
Black and Blue

Bronze <3



Beginner Intellectual (0)

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5 Years
03-15-2022, 03:50 PM
Time had continued to move and beings had continued to grow. Silent was one of those beings; the gangly limbs and clumsiness from her youth had been replaced. She was sure on her feet, maintaining her balance and her confidence ceased to waver. Despite blossoming into the woman she was meant to be, Silent still kept her childlike innocence when it came to her curiosity. Those emerald eyes rarely showed lack of interest in anything or anyone she met.

She had been on her own for over a year and a half, roaming through various unclaimed lands for nothing more than satisfying her curiousness. As she walked through the Red Forest, she felt an invisible pull with each step. Silent had come across these parts before, enjoying anything the woods offered her with each visit. The last time she had come, the season was different and the atmosphere was bleak. Now, as she continued to calmly trek through the forest, she sniffed the air and hoped that it would give her a hint as to why she was being summoned.

It did not take long for her to see the flash of blue and hint of cologne that never left her mind. Rather than call out to him and disturb the serenity of the forest, Silent increased her walk to a mere brisk trot before slowing down when she was within sniffing distance. Bright eyes looked to greet Bronze's; she had missed seeing those eyes more than she wanted to admit. "Hello, Bronze," she gently greeted, black tail moving once behind her and disturbing fallen leaves in the process. With perked ears and an eager aura, she patiently waited for his reply.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
03-16-2022, 04:21 PM
Life had been relatively stagnant, at least for Bronze. That wasn't to say he was staying in one place most of the time, but quite the opposite. He'd made the whole northern region of Boreas his home. Sometimes he stayed in forests more familiar, like this one, though recently he'd wandered even further north than he was accustomed to. He liked to keep a general idea of where his siblings and parents were, but beyond that he wasn't tied to any one specific location.

This particular forest was one he was deeply familiar with, which was why someone's approach was easily noticed. Having since grown to his full height, it was hard for him to go unnoticed with his slate blue coat as he stalked through the forest - not that he'd ever exactly been light on his paws. His steps were difficult to hide, especially as Silent drew closer. His ears swiveled to the sides, pinpointing the direction of the approach before he smelled her, and long before he realized who it was.

A friend. One of few, really. It was rare to see him smile often but he allowed himself a small one as she approached, the expression barely noticeable unless you were really looking for it. His eyebrows raised, taking in the sight of her as she drew closer. "Not as Silent as I remember," he teased her lightly, though really it was that the forest was relatively and still today rather than any fault of her own. "It's been a long time."



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
03-16-2022, 06:04 PM
She had not been expecting to cross paths with Bronze, especially since the continent was so vast and full of different wolves with various personalities. Part of her had been hoping, that she would see him, though, despite the chances of running into him were slim. When he had come into her line of sight, any doubt had disappeared and happiness slowly slipped in. She could not explain why seeing him released endorphins. All she knew was that she enjoyed his company, however brief it had been in the past.

His light teasing made her cheeks warm, a reaction she was not familiar with. It made her feel slightly giddy, though her outside reaction was not prancing on light toes or giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush. Instead, she gently laughed and took his teasing in a good-natured manner. “My skills require some fine tuning, then,” she replied, tagging into his joke without a second thought. The truth was, when she had realized he was there, Silent had not even tried to make herself quiet.

She caught the soft smile that appeared in his face, however brief in that moment. She silently returned it, body relaxing slightly as she came within a closer distance to his tall and blue frame. He voiced that it had been too long and she answered with a smooth nod. “Yes, it really has,” she agreed. “Far longer than I wanted.” It was a small confession, but Silent felt comfortable enough around Bronze to be honest without repercussions. It had been like that since they were pups, even if they did not realize it at the time. With a slight hesitation, she added, “I have missed you.”



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
03-19-2022, 01:40 PM
Silent truly was one of the few wolves he'd met that he could tolerate time and time again. Often he met others that he was perfectly content never seeing again, though when it came to Silent he found his mind straying to her every so often, wondering where she might be and how she was faring out in the world on her own. Apparently now he didn't have to wonder though, at least not for much longer. He zeroed in on her as she approached, watching the way her eyes lit up when she laughed. "I suppose there's always room for improvement," he suggested lightly, though he though she was quite likely one of the most skilled wolves he'd ever met, at least when it came to yearlings. Silent had been on her own for as long as he'd known her, and though he knew now the life of a loner was not always the easiest, she clearly was doing well with it. Maybe even better than he was.

He gave a nod in response to her admission. "Longer than I wanted too," he admitted softly. It was rare that he was so open when it came to his feelings, but he really had missed her and it seemed fitting to match what she was giving him. "I've missed you too." The words felt strange leaving his tongue; it was rare he even admit such things to his siblings even when he had missed them terribly. "Have you been in the north all this time? Or did your journeys take you far from here?"



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
03-19-2022, 06:32 PM
Bronze was most likely the only other being in this world on whom Silent could rely. She had no immediate family, nor did she know if there were any cousins, aunts, or uncles. Her parents had been secretive about their lineage, but her father had mentioned the name 'Quintus' once or twice in her presence as a child. She was able to remember it more distinctly than anything else from the first few months of her life. It was something she would have to keep on her mind at all times, in case the chance to find those whom called her 'family' would arise. For now, she was a loner and that was the only life she could successfully sustain.

When he encouraged her about room for improvement, Silent agreed with another smooth nod and a flick of her tail. "Growth helps anyone, except those who are in denial." She was humble enough to be open-minded when it came to learning. Though she could be stubborn, she never turned down the chance to enhance her abilities.

Silent's attention to Bronze became more focused when he admitted his thoughts on how long it had been since their last encounter. He felt the same way, too? For once in her life, Silent was on the same page as someone else. The experience was one she would never forget. What made it more special was when Bronze admitted that he missed her as well. Her ears perked intently and she softly smiled to his reply. "You did?" She didn't intend to push the envelope too firmly, but she felt comfortable enough to gently prod and see if Bronze could elaborate more.

The moment continued to remain, but in softer tones surrounding the two when Bronze inquired about her travels. Silent had to think a minute to consider all she had done and that gave her the opportunity to begin walking in Bronze's direction. Looking over her shoulder, she gently nodded it in the direction she wanted them to walk. Once Bronze had fallen into step with her smaller frame, she proceeded to answer his question. "The north kept me for awhile after our last meeting; eventually, I went further south." Black and silvery dotted paws carried her with ease as she fell into her rhythm. "The farthest I have been so far is an island that is full of jungle life. Everything is green, the air is warm, and the prey there keep you on your toes." Silent thought about it a bit more before saying, "It was a unique experience, but I missed the north more than I realized I would." After a second or two, she smirked and teasingly added, "Something kept calling me back."

Silent felt then that she had taken up more time talking than she should. Looking up at Bronze, she matched her stride with his as she moved the conversation to him. "What about you, Bronze? Have you and your family been in the North after all of this time?" Though she figured what the answer might be, she wanted to hear it from him anyway. Bronze was her current favorite person and she intended to soak in as much of him as she could.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
03-22-2022, 03:58 PM
His parents had always taught Bronze that he and his siblings that there was always room for growth - that was the only way to survive in this world, to keep on learning and improving. They hadn't been raised to depend on a pack for their survival, and though they could all lean on one another if they needed it, it certainly shouldn't be something they depended on entirely. He gave a low murmur of approval at her words, agreeing with her entirely in that regard. But they didn't dwell on that thought for long, and instead, she focused on his admission that he'd missed her too.

Almost immediately he felt a rush of heat to his cheeks, thankful for the fur that obscured his flushed features, though maybe the way his eyes widened made his embarrassment obvious. "Yes," he replied after a beat. That was as much as she'd get from him, though. He was quick to move on to the next topic at hand and distract himself from the heat that lingered in his cheeks.

Slowly he trailed after her, surprisingly content to let her take the lead, something he rarely did. Though he wasn't necessarily accustomed to leading others, he tended to default to taking control of things when he could. Around Silent he'd let his guard drop just a little, truly interested in her answer to the question he'd prompted her.

She'd stayed north for a while and then went south, exploring an island with a jungle terrain. Interesting. "That does sound.. unique," Bronze admitted. Perhaps someday his journeys would take him that far from home, but he was truly a northern wolf through and through. This was his home, even with a fair bit of wanderlust in his heart. At least this section of Boreas left more than enough room for a lifetime of exploration, at least as far as he was concerned. "What was it that drew you back?" If he noticed she was flirting, he was completely oblivious to it, and he looked over at her with a curious look in his eye.

"We've all been in the north, through everything," he answered with a slow nod. "I'm not sure we'll ever leave. Maybe briefly, but... these lands are my home. I was born here, and I'll live and die here," Bronze says resolutely. It's one of the few things in life he's entirely certain about, but he knows it with every fiber of his being, a truth as natural as living and breathing.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
03-25-2022, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2022, 02:27 PM by Silent. Edited 1 time in total.)
The interest that Bronze showed when Silent gave a slightly detailed description of her travels made her feel important. She had rarely been shown that her word was valued; with Bronze, it was as if faith had been silently added to her self-worth. Though Silent was a confident wolf, she was one of the many whose thoughts about herself could be the worst criticism. It was not often that it happened; Silent was a well-rounded girl, but not a lot of people knew that about the young lady. Even as that occasional fact tried to work its way into her brain, she pushed it away for later. Bronze filled her with a warm light, even if she didn't know what to label it.

His question about what kept calling her back remained unanswered for the moment. Instead, Bronze spoke of how he and his family had mainly stayed in the northern region of the continent, barely leaving for another hemisphere. When he strongly stated that the north was his home -- where he was born and where he would die -- Silent could only softly smile. "You have already made your choice about your future, Bronze...that is impressive, considering most wolves our age haven't made up their minds about what they want." Considering that they were only teenagers until their second birthday, Silent knew that their lives had only just begun.

As they continued to softly stroll along the massive trees, Silent grew quiet. For only a few seconds, she mulled over her thoughts until she was ready. "Telling me you are staying in the north helps me answer your previous question." Glancing at him from the side, she seemed to become slightly shy. "What keeps calling me back is not a 'what', but a 'whom'..." Her soft smile slowly grew as she let the words sink in before confessing, "I always come back to explore the north with the chance that I get to see you." Some would call it bold, others would call it gentle honesty. Silent's circle of friends was barely non-existent; Bronze was the only one she claimed.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
03-28-2022, 02:57 PM
It was strange, to hear Silent compliment his certainty about the future when he truly felt anything but confident about what lay ahead of him. All he knew was where he belonged and who his family was. Everything else was background noise to him; perceptible and present, but unimportant so long as the rest was how it should be. It didn't strike him as all that impressive, but he managed a faint smile anyway - though it came with a slow shrug. "I suppose," Bronze mused aloud quietly.

It felt more like something built into the very fiber of his being, living here and dying here. He knew a little about where his parents, especially his mother, had come from and so it made sense why he felt the pull to these northern lands. It felt as natural as anything else he knew. Generally unused to taking praise, he doesn't comment on it further, letting his words sink in as they walk together.

The next thing she says catches him off guard, and he ponders it for a moment. He was what kept bringing her to the north. He wasn't used to being of any consideration to anyone, and though that didn't bother him in the slightest - he was used to being on his own and content without many wolves in his life - being told the opposite was strange. It took him a long moment to process what exactly she was saying.

"Surely there's more exciting things in the north than me," he suggested lightly. He wasn't the self-deprecating type, at least he hadn't been thus far in life, but it was strange to imagine someone besides his family thinking that highly of him. And it wasn't lack of confidence either, though he had a tendency to be over critical it wasn't as though he didn't realize his worth. It was simply something new for him to imagine, though he decided he quite liked the admission, even if he wasn't entirely sure how to react to it.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
04-08-2022, 12:40 PM
As they continued to stroll, Silent took note of the silence that slowly slipped between them. She was not upset about it in the least; silence was something she found as company when she travelled. What she loved most about it was that it could show up when she was alone or with someone else. Silence had no preference for a specific person or situation; it always came when it was needed. Silent could see Bronze processing what she said, trying to make it make sense for his sake. When it seemed that he was at a loss for words, silence wrapped itself around him like a scarf, snuggling slightly around his neck before he found the words he needed.

'Surely there's more exciting things in the north than me.' Instead of being offended by his assumption, Silent could only smile. It was warm one, brightening up her features and causing the edges of her eyes to slightly crinkle. Her words came more easily than his, but that was how it always seemed to go with their genders. "I will admit, there are a few things about the North that excite me." She was not going to be dishonest and fib to her only friend. "For example, the way the sun shines on the snow, making it twinkle in the morning." A brief pause, then she continued. "Or how I enjoy the feeling of snow beneath my toes, especially when I spread them and sink an inch or two, leaving bigger prints than I intended." She took in a deep breath and spoke as she softly exhaled. "I also find the crisp air better for me than the humidity I have found in the southern regions." All of her admissions caused her eyes to twinkle in their sockets, a trait that she was unaware she had.

"But these things about the North are small in comparison to what you have, Bronze..." Her voice softly faded before she thought about what to say. For that instant, words were hesitant to meet his ears. "I feel at ease when I am with you. I am able to tell you things that no one else in this world knows. You help me feel not so make me feel important and safe all in one." Looking at him with a sideways glance, she watched him with a soft gaze, hoping she was not too forward. For this kind of conversation, Silent was a complete novice.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
04-14-2022, 09:20 AM
He wasn't quite sure how he'd respond to his comment; some wolves seemed quite predictable to him, and while he generally preferred the sort of company that was free of surprises, Silent was somehow different. She challenged his mind in a way he didn't anticipate and made him think differently than expected, which wasn't something he always liked, but with her it was a pleasant surprise. Instead of brushing off his comment she answered it plainly, describing some of the things she liked about the north. The way the sun reflected on freshly fallen snow, and the way snow felt beneath her paws.

He found himself grinning as she spoke, a rarity for him, but the expression was deeply genuine. Though the bitter cold could be a challenge, snow was something that definitely excited him deep down. "The way a fresh layer of snow seems to make the world completely silent," Bronze added as an afterthought, one of his favorite things about the north, among a list of many.

Apparently she really had meant that he was one of the main draws that kept calling her back. Interesting. He'd believed her the first time she said it but it took him longer to process than he expected. He'd never had anyone admit that he meant quite as much to him as she was currently saying, and he fell silent as they walked together, avoiding her gaze for now. "I feel the same way. About you, I mean," he awkwardly clarified. He'd never met anyone that made him feel seen for exactly who he was, and the feeling was as comforting as it was terrifying. "I've never met anyone like you." His admission wasn't a terrible earth-shattering one but it felt huge for him, and he slowed his pace as he finally tilted his head to gauge her reaction to his words.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
05-15-2022, 10:26 AM
Bronze’s afterthought of the snow making everything quiet was something she had not considered saying out loud. “You’re right, now that you mention it,” she agreed. “The world is quietly covered in a thick blanket of white…and that is all it takes to make it perfect.” Even if the span of time was a mere five minutes of peace, Silent knew it would mean the world for Bronze to appreciate. She couldn’t help but smile softly at the thought. It was one she enjoyed and hoped she could in the future.

It took him a few minutes to process what she was saying, something Silent didn’t mind in the least. They had all the time in the world; of all the wolves in the world, he was worth the time and patience. During that time as they walked, Bronze expressed how he felt about her in typical Bronze fashion. He was a novice in this area of conversation, too, it seemed. That fact alone put Silent more at ease than before. Black ears pricked forward as she listened, hearing him say that he had never met anyone like her. The slowing of their paces and turn of his head to meet her gaze was mirrored and she turned her head slightly to reciprocate.

Silent was quiet for a second as they kept each other’s gaze, tail lightly moving around her hind legs as she absorbed his confession. She blinked once and her smile appeared, genuine as anything could be. “That makes me feel good,” she said, tones soft and shy. “I have never met anyone like you, either.” Her smile brightened her features, giving her eyes an extra shine. “Being around you makes me happy.” Silently, she hoped he felt the same way.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
06-02-2022, 07:19 AM
Bronze nodded and hummed in quiet acknowledgment of her agreement. There was something almost otherworldly about the quiet and serenity of the world after a snowstorm; it wasn't something easily put into words though he tried to and Silent seemed to agree. That pleased him much more than he could show. With winter not far in the distance, those sorts of days would become more and more frequent, and Bronze found himself hoping that her pull to the north - which he was apparently part of - was enough to keep her here throughout the next season. Winters in the north could get brutal enough that he wouldn't fault her for leaving, but still he found himself hoping.

Though his words felt awkward and clumsy leaving his lips, they came from his heart and he hoped she responded favorably to them even if expressing himself wasn't really his biggest strength. Silent met his gaze and he nearly flinched at the way it made his heart leap in his chest. "Same," he agreed quietly. Being around her was always enjoyable, in a way he didn't feel around most other wolves. "I do hope you stay in the North." Knowing her presence might be a more constant in his life made his heart flutter with palpable excitement.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
06-27-2022, 09:56 AM
In that moment, all Silent could do was smile and slowly nod her head. “The North has become more of a home to me than anywhere else,” she admitted. She wanted to express more about how she felt, but too much would be said and overstimulation was a potential piece of aftermath. Silent was still getting used to emotional conversation territory; she would tread lightly until she wasn’t so shaky. “So long as you are here, I will always want to come back.” In her mind, she wanted to stay with him more than just a few random visits, but all in good time to those who wait. With that, they began to walk off, conversation of many topics in the air but remaking untouched for the moment. A comfortable silence was all they needed.