
Snow Maybe About It... Let's Have Fun!

Cerberus & Lucina Intellect Seasonal



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-18-2022, 04:47 PM

Athena leads the way toward the massive mountain in the distance, her amber eyes glancing toward Cerberus and Lucian to make sure they are handling the trek well. Since she had told the young heir about her life as a nomad, the earthen wolf had been determined to take the red and black wolf out on an adventure. As summer covers the southern continent and the hot days stretch out longer, Athena had begun to form a plan. She knows the north will be cold as winter settles in and she wants to show the young heir snow. With her mind made up, she had approached the King in secret to ask his permission to take the young heir on an adventure for a few days. Chimera had graciously agreed on the condition that they take several of the mastiffs that guard the family with them. She had agreed to the terms and quickly set about packing supplies for the trip and had enlisted the help of Lucian to help make sure she had everything they would need.

Lucian seemed interested in where they are going and Athena had happily told him the plan. Perhaps it is the wolf’s missing ears or his scarred body that made the earthen wolf think that he might need a happy get away too and so, she had extended the male an invitation too. Now the trio make their way through the cold lands, going slowly so as not tax any of the travelers. Athena had taken time to choose a plush fur cloak to wear on the travel to help combat the weather and had even gone so far as to pick out pelts for her traveling companions as well. She had offered Cerberus a thick grizzly fur that had a small chain in the front to keep the cloak from falling off. Lucian had been offered two plush lion pelts with a similar chain on them. Packs with food, water, and other various supplies have been slung over a few of the mastiffs backs in saddlebags.

Confident they have everything they need, Athena leads them toward Fenrir’s maw. Finally, the pathway up the mountain appears and Athena cheerfully beckons them onward, promising a great surprise further up. As they ascend, the air becomes even colder and Athena pulls her fur a little tighter around her. About one quarter of the way up, the pristine white of freshly fallen snow can be seen in small patches. She stops to allow them a short rest before continuing onward to the spot she had picked out. The path twists and winds and they take it slow but eventually, they reach a large plateau that is covered with snow. Smiling, walks toward the edge to show them the view of the land below. As her companions look, Athena sets to work setting up camp and taking the supplies from the mastiffs. In short order she has struck up a fire and laid out furs on the snow-covered ground.

Looking to Cerberus and Lucian, she says, “Well? What do you think? Pretty right?” A smile is on her face as snow starts to fall around them. The fire crackles and pops happily, offering a warm resting place. Stretching, she asks, “So, what do you guys want to do first?” She looks from Lucian to Cerberus as she waits to hear the plan.

WC: 565
Total WC: 565/1500

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
06-03-2022, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2022, 08:15 PM by Morendo. Edited 2 times in total.)

The only time Morendo had been off of the island was that one trip they made to The Hallows border. Other than that he had been born and raised on the tropical island. He did not necessarily have an issue with that and had not really asked to go off the island for any reason, but when he overheard Athena and Cerberus making plans about going to the mainland to see the snow it peeked his interests. He had heard about snow before in the stories about the world he received from his mother and there was even a song she taught him during their music lessons that included mentions about the icy precipitation, but he had never seen it. It hardly got cold enough to be considered chilly on the island so he assumed there was no way for snow to fall here. He did not have much of a concept of how different weather could be from place to place yet, but he supposed he was about to find out. He half talked them into letting him go and half invited himself along since he knew the only way his father and mother was going to let him go was if he went with quite the entourage. Surely two older wolves and a whole group of mastiffs, including the black and white ones he called his own, were enough to consider him 'safe' out in the world.

They crossed over the bifrost that would lead them up to the northern continent, his two-toned gaze taking everything in from the grove they passed through to get to the land bridge to the rocky mountain range that towered up ahead of them the further up they went into Boreas. The difference in temperature surprised him since he had never experienced anything so cold and he shivered a bit under the fur he had been given to wear for the trip. They started to see their first glimpses of snow as they moved up into the mountains and in the small break Athena had them do to rest from the long walk he spent the time crunching through the small patches of snow and feeling the odd, but satisfying way it crushed under his paws and left a trail behind him as he walked. It was kind of like snow in that way, but more firm and certainly far more cold. It held its shape better as he nudged it around and that was already giving him ideas. He liked to build things with the wet sand out by the shoreline... Maybe he could do something similar with the snow.

They continued on their journey and eventually Athena led them up onto a wide plateau that was smooth and untouched with an even layer of snow all the way across. While Athena was getting their camp set up he walked toward the edge of the plateau, looking out over the wide expanse of land in front of them with awe, looking at the snow capped mountains and the icy, cold world that reached as far as he could see. Being able to see his breath was a new experience as well and as he sang a quiet note it made a column of steam in front of his nose which he found very amusing. He turned away from the edge and went to a wide patch of snow a short distance away from where Athena was building their campfire and he started scooping up some of the snow into a mound, experimenting with how well it would hold as he pressed it together.

He looked up when Athena asked them what they thought of it and he gave her a soft smile, replying, "It is. I like it." He was a reserved boy of few words usually, especially if he was not super familiar with someone, but considering the fact that he was relaxed and sculpting snow it was pretty obvious he was enjoying himself. It all made him quite glad that he had managed to wiggle his way into their trip so that he could experience all of this. Maybe once he was older like Cerberus he would be able to travel more, but that would probably require him to train in his fighting more so that his father would allow it, which was not exactly what he really wished to do. His thoughts were pulled back to Athena as she asked what they wanted to do first. He answered her next question by scooping up more of the soft, white snow and piling it up onto the sculpture he was making. He was not even sure what he was making yet, but it was shaping up to be some kind of abstract tree shape so far.

His mastiffs, Forte and Mezzo, came over and began helping to scoop up more of the snow for him, creating a pile beside him to pull from for his sculpture similar to what they would do with wet sand on the island when he was playing on the beach. He did not often build sand sculptures since he did not like the feeling of the sand getting stuck between his toes and around his claws, but every once in a while he would and his companions were good partners in his creative endeavors. He continued to build up this tree-like shape, curious to see how tall he could make it. At some point one of the 'branches' fell and scattered into a broken pile of snow, but he did not mind. He chuckled at the snow that splintered off and dusted his fur and then proceeded to start building up a second column of snow, connecting the two into a wobbly, branching arch of sorts.

WC: 962
Total: 1572/1500

"Morendo Klien"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-26-2022, 11:36 PM

Cerberus was eager to take the trip up north with Athena and one of his younger brothers and see snow for the first time. As heir to Fenmyre he needed to expand his horizons a little more. But honestly, he wasn't in such a big hurry. There was a time in his life where he wanted to see more, he asked his father for more. And Chimera delivered. It was a fun journey with his aunt and cousin, and maybe while not so fulfilling for someone his age it filled his cup just fine. He had always been a little more reserved through his youth. He was quiet, he kept to himself mostly. It had dropped a little more when Viper passed but he was far over that pit. There were times he missed his mother, but in a way he knew it was better this way. He had the rest of his family to make up for what he had lost and as morbid as that may have sounded it was enough to get him by and more. There were those like Athena too who were not family but consistent pack members that he looked up to and respected.

He hadn't been aware of where they were heading exactly, but he could tell as they drew closer to the north and that's when he was a little more excited or as excited as he could show. He looked to his younger brother with a raised brow as they came across the lightly coated lands from the southwest and into the northern areas of Boreas. He was more eager to see how Morendo would act.

The mastiffs were just a way of life for him so really he barely even noticed they were there. He cared about his own, but nearly just the same as his father did. They were special in their own ways and he didn't take them for granted. Maybe it was that he had grown comfortable and safe around them that made him live so freely.

As Athena reveals their surprise when they reach a high ledge on the maw, he looks out in awe for just a few seconds before his attention is back onto his brother to make sure he doesn't get too close to the edge. His face was full of a smile though and less worry, though the thought was there.

When Morendo turned back away from the edge, Cerberus took the moment to help Athena and the mastiffs with anything else she needed to set up camp with. His attention was turned to Morendo again after so long, interested in what he was doing. His big paw steps were gentle as he came up behind him, tilting his chin as he lookeded down at was his brother was doing. He looked to Athena to a moment with an inviting smile, waiting for her to come join as well.

Cerberus stood to grab his own bits of snow away from Morendo's, just to not disturb what he was making. He had never done sand sculptures, or been in the snow for that matter but he did have and idea. scooping up a paw full of snow, he started to scrunch more together to make a decently sized ball before making a smaller one. He did have quite the knack for it, it seemed. putting the small shape off center of the larger one, he pushed it in just a little bit before adding a tiny little stone as a beak and using his claws to draw out the shape of wings as if a nesting bird. It was beautiful but Cerberus thought it would be fun to go along with Morendo's little creation too. He gently scooted his sculpture over towards his brothers, and wondered if he would be able to get just what he wanted out of the snow too.

Intellect Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 2221 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

F2U base by Starwuff