
Everybody needs a friend




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-09-2022, 12:45 AM

Remus wandered across Boreas and Auster in the time since he arrived here, occasionally stopping by the castle dwelling pack to check in on his brother, but mostly just keeping to himself. He didn't necessarily dislike the solitude, but the longer he was by himself the more he thought about all the time he had spent growing up with their family and how close they had all been. He kind of missed that constant companion ship and was tempted to at least join up with the pack that Romulus called home just to have an excuse to be around him at least, but he also didn't want to just continue riding his brother's coat tails or disrupt this thing that Roman had going on. He had a life and a girl and all that. He couldn't just drop everything to hang out with his brother and Remus knew that.

So that left Remus wondering how to fill the time. He often thought about the pretty mottled girl he had ran into a couple of times now, maybe because of how interesting she was, maybe because she was really the only wolf he had spoken to much since he arrived here, maybe because he couldn't really get the moment out of his head when he asked about her pack and she just seemed so strained by it. She was even younger than him, but she just seemed to be so stressed about things regardless. He obviously didn't know the whole situation or what was going on, but why not try to brighten her day a bit. He did just a little bit of prep work at a near by beach, just clearing out a little spot for them to lounge and tucking away some dried meats in case they got hungry, before he went to the border of the pack she lived in to find her.

It was still pretty early in the day when he got there—maybe a couple hours shy of noon—and instead of calling for her he just found a spot a comfortable distance from the border and waited in the shade of a tree. He figured a princess would probably be patrolling at some point or would at least come close enough to the border for him to spot her at the very least so he just waited so he wouldn't risk drawing the attention of anyone else. Sure enough, she caught a glimpse of her familiar coat through he pale trees and he grinned, getting up from his resting spot and trotting over to the edge of the border. "Ike! Psssssst! Ike!" he called in a hushed voice, waving his paw to get her attention and flag her down.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
04-11-2022, 07:43 PM
She took a lot of patrols these days, so Remus was correct in believing that he would catch the princess here. It was easier for Shuriken to to put her focus into a task like this than it was to think about what had happened in her life and Ashen. There was a part of her that remained broken from the day her father left them. It was a quick decision and a sudden loss and yet it still gripped her as her mismatched paws carried her over Ashen’s borders.

Flicking her ears to every sound, running her eyes over the horizon, listening for the sounds of her companions, they were all much easier than dwelling on what waited for her back at the palace. Reminders of Hattori’s missing presence haunted her everywhere but no where as intensely as her own reflection. The memories they made together haunted her as she tried every night to find the reason he’d left in them. Unconvinced it wasn’t because she wasn’t better.

She was on high alert when she heard the somewhat familiar voice try to get her attention. Her dual toned eyes narrowed in suspicion before Remus revealed himself. He didn’t have to work as hard as he did to get her attention, and Ike heeded as soon as she realized who was trying to catch her eye. "Remus?” She questioned as she wandered off the border to meet him.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-11-2022, 10:52 PM

As soon as Ike turned his way and moved toward him he grinned triumphantly, his tail wagging gently behind him as she rightfully questioned him, obviously not expecting to see him here. "Come on!" he insisted with a chuckle, reaching across the border to take her ankle in his paw and pull her toward him gently. "I'm stealing you away for a day of fun and relaxation and you're not allowed to say no!" He wouldn't hear any protests and just pulled and nudged her forward insistently until she was finally walking along with him as they started heading away from he pack's border and up toward the coast. "I've decided that you're in dire need of a break," he declared with a resolute nod while they left the pale trees behind them. "No ifs, ands, or buts, Princess. We're having a beach day, I insist."

It didn't take that long to make it over to Fontamo Bay, but along the way he chatted and joked with her about anything and everything except the pack and her family. Everything packs and responsibilities was strictly off limits today. He had seen how draining just his question about what the pack was like had been on her the last time they spent time together and chatted. He knew there was probably something deeper going on that would ultimately have to be addressed at some point, but all of that could happen after she just enjoyed being young and having fun for a while. When they arrived he lead her over to a spot that was tucked away among some rocks with a large skin laid out in case they wanted to lay on something other than the sand. There was a bag of dried meats tucked under a rock at the edge of the sitting area as well as a water skin of fresh water.

"Race you to the water!" he exclaimed with a laugh, giving her shoulder a nudge before he went running down across the beach toward the lapping waves. The incoming wave hit his legs as he ran through the foam and as soon as it did he immediately got swept off of his feet. He tumbled forward and landed flat on his face in the water, getting tossed about for a second before he managed to scramble back to his paws spluttering and coughing and shaking water out of his bristled mohawk. He bust out laughing at himself and grinned as he blinked the water out of his two toned eyes and found Ike again, giving her a grin.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
04-15-2022, 06:50 PM
Ike was almost shocked still when Remus reached over the border and literally grabbed her out of her patrol. She squeaked in surprise but offered no other protest as he led her away from her wallowing. He was taking her and she wasn’t allowed to say no. Her eyes widened in surprise at his confidence, but he wouldn’t find his task very difficult. "Oh…” She found herself lost for words, but like he knew exactly what to do Ike began to feel the stress of everything melt away. She left her anxiety and self doubt in Ashen’s borders and felt his smile begin to infect her.

It didn’t take too long before she found her feet and her voice. The two of them were swiftly chatting, thankfully about anything that didn’t involve Ashen. By the time they arrived at the beach, blessedly far from her home beaches, the princess was feeling lighter than ever. She didn’t trip over her own paws, she didn’t trip over her words, and she could genuinely smile as Remus led her to the picnic spot by the sand.

Before there would be any getting comfortable in the shade Remus was challenging her to a race. Surprise had her at a disadvantage as he started to kick sand. Somehow the young man was keeping her mind occupied to the point nothing else could interrupt. It didn’t matter the issues at home or in her heart, right now she was racing and being a kid. She was right behind him, mismatched paws kicking up sand as she followed after him into the surf.

She was forced into the water similarly, though her paws hadn’t betrayed her on the way here they gave out as she hit the water. Though she was slightly more graceful than Remus, she kicked out so her body would be propelled forward into the waves. If there was anywhere she was comfortable, it was the ocean. "Remus!” She cried out worriedly as he sputtered and coughed up seawater. It didn’t take long to realize he was fine as he burst out laughing like a right fool. Ike couldn’t help but join him. "You’re not supposed to inhale the seawater!”

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-20-2022, 02:11 PM

Once Remus was able to right himself and spot Ike out in the water in front of him while he laughed, he couldn’t help but smile even harder. She had been pretty and mysterious in their other meetings, but she had also seemed so weighed down and strained by her life which felt so incredibly unfair to someone as young as her. Their trip here gave him a glimpse of the sweet girl underneath and he really liked what he saw. "Oh yeah? Dang, I thought I might try to be a fish!” he called back to her sarcastically when she told him not to inhale the saltwater, making him grin and laugh again. He didn’t know the full scope of what was going on in her life and couldn’t really imagine the pressures she was under, but he was really glad he could at least give her a day to herself filled with laughter.

Now that he had his bearings again, Remus bounded out into the waves to join her and grinned as he leapt forward to tackle her. He wrapped his forelegs around her shoulders and pulled her down into the water, only letting her go as a wave rolled over them and submerged them both for a moment. He popped back over the surface of the water with her, laughing and blinking the water from his eyes. The water was cool but not too cold with the sun on them and it made for great swimming weather. He played around with her for a while, splashing water back and forth and doing little races through the waves. Ike was surprisingly a really good swimmer and seemed absolutely natural in the water—far more than himself at least.

Eventually, as the sun started to move past the high point in the sky, he nodded toward the shore and told her, "Come on, let’s go eat a snack and get dried off.” He wanted to make sure they got dried before it got too late since the night was sure to get colder than the day. He led the way out of the water, giving himself a good shake once he was back on the sand and getting as much water out of his fur as possible. The thicker mohawk of fur that ran down the back of his neck was still a little water logged, but that was just the way it went with the unusual way his fur grew. Walking over to the little picnic area he had prepared, he tipped over the rock that had been hiding the simple meal of dried meats and berries, pulling out the small bag and laying out its contents for her. "It’s not much, but hopefully it will at least hold you over,” he told her with a chuckle before he flopped down onto the fur he had laid down to start letting his coat dry.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
04-27-2022, 07:15 PM
It was all smiles and jokes as Ike teased him about his coughing and sputtering. Of course Remus hit her back with an amusing self depreciating retort. He was trying so hard to be a fish, but.. "You don’t make a very good fish.” She chuckled along with him brightly. It felt so good to let go of it all, as they laughed together the weight of the world seemed to lift from her thin shoulders. Just to be replaced with Remus’ heavy grasp. He bound towards her and in a flying tackle wrapped his arms around her and sent them both into the ocean surf.

There was no countering the ocean’s force and they were pulled apart, with both wolves popping up again after the wave took them. Ike’s dual toned eyes found the boy’s dark gaze, care free and jovial. Having fun, racing, swimming with him, was so good for her young heart. She lost so much of her innocence the last year, part of it was growing up, but a lot of it was from her father leaving. Some of it was the weight of her position in the pack on her. She had great expectations to live up to and that didn’t weigh lightly on her.

They played in the ocean until the sun started to fall, and Shuriken could feel the exhaustion of a long day on her body and her limbs when he led her out. Remus had been directing her all day, and part of her was relieved to have direction. She was given more and more responsibility recently, having someone else making decisions also helped her relax. Time for a snack and some dry fur. She shook herself, much the same as Remus did.

He led her towards his picnic area, revealing his prepared meal. A few little meats and berries ready for her as he flopped onto the fur he had prepared earlier. Like he didn’t have a care in the world. Ike tried to emulate hip, and flopped onto her belly in front of her dinner. "It’s plenty,” she assured him quite eager for the meal after such a time in the ocean. She then proceeded to scarf down the whole meal without inhaling. It was probably the best thing she had ever tasted. "Or maybe just a snack.” She chuckled, a little embarrassed at her appetite.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
05-03-2022, 07:17 PM

Remus grinned as Ike landed on the fur beside him and assured him that it would be plenty. He certainly hoped so, but he had also underestimated how much fun they would have swimming and how long they would be in the water. He had really though that their little beach day would be a quicker trip than it was turning out to be since he really didn't know how Ike would take to it, but he was pleasantly surprised to find the fun loving girl that had been hidden under such heavy responsibility and he just didn't have it in him to cut it short. Now they were probably hungrier than he had originally planned for, but as long as he could satiate her appetite long enough for her to get back home for a proper meal then he'd call this whole thing a success.

He glanced her way for a moment as she scarfed down the food he had laid out for her while he continued to eat as well, a little grin tugging at his lips while he subtly watched her. It was so endearing in a way he couldn't really explain to just see her eating and living so freely and without second guessing and a little part of him wished he could see her like this all the time. He knew the unfortunate reality was that he would have to take her back to Ashen and back to her responsibilities sooner or later and he'd have to see that weight settle back on her again even if he didn't want to. He couldn't just steal her away from all that even though it was tempting. He finished his food only shortly after she did and laughed lightly when she said how it might have been just a snack. "Maybe! I didn't expect to get such a work out swimming in the ocean with you." He chuckled and grinned as he shifted a bit to be able to look at her more easily, secretly admiring how the sunset hues played off the pale side of her face.

He glanced down at her paws and shifted one of his own closer to hers, lightly and playfully tapping at a couple of her long talons before shifting his ruby and emerald gaze back up to meet hers with a smile. "I'm glad you've had so much fun today," he told her quietly with more sincerity than the mostly teasing comments he had made throughout their day together. "I was uh... I was a little worried about you. You always seemed so worried and down when we met up so... I just wanted to do something fun with you." He gave a shy, kind of awkward chuckle as he looked down with a grin, tapping one of her talons again. He was usually far more flirtatious and confident when he was talking to girls and spending time with them, but with Ike it felt different, but in a good way. It felt like it meant more, but he couldn't really explain why.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
05-04-2022, 03:51 PM
Being able to forget about everything weighing on her really helped her feel relaxed and allowed her to have some innocent fun with her new friend Remus. She didn’t know him very well, and being practically strangers she probably shouldn’t have followed him out here. "Me either,” Ike concurred as he spoke about just how much exertion they would be expending. She didn’t take very long to eat the little meal, but it really was enough that she felt satisfied.

Her pale dual toned eyes lifted to find Remus watching her somewhat wistfully, Ike blinked bashfully and averted her gaze as she felt her cheeks flush. She didn’t look back up to Remus’ features but she did watch as he reached out and touched her talons playfully. Or softly rather, like he was afraid to go too far and grab hold of her paw. She glanced up at him as he spoke again and confessed his true reason for bringing her out here.

Remus had worried about her, concerned himself about her even though they were strangers. Mismatched ears fell to her skull and she struggled to keep his gaze. "You don’t have to worry about me, Remus.” She told him as her toes began to flex towards his own, it was a silly feeling he made to flutter in her belly. "I’m glad you did though.” Timidly the young princess lifted her gaze towards his once more.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
05-08-2022, 07:51 PM

Remus watched her expressions as they changed while he lightly tapped and brushed her talons while he expressed his concern for her, watching as she seemed to look almost guilty for making him worry. Even though she told him not to, he wasn't sure if he could stop himself from being concerned about her now. The night and day difference from how she had been the few times they crossed paths near the Ashen borders and how she had been throughout their trip together were night and day. That was no coincidence to him and it only cemented what he had assumed about her being far too stressed for her own good. Of course he didn't entirely know all of the causes of her stress and worry, but he could see the effects of it easily enough. "I'm glad I did too," he replied, a little grin pulling across his lips while he gazed at her appreciatively. No other girl had really caught his attention or kept him on his toes like Ike did and it made him view her differently than anyone else he had spent time with.

It was a bit of a spur of the moment decision, but as soon as it crossed his mind he knew that it was what he wanted to do. He finally gave in and slipped his paw under hers, holding it with a gentle squeeze. "Let me come back to your pack with you," he told her resolutely, giving her another smile. "Whether you tell me to or not I'm going to keep worrying about you... I don't know what all I can offer a pack. I'm just a wandering vagabond that can sometimes put together some fun dates, but... I can at least keep you company and maybe help get some of that stress off of your shoulders from time to time." He gave her paw another gentle squeeze, his ruby and emerald gaze searching her face as he waited to see what she'd say. He figured it was probably time for him to figure out a more permanent place to live anyway and if he could help out a friend at the same time that felt like a win in his book.

"Remus Armada"