



09-27-2013, 11:15 PM

She snuck out like a criminal in the early hours of the morning under the disguise of a hunting trip. The Duchess intended to hunt, of course, as she had felt most useless with her being bond to her children lately. But she had a detour to make, a detour to somebody who, if he was keeping with the old habit they seemed to share, would certainly be within the grasp of the waking world at this most unforgiving hour. Long strides carried her to Tortuga, pausing hesitantly outside its borders, making certain not to touch anything. She would bathe shortly after, and then she would hunt. Above her, storm clouds roared, promising to erase her scent once the rains broke through.
She did not bark for Taurig, as she was not seeking him. Rather, she was observing Tortuga for spy purposes, and if he so happened to stumble across her presence then that was that. She wouldn?t have sought him, and would have a very weak excuse to provide the curious member of Glaciem with. She settled down a few feet from the border, waiting for the new leader to come, waiting to betray orders for the first time in her existence.



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 01:43 AM

He was out of Glaciem for good. He would never set foot in the northern region for the rest of his life. Or at least, that's what he trying to convince himself of. He had no reason to go reason that he wanted to admit. He'd left because he was sick of his father and the way that he was running things, but there was another reason he'd left...Argent. Taurig had never pictured himself falling for a woman or developing any kind of romantic feelings. He'd always been so dedicated to his job, to training, that he had never thought himself capable of having time to dedicate to someone else. But he had proven himself wrong. Sort of. Argent was the duchess of Glaciem, but she was a warrior, just like him. And she had trained him, somewhat fought with him. She was a beautiful woman and reminded him much of the women back in his birth pack. Perhaps that simple fact about her was what made him fall for her. Or maybe because she showed a tiny bit of interest in him and he allowed himself to return the feelings. But it had been a wrong move. Very wrong.

Though now in his own pack, the cobalt King hadn't been able to shake his early morning habit of patrolling the borders. It was all he had done in Glaciem and it was something that he had brought with him to Tortuga. It wasn't the ebst habit to have, but when you were the King of a new pack there was no telling who was plotting out there against him, especially when one of the packs belonged to an estranged bastard of a father. Powerful ebony limbs would pull the titan through the lands, icy gems flickering across the darkened morning landscape. Torn nostrils would flare, inhaling the chilled fresh air, bringing along with it a scent that he thought he would never cross again in his life. Pace was brought to an abrupt halt, the organ in his chest freezing mid-beat. Argent. What was she doing here? Isardis had specifically told her and Sendoa that they were forbidden to ever set paw here, and yet here she was. Or was it simply a figment of his imagination? It couldn't be. He could feel the bite of the morning air against his thick coat, so Argent's scent had to be real.

Needing to confirm, Taurig would spur himself forward at an easy lope, weaving through the timbers as he closed in on the origin of the duchess' scent. It wasn't a figment of his imagination. She was really there. Her silver figure was unmistakable. He would always recognize her. The king would slow down to a quiet walk, moving through the shadows until there was only a few feet between himself and Argent, his heart racing and drumming hard against his ribcage. What was she doing here? She appeared to be waiting for someone, but who? Surely she wasn't waiting for him...Was she? Argent? Lyrics would be a hushed whisper, unbelieving in nature, still not convinced that she was truly here. Limbs were locked in place, his dark coat blending nearly perfectly into the darkness, his icy eyes the only thing detectable in the shadows.

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10-02-2013, 10:10 PM

She was not left in wait for long, a blue-grey fur quickly coming into sight of her crimson gaze. Argent could not help the sad smile that crept onto her face, the bundle of joy and happiness that sat in her chest when she looked upon Taurig?s now-maimed features. He spoke her name, and her ears clung to the sound. The silver knight was devoted to her master, to her King, to her love, but her heart could not deny the twinge it felt when the new leader of Tortuga spoke to her. ?Taurig,? she said his name softly, as if explaining her presence here. That was unnecessary; he had heard Isardis?s words just as well as she had. Being here was an act of treason her part, and she?d done it for him.
She made certain to keep her distance, looking upon him, trying to see if he?d been looked after properly. ?Is there anyone to tend to you??she asked gently, hoping he was alright. The awkwardness of her speech was apparent, and yet what else was she to do? Argent was a woman bound by emotion and duty; she could not reach out to Taurig as she yearned to, and yet she could not help the confession that slipped from her lips. ?I miss you,? she verbalized, wondering if Taurig could feel the vibrations that the phrase sent through her.
She stayed still in posture, but open, friendly, no signs of aggression apparent. No, this was to be a friendly visit, perhaps the last time she?d ever be able to visit Taurig in such a casual capacity. Selfishly, she wanted him back. She wanted him under her control, where she could feel free to be conflicted, but that was not fair to him, and it was not possible now. Now, she could let him go, now she could release him, but the thought hurt. When you let him go, it will be for forever she thought, and it was a truth she was reluctant to accept.



5 Years
Extra large
10-03-2013, 02:08 PM

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She was loyal to Isardis. Completely devoted. Why else would she have his children? Consequently his half siblings. He had been clear; no one was to come to Tortuga to see him or they would subject to severe discipline. Argent knew that, but she was still here. Was she looking to get beat? He wasn't sure if Isardis would be completely capable of hurting his Duchess, but he wouldn't put it past him and knowing Argent she would probably stand there and take it like he had. Even contemplating the ice King laying a single paw to hurt her sent his stomach reeling. He should run her out of here, tell her to go back to Glaciem, but part of him didn't want to. She was here for a reason...Right? She couldn't just be coming because of nothing. There was some reason behind her visit here, but he didn't want to let himself think like that because it wasn't possible. It couldn't be.

Taurig[/i]. His name was a gentle whisper from her lips, making the organ in his chest stutter. There was meaning behind the one word that fell from her lips, he could hear it. There was no mistaking it. She had defied a direct order from Isardis; for him. He shouldn't be moving closer, he shouldn't even be speaking to her because of the possible repercussions, but he couldn't help himself as his paws brought him several steps closer, his cobalt frame coming into view beneath the moonlight. [u] Is there anyone to tend to you? There was genuine concern in her words and it twisted his stomach into tight knots, his heart thundering against his chest. She shouldn't care, but she did. Why did she do this to him? No, but I'm fine. They're just scratches. He was playing off his injuries. They weren't that bad, but he would forever be missing a piece of his left ear, but it wasn't like he minded much. It was essential to live.

So she had come to make sure that he was alright? Well she could see for herself. The wounds were healing up pretty nice, though they would scar pretty badly, it was better than having them become infected. That should've been the end of it. But Argent wasn't done. I miss you. came her soft vocalization. Her words sent a punch to the titan's gut, his frame visibly shrinking in on itself. Audits flattened against his skull, a pained look taking hold of his icy gems. Why was she doing this to him? Jaws unhinged, but nothing would come out. It would take the King several more tries before his voice decided to cooperate once more. I...I miss you too... His voice was a strangled whisper, thick with emotion. He wanted to run forward and embrace her, to feel her silver figure pressed against his own. But he held himself in check, his pained gaze boring into her own ruby one. Did she know what she was doing to him?

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10-04-2013, 04:25 PM

Oh, how she yearned to reach out and touch him, to pull him into her grasp and fill the little cracks that she was beginning to feel. And yet that wouldn?t be fair; how wicked a woman she would be if she dared to touch him. Already her confession that she felt his absence had been enough, but anything else and she feared she might egg him on. They both knew that she would never leave Isardis, that she would always be the loyal knight of Taurig?s father, and Argent didn?t regret that for the most part. ?You should seek out a healer. Those sorts of wounds can be infected,? she told him, motherly instincts present as they always were.
She watched his ears pinned back, listened to him speak, and it broke her heart. The expression on her face was saddened, and her head turned to face the ground. ?I don?t want to be your enemy,? she told him, and perhaps that was to be inferred from what she had admitted. Oh, she didn?t want to imagine herself fighting Taurig, didn?t want to think of his blood on her paws or what it tasted like. ?I can?t- I couldn?t- I?,? I could never hurt you she thought, and what a lie that was.
Argent twitched towards him for a moment before maintaining her position. She thought of her children, of Glaciem, of Isardis, steering herself for the hardest battle she?d faced yet.



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 04:38 PM

He loved her. He had never allowed himself to believe that, but now that she was standing before him, he couldn't deny it any longer. He loved her. He shouldn't, because the feelings would never be reciprocated, but it hadn't been something he had intended on having happen. He hadn't planned to love her, or develop feelings for anyone, but those pesky little bastards had wormed their way into his heart all the same. And now he was here. A king of his own domain with the woman that he loved living in the pack that was now his enemy. How much more messed up could things get?

you should seek out a healer. those sorts of wounds can be infected. A sad chuckle worked it's way from his chest to slip past his dark lips. Always worrying. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. She would anyway, he knew that for a fact, just like he would worry for her once she got back to glaciem. Would Isardis know that she come to visit him or would she able to keep their meeting well hidden from him? His words seemed to have an effect on her, her own ears pinning back against her skull as she averted her gaze as she spoke. She didn't want to be his enemy. And she wasn't. Isardis was. You're not...You never will be my enemy...As I hope I will never be yours... His voice was a quiet murmur, his chest constricting at the next words the fell from her jaws. i can?t- i couldn?t- i? The titan moved forward again, needing to comfort her, to feel her against him but he stopped himself in time, a few feet still separating the two. His right forelimb was extended forward, ready to close the gap between them. I could never hurt you either...

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10-04-2013, 04:57 PM

She would worry about Taurig constantly, despite his insistence that she not do so. Argent was a maternal woman, always looking after the things she cared about, and there was no way that the silver knight could deny she cared about the new King. She didn?t dare to think how much, or to what extent; the feeling was there, it didn?t need to be labeled. Labels could be dangerous, after all, and she preferred to keep her feelings obscure for the time being. Then she could not profess them, then she could not hurt Taurig. Oh, the confusion in her bottled up chest was heavy, but she would let her ribs shatter with its weight before she dared to whisper the contents of her heart to the man before her.
But oh, how difficult he made her task. ?I don?t know what to do,? she professed, and perhaps she would have cried then, if she hadn?t been so concerned with how it would make Taurig feel. Argent was a servant if there ever was one, born to look after, to care more for others than she did for herself, and she would never dare to let her own desires get in the way of someone else?s well-being. Taurig moved forwards, and impulsively the silver knight closed the distance. She wanted to press her chest against his, to press her face into the side of his neck, to inhale and breathe his sweet scent and forget what was troubling her.
?I?m so awful for you,? she whispered into his skin, hoping the message might soak into his system, that his brain would receive the message as it boiled in his blood, that he might recoil from her touch and send her away. Argent was losing the war with herself, and she needed Taurig to walk away, she needed him to be the strong one, because she?d been strong her entire life and she was so worn out and exhausted.



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 05:15 PM

He should've sent her away the moment she had set foot in Tortuga. She wasn't supposed to be here, but damn the organ in his chest, how he wanted her here. He wanted to keep her here, to take her away his from his bastard, undeserving father. Isardis didn't deserve her. He really didn't. She was so precious, so amazing and Isardis just didn't appreciate her the way that she deserved to be appreciated. He loved her and she would come first to him, no matter what. But to the Ice King, she was second. His selfish wants came first and then she came second. At times, she appeared to be more of a tool to the Ice King than anything else. To use and dispose of whenever he felt like it. She deserved better than that. If only she could see it.

I don't know what to do... Yes she did. All she had to do was leave Isardis. Leave him and leave Glaciem. She could bring his half-siblings along if she wanted, as long as she left that horrible place and came to live with him. She would have a better life here. He would look after her, take care of her, do everything in his power to show her just how much he loved her unlike Isardis who probably didn't even love her. Was that bastard even capable of love? He didn't think so. But he wouldn't tell her that because he didn't want to force any of his choices on her. Who knows, maybe she didn't feel the same way. Maybe she was only here because of pity, because she had felt bad that he had gotten mauled by Isardis. Or maybe she really did truly care about him in the same way, but just couldn't find the strength to tell him. Whatever the case, he wouldn't take these moments with her for granted. They would probably be the last ones he had with her and he needed to treasure them.

His closing of the gap set off a reaction in the silver dame and it was she that closed the gap between them, pressing her chest against his, her crown folding into the crook of his neck. Taurig's heart would've burst from his chest if it could've but instead just pounded heavily within its confines. Surely she could feel what she was doing to him. The titan curled his neck around her own, burying his nose into her shoulders, breathing in her sweet scent. Oh god, how he'd longed to touch her, to comfort her, to hold her and now he was able to. i?m so awful for you. Her whisper sent his frame trembling with weakness. Awful. She wasn't awful. She was far from it. Didn't she know? You're not awful're not... He trailed off, pulling his head back so he could look her in the eye when he told her. He needed to see those ruby eyes of hers as he confessed his love for her. Because I love you... came his barely audible whisper. He'd finally said it. And he couldn't take it back now.

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10-04-2013, 05:36 PM

Perhaps she could imagine herself by Taurig?s side; she could see their kingdom, could see the little children, could see everything, and yet she knew it was an alternate universe she was imagining. Yet here, wrapped into his embrace, she could imagine it. Once she calmed down she would feel guilty, she would feel regret, but now the silver knight had taken off her armor and she was letting herself lose it. What was control anymore? She was so tired of playing the servant, but she dared not vocalize the feeling, or bring it to life, because for all the discontentment she had lately, the Duchess loved her King. It hurt that she knew he would never love her, it hurt that she knew she was just another tool, it hurt that she knew it was possible her children might one day face Taurig?s fate. And yet, her heart was so bound to him, and now it almost felt like she were caught in a tug of war.
She wanted to tell him all she felt through her body, because nonverbal communication said more than verbal, and it was so much more powerful. And yet, how could she believe that, when Taurig spoke to her the most powerful words at all. She couldn?t find her voice, but her heart began to beat rapidly, so loudly she could hear it in her ears, and she wondered if Taurig could make out its sound as well. The woman didn?t respond with her words, instead rasping a tongue against his neck, because sometimes actions did speak louder than words. ?You should forget. Find yourself a nice, sweet girl who will treat you like you?re the very air she needs to live,? she told him, and oh goodness how much she wanted to be that girl, and how much she felt torn that she knew it would never be possible.



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 05:47 PM

He shouldn't have told her. Never. Ever. It should've been something he took to his grave with him, but he needed her to know. He needed her to know that unlike Isardis, he really did love her and he wanted only the best for her. He didn't want to use her to gain things for himself. He wanted to do everything for her because she was just that amazing of a woman. Because maybe, just maybe, his confessions would stir something in her. Maybe it would bring out a realization in her that he was the better choice. Sure, she had already had children with Isardis, but it wasn't too late. She would always be welcomed here, she would always have a spot in his heart, no matter how many years passed or where he went, she would always be special to him, even if he wasn't nearly as special to her.

And then he felt something incredible. Their chests were still touching and his heart was still hammering, but his wasn't the only one. He could feel Argent's own organ begin to thunder in her own chest, beating at the same speed as his. That had to mean something. Didn't it? Or was she just simply nervous because she didn't know how to properly turn him down? To his surprise her salmon tongue washed over his neck, making the titan's knees tremble horribly. She needed to stop. She needed to leave. He needed to run her out of here for good. But he couldn't. Damn him, he couldn't. And he wouldn't. you should forget. find yourself a nice, sweet girl who will treat you like you?re the very air she needs to live. At her words his thoughts flitted to Maija, the golden women whom he'd helped that day in the storm, curled up in his den beside him. She was a beautiful woman, but she was no Argent. He would never find someone like her and his feelings for her would never leave. I don't want to forget about you...I want one else... The words that were falling from his lips were poison, making the inevitable goodbye that much harder, but she needed to know. She had to know.

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10-04-2013, 07:10 PM

He was making this so hard, but wasn?t she making it worse? She knew better. Argent knew she had to get away, but she didn?t want to. She was clinging to him now, because this could be the last time. Who knew where life would take them? Isardis could lead a march for Taurig?s head, war could claim her life, and the Duchess would ultimately find herself bound to Glaciem by her bounds of devotion. Her head moved, trying to bury it into the side of his neck, eyes watering. Why couldn?t he just hate her? Why couldn?t Taurig just laugh and walk away? ?Please,? she begged him. Oh, she wanted him to leave her behind, because she didn?t want him to hurt, she didn?t want him to wait on her for forever.

They were so close, and she didn?t want to remove herself. She had felled many opponents, had walked away superior from so many battles, and yet now her muscles faltered. Argent, warrior of Glaciem, Isardis?s right hand woman, was struggling to find it in herself to stay loyal. She never thought she would leave him, but coming here was a surprise, coming into close proximity with Taurig another surprise. ?I can?t stay long. I don?t?I don?t want to leave,? she told him, and it was true. I don?t want to leave you behind, I don?t want to leave Glaciem behind, I don?t want to leave anybody behind. How terribly conflicted she was, how stretched thin was her heart.



5 Years
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10-04-2013, 07:22 PM

They were killing each other. Not physically obviously, but emotionally. She was driving the stake that she'd planted when they first met in his heart deeper and deeper with each moment that she continued to stand in his embrace. And he was letting her. She would drive the stake as deep as she wanted, for as long as she wanted because he was hopeless when it came to her. Even if after this night she went back and he managed to forget about her, there would always be an emptiness that would haunt the titan, always a feeling of being incomplete. Because he never would be. Despite everything he had told himself upon coming to Alacritis, somehow the titan had allowed himself to fall for the silver knight. He really shouldn't have, but the heart was a tricky thing and usually didn't listen to what it was told.

She would move her head, burying it into his left shoulder, a coolness touching his warm skin. It was moisture. Argent was going to cry. Oh gods, she was going to cry because of him. He didn't want to cause that from her because clearly the tears wouldn't be of joy. They were hurting each other yet neither could find the strength to pull away, to cast the other away for their own good. Please came her quiet plea, but it had no effect on the man. He wouldn't let her go. Not until she walked away from him. I can't... He murmured softly, folding his head against her neck again, icy gems sliding shut as he savored the feel of her body against his. It felt so right, but he knew it was wrong. And yet he didn't care. She couldn't stay long, he knew that, but he wanted her too. Oh how he wanted her to stay here forever. Then don't... His voice was a cracked whisper as the words slipped from his ebony lips. He was asking her to stay, and he knew she wouldn't, but he had to try, even if it was futile.

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10-04-2013, 10:22 PM

She wondered what would have happened if it had been Taurig to save her that one day. Would they be happy now? There was no point in pondering the ?what ifs? now, when what had happened had happened, and now Argent was stuck in confliction. She was conflicted, but she knew what she would choose. Her fate had been signed in blood; in battle, in oath, and in motherhood. Nonetheless, she despaired, because she could imagine a life with Taurig. She could imagine a life where she felt like more than another number, where her children were raised to find their own paths instead of one to please their father, where war wasn?t a constant. She wanted it, but despite all her physical strength, the silver knight was not strong enough to fight her own bonds.

Perhaps that was why she found herself so close to Taurig, unable to disconnect the bond she had with him, too afraid of the sting and the loss she would suffer. She wondered about him, wondered if he would be okay, wondered if one day Isardis would send her for his head. ?If only,? she whispered to him, pressing closer to the blue-grey man. ?I?m here for now,? she told him, nuzzling into his fur and daring to rasp another kiss upon his pelt. Would he realize the subtle undertone of what she?d said, the implications that she?d meant partially, but hadn?t fully realized? She noted the heat between their pelts, and she didn?t want it to break apart, because being intoxicated was much better than being conflicted and pained.



5 Years
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10-05-2013, 02:59 PM

She could so much better. She deserved so much better, but she either didn't want to accept that or really thought that Isardis was the best she could do. Their first conversation together upon meeting replayed in his mind. She owed her life to Isardis because he had saved her. It was hard to believe that he had done something so noble being such a narcissistic and selfish bastard. It would be understandable to be grateful to the one that saved your life, but that didn't mean that she had to surrender her life to him. She didn't have to love him, didn't have to stay with him, even if she was tied to him in motherhood. The Ice King would be a bastard of a father. He didn't love his children, merely wanted them to become more personal soldiers that he could dispose of when he got tired of them or they became useless. How could she be with him knowing that when his half siblings grew up, they could possibly expect the same fate as him if they ever decided that they were tired of the albino's crap. He just didn't understand and he wasn't sure that he would ever be able to.

I?m here for now. But that wasn't good enough. That would never be good enough. She wasn't going to stay. He had known that she wouldn't stay but he couldn't help but hold out some kind of hope. But that hope was dashed now. Gone. Crushed. Non-existent. But the hope that one day she would come into the realization that he was the right man for her was still there, though faint. And he would hold on to it with every fiber of his being for the rest of his life. She would nuzzle herself into his neck, her tongue rasping against his neck in another tender kiss. Taurig trembled, embers sparking within his massive frame. He didn't want to ever let her go. He wanted to keep her here, in his embrace, for the rest of his life. He wanted to show her just how much he really loved her...And he could, right now. There was nothing stopping him, except for the fear of the repercussions she would face upon returning to Glaciem. But if she decided to let him show her, she would know how to evade them. She was an intelligent woman. And even if they were discovered, he wouldn't cower or shy away. He would admit it with pride and fight Isardis if things came down to blows. But would she go that far with him?

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10-05-2013, 04:24 PM

She wished she could break herself into pieces, that she could give part of herself to Taurig and the other to Isardis, and she wished that she could stop being so damn selfish. Alas she couldn?t, and Taurig?s silence was powerful, except it wasn?t silent. She could hear her heart beating, synchronous with his, and in that moment she had no self-control. The silver knight began to pepper nips and kisses along his neck, her intentions quite clear. ?I am here for now,? she told him, because it was the truth. If she couldn?t give herself to him, at the very least she could give him this memory, this memory she was certain that she would come to regret the very moment she was alone.

Argent pressed as close as possible, closing any gaps, hoping to press them together truly and maybe wondering if she could make it better in this moment. Argent dared not to profess her love verbally, but could Taurig not see the passion she felt through her physical actions? Could he not tell how she loved him by how willing she was being to betray her King, how defiant she?d been to a direct order? Oh, she dared not vocalize or speak it, for she feared the blue-grey male would be tempted to challenge for her. But she knew Isardis would never let her go. Even if she left Glaciem behind, the snowy King would follow with a wrath, he would follow and he would hurt Tortuga and Taurig until she returned. No, Argent had no option, and so she dared not let Taurig think that the thought was remotely possible to her, dared not let him hear what she truly thought of leaving behind the Kingdom she?d helped to build. Instead she let him feel it, because actions spoke so much louder than words.



5 Years
Extra large
10-05-2013, 04:44 PM

She was here now. She was his for this brief moment in time and he had to savor it. This would be the only time that she belonged to him and he to her, and he would never forget it. Even if he never saw her after tonight, this moment shared between them would be branded into his memory for the rest of his life. It would haunt him relentlessly and the titan would gladly go through it if it meant that he would never forget Argent. Because he didn't want to forget her. He knew that she wasn't good for him. She was bound to the man who had helped to create him, bound by things he would never understand and those bonds would never be broken, he could already see it. So why didn't he just snap out of it and let her go? Banish her from his kingdom, from his mind, from his heart and live the life that he was now building for himself? Because she was his first love, that's why. There was such a powerful emotion attached to her, he would never be able to let her go, the way that he would never stop loving her. It was hopeless.

I am here for now. She would repeat, her words accompanied by nips and kisses to his thick neck. The gargantuan would tremble, tremble against her touch, his heart thundering against his ribcage. She needed to stop. She needed to leave...But he didn't want her to stop or leave. Why did they do this to each other....Taurig would mimic her affections, his own daggers nibbling against her silver coat, working his way from her neck until he was at the corner of her ear, salmon tongue passing delicately over the flesh there, his voice quaking as he spoke. Then let's not waste your time here... He knew what he was implying because she had implied the same thing. She had initiated it and now he was following her lead, but would they really go that far? She had defied a direct order from the Ice King by coming to see him, so there was nothing stopping her from doing such a thing. It was a stupid decision, one that would hurt him later on, but in the moment he didn't care. He just wanted her.

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10-05-2013, 09:20 PM

Argent was beyond caring about right or wrong, or guilty or innocent, she just thought about Taurig for the moment. That was the fairest thing to do in her opinion; if she just focused on him, if she gave him the best memory she could, then he?d always have that little piece of her. The silver knight didn?t know if they?d ever see one another again, or if when they did, if they?d be facing each other in battle. She didn?t know how far Isardis would go, and she didn?t want to think about it. She didn?t want to think about her return to Glaciem or how she would hide the evidence, no she just wanted to think about the great sin she was committing, the sin against Glaciem, the sin against Taurig, the sin against Isardis.
He returned her favor, and suggested what she had suggested, and that was all it took. Her head ducked, rubbing against the new Tortugan?s chest as she turned, hoping to rub her side against his chest, a sign of permission, a sign that he could have her now, under the early morning moon, where there were no eyes to watch and judge them. ?Time with you is never wasted,? she joked, a sweet sentiment despite how much she knew she should restrain herself from such words. After all, she would only leave as the sun rose, and the less kindness she showed Taurig, the more likely he was to realize how terrible she was.



5 Years
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10-05-2013, 10:12 PM

Nothing but the feel of her skin against his own mattered. It didn't matter that she was hopelessly in love with his father, that she would always go back to him, no matter how he treated her. It didn't matter that she would never love him the way that he loved her, that she would never be coming home to him, never bear his children, never grow old at his side, never fight at his side. It didn't matter that he wouldn't be able to show her every single day of her life just how much she was truly worth. It was a sad thought, but in this moment in time no sad thoughts were allowed. No thoughts at all were allowed. Just action.

She wanted him and he wanted her. That was all there was to it. The silver duchess would duck her head against his chest, rubbing herself against him, turning the embers she'd ignited into a full on blaze. A low growl would rumble in titan's massive chest as he dipped his muzzle, nose skimming along her spine. God, she was so beautiful. Did she know that? Time with you is never wasted A quiet chuckle bubbled past his lips as kissed her spine, pressing his lips against each ridge, nipping only to soothe afterwards. So beautiful... he murmured huskily against her tender flesh, his nose slowly making its way towards her haunches, nibbling at the base of her spine. He wanted to draw this out as much as he could, to keep her for as long as he could. He knew she would leave after they were done, but he wanted to treasure every single moment until then.

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10-06-2013, 05:35 PM

This was about them, about the lack of space between them, about the way Argent wished she could just get a fresh start. It wasn?t about the attachments with Isardis, about the ways she didn?t wish for a fresh start, about how terrible she would feel afterwards. Her body shivered as his nose ran along her spine, relishing in the warmth that ran through her like a shot of liquor, the intoxication of her sin so beautiful. Taurig continued to move along her body, head turning back to look at him. Quiet whines encouraged him, because no matter how conflicted things were, the one thing the silver knight knew was that she wanted him.
She could turn away now, could walk off without committing a great sin, and yet she could not. No, Argent didn?t want to walk away now, not when she wanted to give Taurig every last minute of her time possible. ?Whenever you?re ready,? she told him. For now she was his, and she was willing to accept that, willing to let him have a taste if only for a little while.



5 Years
Extra large
10-06-2013, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2013, 06:37 PM by Taurig.)

On some level he knew that that she was a horrible person. Had this been happening to someone close to him, he wouldn't have condoned it in the slightest because of the kinds of repercussions it would have later on. But now...He could understand why someone would put themselves in a situation like that because he was doing it to himself. He didn't regret it. Maybe at some point he would, but in this moment he didn't. It was the best decision he'd made so far, besides having left Glaciem to start his own pack, despite now having his former pack as an enemy. She was his poison and he would slowly die for her as many times as she wanted.

Whenever you?re ready. He'd been ready. For the longest time. He'd always been ready for her and he was most definitely ready for her now. But once he went through with it, she would be gone, gone with the rising morning sun and he would most likely never see her again; at least not under these types of circumstances. Needing it, craving it, desiring it, desiring her the titan would give her haunches one last kiss before he would raise himself up on his hind legs, forelimbs reaching up to gently wrap around her hips, pulling himself closer. The member between his hips throbbed painfully, begging him to take the beautiful woman before him and show what she would be missing for the rest of her life. He would tease her entrance, brushing it with his tip, daggers nipping at the back of her neck, salmon tongue soothing each nip. With careful strokes the titan would slowly slip inside the duchess until he was in to the hilt, his body now merged with hers. I love you....Don't ever forget that... He whispered huskily into her ear, his body beginning to rock against hers, finally able to show her just how much he truly loved her.


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