as well and Ulmaria promised to tend to them once everyone was safe back at camp.

She peeked out of the badger hole cautiously. Even though her fishing cat companion had assured her the coast was clear she was still a bit nervous as the tiger was almost certainly still in the area. She crept out and quietly headed back toward where her family was camping. Now that she thought about it did she really need to go to the battlefield alone for fighting experience? She had a billion siblings and maybe she could pester grandpa Valentine into some fighting lessons. She could probably learn a lot more from him than some random wolf at the battlefield anyway. Not to mention there was a less likely chance she'd end up getting eaten.