
restless tides


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-19-2022, 05:43 AM

The gut feeling that twisted her insides around told her she was on the right track. Her main objective of even being here in these strange lands was to find the family that helped massacre her own. Once a peaceful and thriving clan was now diminished to dust strewn across the mountains. Being the only survivor, her heart had been torn to shreds, and her vengeance was the only emotion that kept her eyes bright. After questioning many a stranger where she could find the ones who went by the family name of Hattori, she had been able to get the scent in her nose.

It would be callous of her to make a direct attempt of interaction so she steered clear of the place that reeked like him. The him she didn't even know yet. Couldn't even put a face to the name. As she looked out to the brilliant ocean, Tenshi knew that soon would be over. While she still needed to hone her skills, that would take time as well. For now, she was content to watch from afar. Steel-blue eyes watched the water ripple around her as fish nipped at the surface. A salty breeze brushed along her thick coat and relieved her skin from the warm sun overhead.

Taking a seat on the edge of the ring, near where the path met the ocean, she rested. Eyes half-closed and breath calm and collected. Today would be a good day, no matter who came along.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
04-21-2022, 01:26 PM
Sometimes it felt as though the past was intent on nipping at Hattori's heels. Forcing him to constantly look over his shoulder as he shoved aside the what ifs and whys, forbade himself from ruminating on things he couldn't change. Not any more. And yet it seemed as though yet another ghost had found its way here, not an Iga wolf but one with a bloody history all the same.

As always.

Hattori slowed to a walk, his pale brows furrowing as he took in the sight of the mountain wolf. He did not recognise her as an individual per se, rather it was her rugged form and markings that stood out to him. Set her apart from the run-of-the-mill Nihon wolf that might wash ashore. Even so far from home the scent of rock and ancient mountains still clung to her form, showed in the wideness of her paws and the thickness of her coat. Anyone could tell she wasn't from this part of the world, that she didn't belong and ought to return if she knew what was good for her. To try and repair what had been shattered, to cling onto the pieces lest they skittered off the mountainside. To be forever lost.

And yet here she was, reclining back on the sand. As if she had any right to be here, more of a right than Hattori at least.

"What are you doing here?" Hattori asked none too kindly in their native tongue, accusation infused into his tone like venom dripping from a snakes fangs.

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-22-2022, 08:01 AM

Daydreaming was not a fancy she had taken to until she had arrived in these parts. Having more time on her paws than before, Tenshi had been able to reminisce about the good old days long gone. It would nearly make her eyes well up until the scent she had been tracking suddenly violated her nostrils. At first, her ear turned to listen to the subtle crunch of sand beneath heavy paws. Even the near-silent rustle of fur against the ocean breeze was faint. The man knew how to move undetected and that did not surprise her. Unmoving, Tenshi let her icy blue eyes open fully to look out across the ocean.

The rippling surface and bubbling currents kept her head cool as she waited for him to speak. Feeling the wet sand between her toes kept her grounded as she finally heard him come to a stop. Even now, she could sense that he was trying to bore holes into her body just by his stare. Not much that would do, but she had to decide what her plan of action would be. Her stomach toiled with a ferocity to whip around and slash him, but he would be just as experienced, if not more, in combat than she was. Tenshi knew as well that he would hold no pity or sympathy for her predicament as it had not much to do with him anyway.

Rumors still spread though and the one snarling at her backside was indeed a wolf that many had believed dead or at least gone forever. That was something she had not expected. Her rage all but dissipated as her greyed face turned to glance over her shoulder at the figure demanding why she was here. With her lips flat and expression mild, Tenshi stood with a slight shake of her thickened coat. "Do you want the whole story or the abridged version?" Her deepened tones spoke carefully as she glanced at the behemoth of a man. While he was only an inch or so taller than her, her insides still crinkled. Handsome was an understatement and her mind was still reeling at the idea she had come across the long-lost heir. How was that even possible?




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
04-29-2022, 10:43 AM
Hattori did not appreciate her lip. To some it may seem he had grown more tolerant as of late, but that degree of softness only applied to those in his clan. A woman like her deserved no such thing, not when he knew of the resentment that burned behind her eyes. Knew of the grudges she no doubt held, would always cling onto the moment she saw a koi wolf such as himself. And perhaps she had every right to feel that way, but Hattori couldn't allow such a line of thought to take root and fester like an infected wound. What was done was done, there was a reason for everything. Two sides of every conflict.

He blinked slowly, his expression cold and aloof. The furthest one could get from friendly, without being outright hostile.

"Tell me what I need to know." He demanded, wanting her to spare him the fluff. He didn't intend to linger on the past any more than he needed to, but he knew the mountain wolf wouldn't agree with such a notion. As ancient as stone, histories ran deep and resentment deeper still.

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
05-03-2022, 08:24 AM

She had not expected a warm welcome from him. The way he stared at her in that bored manner as if he were tired of the world was not any sort of surprise. He wouldn't care for the lengthy details or the sordid stories of how her whole clan had been demolished. Being the last one left did leave a gouge though. Heart torn into many pieces that she was still trying to tie back together. What exactly was she even going to tell him now? What did he really need to know?

Lifting her haunches from the sand, she stood to fully turn and face him. It was the least amount of respect she could show for him without betraying her feelings. Standing face to face, meeting her icy blue eyes with his silver glow, her mouth grew dry. Her entire journey down her, she had practiced and recited everything she was going to say the moment she met the man. As she stood there, it all went away. He had had nothing to do with the demolishing of her clan. It wasn't as if he had been the one to order the genocide to happen. How was she to rightfully and honorably blame him for it?

Perhaps she should have stayed away and taken Iga's royalty down one by one there. Yet, that wouldn't have been possible. An idea clicked in her mind at that moment. If she were to become an ally of sorts with their long-lost heir, they would be furious. The one clan that had always gotten under their skin, her mountain wolves, teamed up with the one wolf they missed the most? Oh, there would be riots. Seconds passed as her mind ticked away to gather the proper words. Say one wrong thing and she would be a goner. Inhaling a shallow breath, Tenshi exhaled before the words were released.

"A grudge was bestowed upon me for what was done in the past. The Yama Clan does not forgive easily, but now that I am alone, I have started to see past that. There is nothing left for me there. Not in the mountains, not in the forests, not in the smaller villages, and especially not in Iga. I do not belong anywhere and while my heart is still a fury of pain, I needed to find somewhere I belong. The start of my journey had not been a noble beginning, but I have had time to change my thinking. I need a purpose," Tenshi finished with a slight bow of her head. It was as little fluff as she could give him without revealing everything.

What he would do next would be his decision. If he wanted to turn her away, then so be it. She could continue to plan her revenge in solitary and return when she was finally ready. If he had a plan to keep her for something, she would be open to living a different sort of life. Maybe it would be the only way she could heal. To see the way he lived away from Iga and the poison that infiltrated their society.  The hairs along her spine bristled as she anticipated what he would say.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
05-16-2022, 09:31 AM
Hattori listened in silence, statuesque and still. Blinking only once the flow of words had come to an end. Hattori knew the history of her clan well enough, how could he not? But did he believe her? Would a woman like her truly seek out redemption, revival, from a man like him? Who was part of the problem, thought nothing of the suffering of her people, because he'd deemed they deserved it? It was hard to say, terrible and unknown. Almost too good to be true, too coincidental that they'd run into one another like this. Didn't seem like a passing chance in his eyes.

"And you think I can give you purpose? Someone like me?" The things he had done and would do again, without hesitation or question. That was the man he was now, thorough and unmoving. Like the mountains she'd once called home. "I could if I wanted, but why should I trust you? Why should you trust me?"

He was rather cynical in nature at the best of times, but this occurrence had him doubling down.
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
05-26-2022, 06:31 AM

The beat of silence that stretched between them was noticeable. She could tell he was considering the proper words to respond with. Shifting her weight slightly, one brow arched out of curiosity when he did speak. This time, it would not take Tenshi a considerable amount of time to reply. Deep down, the moment her eyes landed on the long-lost heir, she knew exactly what to say.

"You seem to have been able to make a good life for yourself out there. Seeing the splendid condition your form is in," sneaking the compliment in was second nature as her steel blues roved over his coat for a moment. "You were once regarded as a force, someone to be feared, I could not imagine that has since disappeared," her thickened accent felt comfortable around him. Her answer hadn't exactly been straightforward, but it would be enough for him to understand. They both knew of each other's past and it would be foolish of her to assume he couldn't provide her with a sense of purpose.

A light chuckle leaves her lips as she shakes her head gently. "We should not trust each other at all, at least for now," Tenshi's bold gaze lifted to his face as her expression turned a bit more serious. "Trust is something that is built over time and I could never ask or assume anyone to trust me the day we meet," standing still as the statue standing before her, one would think the two behemoths were indeed mountains. Unperturbed by their surroundings, the squall of gulls, the rustling of a salty breeze, nothing seemed to interfere with the space between them.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
06-27-2022, 09:13 AM
He had a hard time believing she held no animosity towards him. The things that had been done and could not be taken back were too numerous and too grave to speak of. If he let her into the fold there was a very real chance she might try to destroy Tojo from within, break it apart and undermine all he had built. He almost wanted to see her try, to see if she could do it, to learn whether he'd been right to suspect her all along. It was a foolish notion, and he ought to cast her aside. Too risky, not even a thread of trust between them.

And yet...

"It is as you say." Was this an investment worth keeping? Would he regret this down the road, where it was too late to turn back or slam the brakes? Curiosity was getting the better of him, ticking away in his mind and making him think, ponder. If nothing else he could make use of her, and she was right, trust could be worked on in the long term. "But know this; if you betray me you will be reunited with your ancestors soon enough."

He couldn't make it any clearer. The ball was in her court.
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]