
Here to Serve




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-18-2022, 12:41 PM

Kotori had helped clear out numerous predators in the pack's new home.  He’d chosen a den and helped with setup for about two weeks but now it was time for a new assignment.  He enjoyed the run from Dreamer’s Col and back down to Ashen.  Without having wagons to haul and kids to keep an eye on the distance was swallowed up much faster.  The cold winter invigorated him and for most of the trip, he was able to follow the same path as the rio grande lake which provided him with water and even a quick meal of fish.  Once he was just a few hours away Ashen Kotori waded in the chilly waters, splashing water on any areas of him that appeared to pick up some obvious dirt patches on the trip.  Might as well make a good clean impression when he arrived.

Eventually, he arrived at the Ashen border.  The armada had always been allowed to freely roam into their pack land but the Armada no longer was no longer their next-door neighbor.  Kotori doubted it would be a concern if he just walked into their pack as once had been the way but Kotori was going to start with good formality and could always be more casual to whatever degree Venom felt comfortable with.  He was here to be her bodyguard and assist so he would play his role in whatever way fit her best so long as that included guarding her.

Kotori howled for Venom, announcing his presence at the border and requesting she admit him.  The tone was polite with no rush.  Kotori sat down, watching inside the ashen land before him, and waited for a response.  Looking at the landscape it was a bitter pill to remind himself Ikigai wasn’t there.  Farther behind him his white tiger Splash lay in the grass with the small glowing mongoose partially hidden under the curve of the neck.

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-20-2022, 06:43 AM
Everything changed, there wasn’t much that would stay the same ever. Venom was learning as she grew older that nothing was forever, not even the strongest foundations she built upon. All would wear by the test of time, no matter her efforts. Hattori left her, the Armada moved, she was giving away her own daughter… Venom’s chest clenched as she patrolled and tried not to dwell on everything going on around her that she could not control.

Her efforts were put towards that which she could control. She was the Empress and far from powerless, but at times it still felt like there was no control. She couldn’t keep Hatori, she couldn’t keep Ikigai, she couldn't keep her Warlord.

The thoughts were hard to chase away, but the sound of a voice at her border would help. White gloved paws carried her towards her guest at the edge of her shrine. Venom expected him, Kotori was promised to her for a season to help the adjustment of the Armada moving. She approached with ease, but with all the decorum of an Empress. "Greetings, Kotori. Welcome to Ashen.” As all of Seer’s children he had grown into an impressive warrior.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-20-2022, 07:50 AM

Kotori waited for Venom to meet him with a straight back and gaze focused on her pack’s land.  He’d protect both land and empress for this season with a vengeance.  Kotori had time recently to look at how he wanted to reshape his future and an idea had started playing in his head.  He had lost his first dream so it was time to look for a second dream.  The earth-toned wolf had taken to roaming in his adolescence as he had tried to figure out who he was.  It had done the young wolf more good than he had known it would at the time.  He had gained perspective on keeping his own opinion and not looking to others for how to think about a thing.

Now, he would learn how another alpha ran her pack.  While he offered Venom his help he could take payment back in the form of learning from the empress simply by watching.  When he spotted Venom coming the young man stood up, lowering his head down to his shoulders and back up in a slow respectful bow of his head to her.  “Hello Empress,” his words kept respectful.  Ikigai had made note of wanting her title respected when they first met and he imagined Venom might feel the same.  If it turned out this would be casual then all the better but, respect shown first.  

“Thank you,” Kotori stepped over the pack land, looking at Iki’s mom who he had seen a time or two in the past but he’d never actually spoken to that he could recall.  “I know my father has already said this, but to hear it from me as well.  I will be with you for the season to guarantee your safety from anyone that might attempt harm.  Also, for my own addition, if you desire I would be happy to assist you in training any younger warriors in how to fight, or any other task you would like assistance with.”  The brown wolf hadn't received much training for etiquette with the other alpha' but he was going to try and show well.

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-27-2022, 05:50 PM
The young man lifted his head pulled back his shoulders and came to attention as she approached. He’d offer a deep bow as she came to a halt before him, and offered his soft greeting with reverence. Kotori was respectful and offered his thanks as she welcomed him into her home. As she would any of Sirius’ kin. This was different though, this was her Warlord easing the distance between their packs. Maybe strengthening relations as well, she had high expectations for the man that stood before her. Venom didn’t believe he would disappoint her.

He offered up the same words that his father had and Venom nodded her head, he would be here for a season. Protecting her and Ashen in tandem from any threat to their safety. He wasn’t done though, words continued to roll off his tongue. In addition, he offered any of his services in training any of the younger wolves. Venom knew there were a few who could use the additional help. She also needed to help them find mentors.

"I appreciate that, Kotori.” She told him when he finished. "I’ll certainly take you up on that offer.” Venom couldn’t forget their time was limited, for now though. "Come with me, I’ll show you around and answer any questions you might have.” She told him as she gestured for him to follow beside her. "The shrine is rather straightforward, we’ll go around the border so you know exactly where you are.” It was the islands of the archipelago that got difficult to traverse.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-01-2022, 08:23 PM

Venom was going to take him up on the offer of training others in her pack as the young man had hoped she would.  It was a proactive way to protect her instead of just hoping something would happen so he had a thing to do.  It was also true that once he was gone the armada truly was farther away and even if they wanted to see help it would take time to learn Ashen needed help and time to send it.  The idea solution wasn’t watching Venom for now and then washing his paws of it but to find ways to strengthen things.

Ashen was Armadas allies and strong in its own right of course.  Kotori made sure to remind himself that Ashen didn’t need him but simply took his help to strengthen them as other pack’s eyes might take notice of the two allies splitting up.  It was time for Ashen to show perfectly well for any onlookers and to keep a strong bond between two allies of course.

Kotori followed Venom, keeping to one side and just a stride behind so that she had the lead yet close enough for easy communication.  Stepping those first few strides officially in Ashen territory had Kotori’s mind looping back to Ikigai and the bitter memory that she wasn’t here.  He was tempted to ask about Iki but forced that to be a later question as business came first.  “My biggest question I’d have is how you prefer having my assistance.  Do you want me to spend a great deal of time close to you in case needed or prefer or have more concerns about the pack's border?  Funny to think how long I lived so close but really only seen a small part of Ashen’s land.”  He could have explored whenever he’d wanted but instead even when spending time with Iki it was generally on neutral ground.


[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2022, 04:53 PM
Venom could protect herself and then some so she really had little use for a guard to stand over her shoulder at every hour of the day. Hearing him offer to take up extra responsibility was exactly what she wanted to hear. If he had lingered at her side the whole rest of the season it likely would have been a waste of resources. Still, there would be value in getting to know the young man and earning his respect for herself and Ashen as a whole.

She led the pair of them along the border, not daring to assume that Kotori knew the lands like she did. He wasn’t one that crossed the border very often, so she would point out different trails and tell him what each landmark was referred to. He would know his way around in no time she was sure. They continued onward and their conversation did as well. He asked about where he would best be used, and commented on how much he had to learn about his temporary home.

"Unless I’m leaving the packlands I wouldn’t worry about being particularly close.” She told him easily, "Unless you find yourself interested in my activities, then you are welcome to learn.” She didn’t know what kind of aspirations the young man had. If he wanted to learn how she ruled over Ashen she would let him. "I’m sure that you will learn your way around quickly.” The islands could indeed be confusing, but he was competent, he wouldn’t get into trouble.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-08-2022, 08:38 PM

Kotori followed along with Venom, paying attention to each landmark she mentioned, nodding to show his attention was still focused on what she said.  While he was interested in what Venom did it was true he had hoped to not just follow her around and be bored so things were so far going about as good as he could hope.  

Her mention of being around her to learn caught Kotori’s interest.  He was here to work for her but she was offering to give in return.  Kotori had been chewing more and more on his own future and there was little doubt in his mind at this point he wanted a pack of his own.  That was going to be a talk with his dad when he returned to the armada.  For now, it would do well to learn from more than one alpha how they managed their packs.

“Actually empress,” Kotori spoke, mulling over telling her before his father, but this chance likely wouldn’t come up again, “I would like to spend at least some time following you about for my own interests.  I desire to do more than just another follower in a pack.  I want my own pack.  However, I admit I’m young and therefore lack in experience for many situations.  I would be appreciative of any time you might let me spend learning from you.”  

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
06-10-2022, 12:50 PM
Venom easily led him around the territory, having lived here for nearly all of her life and rarely leaving these confines. She knew its paths and places better than she knew the back of her paw. Though Kotori might not learn all of Ashen’s secrets in the season he was here he would have much deeper knowledge of her pack. The lands within included. She didn’t know what his plans were, but he was Sirius’ son, and she would treat him much the same as she would her own young, though more like a brother with the was his father treated her sometimes.

He paused her as she offered him a learning opportunity in return. She slowed her pace as her silver touched ears swiveled to show her attention to his words. "Of course, Kotori.” She agreed easily, eager to help not only because of altruistic reasons. The better he knew Ashen and the way she led it the stronger loyalty she could ask of him. Especially if he did find the strength to lead his own pack. "It will be my honor to help teach you what I know.”

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-29-2022, 02:01 PM

Though there was conversation with Venom it hadn’t stopped Kotori from paying attention to details on the landscape.  It would be sloppy to ignore the entire point for this tour and be a horrible way to start his stay here.  

Kotori was glad at Venom’s response in more than just the fact she was willing to teach him some details in leadership versus just Kotori working for her.  There had been no sign of surprise at his decision to attempt leadership and he likewise wanted to strengthen his own ties with Ashen.  Certainly, this was one of the packs he was most keen on keeping good ties to.  Ashen, Hallows, Elysium, and Armada were all the packs he wanted to ally with.  There were other packs to consider but he would need to know the packs better before he just jumped into any agreements.

They could wait on talks of an alliance until Kotori had proved himself by achieving the role of alpha of his own pack.  There was no reason for solid packs to agree to anything on simply plans of one young wolf with nothing to show, yet.
There was something else he wanted to ask, but it was still a painful subject that he might save till it was time to return to his own pack.  How often do alpha’s use their kid’s as means of creating alliances?  Unless one wanted to toss numerous kids it couldn’t be the way it was always done.  Dad hadn’t given up any kids to start up alliances as far as Kotori knew.

“Thank you,” the response was sincere in regards again to the lessons. “As to protection, I can start off the morning and evening with patrolling the land.  Then other times of the day to lessons for whoever wants in or spending time with at any time that best works for you.” He could shift up his schedule however she wanted of course.  This was just an attempt to make sure she didn’t feel a need to constantly tell him what to do or worry he wouldn’t spend his time working.  He had more to prove now than just a good connection with the armada.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]