
Know your limits

Kichi - Autumn Seasonal


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-07-2022, 12:47 AM

Saracyn didn't often stray far from pack lands on his own, but given that his first birthday was fast approaching and he was a yearling now, he had been afforded many new freedoms from his parents. Alastor and Manea weren't strict parents to begin with, but now knowing that there was no leash holding him back, Sara was free to roam and go wherever his heart pleased. He could do whatever he wanted. And today, he wanted to go fishing. The young Elysium prince had headed up north to a wintry taiga just to the north of the pack and spent the morning and early afternoon fishing on the side of the arctic delta. He'd managed to score himself a decent haul of salmon and cod, finally able to help contribute to the pack in his own way. Sure, it wasn't quite as fun as hunting, but he was technically still getting to kill something—and he did quite like watching the way the fish flopped about on the shore and slowly suffocated on dry air until the life had left their eyes. It was fun seeing how long they'd last.

With a basket now filled with fresh fish, Saracyn began to make his way back home. The Elysium wolves would eat well tonight; it would be a veritable seafood feast! But as the young dire wolf was carrying the heavy basket of fish back towards his home, the heavy sound of footfalls caught his attention—along with the familiar grunting and chuffing of a large predator. Saracyn's ears flicked back, following the sound before his head even turned to face the stranger. Sure enough, it was a bear. Except this wasn't any kind of bear he'd sene before. It was a Kodiak bear, gigantic compared to its grizzly brethren and heavier too. It had followed the scent of fresh fish and tracked the wolf down, and it was hungry. Saracyn eyed the apex predator with a look of cool, lethal indifference. He bared his jagged teeth and snarled, wordlessly threatening the would-be thief away.

The Kodiak bear gave an irritated bellow and raised up on its hind legs, rearing up to its full height and dwarfing the dire wolf with a threatening roar. Saracyn still felt no fear; why should he? When he faced down the grizzly with his mother, they had kicked its ass so swiftly and thoroughly, it hadn't even really been a challenge. Besides, there was no way in hell he was letting some scavenger take his hard earned food away without a fight! Snarling again, Saracyn set the basket of fish aside and squared up against the bear, growling back and snapping his jaws. The bear was unfazed, and realizing the wolf wasn't going to back down, dropped back to all fours and charged. Saracyn easily sidestepped the charging ram of fur and muscle, leaping forward with gnashing teeth to bite and claw at the bear's side and shoulders. Despite landing a few solid hits, the bear seemed unharmed, and simply roared again and swung a thick arm at Sara, knocking the wolf aside like he were a rag doll.

Saracyn hit the ground and tumbled about with a grunt. The blow had hurt, and he'd likely be bruised from it, but he refused to give up like that! Leaping back to his feet, Saracyn snarled and charged the bear again, dashing in recklessly and leaping for the bear's side, latching onto the ursine's side with sharp claws while he tore into the animal's flanks with his razor sharp teeth. Calling for backup hadn't even been a thought in the proud prince's mind, not even when the bear easily turned and caught Saracyn with one of his paws, pulling the wolf away and hurling him away to collide with the unforgiving rocky ground and go sprawling across the earth. Again Saracyn got up, and again the Mendacium lad rushed brashly back into the fight, refusing to give up.

WC: 661 / 1500

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
03-07-2022, 01:15 AM

Kichi had roamed along the path with the hope of finding prey near the water and imagining if nothing was found fish would be a backup.  Unaware of what was going on up ahead Kichi was in no rush, content to stride along at a relaxed gait.  The grey wolf had things to ponder over, such as how he needed to quit slacking off and work harder at improving himself.  He had spent so long alone and not caring that Kichi really hadn’t changed much.  Then there was Relm.  It was nice being near her and Kichi generally didn’t like being near most wolves.  What did Al think of Relm?

The little water deer though seemed full of energy and charged further ahead on the path to the water.  If Kichi had learned nothing else it was how to pay attention to the world around him.  Little Torch would always be a target to predators and Kichi was the only reason the foolish little deer was alive.  It lacked a proper fear of predators to make it in the world without Kichi at this point.

Torch suddenly stopped his stride and gave a loud warning bark.  Kichi jogged over to catch up, suddenly spotting the trouble.  Al’s son was fighting a giant bear.  Kichi would do his job for any wolf in the pack regardless if he cared but this wasn’t any wolf.  This was Al’s kid.  That bear would pay for harming any fur on the kid's head and by the way, Saracyn went sprawling from the bear hit it was safe to say some furs had been damaged, hopefully not more.

Kichi ran, hatred boiling in him with each beat of his heart and paws against the rocky terrain.  He’d kill this thing, heck Kichi would make the thing wish it was dead!  Saracyn was attacking it again and the bear’s focus was on the kid.  Kichi charged in, his teeth biting into the bear’s back leg, snarling as he attempted to yank and pull the flesh from the leg.  Between him and Saracyn, they could just make it lame enough to slowly kill it!

Kichi tasted blood, elation filling his senses.  Suddenly a bearpaw slammed into his shoulder as the bear spun partway around to slap away the smaller wolf.  Kichi fell back on his side, glaring at the gravel he was on eye level with.  Kichi scrambled back up to his paws turning around with the intent for another attack.  Farther behind him he could hear Torch bark angrily at the bear for knocking the grey wolf down.

WC 1090/1500



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-15-2022, 01:58 PM

As he advanced brashly on the massive bear, Saracyn caught a glimpse of a flash of gray heading for the bear's rear. He recognized the wolf; one of his pack mates he hadn't taken the time to really get to know. His father's ward, or something like that. What was he doing out here? Well, it didn't matter. Two Elysium wolves couldn't possibly lose to the bear, no matter how big it was. While Kichi grappled onto the bear's hind leg and distracted it, Saracyn took the opening to leap up over the bear's shoulder, sinking jagged fangs into the tender flesh between the ursine's neck and shoulder and thrashing about like a feral beast. It took him some effort and a couple attempts, but eventually his teeth found purchase through the dense fur and thick fat layer to taste rich blood, earning another pained roar from the bear while Kichi seemingly did the same just out of sight.

Unfortunately for him, the bear managed to easily dislodge the young brute on his rear leg with a powerful blow, allowing it to entirely focus on the prince dangling from his neck fat. Saracyn could have taken the smarter route of releasing his hold to avoid the counterattack from the enraged bear, but he didn't. Instead, he clamped down harder, snarling with deadly intent. It allowed the bear all the opening it needed to squeeze a massive paw up between itself and the yearling wolf, literally prying Sara from his neck with a firm tug and a splash of gore. The pain, if the bear felt any, did nothing to faze it, and the next thing Saracyn knew, he was being slammed down hard into the rocky earth beneath the massive predator. Sara grunted as the air was knocked from his lungs, but the bear wasn't done with him yet. A tremendous pressure suddenly pressed down on the crimson wolf's chest, threatening to crush him and cave his ribcage in. Saracyn cried out in pain, his paws struggling to pry the bear off of him while hind legs kicked and flailed for any sort of purchase in his foe, but to no avail. His heart pounded hard against his ribs, aching almost painfully to pump blood and adrenaline through his veins just to keep himself alive.

After an excruciating moment, the bear released the wolf with a violent bellow, allowing Saracyn to draw in a single gasp of breath. That was when Saracyn's cool cerulean eyes saw why the bear had released him. It was drawing its paw back to bring its sharp claws down towards his chest to impale the wolf. Saracyn yelped in shock and thrust his paws forward to catch the bear's midair as it came down on him, struggling against the bear's weight to prevent those dagger-like claws from piercing his chest. The bear huffed and pushed down hard, its claws hovering like lethal spikes between the two combatants. Saracyn growled and grunted, struggling with all his might to stay alive. In a last ditch effort, he flexed his wrists, sending both hidden blades driving into the bear's paw. The bear bellowed in agony, but didn't relent. The struggle continued, with the Mendacium price hovering a breath between life and death, praying that his partner got back in the fight soon.

WC: 554
Total: 1644 / 1500

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
03-15-2022, 07:06 PM

A hero was coming to save Saracyn!  A proud and mighty fighter charged forward to defend Saracyn.  It had to look like a joke!  The tiny water deer ran towards the giant bear and pinned wolf, the deer’s lips pulled back to actually snarl at the bear as it barked its best threatening call.  The little deer seemed obvious to the size difference or odds as it came up.  It ran straight to where Saracyn tried to find off bear paw, the little deer’s fangs sinking into the bear paw.  Torch clenched his eyes shut a moment squeezing with all he was worth to sprout a bit of blood from the sensitive paw.  The deer was whacked away, sent flying with its lighter body, sharp bark of pain.  It wasn’t much of an opening for Saracyn but at least there was a second of relief from the bear’s attack.

Torch’s attack also gave Kichi his opening.  Kichi ran towards the bear, rage growing with every beat of his heart.  It was trying to kill Saracyn, a moment later it throw Torch off to the side.  Kichi saw nothing else around them, heard no sound over the beating of his heart, all his attention was on the damned bear.  It had to die and it had to feel pain.

Kichi lunged up, biting into the bear’s sensitive ear.  He needed its attention off Saracyn and both for a distraction and for Kichi’s pleasure the ear was easier to sink fangs into deeper, more sensitive, and fun to rip off!  The most important part worked, the bear roared in pain turning to focus on Kichi, roaring as if it could intimidate the grey wolf.  Kichi shook his head and was rewarded with a bit of the bear’s ear ripping free.

The bear charged Kichi and it would have been smart to get away but Kichi wanted it to suffer.  Kichi leaped over a swipe with the paw, attempting to bite the bear where he saw Saracyn had bit it earlier.  His teeth tasted the fur around the injury but even as he planned to go in deeper he heard the weak warning bark of Torch and Kichi spun back, mostly escaping the bear’s paw, feeling its nails raking along the lower portion of his back.  The wounds weren’t deep miraculously but he could feel some blood sliding out.

Kichi wanted to fight more but he saw Saracyn’s situation and Torch.  Kichi stood between Saracyn and bear, snarling but not attacking.  He wouldn’t let Alastor’s son die but he stalled in the fight for now.  The bear and wolf size each other up.  “Let’s go,” he muttered softly to Saracyn, “We can kill him later, on our terms.”  

The bear roared a warning that if they didn’t flee from it soon he’d attack again.  “Torch, go on, get home.”  

The little deer was trotting but there was a limp in its step.  Oh hell, Kichi wanted to gut the bear, spill out its intestines, tie them in knots.  He wanted to rip the bastard to pieces for what it had done.  He wanted to taste more of its blood in his mouth.  Not now.  They’d find him later.

WC 536
Total 2180
