
Reaching Out



09-29-2013, 06:26 PM

After the battle for Ludicael, the pale cream girl had set out to visit other packs. She needed to know everything she could about the packs and if it would be safe to Bring Novel to visit their healers. She believed it would benefit the young healer to meet others and learn what she could from them as well. Along her travels north she had noted areas prime for gathering herbs to add to her stock. She had refused to have anyone come with her for "protection". If another came, other packs might see it as a threat. Her intentions were simple, seek other healers, learn about the packs, and maybe even forge alliances.

The red woods, a beatuiful place in it's own rights. She moved in silnce, paws trained and practiced in the art of a silent warrior. But one sniff of her pelt spoke that she a was a healer. She took pride in her skills, but not to flaunt them about. Symphony had never been one keen on fighting. No she found her heart and paws were better suited to helping others. Thoughts dissovled as the scent markers of Amenti crossed her nose. She looked about her surroundings before lifting her head. A softly song would lift into the air. A sound not as beatiful as her brother's, but one that could easily blend with natures natural sounds. She called out to the alpha of these lands and their Healer. Hopefully she would meet them and learn from them.




09-29-2013, 07:08 PM

The bitch was scouting out the borders some more when she heard the beautiful call of a female. The call rung through her ears like a wonderful song. She let forth a little purr before she limped towards the borders. Her fornt left paw was still screwed up from the fight. Her shoulders were marred and bloody. Yet the Empress continued her work as a leader. Her paws carried her through the tall forest without care. She wondered if it was a new addition to the pack or a visitor. She did not care. The woman wore a skull of a Wolf upon her head like a mask. Her sunny orbs found a white furred fae whom stood upon her border. The new Amenti bitch grinned under her mask and slithered closer. "And who calls upon Canttina?" She stared at the woman with delight. She loved woman, though this one smelled of a pack. She did not know what pack, but she smelled it before. It did not phase her. Maybe it was an Alpha of a southern pack? Who knew.





09-29-2013, 08:50 PM

The delicate female would not have to wait long. Eyes watched as a figure slipped out from the tall trees. At once Symphony noticed her limp and wounds. Then she could only stare at the skull attatched to this wolf's face. Ears twitched only able to ponder how they had gotten the skull to stay in place. She could only make out those glowing yellow orbs from the skull mask. And a mask it was, hiding what one might be able to see the emotions played on their face. The wolf, female, addressed her,short and curt. Canttina, thats what her name was. From the looks she could not be a healer. Other wise those wounds would be better treated, better yet she would have stayed at her den. So this must be the alpha. Head lowered with respect to the female."Greetings Canttina. I am Symphony Destruction, Healer of Ludicael. I came here to pay a humble visit in chance to learn of your pack and your healer." She said formally. For now she would hold off on mentioning of an alliance. That would come when she knew more of this alpha and her pack. In her opinion, the more allies Ludicael had the better.




09-29-2013, 09:09 PM

She watched the delicate being with interest. The woman was so nimble and pristine. The look of the little fae made Canttina's mouth sting and water. Dribble flowed down from her maw. The insane being sucked in a short breath as a stinging pain flowed through her injured left front leg. She tilted her head as words were let forth as a response. Symphony. Such a lovely name for a lovely girl. She remember the name of the woman and her pack. Ludicael. She rolled her injured shoulders and sighed. "You speak to Empress Cantina Cael of Amenti. I have just gained this pack by destroying Alena within a duel. Now I rule with my mate Ozz. Ozz is actually also a very good medic, let me call for her." The masked woman let forth a dangerous noise, the call of the demon woman herself. Canttina giggled and looked back to Symphony, "Tell me of this Ludicael, is it a lovely pack? Strong? Is there an army?" She was blunt with her questions, she had no need to be sneaky. She had no care if others knew her curiosity.



09-29-2013, 09:23 PM

Ozz and Kai had been conversing to themselves about Canttina's recent win when the call came. To most it would sound like a horror show but to her it was the sweet sound of her love's heart still beating. After the challenge she had been the only one able to use herbs to heal her empress. Ozz had become more entwined in medical activities as well as being a ruler beside her love. It was only until they got themselves a proper healer but she was glad to have the skill alongside her being able to fight. A smile rose across her features as she stood and trotted towards her love. Kai following behind her as she arrived a foreign wolf stood at the borders. Her head tilted slightly considering she smelt of another pack it seemed to be a friendly visit. Ozz gave a dip of her head as she came across Canttina's pelt softly in order not to nudge her wounds but still in an affectionate manner.
"Hello I heard my love call for me. My name is Ozz, was there something you needed?" She asked in a kindly manner. Though her emerald eyes sparked with slight insanity. It was infecting her, but she still retained a small quality of being normal on the inside. Kai gave a chuckle as he stood beside them. His sharp red eyes starring straight at the Ludicael healer, though obviously she couldn't see him. He just flat out found it funny. He loved to entertain Ozz when she was bored, in his head when she died he'd get her soul anyway so why not be a companion to her.




09-29-2013, 10:04 PM

She would dip her head ever so slightly more as Canttina corrected her with her title. So this female was a new alpha then. The dripple coming from the other's jaws did not got unnoticed. Her sharp dual toned eyes never missed a beat. Her mate was also a healer and a female? Curiousity sparked in her eyes for a moment before Canttina let out a howl. The sound might have frightened most, but not her. She simply just sat down with her tail over her paws and waited. She took everything in with a calm manner, never giving way to being frightened or threatened. For infact she felt neither one. Symphony might not be a dominate wolf but she was not one to be pushed around by others that tried to scare others. She listened to Canttina's questions, carefully noting her interest and filing away how she would answer.

Before she could reply another wolf, she guessed was Ozz, appeared. She watched the two carefully. No doubt Ozz did seem to care for Canttina. She did not care if one took a mate of their own gender or not. It was none of her buisness. She dipped her head in greeting to Ozz."Greeting Ozz. I was just answer to answer your Empress her questions. But i can for just a humble visit and to learn or your pack and Healers." She then turned to Canttina."Ludicael is lovely in its own way as all places can be. We are as strong as any family can be. Army? That i can not answer. I have only recently joined due to reuniting with my sister who had joined the pack a few years back. Her daughter i have taken to be my apprentice. With that being said, i wanted to visit all the packs, make sure it would be safe to bring the young girl with me next time i visited. For a believe one can learn much more from many mentors."

She was aware Canttina's question had a more specific meaning to them and she had avoided answering to that exactly. She had a feeling the Empress was looking at rival pack and taking stacks on them."Also, Empress Canttina, Ozz, i would like to form an alliance with our packs. A pack is stronger not only in numbers or members but also alliances. I believe it will do our packs some good." She added softly. Sure her opinion or them was that they might be abit crazy, dark for sure. But again an alliance was better then having a pack like Canttina's as an enemy.


Medusa i


5 Years
09-29-2013, 10:11 PM

She came as she said she would, for her children. Medusa would not invade the territory like a pest; no, instead she would make her presence known. Alas, her ears swiveled, detecting the noises and scent of a Ludicael woman. The midnight mistress arrived, eyes narrowing at the girl who clearly did not know of what she spoke. ?Jupiter, the alpha of Ludicael, is my mate. There is no possibility of alliance,? she spoke coolly, dismissively, gaze then returning to the ruling pair of the lands. She stood firmly and tally, making herself clear and authoritative.

?I have come for my children. I will leave with them in peace, unless you prohibit me from them,? she informed them. If not, they would certainly feel wrath from multiple ends, whether it be from Medusa herself, from Deteste, or from Jupiter, or others who the serpent knew to be at least moderate friends with herself. She did not expect the Ludicael healer to fight with her if such a thing occurred, but she also hoped the girl realize how truly foolish she was.


09-30-2013, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2013, 12:48 PM by Karmen.)

SHE HAD THE SWAGGER OF SIN IN HER STRIDES, as if those tantalizingly long, blonde legs had carried her through hell and back and she still managed to crawl out of the pits looking like a goddess. She had been blessed with the title of Countess, and she wore it like a golden crown. A bubbly murmur of words spilled from her lips as she sashayed around her new-found home, but all of her wicked happiness burned in combustion as she settled her eyes on the meeting of wolves in her home territory. She recognized a few - Canttina, her old partner in crime, and her chosen mate, Ozz. But the others were intruders, and she slithered closer to investigate.

Her gaze was reptilian as she searched the two who were seemingly unwelcome, like a viper in wait for it's folly prey to come closer and linger. She was a monster in disguise, cursed with beauty and glamour that hid the face of demon in sleep, her mouth full of glittering, gnashing needle-teeth, and her eyes lusting to fulfill her sadist fantasies. She caught the end words of the white female, begging for alliance? And the black, vaguely familiar one, who reeked of breast milk and fetuses - she was present at the challenge, and she was obviously attached to these lands, but also meddled with the Queen of another pack. What a leech. Karmen approached her two superiors, standing parallel to them, a giggle escaping her throat as she dipped her chin to both Ozz and Canttina. "You have no authority here, strumpet," her words were a venomous hiss towards the black one who stood as if she held the crown in this domain. Karmen was aware of the agreement the two had made, but she did not appreciate the blatant disrespect towards who now overruled this forest. "Remove your children quickly before I make foot warmers of them."



09-30-2013, 02:55 PM

Canttina stood and felt her mates pressence immediatly. Ozz came and stood next to Canttina. They exchanged their sweet nothings before Ozz adressed the bitch before them. The white fae then began to spill the beans. She had just joined Ludicael and yet she has enough power to plan alliances? How interesting. The mahogany fae pressed her shoulder to Ozz's tenderly, though before Canttina could get a word out Medusa made herself know. Canttina tense immediatly. The black dame spoke as if she still had power. Though, again before Canttina could get a work out her other favorite bitch chimed in. Karmen. Those luxurious tones filled the air with lust and rage. "As the woman said, I took your throne from your precious family. I should not even let you retrieve your pups, though I will this time. Karmen, escort this scum to her imps and make sure she leaves immediately. I have no time to deal with butt hurt girlishness." Her words were harsh and devious.

The masked woman looked back to Symphony and smiled fakely. "Darling she is only sad because I wone the challenge against the assassin she put in charge. I would enjoy an alliance between our packs, if you keep your mind and the offer still stands. This is important for you and your new families well being, I assure you. Without the alliance blood will be spilled. Chose wisely my little dove." A wink fluttered softly and a smirk was shown. Her head tilted as she stared at those bi colored orbs.




09-30-2013, 03:12 PM

Ozz had her own things to say to Medusa, but her tongue was held fast when Karmen showed herself. While the woman did loathe Medusa, she felt no need to push harm against her children. If it were up to herself, Ozz would take the children and use them as slaves to be of their own worth. Perhaps when they turned to a year old, she would seek to steal one. Yet, those thoughts were pushed back as her attention returned to the Ludicael bitch and her mistress. "Though of course, if an alliance is in order your alphess will have to deal with the fact that Canttina over threw her mates pack. You are welcome here, but enemies can be made as quickly as friends with the demon who walks beside us." Obviously she was referring towards Kai. The woman gave him a quick glance as he was walking in and out of Medusa's body before returning towards her side. Ozz looked at Canttina, seeing if she approved what she had said or not.
"Let the wrench rot in hell, if there is going to be such tension blood shed will not be avoided." Kai hissed through his teeth as he looked over Medusa and Symphony. Ozz gave a small chuckle and lowered her head. It was Canttina's decision to make in the end after all. "I am willing to heal women who are in need if they appear at our borders from our alliances, but I will pay no mind to men unless ordered to." She whispered slightly to herself. Emerald eyes waiting for something to happen. Ozz had become smarter, if anything at all from her experiences here.




09-30-2013, 05:43 PM

Cool gaze would turn to the voice that belonged to a black female. She made no notion for being bothered by her words nor attitude. She slowly returned her gaze back to the Amenti wolves. This black female might think so, but i still want an alliance among healers. Plus something tells me it would be best to be their allies. She thought to herself. Ears twitched as they spoke of pups and eyes narrowed slightly. Honestly if Canttina and her wolves refused to hand over the pups, Symphony might have sided with the black woman. She watched the exchange and another wolf, a blond colored one join in. She would stay silent, sitting calmly till this little spat passed.

As Medusa was dealt with, she then was addressed again by Canttina. She dipped her head slightly to her in understanding. Before she would reply, Ozz also spoke up. Both seemed willing a wise enough to open an alliance with Ludicael. Symphony could understand if Ludicael would be unhappy with an alliance but in the long run it could save the pack heartache and blood spilt."If at all i would like to have an alliance among all healers from each pack. I believe when winter set we will be able to help one another or during stressful times." She said softly. Eyes rested on Ozz on her comment able males."I will inform my Alpha of this meeting and your offer to comply. If my Alpha and the pack agree i will be back in a few days time."

she would then look at Canttina's wounds with a trained eye.>Might i suggest uses wild garlic to prevent infections, Poppy seeds for the pain and maybe goldenrod to help heal the wounds?" She looked to Ozz, curious as to what the female had used so far to help her Empress.



09-30-2013, 06:02 PM

He had left the children sleeping in a fresh den he had dug for them outside of Amenti borders. He would need Medusa's help to move them to Ludicael if she were planning to seek asylum there for the time being but for the moment they were safe and he had only parted with them to meet Medusa who was likely homeward bound after the challenge. Stheno would follow at a slack pace a few meters behind him. The wolverine had helped Deteste move the children. Had appeared and acted though no words had exchanged between she or the man and he accepted the silence without curiosity or judgement.

Deteste could not help but to feel somewhat personally responsible for Amenti's disbandment. Had he been around to observe the progress of Medusa's pregnancy she would have most likely entrusted the pack in he and not Alena. He did not begrudge Alena for losing the challenge but he had a great amount of experience and believed he would not have defaulted in the challenge. Unlike the entirety of Amenti he had no bubbling rage in his gut. He did not know in the slightest what the conquerers had in mind for the territory but he did understand that men were not welcome in the new kingdom and that the entirety of Amenti members wished not to be part of it.

His body, moving like clockwork, would pull he and Stheno into the heart of Amenti territory and upon a muddled dispute. There was no object to the spiteful conversation that flowed between the party. It was merely a banter of insults. He would pull up silently beside Medusa, his maw grazing her own in an exchange of scents hoping she would register the smell of dirt and child as a sign that they had been moved without having to speak it, desiring not to disclose the slightest amount of information regarding their children around those whom claimed to be their enemies. He would analyze the situation quickly and carefully, taking count of those that spat insults at Medusa and measuring their strength. Especially considering the woman whom had taken the throne from Alena. He was unsure of Medusa's plans but if she so desired to claim Amenti again he would aid her claim.

He would eye Symphony curiously, recognizing her only by scent and by his interactions with Song, his stoic expression softening in the presence of a Ludicael member but showing no change as the heat around him rose. Upon catching Symphony's gaze, he would speak with an authoritative timbre, being a man well respected by the woman's superior. "Symphony," he began, having caught her name within the conversation, "this is not the place for you, friend. Please return home. A tight smile would minutely take the place of his clenched jowls to ensure the good will of his advice. He would then turn to those who spoke down to Medusa and speak. If you are truly a matriarchy you would do well to show Medusa respect. If you understand respect properly, you will know that like needs not accompany it. Medusa is a strong and capable woman and has proved herself many times over. Upon finishing his sentence he would turn to the woman and seek her next move.

Medusa i


5 Years
09-30-2013, 06:27 PM

She fully expected the lap dogs to come, one being a golden pelted beauty. She claimed Medusa had no authority, and the serpent laughed, for she had never claimed such a thing. ?I never claimed to have authority, lovely, only logic. Would your lover ally with someone who threw you out of your home? ? she questioned truthfully, and she did not suspect the answer would be agreement. The skull-wearing woman spoke up afterwards, and Medusa would shake her head even more. Clearly, she did not understand the situation. ?I care not for this home. I care not for a throne. Power is mine whether it is blatant or manipulated. Neither form matters. But my reasons for taking Amenti initially were not for power,?she spoke firmly, although the tone of her voice was still amused.

And yet, the attempts for an alliance would continue, making Medusa shake her head. ?She holds no power to make alliances. Without Jupiter?s consent, your alliance, even if only amongst healers, will fall apart,?she informed, and it was a simple fact. Her gaze flickered to Deteste when he arrived, his muzzle touching her own, the subtle message clear enough. Beside her Stheno arrived, the wolverine sitting close to her mistress, awaiting instruction. Their children were safe, but Medusa was far too amused to leave just yet. No, she wanted to speak. ?My mate, Jupiter, once killed the mate of a woman named Newt. He was a rapist, a man who pillaged, a man who ate a woman?s stillborn child in front of her, and a man who tried to rape my dear sun,? she spoke the words bitterly, because she felt such hatred towards any who would hurt her russet vixen in such a way.

?At the same time as she challenged Newt?s mate, Kaios, to the death, I challenged Newt for Amenti. She is a giant of a woman, at least eight inches taller than myself, and it was not an easy feat. I defeated her, for with that power she would have brought harm to Jupiter,? she explained. ?And so, there are few who I can trust with Amenti. I gave the pack to Alena because she was capable, but clearly this was a mistake as she was not yet battle ready,? she said. No, she cared little that Alena had lost it. For Medusa, Amenti had only ever been an ocean of distance between herself and her lover. ?I propose this, miss ruler. If you can beat me now, I will leave your pack well alone, as it will prove you can beat Newt. It matters not that you have injuries; Newt will not care if you are injured or not when she comes for you. She will take every advantage she can,? she explained, tail swishing behind her.



09-30-2013, 07:10 PM

She listened to the medic with a gentle smirk. Her full attention was turned to Symphony. It would only be the smart move to ally with Amenti. They were rapidly turning into a power to be messed with. The horrible creature nodded and spoke some more, "Keep your mind open and do speak to your Alpha despite what this bitch says, okay? Its better for your pack if you just reason with us. War is upon us all, darling." She sent forth a wink before more words came forth from the white Wolf. Canttina giggled and nodded again. "Yes yes, I will have my servant Gretel go fetch some for me after this little pow-wow." She snickered some more and rolled her shoulders.

A man then popped up out of the blue. He smelled of dirt and pup, so she assumed he was one of Medusa's beings. She raised a brow as the man began to speak speak speak. The mahogany beast tilted her head and stared into the man's eyes with a cold glare. "And yet, I do not give a single fuck. I have no clue who you are and why you step foot on my border. If you were smart you would run along, but yet you rant on about how this ebony fluff ball is superior. Oh yes, she looks grand, I do not know her in that way though. She could be a Goddess for all I care. All i know is that she is on my fucking land prancing about like she owns the place. Please stop speaking now, you make my mind hurt." She shook her head and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Her attention was then shifted to Medusa herself as words were emitted. Words upon words and more words. The earthy toned bitch tilted her head again and obviously looked unamused. "My time is being wasted by mindless baboons." She snorted and licked her muzzle. But, her interest was perked when Medusa spoke one last time. A challenge Canttina could not resist. "Let us dance, my dove."


Without one more thought the already wounded Canttina went running at the black dame with her hackles raised. She went for a different attack rather then her normal chest bump. The beast aimed low, her head aligned with her spine. Her knees were bent as she darted forward. The insane being attempt to launch herself at the other bitch's right upper leg. She tried to lock her filthy maw onto the tender muscle above Med's knees. Canttina had her defenses on lock, her eyes slit, tail tucked, ears pinned, and lips curled. The woman was at a severe disadvantage due to her wounded shoulders and front left paw. Though, it was a matter of pride. Canttina would also attempt to swing up that very hurt paw to swipe at Med's lower right bit of chest due to the fact she was already lower to the ground. Growls rippled through the air. Her own attack would hurt her, if it hit.





DEFENSES: spine aligned with head, eyes slit, tail tucked, hackles raised, lips curled, lips curled, knees bent.

ATTACK: Canttina would run at Medusa but aimed low to attempt to bite Med's upper right thigh. Canttina also tried to swipe her claws across Meds' right chest area with her hurt paw.

INJURIES: Wounded left front paw, bite wound to both left and right shoulder, scabbing but still slightly fresh. Flesh wound to back right hind leg. Bruising to chest, and bruised ribs. NONE FROM CURRENT FIGHT.


Medusa i


5 Years
10-01-2013, 02:04 PM

The serpent would make certain that all defenses were set into place; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes spread, claws trying to bite into the soil for traction, tail flashing out behind her, weight lowering for a better center of gravity, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinning back. Stheno moved away from her, ready to join in when opportunity was given. Her jaws were powerful, potentially dangerous to whatever flesh they managed to grasp, and if Medusa?s little knight wished to join in the serpent would enjoy her presence in the battle.
Her opponent approached, and the harlot prepared. Deteste was to her left (De?s positioning approved by Vivien), and thus she was stuck that way, but it mattered little. The woman came forth, jaws and claws reaching for Medusa?s chest at the same time. The harlot nearly scoffed; wolf claws were not sharp, and wolf fur was long, hers in particular. Claw attacks also weren?t particularly useful in causing bruising, unless aimed at vulnerable areas. In fact, legs were best for forcing one?s weight onto another and tripping others up, or clawing at vulnerable flesh on the belly, thighs, mouth, or throat, or other areas. The chest was not one of these areas. Nonetheless, she would take advantage. Her jaws shot down, aiming to put her head over Canttina?s lowered head (obviously lower, due to the fact that the area upon Medusa?s leg that the other was aiming for was lower than Medusa?s chest, thus placing the paw higher than Canttina?s jaws and giving Medusa the ability to aim for the limb without awkwardness), hoping to clamp down a grip upon the skull-wearing woman?s left front paw (COUNTER, DAMAGE PENDING). She hoped that this would stop the advancement of the woman?s paw, so that it would not be able to touch her and do whatever limited damage the other wished.
She began moving to her own right almost immediately, left paw lifting up and hoping to slam into Canttina?s right elbow, hoping to knock the woman off balance. Her weight readjusted amongst her remaining three legs, but she kept moving to her right, hips pivoting in that direction. Her goal in all of this was to attempt to grip down upon the paw, attempt to twist it awkwardly, and try to break it by hopefully making the yellow-eyed ruler fall flat onto her face. Nonetheless, she was not able to avoid harm; teeth punctured deep into her right upper arm, the flesh ripping free of Canttina?s mouth as Medusa moved, leaving deep tears in her right limb. No grip obtained, but Medusa would not rule a potential second assault against her right front limb, which hurt something fierce, out of her list of possibilities. Nor would she rule other possibilities out, but she was not all knowing. There was only so much the harlot could think about and predict.



ATTACKS: attempting to get a grip on Canttina?s left paw, attempting to move to her own right (Canttina?s left) so that the paw/leg is twisted outward awkwardly, attempting to knock her left paw into Canttina?s right elbow so that she might knock the other over
DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes spread, claws trying to bite into the soil for traction, tail flashing out behind her, weight lowering for a better center of gravity, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinning back.

INJURIES: deep punctures/tears to upper arm



10-01-2013, 04:30 PM

OOC: This post will be to the point. I am a very busy canttina irl right now. ALSO, I have a 5 day absence posted from like last month that starts tomorrow so this may have to be pushed off till i get back, i may have time to post here and there, but i doubt it.
Medusa stood still and waited for the devious being. Canttina continued to have her defenses on lock. Her ears were pinned, her lips curled, her knees bent, her tail tucked, shoulders aligned, eyes slit, and hackles puffed out. It was not a very tense fight, though the reason why is was happening caused tension. As Canttina lifted her paw to swipe at Med's chest the black dame swooped down and caught her left fore paw within her jaws. The already very hurt paw was clamped down on and the daemon growled in rage. Though, Med also took her paw to hit Canttina's right bent knee and twisted/pulled Canttina's paw in a very strainious way. The mahogany woman snarled as she tried to do anything she could to stay upright. Her attack on Med's upper right thigh was a success so Canttina staid locked onto the tender thigh. But, the hit on her right forleg was finally a success. Canttina went tumbling down under Medusa. She flipped to where she was on her back and her face under Med's chest. Within the awful twist her left leg got moved in a very odd way, causing much more pain and her back was most likely bruised from the impact. The brown fae had let go of her upper thigh and the demon attempted to kick her lower body up, trying to kick her two bottom legs up and hit Medusa in the lower chin. Canttina also leaned over and attempted to grab a hold of the black dame's right lower leg to effect the woman's balance.





DEFENSES: Canttina continued to have her defenses on lock. Her ears were pinned, her lips curled, her knees bent, her tail tucked, shoulders aligned, eyes slit, and hackles puffed out.

ATTACK: Since Canttina was flipped under Medusa due to the moving of her two front legs, Canttina attempted to force her lower body up, perhaps sending her two back paws up to kick Med's throat of lower jaw. Canttina also attempted to lean and bite at Meds' right lower leg.

INJURIES: Wounded left front paw, bite wound to both left and right shoulder, scabbing but still slightly fresh. Flesh wound to back right hind leg. Bruising to chest, and bruised ribs. Bruised back, horrible flesh wound, pad damage and possible joint damage to Canttina's left foreleg/paw.




10-05-2013, 02:36 PM

Her attention was drawn to a newcommer, this time a male just as dark as Medusa. As she looked at him their eyes met and he addressed her. She appreicated his concern, but Symphony was not the one being threatened by the Empress. She found it slightly insulting that first Medusa would just dismiss her attempts for alliance even among healers and now this male thinking she was incapable of taking care of herself. For one she believed Medusa had no right to say an alliance with the amenti healer could not be. Enemies and borders should not be a thing among the lives of healers. They were all in a way of life dedicated to care for the wounded and sick. Ozz could very well know something Symphony did not that could possibly save a life one day. Such information should not be withheld. But she would sit there calmly and keep all this to herself. She would speak to Jupiter when she returned home about this and voice her opinion and goals.

Canttina spoke to her now, still seeming to keep this offer despite what Medusa was saying. She bowed her head gracously to the Empress with a small smile. Perhaps things would work out, but she would always remain cautious when coming here. She would not take Novel here till the young pup had learned to defend herself properly. After all Symphony was now fully responible for the pup now.

She was about to stand to leave, almost heeding the black male's words, for infact she had all she had come for. Till threats and a challenge was thrown out into the air. And just like that, the dam broke and the two deadly females went at it. She frowned slightly and rooted herself to the spot. She could not leave now, if Medusa was after all Jupiter's mate, she had to be here for the outcome and to treat wounds. Eyes narrowed as she took note of each damage afflicted before glancing a the male."I can not leave here now. When this is over, we'll get her away and i'll treat her wounds. Surely it might be safer to stay in Ludicael.." She said softly. The scent of dirt and pups on the male had not gone unnoticed by her. She was hoping he would understand her offer to stay in Ludicael for the pup's sake. Her clearing by her den would provide plenty of room.


Medusa i


5 Years
10-05-2013, 02:56 PM
OOC; crap post is crap ;_; if there are any questions, message mee~

Oh, her goal had been successful. It had cost her a bite to the leg (not a grip, as mentioned in my post that Canttina?s jaws ripped tears and didn?t ?lock on?), one that would hurt for a while, but that had been from Canttina?s first move and now Medusa was focusing upon the woman?s second. Canttina toppled and twisted, the process of doing so gave the harlot time to replace her left limb upon the ground and continue her motion to the right, which had never stopped. Defenses never dropped; limbs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws trying to bite into the soil for traction, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunching, chin tucked, jaw parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. The sight of her opponent on her back set Medusa?s companion in motion; Stheno was an opportunist just like her master, and the two would work in synch.

As Medusa had been moving to her right, she was out of range of Canttina?s hind left paw, but her hind right managed to connect with the serpent?s jaws. It bruised Medusa?s bottom jaw moderately and left slight scratches there, a soreness likely to exist in her chin for a few days. Alas, this gave her little pause. The woman continued to her right, her right limb moving out of Canttina?s way, but her left limb receiving two moderate-depth scratches to her lower left leg as she moved. No grip was obtained because she was moving away, but it stung. As she moved, her wolverine companion did as well. They aimed for the same place; Canttina?s rear. She wanted to move along her opponent?s left side (it was her left, since the woman was now on her back), hoping to take what advantage she possibly could.

The harlot?s hind legs bunched tensely and then released, launching her forwards, hopefully just enough so that her out reached claws could sneak beneath Canttina?s rear legs and seek to land firmly upon the woman?s stomach. Her weight transferred to her rear legs, hoping to secure balance that way, whilst her right front paw moved back, hoping to scratch delicate flesh. Her jaws also hoped to sneak beneath the new queen?s hind legs, hoping to bite into her delicate stomach. These attacks were timed simultaneously, hoping to bombard her exposed opponent with attacks. At the same time Steno attempted to approach from directly behind Canttina?s. The wolverine sought to clamp her jaws upon the base of Canttina?s tail, seeking to apply a bone-crushing pressure to the area so that she might be able to break it.



ATTACKS: attempting to pounce on Canttina?s stomach, hoping to scratch her stomach with her right paw, hoping to bite her stomach. Stheno is approaching from behind and hoping to bite the base of Canttina?s tail.
DEFENSES: limbs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws trying to bite into the soil for traction, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunching, chin tucked, jaw parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

INJURIES: moderate bruising/soreness to jaw, scratches to chin, moderate scratches to lower left leg deep punctures/tears to upper right arm


10-05-2013, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2013, 03:37 PM by Deteste.)

He would feel a large contraction rumble through his body as he sensed the incoming battle, first loosening and then growing taut. The man side stepped and pulled stiffly away as Canttina launched herself forward. All three of their bodies would be close in the split second that the women collided and he could not help the thick hair that had stiffened across his nape or the wicked display of stained teeth that emerged from between his tight lips. For a moment it appeared as if he would reach out and strike the woman but his body would pull left ward and travel further from the scene in a stiff-legged walk.

The man's glance would seek Symphony with fire. The fierceness not directed at the healer but present as he contemplated the foolish woman's goal. There were many other packs to visit. It was unwise to visit Amenti, that had changed leadership so recently and under such bitter terms. He respected her intentions but disliked her insubordination. Jupiter would have a full day with today's story. But under Medusa's wrath and Deteste's solemn dislike the odds would weight heavily against the woman. A great and ragged breath would press forward from his jowls and the man's fire would dim. But the screeches that pierced the air around them would not allow his body to relax. He was suddenly among many enemies. Individuals that could not think for their selves and thus were incapable of reasoning. As on edge was he was he did not want to be challenged. For he would have to obey his only creed. That all his challengers were to be killed. It had been long since he had stolen life and he desired not to do it again.

He was still staring at Symphony yet he had not seen her, distracted as his rage and thoughts had occupied his mind entirely. His glance stole away and toward the fight. He would sit stiffly a few strides from the healer and watch the progression of the battle with an intense and calculating glance only breaking his concentration to dress the woman a final time. I understand. the words would be uttered, do as you must but I have extensive medicinal experience and we will have no need of you. His tone was short and he would not look at her again as he spoke them. He wondered if she would stay to tend to Canttina. If so, her sense of loyalty and goodness was truly muddied.




10-09-2013, 03:12 PM

OOC: sorry this took so long! XD life haha also i know this is confusing. pls pm me if needed.

The bitch hated being under the harlot before her. Though, she would take advantage of it. The kick at Med's jaws was a success. Her hind legs had kicked up and damaged the black dame's jaws. One success for the mahogany daemon. The horrid woman then attacked Canttina ruthlessly. She bundled up before she pounced forward. Hind legs came bounding down onto her lower belly, right above the baby spewer. The brown furred woman hid a whimper with a grunt and snarled. Her lips stayed curled, her ears flat, tail tucked, hackles puffed out, eyes slit, and head tucked. The attack to her lower stomach would leave behind horrible bruising and maybe even more. Her body was filled with pain but she would continue. Canttina countered the attack with an attempt to swat at Medusa's chest again with her right paw in attempt to cause another flesh wound. It was worth a shot at that point. But, the black dame continued her triumphant assault. Jaws came snapping down at Canttina's belly in attempt to lock onto anything. The earthy bitch snarled as those teeth clamped down on her upper belly more near her ribs then anything. No vital tissue was harmed but muscle was penetrated. The bite was a success but loose, nothing very dangerous just very painful. Canttina snorted and she swatted her very hurt left paw at the woman, she aimed her Med's head. The bitch would try and connect her long claws with an eye or close to it. Though, Canttina then felt a nip to her .. rear? A grunt was heard as needles flicked into the base of her tail, Canttina would just sit there horrible confused. But, she attempted to kick whatever was latched onto her ass with her hind legs.




DEFENSES:Canttina continued to have her defenses on lock. Her ears were pinned, her lips curled, her knees bent, her tail tucked, shoulders aligned, eyes slit, and hackles puffed out.

ATTACK: Attempted swat to Med's chest with right paw and an attempted swat to Med's face with her injured left paw. Attempting to kick the wolverine with her hind legs.

INJURIES: Wounded left front paw, bite wound to both left and right shoulder, scabbing but still slightly fresh. Flesh wound to back right hind leg. Bruising to chest, and bruised ribs. Bruised back, horrible flesh wound, pad damage and possible joint damage to Canttina's left foreleg/paw. Bite to upper belly and trauma to her lower belly. Bite to the base of her tail.