
Get your grubby paws off my stuff!!!



4 Years
09-07-2013, 01:52 PM
ooc: In case your wondering, she left the area. Shall be a good time for him to come snooping around! xD

Head tilted as mismatched orbs gazed down t her treasures. Shells here and there, a few rocks, other crap, all outlining the decently large wolf skull. It had taken some time for her to collect them all, to find the perfect rocks, shells, wanting it to be the best for her friend. "Do you like them?" She would ask with a smile, tail thumping against the stone ground. She had found a small area away form the main hallways of the ruins, a small hole in the wall. "You do?" Ears perked up and she held her head high as the voice answered her, tail wrapping around her body as a hum seeped from her lips. "I have one more thing I wanna add, you stay here okay? I will be right back."

And with that the girl would jump up onto her paws, whip around and bound out of the hole, running down a hallway and hopping down a few rocks. She had something she wanted to bring her friend, and like that she vanished into some bushes.



09-18-2013, 07:39 PM
Cream white paws tapped the rock he was lying on. Overlooking the valley below, he watched with bored interest as he saw small dotted figures moving about below. He had left the Northern Lands, deciding he didn't want to give up his freedom just yet. A smirk would play on his lips, however, when he heard that the Glaciem "King" had lost against the Valhallan Empress. Ah what a fight for something so stupid and lose. A rumble rose in his chest at the thoughts, amused by the antics of that particular pack. He also heard that the Alpha's mate was taken as a result of losing the battle against the ghosts mate. Or one of his whores? Uisge couldn't tell what they were really, the pale one it seemed, would fuck anything that had lady parts.

Uisge stood, the thoughts running in his head and he was quite amused. He moved off the rock he was on, traveling upwards with no particular destination. He enjoyed his freedom, and would not let some fool take it away and tell him what to do. Granted the man himself would often sleep with other females on a weekly basis, it just seemed that the routine became boring. The whores having nothing more to offer then the warmth between their legs, and then he would leave. He began to crave something more, though he didn't know what.

Soon, the man came onto a small platform a few minutes after leaving his previous spot. Sapphire eyes peered around, catching the sight of an opening in the rockface. He moved forward, quiet steps never making a sound as he neared the opening. The scent of something strange met him, and with curiosity he would enter the hall. He wondered who or what was in here, but whatever it was he could easily overpower should it decide to attack him. He was a rather large brute after all. After a short distance, he noticed a hole off to the side in the wall. Stopping, he peered into it and gazed with curiosity at the things in side. It looked like a hoarding den, but who could arrange things this way?
He stepped inside, glancing first at the shells and other knick knacks that were arranged, then at the wolf skull that sat in the center of it all. With a raised brow, he moved closer and nudged the skull, the scent of its owner long gone. He looked around some more, his paws often shifting a shell here and there, putting things out of place just slightly. With his back to the entrance, he moved farther in to nose more of the things that he found. all very strange...He thought.



4 Years
09-18-2013, 08:35 PM

It didn't tale long for the girl to find what she wanted to bring, it was a special shell she had found the other day, prettier than the others. She held it gently in her jaws as she headed back to her home, a bounce in her step, tail swinging behind her as she hummed along the way. In minutes she would be back at the stone ruins, hopping up onto a stone block, then over to another. As she made her way down a hallway though she caught something in the air.

Lips pulled back at the scent of a wolf, very strong, probably still here. Eyes narrowed, tail lashed in irritation. She would change her path, going down a very small tunnel only she could fit through, taking her to an isolated room where she would then jump from stone to stone to get up a level. From there she would walk down another hallway, still irritated that someone dare come into her domain.

Within a minute or two she was standing at the edge of a hole in the ground above where her room was, a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat at the sight of a wolf rummaging through her things. She would set her precious shell down beside her before baring her fangs. "Get your grubby paws off my stuff!" She would growl down at him, mismatched orbs glaring down at him.



10-03-2013, 08:56 PM
The dark man would continue his investigation of this strangely decorated room. He would move further, circling here and there to poke at a nick knack or prod at a shell. Whoever decorated this place had a strange...obsession. Ears would perk slightly, a scent wafting towards him. Blue eyes would look to the entrance, expecting someone to come running through and attacking him for trespassing. Though none came...yet the scent grew stronger with each passing moment. With narrowed eyes he would turn his back on the way in, though keeping his senses now alert should someone decide to ambush him. He stood there for a moment, and at last his ears would pick up the telltale sound of a growl, followed by an angry outburst. "Get your grubby paws off my stuff!"

Russet head would whip around, though nothing seemed to be behind him. He found it quite strange...until he glanced up, then he would see the strange girl. He stared at her, blue eyes watching and waiting to see if she would pounce on him from her perch in the ceiling. He kept light toes should she decide to leap at him, ready to let her fall to the floor beneath him if she so chose. Brows furrowed, he wondered what the hell she was doing up there. "Your stuff eh? What is a lass like you doing collecting all this garbage for? Dontcha know it ain't healthy for a young lass to be alone livin' among this trash eh?" He turned around, picking up the skull that he had moved earlier, teeth wrapping gently around an edge. He would look back up, a slightly muffled murmur parting his jaws. "An' is this yers too? Wha' a fine collection ye've got here, where did this one come from eh?" A hidden teasing note would play onto his silver tongue, coaxing the girl or at the very least make her come down by subtly threatening her possessions. Oh yes he was a bad one, and was not afraid to get his paws dirty or mess with others of his kind.



4 Years
10-08-2013, 06:37 PM

She would give a slow nod of her head as the man asked if they were hers, of course they were, why would she tell him not to touch them then? That wouldn't be his only question though, he went on to ask why she was collecting this garbage. The girl snorted, garbage, these were treasures! How dare he call them garbage. Eyes narrowed on him, tail lashing. He was lucky she didn't hop on him right that moment and dig her fangs into his neck. He even commented on it not being healthy living around her treasure.

Suddenly a snarl would erupt from her jaws the moment teeth made contact with the skull. Her body dropped, tail held up as she prepared herself to jump at the man. Nobody but her touched Narge, this man would definitely get it. "Are you asking for death you bastard!" She snapped, hopping down onto a jutting out stone but still above the man.

"Remove your fucking filthy mouth from him! Now!" She snapped again. Narfi would hop down again, this time landing just in front of him. But the moment her paws made contact she lunged forward, jaws snapping.
