
nice little chit chat




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-17-2022, 06:59 AM
Rain lightly pattered against the leaves above her as she lay on the beach. Happy that her coat was nearly grown back in, Celeste would take the day to relax. Resting on her side with all four legs stretched out, she kept her head up to watch the gathering of doves. Their soft cooing nearly lulled her to sleep. More interested in how they acted around each other, her eyes blinked in a slow and lazy fashion. While she could go find Kuroki to bother him some more, she wasn't really in the mood today. Clouds shifted overhead, covering the bright sun. Glad to have a break from the heat, Celeste took her time daydreaming of the future. One without other girls, one where Oki was all hers, one where she was queen. Ah, wouldn't that be nice? Her attention was suddenly grabbed as an ear flicked over to the side. The sound of someone approaching caused her head to gently tilt over her shoulder to see who it was.

Celeste Akizora


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-22-2022, 03:41 AM
Tiny paws prance along the sandy beach as Seere plays in the rain. Soft giggles follow her as she prances, lopes, and walks through the rain. After the blistering heat that has filled every afternoon since she left the den, this feels so much better. She really likes this stuff. Rain. It is called rain. Who had told her that? Was it Stolas? Or Void? Or… she had been so eager to go play that Seere had run off with thanking them. Well, she will just have to thank all of family, just to be sure. Tilting her head back, the monochrome pup opens her mouth wide and sticks her tongue out as far as it will go in an attempt to catch the fat raindrops. Picking her small legs up high, Seere prances happily onward, not really paying attention to where she is going.

Keeping her head tilted back is making the pup dizzy and Seere is thankful when she lowers her head to sneeze out some rain that has fallen into her nostrils. When her mismatched eyes reopen, she spies a very pretty lady lounging a short distance away. Oh wait. Is the pretty wolf looking at her? A wide, happy smile splits her mouth open and the monochrome pup quickly bounces over to say hi. Giggles follow her path as Seere bounds right up to the stranger and aims to plant her paws into the girl’s side. Mismatched eyes try to capture the older wolf’s aquamarine gaze as her small tail wags fiercely. Seere chirps out happily, “Hello! You’re really pretty. Do your horns hurt? Are you new here?” Small head tilts as curiosity fills her eyes.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-24-2022, 07:38 AM

Her soft but bold stare watches the pup prance and play in the rain. Drizzling down to wash away any bad feelings, Celeste smiles. Ah, to be a pup without a care in the world. She was still young herself, but those days of being incredibly small and without any duties to uphold were gone. The petite girl doesn't move as the pup sees her with a widening grin and bounds over to her. A light oof escapes her lips that is followed by a laugh as she turns her gaze up to meet the mismatched eyes. Blinking quickly as the barrage of questions and firm press of small paws on her side caused her cheeks to flush warm. Pretty? Her? No, Celeste would never think that about herself. Ok, that was a lie, but still, she was flattered.

"Why thank you little one," she murmurs with another small giggle herself as her tail beats gently against the rain-soaked ground. "My horns started growing when I was born, they hurt a tad but not anymore," Celeste gladly answers the question with her own tilt of her head. "I am new yes. You could say I'm one of Kuroki's girlfriends that he finally decided to bring home," her tone is humorous albeit with a tinge of jealousy. One of his girlfriends, ugh. Who would want to share anyway? One look at the handsome beast and surely you'd want him all to yourself. Either way, now wasn't the time for her to get grumpy over stupid boy decisions.

"And you? Do your parents belong to Ashen, miss?" Celeste teases as she brings a paw up to try and boop the pup on the nose.

Celeste Akizora


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
03-16-2022, 10:08 PM
Seere giggles happily as she keeps her paws planted on the pretty wolf’s side, her small tail wagging rapidly behind her. The pretty wolf thanks her and the smile on the pup’s face grows and she notices the wolf’s tail is also wagging. The monochrome pup soon realizes that this wolf is a very nice wolf and kind because she takes time to answer her questions. Mismatched eyes round in wonder as the pretty lady talks about her horns and she nods in understanding, glad that they no longer hurt her. Next is the question of being new and the wolf tilts her head as she speaks, causing Seere to mirror the wolf and tilt her own small head.

A girlfriend? Seere doesn’t know why she calls herself a girlfriend of Kuroki’s… does he not have many girl friends?  Why does it matter if his friends are boys or girls? The pup tilts her head and poses the question, “Do you not have many girl friends? I have a girl friend! Her name is Venom! Well… she is my aunt but she is girl and we are really great friends! Have you met her?” The wolf asks about her parents as she moves a paw and boops the pup the nose. Seere laughs happily and wiggles excitedly, moving to try and climb the really nice wolf.

As she goes, the monochrome pup says, “My dad’s Plague! He is the best fighter ever! I am going to be just like him one day. Dada is Void and he is a great explorer! Mommy is Rava, she is really pretty and really sweet! Like you!” Seere giggles as she moves, the pup full of seemingly boundless energy. “My siblings and I have been a part of Ashen since we were born. My name’s Seere! I bet your name is as pretty as you.” The pup finally stops climbing and comes to a stop in front of pretty wolf, looking up at her with mismatched purple and mint eyes. She sits down and asks, “Can I be your girl friend?”

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
04-11-2022, 07:00 AM

A smattering of a laugh leaves Celeste as her eyes crinkle at the corners. Pups could certainly be adorable when they weren't being brats. This one was unusually sweet and she enjoyed that. Allowing the pup to climb and move around to disperse her energy, Celeste watched as her questions were answered with new questions. "I do not have many girl friends, no," she responds with a gentle shake of her head. Realizing the pup was much too young to understand the semantics of relationships, she nods. "I have indeed met Venom, she is a very kind wolf,"[/color] her voice is more tender than normal. There was no reason to be harsh or rude to the curious pup that stared at her with mismatched eyes.

Turning her head to follow the pup until she came to sit in front of her with a tilted head, Celeste matched her movements. "It sounds like you have a busy life ahead of you Seere," Celeste comments on a cheery note. While she was no fighter herself, she would say that she was proud of her hunting skills. Determined to show others that even a petite wolf like herself could take down animals much larger than her. "I'm not sure, Seere is quite the beautiful name. I go by Celeste," another laugh leaves her as she nods her head. "Of course, you can be my girl friend. Whenever you need me, I'll be there," the slender girl reaches out a paw to tap the pup lightly on the nose. Resting once more on her side, she glances out to the ocean before looking back to the girl. "So Seere, what do you like to do for fun?"

Celeste Akizora


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
04-26-2022, 02:30 PM
Seere’s tail wags as the wolf laughs and a crooked smile appears on the pup’s lips. This wolf is really nice and super pretty which makes the monochrome pup’s smile even bigger. As she climbs all over her new friend, the pup questions the pretty lady and listens to the answers that she gives. She doesn’t have many girl friends? That information makes Seere sad and she decides to remedy that situation. This beautiful wolf should have all the girl friends! Well, that just means that she will have to find more for her. But who does she know? Oh! Saia! The pup begins laying plans to introduce her sister, Saia, to lady. Oh and mommy too! Yeah, the monochrome pup is willing to bet they would want to be her girl friends too!

As is the way of pup’s, the pup’s attention quickly shifts as the pretty wolf speaks of Seere’s aunt. Oh, she has met Venom! A giggle escapes as the wolf talks about how kind her aunt is and the pup’s tail wags faster. Puffing out her chest as best she can while still scaling her friend, the pup says, “Yeah! She is very kind. Just like you!” Another round of giggles before she is explaining who her family is and what Seere plans to become in the future. Finally, the pup moves to sit in front of her friend, wide, happy mismatched eyes looking up to catch the gaze of the kind wolf. The lady matches her head tilt and the pup giggles, the corners of her eyes crinkling in joy. When her friend comments about having a busy life ahead of her, the pup nods and says, “Yeah but I’ll always have time for my friends!”

Then, Seere gives her name and the wolf gives her’s which immediately has the pup’s tail thumping the ground hard in excitement. And then, Celeste makes Seere the happiest puppy ever. She agrees to be her girl friend! The pup suddenly launches herself toward Celeste aiming to press herself into her girl friend’s chest. Head tilts back as she beams up at the pretty lady, joy written in every line on the pup’s face. Then Celeste boops her nose! The puppy squeals in delight as she aims to bury her face against her friend, pure elated laughter filling the air. After a moment, Seere moves back, tail waving like a happy flag as her laughter falls away. She cannot stop moving, so her small legs carry her around in a circle, kicking up high as she prances in front of Celeste.

When her friend asks what she likes to do for fun, Seere happily exclaims, “I like to run along the beach! There are lots of birds that I chase there. Or. Or. I go hunt for small animals. See I make myself really small…” At this the pup stops her prancing to show Celeste how she hunts. She gets low to the ground and slowly moves toward one of her friend’s front paws, eyes locked on the target as she says, “I move really slowly. One small step at a time. And then when I am close enough…” Her front end lowers but the pup’s monochrome butt sticks up high in the air. Front paws knead the ground until Seere suddenly jumps forward, body aiming to pin her friend’s paw under her body as she exclaims, “I pounce! If I catch my prey I usually give it a pat before releasing it.”

With that she pats Celeste’s paw before moving away, tail wagging as she looks up to her friend. With a smile on her lips, Seere asks, “What about you? Whatca you do for fun Celeste?”

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.