
Hit the reset button



1 Year
03-08-2022, 10:36 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 09:01 AM by Kage. Edited 2 times in total.)


Play with caution ;;

I rolled over onto my back in the soft snowbank, letting the dry powder reshape itself around my weight. I could feel the cold seep through the double layered fur, and tiny pieces of the ice melting against my skin. The outside of my body might have cooled to be the same temperature as the ambient winter air around me, but under my skin I felt like my blood was boiling.

The sky above me was clear, brilliant with stars and open enough that I could spot the milky way waving across the dark backdrop. The stars, some flickering in blue, some in yellow, lit up the night more than the moon did tonight – swirling in patterns and shapes that I might have been imagining among the empty universe… an awesome sight to behold. Rather, it might have been if I was really able to enjoy it.

It wasn’t getting any easier. I had left home only a few days ago and the anxiety that had built up in me kept me from sleeping most nights. I found myself tossing and turning, fighting relentlessly with my head for hours on end. So much so, that I began loosing track of how long I have actually been awake. If I had to take a guess… I would have guessed it’s been about six days. Six days since I’ve been hidden here in the empty wilderness. But I was no closer to freedom than I had been since the moment I turned away from my fathers scornful face.

When I stared up against the jeweled sky, it was as if there was something obstructing my view between it and my eyes. The obstruction was a face. It seemed trustworthy and empathetic at some moments, and twisted and misaligned during others. Sometimes it held no expression at all and just stared back at me with those dark holes for eyes, and drooping jaw exposing layers of serrated teeth. If I closed my eyes, it just became more real.

I let out a soft sigh, eyeing the billows of moist air cloud up in front of my face and slowly dissipate. The events of my initiation still loomed around my head like ghosts unable to move on to the next part of their journey. My face tightened into a frown as I couldn’t help the scene from playing over again. As soon as the scent hit my nostrils, it was like a battering ram had knocked the wind from my ribcage. There are no words violent enough to encompass the force of what happened to me in that moment. Instantly, I was undone. I was nothing close to the stoic, quiet, and curiously natured wolf that I had once been. In that moment, I was a predator. And this helpless girl was my prey. There was nothing else in the whole world that could have been more clear.

There was a crowd of wolves around me, chanting over and over again for me to make my move. They edged me closer to the brink of losing what I had worked so hard to keep together with their barks and growls of excitement. I hadn’t imagined that it would be like this; my turning. Thirst burned through my throat like fire and my mouth felt baked and dry, the fresh flow of saliva did nothing to dispel that sensation. My stomach twisted with hunger that only echoed my thirst. My muscles lowered my body down to the ground and coiled to spring.
There was a cowering form in front of me, and my initiation order was to end her life.
You see, this particular female was my age, and it was customary to slit her skin deep enough to unravel the bloodline within me – the nature of using our own kind’s blood during initiations and rituals to keep ourselves strong. I didn’t understand why, and I still to this day don’t. I didn’t want to be a monster. That’s how I saw them… the lot of ‘em.

Not a full second had passed. The young girl’s gaze met mind, and I saw myself reflected in the mirror of her glistening eyes. The shock of the face I saw there might have saved her life that day. For a moment, everything slowed down and the noises around me softened. The fire lit everything else up so brilliantly and I felt a thick haze wafted over my brain. I could barely think through it. My bloodlines instincts raged, resisting control, incoherent. She and I shared the same thought just then – the need to escape. She made the first move and darted to a small opening between an elders legs. Her haste and fear made her clumsy and she tripped forward, falling over her own paws. She was vulnerable, weak. It only made my fathers voice in my head grow louder.

I tried focusing on the memory of the face I had seen in her eyes, a face I had never seen before. It was my own, but a twisted version of it – one I didn’t recognize. She was picked up my the scruff and tossed haphazardly back into the ring, sliding within inches of me. I could hear the roaring sound of my father over the yelps and howls… he wanted this done quickly. Her scent swirled around me again, scattering my thoughts and nearly propelling me toward her throat.


My head shook from side to side and I hastily rolled onto my belly, just so I could shove my head under my paws and curl my body tightly into a ball.

“Please go away, please go away…” I quietly begged my thoughts. Back during that time, I remembered telling myself during the brief moment of clarity that I didn’t have to kill. That I didn’t have to listen to that monster in my head. That I was a rational thinking creature, and that I had a choice. There was always a choice.

For my family though, it was very different. To kill another of our kind during this turning of age was a fundamental law that was repeated over and over again to us from the moment we could hear. The day of reckoning came when we were done with our year long training and it was something that all males had to go through. No amount of bitching was tolerable. It was either do what was needed to be done, or be done in yourself. Honestly…I had never been so scared in my life… and because I chose to run, I now felt like I had a warrant out for me. Here out away from all of that, I felt sane again. I could think again. And I could fight again. I could fight what I didn’t want to be.

I laid there, silently sniffling back tears, as still as a rock against the bushes. Hoping that it might swallow me up and maybe adopt me into its family instead.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-09-2022, 07:37 PM

This part of the world was a cold snowy place. At times, the wind blew stinging flakes across the tundra, the curtains of snow only being broken by the sporadically placed trees jutting out of the ground. A terribly inhospitable place, yet Taiga was in her element. The thickly furred feline was made for climes like this. She barely felt the cold through her charcoal and snow pelt. The pink pads of her paws were wide and furred like giant snowshoes. The real issue would have arisen if the landscape was hot and balmy. Then the cave lioness surely would have melted into a giant, spotted puddle.

Having hunted the caribou that frequented this place, Taiga's belly was full and the cat was sleepy and satiated. The night was quite calm as she made her way across the snowy plain, searching for a place suitable to bed down for the night. On the morrow, she would rejoin her 'herd' and they would continue on to wherever the trio wanted to go. Taiga was only out this far because she refused to hunt where her hoofed companions could see. Their natural tendencies made them skittish around her as it was. Especially Rannoch. The giant elk flinched if she so much as yawned without warning. He was getting better, but he still had a long way to go.

A spot of red came into the cats line of sight as she padded heavily forward. At first she believed it to be a splash of blood on the snow, but a dancing breeze brought the scent of wolf to her pink nares. Rounded ears swiveled forward and a low rumble of curiosity pulled from the dame's wide chest. She continued on at the same pace, eyes of rich claret fixed on the spot until the features of the canine cleared in her vision. It was a wolf indeed.

Fear was usually what the lioness was met with when others took in her hulking frame. Taiga was unlike the lions of this land, having come from a place across the sea where creatures were much, much bigger. The wolf was dwarfed by her gigantic stature, so she kept enough distance that the canine might feel some modicum of safety.

Trails of mist snaked out of the edges of the woman's jaws as she spoke to the softly sobbing wolf. She could almost smell the salty tang of his tears. "You seem a little broken." rich, feminine tones crossed the distance between them. It was clear from her stance that she meant the brute no harm. To further prove this, Taiga seated herself in the snow. A gentle breeze ruffled the thick, alabaster snow of her chest as she continued to look upon the black and red wolf. "Are you hurt?" She wasn't a healer by any means, but she knew a few if he was injured. Perhaps he was just the sad type that cried at the drop of a leaf. Who knew? No one. Not until he opened his mouth to tell her, anyway.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
03-13-2022, 10:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 10:42 AM by Kage. Edited 1 time in total.)


Play with caution ;;

I felt the change of energy around me before I heard the footsteps that accompanied it. The sound of the movement was only a subtle crunch against the soft powder. I shifted my head from underneath my paws just enough for my eyes to lock onto what was approaching, but I didn't bother to unearth myself.

It's him... he finally found me. I thought. Immediately a towering black form moved closer to my nesting area. My heart sank, and yet surprisingly I didn't feel the urge to run anymore. Actually, the fear that had been circumventing my thoughts all of these days melted away into acceptance of death. Maybe it was just easier this way - I stiffened at the thought. When had I become such a coward?

My eyes closed once more as I concentrated on the warm air coming out of my nose and entrapping into my fur. A voice rang out and it wasn't the deep male baritone one that I was expected. Confused, I lifted my head out of the snow with purpose. Eyeing the black and white body that I now realized wasn't who I thought it was going to be. It was a feline, a large one at that. Her fur, shorter than my own, ruffled around with the wind that pushed against our bodies momentarily before dissipating. It ushered in her entrance and I felt my adrenaline rush into my body with the feeling of being unaware as to why someone decided to approach me. Why now?
Reddish optics not unlike my own was trained on me, not with some malaligned purpose or scornful judgment, but just as if she were looking at any other random object around these parts. Subconsciously, it put me more at ease. She sat a distance away from me, giving us our own personal bubble to feel comfortable in. I reluctantly relaxed, letting the stagnant air escape from my ribcage in a slow long exhale.

' You seem a little broken.' She said, her voice non-judgemental and more matter of fact. My heart ached painfully at her observation and my eyes lowered to her paws to support that claim. I felt broken. Torn. Confused. And so so sad.
I lightly ground my teeth together, unable to find the words to respond. What do I say...what could I say to that? It didn't want to validate what she saw because then I'd be confirming to myself that I was now just a sad broken wolf. I was kicked down but I still felt like I had to protect the sliver of my pride left. It wasn't in me to deny it though, for she was inevitably right. My thoughts pervaded my body, causing parts to tighten closer to my form as if it were trying to protect something inside of me. A small silent moment sat between us before I heard her follow-up question. My eyes came back up to meet hers.

"No. I'll be alright." I said almost absent-mindedly.
"I, um . . ." What could I say? What excuse or lie could I come up with to explain why I was out here? Why did I feel like I had to exonerate myself from some random stranger? I sighed gently.
"I'm just waiting on my father to come to get me." I said uncertainly.

It wasn't a lie, but it really wasn't something that I was hoping for either. I felt a pang of unease in my gut. It was as if I were manifesting my own reality here. No, I wasn't keen on lying. It's just that this cat seemed truly interested in my own disarray... and to be honest I needed something, someone to focus on rather than just the voices in my head. Hell. I should be grateful, and take this as an opportunity rather than a disturbance. So I chose to concede to her gently prying.

"If I were, you'd be able to help?" I asked, naive to the workings of those who knew healing practices. I was still young, and battling was my trade. Not fixing the result of it. But who knows. For all I was aware, I could have been on the fringes of some clan's territory, and here was their patrolling to start her interrogations. Thought, somehow I felt like that hypothesis just didn't fit.

While taking a moment to shake off the puffs of snow, I then sat up to mirror her stance. It felt more respectful than lying in a curled ball of frustration, probably a lot less sad too. I lifted my nose a millimeter to the air trying to get some sort of scent on her. The wind seemed to be working to my disadvantage here, and it pulled the edges of my maw into a small frown.

"Am I intruding on the border of your area?" My voice was lower this time, though my eyes not wavering from her penetrating gaze. Unsure if I had gotten into another situation and would have to keep running to try and find somewhere to hide. My quick-witted brain already began formulating excuses as to why I was here now and why I didn't take the time to sniff about the area.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-14-2022, 02:22 PM

The boy seemed to mull over her words and Taiga allowed him the time to do so. Lifting one great, alabaster paw, the woman placed a few licks here and there, righting fur that had been pushed askew by tromping across the land. In time he answered, stating that he'd be alright, not that he was alright, proving that something was indeed wrong with him. The big cat wasn't the type to dig, however. If he wanted to brush it off, then he was well within his rights to do so. When he continued, however... Rounded ears swiveled to catch the hesitating vocals and Taiga lifted one charcoal brow. The various expressions flitting over the young wolf's features were just as enigmatic as his words. He was hiding something. Whether it was from her or from himself, she didn't know. He was welcome to continue doing so if he thought that was the best course. She wouldn't pry.

Waiting for his father, the boy admitted at last. Taiga merely nodded, keeping her bloodied gaze upon the grooming that she was carrying out. One paw rested on earth once more and the other rose so that she could give it equal attention. The little red wolf didn't seem terribly excited about being collected by his father, but who was she to judge? Her father was dead. Overthrown by younger stock right before she had been pushed from her pride and abandoned in this new world. The last of her kind here, for sure.

The query about helping brought a soft chuckle from the great woman. She raised her gaze to the wolf once more and wiggled one huge, clawed paw. "These aren't exactly built for healing." Placing the paw back on the ground, the woman inhaled deeply, holding her breath for a moment before releasing it long and slow. Trails of mist accompanied her words. "I could find you someone that could help, however." Curled up as he was, she wasn't able to see any injuries, but his query made her question that. Perhaps he was injured. It was difficult to smell in such bitter cold.

Eventually the wolf unfurled himself and sat up, shaking off a bit of clinging snow. Taiga took the opportunity to look him over for the injuries that he might have, but he appeared as whole as he should be. Why would he ask if she could heal then?

A final question was posed and again Taiga chuckled, shaking her blocky skull in the negative. "No. I hold no lands. Simply passing through after a nice, hot meal." Ruby gaze fixed upon the young wolf again. "I could take you to the remainder of my kill, if you wish." Perhaps he was hungry, or perhaps this was exactly where he was to meet his father. A short trek backwards or a continuation forward. It didn't make a difference to the lioness.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
03-14-2022, 04:59 PM


Play with caution ;;

I wasn't too proud to admit I knew nothing about cats and what they could do. She showed me her paws and allowed a soft laugh to escape her maw while in return I couldn't help but exhale in defeat. It was worth a shot asking.

"I could find you someone that could help, however." Harks pushed forward involuntarily at her words and I looked to her with vague interest. I didn't know if I should... No, It was probably best that I didn't prod on her gesture. I could do it on my own. I shook my head no, feeling my ears lose their strain. I decided to ask if I was in an already claimed area. I didn't take the time to sniff about - thinking back on it, maybe I could have spared the moment or two.

"No. I hold no lands. Simply passing through after a nice, hot meal."
My mind momentarily humored me with the pictures of what a big cat like her actually fed on. Bears? Other cats maybe? Hell, she probably wouldeat a wolf if she wanted to. I smirked. I knew of the hoofed animals around here for I saw them on my way in. However, if I were as big as her, I probably would use my power for something better suited.
I nodded once, taking a few seconds to look around the open area and listen for any other signs of life - signs of being tracked. My nose twitched.

"I could take you to the remainder of my kill, if you wish." Her words brought my vision back to her direction.
She's offering a free meal?
It's a trap. I tightened my jaw.
I didn't expect that...
Nothing comes for free.
But -
The muscles in my abdomen tightened involuntarily, pulling a previously numbed pain out of my ribcage.
Silently, I eyed her for a moment, expecting her to add a "...but first I expect this." follow up statement after her offer. I arched an eyebrow, turning my muzzle to the side  and leaned forward slightly but there was nothing directly after. Just... an offer? My brow furrowed in confusion.

"...What do you want from me for it?" I said expectantly, barely moving my lips. I was already thinking about the possibilities of what she'd make me do to earn this. My pride told me to politely decline her gratuitous gesture. Sense told me that I wasn't going to be able to get this chance again for a while. Oh, how could I forget... forget that it was only several moons ago that I had a pack to rely on for sustenance. I wasn't blind to the predicament that I put myself in by leaving, but I didn't think I'd be accepting charity handouts either.

A phantom fire flushed across my face in what would have been a blush of embarrassment and I couldn't help but dip my chin towards my chest a few inches.
I didn't expect to be walking anywhere this soon... I thought as my attention flickered to my chest. My gaze rested on her, patiently waiting on a request.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-14-2022, 06:25 PM

Just as the boy didn't have much experience with cats, Taiga didn't have much experience with wolves. There had been no need to interact with them when she had been part of a pride other than to chase them away when they tried to scavenge from the felines hard work. The wolves of this place were a lot more social, which was odd. Taiga hadn't been used to such things, but, having spent so much time in this land now that she was trapped here, she'd become used to it. Since she'd become used to it, the cat expected all wolves to be the same. This guy... he was a little more tight lipped than your average wolf.

Expecting the boy to accept her offer of a free meal, Taiga stood and stretched, first leaning back on her hind legs to stretch out her forelegs, then doing the reverse. The dame's long tail lashed back and forth as she released a pleased groan from the comfort that the stretch brought. Her big body shifted, pointing in the direction that she'd come from so that they could get started. The journey wouldn't be a long one. Just over the next little bump in the terrain. When she looked back at the wolf, however, he didn't seem ready to move at all.

His question brought the woman's pink nose to wrinkling at the corner. What did she want from him? A misty huff ghosted from the lioness's nares and she gave her head a shake. "For you to hurry so that the scavengers leave you more than just skin and bones to chew on." What kind of place did he come from where one so young was so distrustful? He couldn't be much more than a yearling, she wagered. Taiga had a mind to wait for this father of his just to see what kind of wolf he was.

"Well?" The spotted cat gave a pull of her skull, motioning for the boy to get on his paws so that they could get moving. It was night and the sky was bright. Perfect atmosphere for traveling. The sound of hooves pounding the tundra brought the cat's claret gaze shifting to the horizon. "Or we could get you something fresh." Caribou were easy. All the wolf had to do was run the herd to an ambush point and Taiga would do the rest. One well muscled shoulder lifted in a shrug. "Up to you."

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
03-14-2022, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2022, 08:47 PM by Kage. Edited 8 times in total.)


Dancing demons, painted smiles;;

I watched her face, moving my vision from one of her eyes to the other, looking for signs that she was joking. Who in the hell was this lady? The bridge of my nose wrinkled at my growing feeling of distrust. No, something was wrong here.
She's testing me.
"Do you usually go around giving all wolves a meal?" I shot, my voice barely audible but clear to any sharp pair of ears. I was frustrated that I couldn't sense her intentions. Doubtful that she was sincere - she had no reason to be. But also curious as to what gave her the instinct to help. Maybe it was just the nature of the cats in this area? To be... kind for the sake of being kind? Could be. I didn't know their practices.

Still. The wariness was hard to kick. Or do you just want to lure me back to wherever the heck you came from and use me for something else? Just like that girl Dad dragged back to camp, kicking and screaming the entire way. Was I going to be next in her sick torture? I tried leaning towards her, scenting around her again. Hm. No... no blood. No wolf either honestly. Actually, her smell was weird, foreign. Slowly, I pulled in a deep breath and let it out incrementally, trying to force my growing anxiety to relax. It was difficult to rewire that rut in my brain.
Was I really going to miss something like this because I didn't know how to just say yes?

I blinked a few times, looking at her now with this sense of not sure how to say what I wanted to - almost apologetic. My voice was damn near silent again, low vibrations becoming muddled like my thoughts. "I'm not trying to - I'm not used to..." I stopped. Trying to find the word. "That."
Eloquently done.

I looked behind me again, scanning the open area between the trees for a moment. Dad and his crew might be looking for me, they might not. But either way you cut it, I might not live that much longer out here if I went at it alone. If this cat wanted to sacrifice me, then it might be a quicker way to go than if I waited to starve to death or be dragged back home to be done in a different way.  "Right. I'd appreciate taking you up on your offer." My head turned back to the large cat, blood-filled pools meeting her own as I nodded. She didn't seem like the one to coerce me to do anything that I wasn't willing to do. For that, I was appreciative. "Fresh..." I smirked half-heartedly, picking up on what she meant by that.

You just met me. Now you want to bond. How cute.

She just met me and wanted to either hunt for me, or even more laughable, hunt right alongside me?? Did she not realize the trust and communication that it takes to - She was out of her mind.

"Sure..." I said painfully sarcastic, drawing my word out while I shook my head in disbelief. "I suppose you're the 'cuddle to keep warm' type too?" I joked boorishly, making a point that no, I wasn't open to hunting. But I was still open to seeing what big cats like this lady ate around here. Hey, maybe she really did take down a bear. I wouldn't be surprised. "Show me what those big paws are for then if not for healing." I grinned more enthusiastically now and felt my tail sweep out from under me.

I began to lift up onto my larger-than-fitting paws, allowing my muscles to slowly acclimate to not being too tightly wound up anymore. I didn't realize how much the chill of the snow took the edge off of the pain while I was laying there. If this woman hadn't have come along, I took a couple of steps towards her and winced, stopping immediately and leaned my weight over to my right side.
Wait... did it...?
My attention went down to my chest, then over to my shoulder. My paw lifted as I tried looking around my armpit and then I found it. I couldn't see exactly where the opening was within the deep folds of the white fur, but I could feel the pain surging from my armpit, to my sternum, down my ribcage. That fucker dug deep...
The wound on my chest had reopened, and was now beginning to stream drops of blood down the inside of my arm. "Fuck." Mist pooled out of my mouth as I breathed out the word, silently continuing to curse myself in my head.
My paw tentatively came back down onto the ice and I waited a second before taking another couple of steps. Stop. It was as if someone was taking a sharp stone and was dragging it across my sternum with each weighted step that I took.
It wasn't this bad yesterday. I could still walk without feeling like I was going to crumple over, and now - I carefully lowered my body back down into the snow, stifling a groan. I curled my body tight against itself yet again, hoping the gash would seal up again. Silently I stayed there, just thinking about what I could say. Ears flicked back and fro as I pondered before I brought my eyes back up to the now larger-than-life woman.
"Actually... I don't think I can." Steam carried my low tones around my head and up into the atomsphere. I couldn't help but feel more stuck in one place than I was before.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-14-2022, 09:55 PM

The boys distrust was evident in both his tone and the scowl that crossed his features. His question was met with a sneer of her own, the edge of a blackened lip curling to flash a thick canine tooth. "Before I came to this land? No." Her ruby gaze was hard as she stared straight into his own russet eyes. "My own life was saved by the kindness of those outside of my species, so I try to be a little more open minded these days." Without the selfless act that Rannoch and Oscar had bestowed upon her, Taiga would have been a very dead cat. Trapped after an avalanche, only the strength of a giant elk at the behest of a tiny donkey allowed her to be standing here.

Taiga's long tail began to lash back and forth in slight irritation as the wolf child still couldn't come to grips with what she was saying. He stumbled over his words and the cat wrinkled her nose even further. She almost spat out a biting retort, something along the lines of, "I don't know what kind of upbringing you had, but not everyone wants something from you," but she held her tongue. She didn't know what kind of upbringing he had, but everything was leaning towards a bad one. Instead of being rude about it, she simply huffed and looked out over the mostly flat landscape. "I don't want anything from you. Cats are fairly self sufficient while wolves are not."

Like night and day, the boys disposition shifted from distrust and apprehension to snark and sass. His dry, joking comment was met with a low growl and the narrowing of eyes. "If the one that I'm with needs it, then yes." She'd spent many nights providing warmth for the little donkey above all. He needed it, so she provided. Curled around this little red brat? About that, she wasn't sure. In time he agreed to see what she could do with her 'big paws.' He was odd and more than a little irritating, but she had offered, so she would follow through.

Without another word from the feline, she began to move off, assuming that the wolf would follow. After a few steps, she heard a slight hiss and then his voice. Stopping, she looked back at him. The breeze curled around the boy, bringing the rich tang of blood to her nose. "Distrustful and a liar," she growled, though there was no animosity in her words or her stance. He was injured though he'd denied it. "Sit still," the great woman commanded before turning away. If he didn't listen, she would find him. He wouldn't get far, bleeding like he was. In the meantime, Taiga made her way out over the icy tundra in search of a meal for the boy.

How long she had been gone, Taiga couldn't say. The herd that she'd eyed earlier hadn't gone terribly far, and she'd made short work of bringing down one of the caribou. Like a childs toy, the hulking feline drug her kill across the midnight snows, depositing it before the injured wolf. "Eat. It should still be warm." With that, she grumbled a bit and went to lay in a nearby drift where she proceeded to lick the blood from her muzzle and paws.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
03-14-2022, 11:08 PM


Dancing demons, painted smiles;;

"My own life was saved by the kindness of those outside of my species, so I try to be a little more open-minded these days."
I held her gaze within my own, feeling the steadiness of her words. She was serious. Her vulnerability had me hold my tongue, feeling as if I stepped over bounds. I cut my gaze to the side away from her. So she had her own demons perched upon her back... I see.

"I don't want anything from you. Cats are fairly self-sufficient while wolves are not." My lips twitched at her statement, but I bit my tongue. Things were turning now. The distrust that I felt earlier came seeping back like a bad relapse and it forced my body to pull into itself again. The only reason why I felt the need to hold my tongue now was the fact that I knew I provoked her. When she answered my rhethorical question, I could help but mentally roll my eyes. So she was soft. That's why she's helping me. That's why she came up to me in the first place. Those fluffy mittens that I thought could kill a bear, now im wondering if she strokes little squirrels to sleep too. Maybe even providing them with a meal for the night. I didn't know cats but I knew a push over when I saw one.

I snorted, letting the words roll off my shoulders. Pansy or not, her remarks alone did make me almost want to apologize. Almost.
My intent wasn't to tick her off, she kind of walked into those remarks on her own. I wanted... I needed help. Maybe even needed help asking for help. Thinking about it hurt my head and made me just want to tell her to go away. Ugh. I couldn't do that. I couldn't fuck up what may just be the best thing that could happen at this moment. Did I deserve to ask the universe for another chance?

My muscles gave leniency to my weight, allowing me to falter towards the ground a few inches. She was right about more things than one, and in this case I needed more help than I think either one of us was able to provide. My expression quickly contorted into anguish as I flexed my arm out and back down. I really did think it had closed enough for me to walk but -
"Distrustful and a liar,"
"I didn't lie." I pushed through my teeth, taking care to hold myself up for a moment longer. Crimson orbs gazed back at her fiercely.
" I AM going to be okay. I just need rest." My body lowered now and I couldnt help the shaking my shoulders gave as I did so. She couldn't see the scars littered under my pelt... but if only she knew that this wasn't my dance with my own blood, maybe she'd... I dont know. Understand what I meant.

She gave a swift command before padding off, leaving me alone in the frosty white powder. I shivered slightly and let my eyes fall back down to my paws, gritting my teeth as I did so. I allowed a few minutes of ruminating to happen before I took a swipe at the snow with my tail.
Stronger than this. I reminded myself. I had to shut down the misplaced anger but a larger part of me still didnt want to. Her words bore under my skin like a termite.
"You dont know me." I muttered, feeling the hair begin to raise up on my back.
"Not one thing about me!" I yelled out.
Her generosity act was swarming my mind like quicksand, and I found my thoughts drowning in confusion. I didn't like that I was becoming clouded again and with her gone, I was able to think. I was able to let my guard back down and breathe through it.
In like smelling flowers, out like the wind. Mother's voice came back to me and for a moment, I smiled. I wasn't doing a very good job at camouflaging myself in front of her, and I could see that I was already beginning to push buttons.
"I'm sorry," Sorry that I let the demons get the better of me again. I promised I would protect myself from them, and protect them from you too mom. I should have known better than to keep toying with fire. Damned boredom sometimes makes me foolish.

My head came up to her coming up and over the hill carrying something large in her mouth. The whole damn thing? She dropped it in front of me and I couldnt help but stare at it, back up at her, and then back at it in disbelief. It didn't take long for the watering in my mouth to become insatiable and without a care for how I moved my body, I crawled into it. Tearing at the flesh with vigor and excitement. The skin of the creature had already cooled to the outside temperature. But the insides were still steaming hot and flowing with life force. It hit me like an explosion. A bomb detonated inside my body. The taste flowing into my mouth and down my throat almost had me undone and I didn't stop until I felt like if I took another bite, I might actually explode.

It was satisfaction, it was bliss. As I pulled from the crater of the animal, my eyes closed and I quietly said a prayer thanking the heavens for this gift. Opening my eyes, I landed on the large cat. "Thank you as well." I woofed to her. In that moment, I felt like I had to swallow some of my pride. "Indeed some wolves aren't able to be self-sufficient." I exhaled, licking my maw as I did so. Oh, what a mess I was.

My attention turned towards under my arm again and I sniffed before giving my body a few good licks. I didn't want to ask her for more help. I really really didn't. But I wasn't sure how I was going to get it otherwise. What that man did, it was starting to give off a strange odor. And I began to fear that it was going to become infected... if it wasn't already. I laid my head in the snow, opting for quietly watching the female groom herself.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-25-2022, 01:29 PM

The boy was adamant that he hadn't lied and assured the lioness that he would be okay, but she hadn't asked if he was okay, she had asked if he was hurt, to which he had told her no. She could smell the blood and the stink of beginning rot, and so he had lied. Couldn't admit it though, obviously and she could see his hackles shift in defense. Wolves... they were so uppity. So moody. Proved doubly so when he began yelling into nothingness after she left to fetch him food. Perhaps the wound was making the boy lose his mind. Who knew? She'd seen worse things happen to wounded beasts.

Once back in the presence of the lad, Taiga left him to eat. She could hear him tearing into the caribou as though he hadn't eaten in days, and perhaps he hadn't. Who was she to know? Only when he softly thanked her did the giantess turn her ruby gaze back towards him. Her wrist turned, paw flexed, massive, curved claws extended so that the feline's pink tongue could carefully clean them. "You're welcome," she replied when she was finished.

The sickly sweet smell of the wounded boy entered Taiga's nares again and the cat wrinkled her nose a bit. She had a feeling that if she left him to tend to himself, he would soon be dead. With a sigh, the charcoal feline rose once more. "Stay here," she instructed once more, then slid away from the space that they shared and disappeared into the night. Hopefully helping this injured little wolf would repay the gods that had put Rannoch, Oscar and Kyren in her path. They'd be even and she wouldn't be indebted to anyone or anything.

While out hunting, another scent had entered Taiga's sensitive nose. The scent of wolf. If she could track it down, then she could most likely find help for the nameless boy. The massive shadow of a cat cut through the tundra, her course naturally zigzagging to keep to the sparse trees. The nearer she drew to the Wash, the stronger the scent of wolf became. In time, a small fae came into view. Most wolves felt fear when they laid eyes upon Taiga's massive frame for the first time, so the cat released a low rumble to alert the canine to her presence. "Little wolf," she implored, "A youngling if your breed is injured not far from here. Are you, or do you know of, a healer?" Ruby eyes stayed on the sandy pelted fae and the feline was careful to keep her stature easy and languid so as not to appear as frightening as she was capable of looking.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
03-27-2022, 09:17 AM


Dancing demons, painted smiles;;

Her reply to me thanking her for some reason left me feeling empty inside. It could have been my own emotions beginning to run rampant again but somehow I wanted to believe it was a different reason. I glanced over at the carcass that I previously had my face shoved into and my mind began to think it had to do with this. I sighed looking back over to the large feline.

“Are you sure you don’t wan-“
“Stay here,”
My voice hitched in my throat and my minds train of thought grinded to a halt.
Stay here? Why? Where in the world was she going now? Why was she suddenly leaving again?
…Why did I have to stay?
“But...” I whispered breathlessly, unable to even finish what I wanted to say for one, I couldn’t formulate which question I wanted to ask. Two, her form was so quick to leave that I didn’t see the point in continuing.

She opted to leave just as I had wanted to inquire about her hunger and I suddenly felt a flash of confusion. A part of me just felt like I had a babysitter all of a sudden and the other part of me rolled angrily at the fact that I now had some stranger thinking she could just order me around. All of this was coming out of the blue and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a test from the gods for me wondering if I would accept all of this or just throw it away. I growled softly, grabbing at the snow in between white paw pads. It was a cycle… I escaped one reality where I finally got the balls to run away from being something that didn’t feel right – from taking orders from someone that just wanted to control others. And now I was stuck here with some cat telling me what to do without telling me why? My low growls of frustration continued for a moment more, rumbling deep in my chest before I looked back over to the dead beast that was already melting a patch of snow down to the ground before me.

’She didn’t have to do any of this.’ I thought, feeling only an inkling of guilt.
I couldn’t decipher if this was being manipulative or if it was indeed out of the kindness of her heart. At the end of the day, I didn’t know her or her lifestyle. But I couldn’t step away from what experience has taught me, for that’s all I knew. I chalked this up to her wanting something from me, even if she couldn’t tell me that to my face. How could I even trust that she would return?

I sighed, visibly wincing as I shifted my paws closer to my form, slowly pushing my large frame up into a sitting position. The steam that had been evaporating into the night air was beginning to slow in volume. This place might just be the graveyard for this soul. I closed my eyes softly thinking back to when the pack would come back with a meal. I had just turned a year earlier this month, and so this would have been the time that I would go hunting with my father for the first time ever. Sure, I could hunt rodents and scavengers. But taking down a large kill was somewhat of a badge worn with pride. I wondered now if I would ever have the chance to learn…

Back at home we used everything from our kill. The skin. The organs. Right down to the bones. We left pieces for the scavengers to take but we made do with all of the animal for before us using it for food, it had a life. It had a family. And I was taught these creatures did not just exist for us to take when we wanted to. It was taboo to hunt for sport and you would be killed on the spot for the action. Reddish optics opened once more, falling on the torn carcass. The cat brought this here as an act of kindness, but it was unnecessary. I was one wolf, a young one at that. I couldn’t finish this by myself… nor could any amount of small scavengers. Who knew where the closest pack was and I felt disgusted at the potential waste. Quietly, I prayed over the animal. Tossing out a few Latin prayers that I heard my father chant countless times hoping that the animal would find it’s way back to mother earths soul. I placed a cold blood stained paw on top of its skin, resting it there until I was done.

Looking around, the large feline had still not returned and I could feel my joints beginning to lock up. Either I was going to force myself to sleep tonight, or I would be on my way. Thinking that the smell of the dead animal would soon bring in more company that might take me on as a charity case, I opted for the latter. Slowly I brought myself onto my paws, rolling my wrists and ankles one at a time as I did so. I was only a year old, but my body was already beginning to feel like I was six.

I groaned inwardly, grimacing as I took a few steps forward before pausing. I was beginning to think that being alone out here wasn’t going to be something that I could do and still keep up with a semi regular lifestyle. I grew up in a family. And so suddenly being out here on my own was proving to be more challenging than I had initially hoped.

“Hmm.” I hummed softly to myself. Maybe I… I shook my head. No. I wanted this. I wanted to be on my own, I tried to convince myself. I escaped a reality of me having to live under someone else’s enforcement and I could finally make my own decisions on what kind of man I wanted to – I sucked air in between my teeth sharply and looked down to my chest, just a few inches away from my armpit. The spot where I was cut open throbbed painfully.

Even if I wanted this, where would I go? Without help, I might not have even found a meal for the new few days to a week. I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a field of flames. I walked for a few yards to the east, trying to push away the pain aching in my chest and limbs. I should have stayed laying down and rested, but I didn't want to give that cat or anyone else a chance... a chance to - I stopped feeling breathless - Like my chest was tightening and it was getting hard to intake air. Pins and needles began to ebb through my limbs, making my fur stand on end. I tightened my jaw together and pushed onward for another few feet before letting my legs give way to my frame. I collapsed into the snow again, laying on my side away from any trees of foliage. The snow formed around me, creating a small nest. My head came back down to rest on my paws as I could feel darkness creep around my vision.

Maybe I would rest for a moment or two longer before trying again.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
03-28-2022, 11:13 PM

It wasn't often that Irilyth ventured so far from pack lands, and especially not as far north as this. But there were certain herbs and remedies that only flourished in the arctic tundras of the far north reaches of the continent. She carried her satchel of medicines with her, wandering about the frozen over woods in search of wintergreen. She'd managed to procure a good amount of the bright red berries and was hunting for some northern moss, the hardy lichen making fantastic bandages and bindings. Part of her wished she had asked Manea or Alastor to accompany her, if for no other reason than for protection and company, but she didn't wish to bother her alphas with such mundane requests. That mundane request, however, felt less and less silly in her mind once the sound of heavy footfalls in the snow and ice reached her ears. Peering up with wide, anxious ruby eyes, Irilyth watched the massive feline as it approached her. This is it... This is how I die... Iri had wondered how death would come for her. Never once did she predict a massive Paleolithic lion would be the culprit.

The leonine behemoth drew near, and Irilyth flinched away while she prepared for the single inevitable strike of death—except it never came. Instead, a soft female voice spoke to her, imploring for aid. The sandy blonde fae peeked one eye open, and then the next, peering curiously to the giant predator as if it had just spoken some alien tongue to her. She asked if she was a healer, seeking aid for an injured wolf nearby. Irilyth weighed her options. She could have turned tail and run. The lion might run her down, but it also might not. She could be home within an hour or two if she ran nonstop. She'd be safe. But... if there was someone who needed aid, did she have a duty as a healer to help? An obligation? Irilyth studied the female lion for some time. She was relaxed, showing no signs of malice or ill-intent. She just needed help. And Iri could offer it.

"I... I do," she responded after a beat, glancing down at her satchel, then back to the lion's ruby eyes that almost matched hers. "I have some knowledge of healing. I could try to help." She nodded her head back the way the other woman had come from and simply said, "Show me."




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
04-08-2022, 02:47 PM

Taiga could feel the tension and anxiety pouring off of the small wolf woman and she hoped that a chase wouldn't have to happen. If she had to pick this wolf up in her jaws and take her to the injured boy, then she would. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. Thought she could still see how quickly the woman's ribcage rose and fell with her anxious breathing, the tawny fae agreed to offer aid. The gargantuan feline breathed a sigh of relief and bowed her blocky skull in thanks. "Follow me."

Having much longer legs and a much more powerful frame, Taiga had to adjust her pace to make up for that of the small canine. The pair soon worked into a rhythm, however and were making decent time. The cat followed her own tracks back to where she had left the boy. A growl of frustration pulled from the feline as she noted that he wasn't where she left him. The little idiot... hadn't she told him to stay put?

Curling her neck around, Taiga fixed the sandy wolf with her red gaze. "He wandered off, but his injury is beginning to stink, so he can't have gone far." She almost apologized for the inconvenience, but was too irritated to speak much more. At least the stupid youngling would leave a trail for them to follow. With his injuries, she doubted he'd be able to make it more than a short ways. Especially if he couldn't even walk to follow her prior.

The boys trail was easily seen on the snowy ground and Taiga followed it, cutting a trail for the woman behind her. She had been right and the boy hadn't gotten terribly far and she saw him huddled in the snow. "He's here," she alerted the wolf woman before approaching the lump of black and red.

"I told you to sit still," she growled in irritation as she came upon the boy. "You may have made your wounds worse." Giving her head an exasperated shake, she stepped back to allow the healer space to tend to her own kind. Taiga moved a few steps off so that she wasn't hovering and seated herself in the snow, ready to help if it was required of her.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
04-08-2022, 04:30 PM


Dancing demons, painted smiles;;

Finally, at rest and not wanting to be bothered, the sound of snow crunching snapped me out of slumber, suddenly hypersensitive to sounds outside of the occasional flutter of wings, wind, or ice drops hitting the ground. My jaws snapped a couple of times upwards and outwards into the air, scraping along the forest floor and scooping up dirt and snow along the way before coming up with the top half of my body. I swear my body was up before the light of the moon was able to hit my eyes. I was in defense mode before I was even fully conscious - my body opting to act defensively rather than wait to know what was happening. I looked around tensely, swaying subtly from the throbbing ache on my chest. The wound my father inflicted hadn't been touched since the day I left and now was a beating reminder of what I had worked to get away from. Even though I was miles away from that place, I was still suffering from it... still under his control.

My maw draped open slightly, breathing deeply from the abrupt surge of chemicals lighting up my veins. Reddish orbs settled on a large dark and white cat - I groaned. I honestly thought she left for good. But here she was in all of her glory. Oh? And lookie here... she brought a friend. Dark red ears swiveled backward and I sneered at the sight of another wolf. The last wolf I saw... Was it that girl from way back... "You." Air escaped my lungs and I blinked trying to see if it was really her. The girl from the pack fight? "You made it out alive." I said breathlessly, still tensed in form but genuinely curious. The little girl that was thrown in front of me was my one-way ticket to acceptance into the pack as an adult. Was this not her? I leaned forward and whined softly. "I thought they would have killed out by now..." I said, still processing what was going on.

That's when the laughter started, though, not from my own lungs. The crackling, distorted, gurgling kind that resounded within the walls of my own head.
"You little shit, she's come to bring you back. You never finished the job."
I shook my head slowly, only half believing what I heard.
"No. She can't." I spoke, still eyeing  her form up and down as if she were something being presented. Her? She looks like she weighs two, maybe three pounds. She was going to be me back with what army?
I felt a wave of cold wash over my legs at first, and then creep up my limbs and into my core. That's why the cat was here.
The rumbling laughter sounded like it was the beginning of an earthquake in my ears.
"Now you're getting it."
I motioned my head no again, remembering how scared she looked in that circle. The trembling in her body, the utter fear sprawled across her face. Why would she bring me back there? I lowered my head, evening out with my spine. It didn't make sense for her to want to coax me back to that place. Wouldn't she want to get away too?
"You're not scared of me?" I whispered to the smaller female, looking deep into her facial features. I saw what I looked like in her eyes back then... when all the wolves around me hooted and howled for me to make my initiatory kill. I saw what I was turning into. I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the memory. "You should be." I growled quietly, not out of anger... but out of repulsion of myself and what I had planned to do to her over and over again before the actual day of the ceremony. Oh, if only she knew! I remember that lusting intensity that congested my senses. The forceful hunger that wrung my stomach. I wanted to desecrate her body and then drive my mouth into her stomach - Oh, the kinds of things that would have poured out! I wanted to - Stop.

I felt the urge of wanting to keep dreaming about it, fantasizing about what it would have felt like. Was this really what I wanted?
"How nice that would feel..." There that voice was again. It responded as if it were reading my thoughts.

I rested my maw down in the snow, watching the pair before me. The cats' words ultimately fell on deaf ears for I was weighing out in my mind what was the reality of them being here versus what I wanted to believe. I opted to watch them intensely, pulling my limbs tighter against my body if only incrementally to keep the throbbing on my chest at bay.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-19-2022, 01:16 AM

Only once Irilyth was certain her life wasn't in immediate danger did she begin to let her guard down even a bit near the giant feline. The gargantuan cat actually seemed relieved when she confirmed that not only was she a healer, but she would come assist the injured wolf. Something in the lion's eyes was gentle enough for Iri to believe she meant no harm. The lion asked her to follow, then led her across the ice-encrusted grounds in the direction of her would-be patient. Irilyth moved as fast as she could, which wasn't much over the ice. She wasn't built for these northern climates, but sometimes sacrifices had to be made. Thankfully, her leonine guide didn't seem to mind, and slowed her gait to match pace with her until the two were moving as one.

Following the large paw prints in the snow and ice back the way the lion had come, the pair soon arrived on a spot of disturbed snow and earth, the pristine surfaces marred with dark splotches of blood. Irilyth gazed curiously around for her patient, equally as confused as her guide seemed to be. The lion confirmed the obvious as well as her suspicions: the patient had wandered off, apparently not in agreement that treatment was required. He was going to be a tough case, she could tell. Thankfully, the bleeding wolf left a fairly obvious trail in the ice for them to follow, and not more than a few minutes in the direction of the blood, they found the young male collapsed and curled in on himself amongst the snow. He was an obvious clash of colors against the otherwise pallid arctic world, easy for her to spot, even without the feline's help.

Even before she got too close, Irilyth could smell the stench of decay and fresh blood, wrinkling her nose up at the putrid smell combination. It smelled of violence and death. The gigantic cat chided the brute for his recklessness, then sighed and stepped aside to allow Irilyth to begin her work. The fae had taken no more than a couple steps towards her patient when he suddenly lifted his head, gazing at her with a look bred of curiosity and anger. It froze the sandy blonde woman on the spot. Raspberry red eyes widened and blinked in surprise. He spoke words that made no sense to her, but clearly held some meaning to him. Was he hallucinating something she was involuntarily a part of? If his wounds had begun to seep an infection into his blood it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," she replied in gentle, velvety lyrics.

She never got any clarification though, as the brute laid his head on the snow and gave it a little shake, the meaning lost on the clueless fae. Swallowing back a tight nervousness in her throat, Irilyth continued to close the distance between them with a touch more hesitation now that he seemed to be a bit out of it. The last thing she wanted was for him to snap in a feverish fit and attack her point blank. As she drew near the wolf, the smell of blood grew even stronger, and he whispered a quiet question to her. Was she afraid of him? Iri fixed soft purple-red eyes on the young brute and shook her head. "No, I'm not." Irilyth had no inkling the thoughts dancing in the dark-furred brute's mind, and as such felt no fear being near him. She unslung her satchel of supplies from around her neck and set it in the snow beside her patient, then began to inspect his body. He was well-built, toned and athletic. His coat was thick and well cared for—save for the sticky blood matting it in places around his chest.

"I'm going to have to lift your leg so I can get to the wound," she instructed her as-of-yet nameless patient. She needed to see just what sort of damage she was dealing with before she could begin to treat him properly. "If I do anything that hurts too much... well, just remember I'm trying to save your life." With that, Irilyth began, reaching for the brute's closest foreleg in an attempt to lift and manipulate it enough to see how far the wound extended from and how deep it was.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
05-01-2022, 05:22 PM

The boy was strange. He seemed to be muttering to himself, his wide gaze and searching, though not necessarily searching the faces of those around him. It was as though he was seeing ghosts and it was a little concerning. How rotten was the wound under his foreleg? She could smell it from here now that it had opened and it made the feline's lip curl in distaste. Hopefully the fawn woman could do something to assist the wound's healing process.

As the fae stepped towards the boy and began to talk to him, Taiga moved closer as well. The wild look in his eye put the cat on edge. She was no healer and so she couldn't assist there, but if the infection that ate at his wound had addled his mind, the lioness would be there to intercept him before he did any damage to the helpful wolf.

"Let me know if I can help," the hulking cat offered the small woman. She'd hold the black and red boy down if she needed to. It wasn't as though he could do much damage to her. Not with the state that he was in, plus he was rather small and her coat was rather thick. Taiga gave a nod for the woman to proceed while she stood at the ready.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.



1 Year
05-15-2022, 02:49 PM


Dancing demons, painted smiles;;

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about,"


I could hear the steady rhythmn of my breathing in and out of my nostrils, the feeling of heat pooling around my nose in the shallow crater of snow. I felt frustrated. And yet, it didn't seem to be coming off to these beings at all. I didn't know who they were or what was going on and for them to think that I was just okay with all of this made me feel like I was losing even more control. This cicumstance was beginning to really have me on edge.
The little tawny wolf moved in closer to my form, pushing the boundaries of what I found to be close enough and thus pulling a series of long deep warning growls from my chest. The bridge of my muzzle wrinkled and I felt myself close to lunging out, wanting to aim for her neck. The sound echoed in the chilly air around us, taking the pitch of what far off thunder in the mountains would sound like. I could feel the that tension between me and the smaller female wolf began to electrify my skin, forcing my dark stare to scrutinize the movements of her paws, then her body. Hm...There was a package that was being lowered to the ground. My nose twitched once before I pulled my attention back to her movements. Once ruby eyes had changed to almost a reddish brown and I found myself staring into her lighter rasberry ones, silently conveying undertone of danger should she come closer.

Questions swam around my head while she stood there, looking at me with such care.
'Why did the cat bring her? What were they plotting together? Did the cat just get me food to gain my trust so that she could bring in another...wait. Wound?'

I ceased my growls and flicked an ear forward, still holding my stone-like stature. She was here because I had a wound...The one that reopened on my chest? Ah... I see now.

"If I do anything that hurts too much...'

Fangs finally pulled out from undere my lips and within a split second I snapped my jowls at the air between us, sending saliva flying between the few inches of space. I was trying to hold myself back from connecting with her frame but my limits were being pushed and I wasn't going to tolerate that.

Damnit, Ladies. THINK. They had a male here before them. Wounded. Young, but I wasn't some fucking pushover. And I wasn't one to just let random females start touching me as if they owned my body or rights to start treating me. I had to willingly CONSENT. This female might be a healer but she sure didn't seem to have any foreward thinking or social skills with hurt beings. They didn't have to respect my time for the moment being but they damn sure was going to respect my space, or fight for it.

"Dont you fucking touch me." I snapped while slowly moving my front paws, rising up into a sitting position.

Yes. Now, I understood what was planning on happening. The fucking cat should have conveyed more before thinking I would be okay with anyone touching me. She didn't know me - neither one of them did.

I let a moment of silence pass before opting to speak again.

"I get it. She brought a healer, didnt she?" I notioned with my muzzle over to the cat while keeping my eyes on the smaller girl and my voice even toned.
"Did you assume that you would just have me roll over, paws and belly up like some stupid defenseless submissive puppy, instructing that 'IF' something hurts I should keep 'WHAT' in mind?" I coudn't help my volume rising until I felt it bouncing off of the trees around us. I blinked, holding back the pain that I felt in my head and chest show up on my face for a moment before I couldnt help but grimace and dip my head with my eyes closing. I should have stayed in the snow. I shouldn't have gotten up when that bitch enticed me to go hunting. I should have told her to fuck off. Or at the very least, tried egging her on to just doing the job that the pack should have already done.

I understood that if I wanted to get through this, that I should accept whatever naive help that this little girl can provide. However it was going to be on my terms. I needed some of my control back.

"You...What is your name?" I breathed, opening my eyes once more.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-26-2022, 09:07 PM

No sooner had Irilyth made the move to begin moving the brute's leg to inspect his wound, she saw the flash of white as fangs snapped down on the air near her limbs. A startled yelp slipped from her as she recoiled, pulling back from him with wide eyes and racing heart. He looked enraged, borderline feral. She had expected some difficulty in treating him, but hostility? Aggression? No, that shit wouldn't be tolerated, no matter who he was or who the hell he thought he was. The male snarled to not touch him and Irilyth received the message loud and clear. He tried to make a show of calming down and speaking level again, but the damage was done and now he would receive no aid nor relief from her. She had come here out of the grace and kindness of her own heart, and a sense of duty as a healer, but violence toward her she would not tolerate. Had her Mistress been here, the stupid wolf would have already been torn limb from limb, his suffering at an end along with his pitiful life. He was fortunate in that regard that she wasn't here.

The stranger chided her, mocked her, derided her for daring to assume that he'd be a cooperative patient. Irilyth's raspberry eyes narrowed in bewildered frustration and offense. He was the one lying here dying. He was the one who needed immediate medical attention or he'd be gone within a day. And yet he was the one with the inflated ego daring to try to chastise her for doing her job and trying to help him? No, fuck that. If he had been hoping for her to beg and grovel to save him, he would be sorely disappointed. He seemed to forget that he was a nobody to her, a literal insignificant one-off character in her story. He could be written out right away and she wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it—not anymore after how he'd behaved. And then—AND THEN—he dared to have the audacity to try and behave as if he hadn't just tried to attack her and yell at her for offering aid! Irilyth stared hard into his magma eyes, trying to discern if he was incoherent from the blood infection, when she decided it didn't matter. He'd made his deathbed and now he could lie in it.

The wolf asked her name and the corner of Irilyth's lips twitched up into a cruel smile with a scoff on her breath. "My name is of no importance to you, especially since you won't survive past the night in your condition," she retorted back, her velvety tones now cold and detached. "And for your information, I told you to keep in mind that I was trying to save your life. Trying. Now you've lost that privilege." Wordlessly, Iri slipped her satchel of supplies back around her neck, then rose to her paws and shook the snow out of her sandy blonde coat. The genteelness in her berry red eyes had faded now, and she only regarded the injured wolf with contempt and pity. If the gods were merciful, they would take his life quickly, but she somehow doubted that would happen. "You just lost your one chance to survival. But I will do you the kindness of letting you know what your very short future holds for you." The diminutive fae tipped her muzzle towards the festering wound on his chest. "Your injury is infected. If left untreated, it will turn gangrenous, and as soon as it does, you're already dead. You'll have a day, maybe two max before your own blood poisons you from the inside out. Your body will shut down, attacking itself while you go delirious with a fever. You'll spend your final few hours in a mad fit, not even able to recognize your own reflection. And then you'll die. If the gods are kind, then you won't even realize you're dying and your mind will already be gone. Or maybe if you're lucky, hypothermia or exsanguination will kill you before the infection does."

With her gruesome and harsh prognosis of the stranger's ailments delivered, Irilyth dipped her head to the wolf and stepped away from him, back to the safety of the giant lion's side. The little wolf glanced up to the giant cat with apologetic yet resolute eyes. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help him." She dipped her head in reverent apology. The cat asked if there was anything she could do to help and Irilyth cast one last sideways glance to the wounded wolf. "Yes, you can. When he dies, bury his body somewhere in the snow and ice. Don't leave it for the scavengers. Infected meat is no good being eaten." As she turned to leave, Irilyth gave pause and reached into her satchel. It was far too much kindness the brute deserved, but it was the one last thing she would be willing to do for the poor bastard. The blonde woman pulled out a small vial containing a pale purple liquid and set it on the ice by the lion's paw—an extract of wolfsbane. "If he decides he doesn't want to die slowly, give him that final mercy. It will only take a few minutes." That was all she would offer the egotistical brute. Giving one last bow of her head to the lion, Irilyth began to follow their paw prints in the snow back the way they came. There was nothing more to be done here. She was heading home.

- exit Irilyth -
