
Don't Live By The Old Laws




4 Years
Chrono I

05-11-2022, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 05:42 PM by Reila. Edited 1 time in total.)

Reila had been spending more time with Chimera as of recently but it was the last trip they had taken together where she had confessed her... feelings for him. If that's what they were. The way she felt, definitely. He had told her of others or more specifically Erystotle that could help her with the conflict she had. She was actually very skeptical though. Just from that instant thought of being with anyone but Chimera was very off putting for her. But she was still experimenting with the new coming emotions that freedom gave her. That included knowing if she was ready to take that next step with him.

Reila was by the communal fire pit at the end of her day while the sun set, though a fire was not lit with the hot and dry season. There was no need for it. Still, this was one of her common areas when she wasn't away in her bungalow or outside hunting. And as was also usual for her, she sat with a bottle of wine at her paws. Looking at the bottle as she drank, she was starting to consider making her own while she felt bad continuing to take The Hallowed wine in the stores. She did wonder if she was the only one drinking it, or if she was taking from someone else. Either way, she'd feel better making her own supply. Hopefully that didn't mean she had a problem.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-16-2022, 05:39 AM
Nothing was like life was only a year ago, Erys had seen his outlook change completely. He’d been broken and abused when Chimera found him, now he was embracing himself. He was becoming a wolf again. He was finding his way in Fenmyre, and helping his King in whatever way he could. That included helping the other wolves of the pack. He had heard about Reila but they hadn’t met quite yet. Erys knew that she was special to Chimera, and he’d asked him to talk to her.

He made a note to do just that, but so far he hadn’t gotten around to a meeting. With Azzurra she had come to him spontaneously, he hadn’t expected to help her as much as he had. Nor did he expect her to help him as much as she did. He was going to go visit her in the bungalow tonight, but as he went by the fire pit he was forced to stop. Reila was lingering there beside the empty firepit with a bottle of wine at her paws.

He approached from the other side of the pit, his ghostly gaze kept low as he came to sit beside the ring. These days a little smile was usually found lingering on his lips, as it did now. He gave her a little nod of greeting, but kept mostly quiet as he sat there across the way from her. "Good evening,” he told her softly, giving her enough room to send him away if she desired.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-16-2022, 08:55 PM

Reila was nearly lost in her own thoughts and hadn't noticed when Erystotle had joined her across the empty fire pit. She had come to more before he spoke and before he did her eyes glanced upwards at him from her laying position on the sands. Her very usual smile that was not so different than Erystotle's shined back at him to his greeting. Instead of saying anything back though, her paw placed right over top of the wine bottle swirling it around slowly on the bottom as if offering it to him to share. She was offering, she hoped her gaze and motion was inviting enough to say so.

She'd wait for him to get closer but if not she'd still speak out, "You are Erystotle?" He was quite distinctive in appearance, so he was easy to point out from description alone. "Chimera has told me about you." Her tone may have been a bit suggestive, but she was more kind than not. Honestly she wasn't very comfortable just... jumping on him and maybe that's why she hadn't made it to the bungalow yet. And the feelings wouldn't change now. She was becoming increasingly eager to go further with Chimera but it would seem she didn't feel that way about every man. Erystotle was in no way an unattractive man, maybe that should have been hinted enough for her. "I believe we come from similar backgrounds." Was really all she could think to bring up. A... conversation starter. A relatable subject. Too bad it wasn't the happy kind.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-17-2022, 08:14 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2022, 10:19 AM by Venom. Edited 2 times in total.)
He was quiet and unobtrusive for the most part, and it didn’t seem like the woman knew he was there until he greeted her. He didn’t scare her or anything, but his quietness coupled with her lost inner thoughts, he could have. Silvery eyes watched her as she glanced his way, and instead of returning his greeting she offered a swig from the bottle at her paws. Erys wasn’t so sure he wanted to drink, but it was a kind gesture. They could start by enjoying a bit of wine together.

Erys went to rearrange, shifting slightly so he was next to her by the firepit instead of on the opposite side. As she offered him the bottle the pearlescent man accepting, bringing the bottle to his lips so he could enjoy a swig. He wasn’t much of a drinker, he’d had his experience with drugs and alcohol while a slave and he couldn’t say he enjoyed any of it. Probably because he had always been dosed against his will, he couldn’t have refused then if he tried. Now that he had his freedom, Erys tentatively took the wine.

"Yes, and you’re Reila?” He asked with a tilt of his head as he gave the woman her bottle back. He had an idea of what Chimera wanted to see between them but just jumping into bed wasn’t really how Erys wanted to pursue his relationships. Azzurra was a special case, she needed the physical touch and affection so he had given in to her. And he didn’t and wouldn’t regret that time together. As Reila spoke though there was a hint of suggestion. Erys couldn’t deny her beauty, but he wasn’t the kind to just have sex. He wanted a connection and he wouldn’t ever force himself on anyone.

How much did Chimera want to see happen between the two of them? He’d mentioned sexual healing, could he really help Reila like that better than Chimera himself could? "I'm sorry for that,” he answered her softly as the alcohol filled and warmed his belly. "My life changed completely when Chimera brought me here. It's hard to think about everything I endured before Fenmyre.” He continued, revealing a bit about himself.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-17-2022, 10:07 AM

Reila wouldn't have been offended if Erystotle didn't take a share of wine, she wouldn't force it on him or anyone. But she did somehow feel a little more relaxed when he did join her and take his own sip. She'd leave the bottle between the two of them any time she took a drink but wouldn't push him any further.

Reila nodded as Erystotle recited her own name. She half expected him to know, it seemed Chimera wanted this step for her but maybe for Erys too. He wouldn't be set in chains of his past but maybe this was how he could help others. Maybe Reila could see herself doing the same at some point. She wasn't an ordinary slave, she had known the joys and wonders of sexual encounters. They were just never under her own will. She had to make a narrative of herself, she was an actress. She experienced both the good and bad, great and terrible. And the masters hadn't treated her so poorly other than her training. In a way she was very fortunate in her prior life, but the job did have it's own difficulties.

Her own gentle smile was still there as Erystotle had spoke about his life here and his life before. Her eyes diverted just slightly from the somber subject, but she wasn't much of a downer. Not in the presence of others at least. "Me too." She reassured him reaching out her paw slightly to place it beside his. Though it didn't seem such a unique circumstance here on the island. Some of Chimera's queens had been slaves, his own actually, and it seemed the island hand a knack for pulling in the damaged. Reila did feel the upside to living here though even if she didn't get out all that much to know others. She was exploring herself on her own, or more so with Chimera. Maybe a little here with Eyrstotle, but she couldn't help that edge that she felt.

She glanced towards him for a few seconds before a quiet sigh, "I guess we know why we're both here." It was a way to break the ice she supposed. It was blunt without being so much. Reila was rather straight forward as she had been with Chimera, but she was realizing just how comfortable she was with him rather than Erystotle. She was getting comfortable with Erys too because of how gentle and friendly he seemed to be, but she knew it wasn't the same. She didn't want the two of them to work like it was some kind of duty, she was sure he didn't either.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-19-2022, 05:00 PM
The warmth of the liquor in his belly felt tingly. Erys had never been a huge fan of the drug, too much of it had been forced down his throat in his lifetime to enjoy most of it. Reila’s offer was sweet, and he thought that had something to do with the pleasant taste of it on his tongue. Much more desirable than the memories wine like this tried to drag up from his memory. The girl spoke up softly, two words that conveyed far more than a great explanation could. She shifted, moving her paw so it was closer to his own, and Erys wasn’t sure to take it as a gentle offer of comfort knowing what he had been through, or if it was more suggestive, like she was just doing what was expected of her.

He tilted his head curiously as she sighed and lamented softly. It wasn’t a complaint, but maybe this meeting could have been more organic. The corners of his lips pulled back in the hint of a smile as his eyes fell to where their paws were so close together. "Maybe,” he started quietly, still looking at their toes as he aimed to curl his toes around her own. "My only desire here is to make a friend.” They were from a similar background, their struggles reminiscent, they both shared affection for a big hearted King. "Why are you here, Reila?” He asked her softly as his silvery gaze lifted to the girl's sky blue eyes, wondering if she was only here on Chimera’s request, or if she had expectations beyond.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-19-2022, 06:55 PM

Reila didn't scare away as Erystotle brushed his paw into hers, she to clasped around his in a gentle manner while her eyes had moved down to their connection. She still kept that turn on the edges of her lips up, it was a usual face for her. She definitely wouldn't sour the moment.

Her eyes reached back up towards his as he spoke, and Reila did have her own reassurance, "I can assure you you'll leave with nothing less." And it was a whole truth because whatever happened between them if it was just this or more Reila could never see really anyone in harsh eyes even in the life she had prior. She could hope he would feel the same about her.

With her paw carefully intertwined with his own, she nearly took the lead just with a gentle pull towards her, but she didn't drag him completely. He had asked her why she was here after all. At the pit was actually rather simple, she did want company. Maybe more so the company of Chimera but just as Chimera had prophesied was enough.  She did look at Erys a little different than she would have seen any other man of the pack, but she wouldn't coax and beg and expect anything of him. Deep down she was a little scared herself. She did a good job of burying it.

"I want to think I can feel something, something new, something true. I don't want to live the rest of my life under what was expected of me before. I want it to be real." Her small smile still didn't falter, but maybe that showed just how she was holding back. Reila liked to make the false pretenses that she was happy and contented all the time, but it wasn't true. The problem was she was an actress. She could act fine and happy all day, hide the hurt and lonely feelings until she was alone. She could fake her own enjoyment in her pursuits and she may have done so here with Erystotle. It wouldn't make him any lesser than her, she'd never hold those feelings against him. But it was more just that she needed to know. If she could even make it that far with him, how would it be with him and how would it be with Chimera. She knew whatever happened between them tonight would begin her new life beside Chimera, whatever that even was.

With her free paw she took a swig of the nearly empty bottle, offering it back to Erystotle and if he took his own or not she went to finish it off. There was a flare in her eye as she looked back at him, maybe he could see it. And after placing the empty bottle back down in front of them, she leaned forward to press her lips into his and letting him start the pace until she felt like she wanted more.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-20-2022, 09:42 AM
She didn’t move away as his paw brushed against hers, it was a small affection, one that she could take or reject. Already he could feel a connection with her, if only because of how similar their pasts aligned. Despite all of it she wore a smile, and he wondered if she truly felt the emotions that expression conveyed or it was a coping mechanism. Her words were confident as she promised him her friendship. That was all he wanted. He’d offer himself to talk to, to get to know, and if they never touched more than this Erys would be content. He offered a content smile, but Reila pulled him closer. They’d known each other for only a few minutes, but part of him felt like he’d known her for much much longer.

He let her bring him closer, and he leaned his shoulder against hers, easily closing the distance between them. Erys hadn’t ever found discomfort in being alone, but as time went on he really did enjoy the company of other wolves. Now that he had regained himself and become much more than the object he had been for so long. She spoke softly after that, carefully answering his question as she revealed what she sought.

She wanted to feel something real. He understood her struggle, it was easy to not know what was right when your life was so messed up for so long that the abuse became normal. Growing out of that was difficult, and Erys couldn’t even admit to finding a clear path. Chimera became a light to his feet though, everything felt right when they were together. He hoped the King could do the same for Reila.

She grabbed for the bottle of booze and passed the last couple swigs along to him. Erys took his own gulp, the buzzy feeling of the alcohol boiling in his belly as the heat of the drink ran through his veins. As he settled into the subtle euphoria there with the other once slave she turned her gaze to him once more. Erys found her bright eyes with his own, catching the glimmer there as she leaned forward.

He leaned into her kiss, returning the affection with sweet hesitation. Her lips were sweet and soft, but he hadn’t forgotten her words. He whispered into her lips, worried about her as she grabbed his paw and dived forward. "Is this real, or expectation?” Erys asked with closed eyes as he paused there against her lips.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-20-2022, 01:57 PM

Reila did feel that bit of disappointment as Erys gently pulled them apart just enough to ask what she was seeing clearly. And he was not wrong in asking her. Not only was she feeling a little uneasy because she hadn't known Erys long at all, but the wine also played it's part in clouding her mind. Her half lidded gaze moved up to his as he asked, still with their muzzles nearly connected. She had gathered that maybe this wasn't exactly what she wanted, but her body was telling her otherwise. Even in her thoughts too.

"Both." She spoke in a hushed tone as if there was anyone there to hear them speaking to each other. "Arranged and I want to." Her heated gaze looked back up the length of his nose and back into his eyes. Chimera was right, Erystotle was the best candidate for this as long as he was willing, and Reila wouldn't have wanted him to go against his own emotions in the process. She was skeptical of her own, but she wanted to know. And as long as he was willing, she'd go just that far or until it didn't feel right.

She went to switch her paws within his own before raising her leg between the two of them to land softly on his shoulder. And then she would pursue the same kiss she had started with. Soft into the pace he put out, but more eager if they went on. She'd only wait if and until they were a little more comfortable before inviting him off the beach and back to his bungalow. As much as that wouldn't have bothered her to stay here by the unlit fire, it just felt more natural to be somewhere a little more private especially not knowing what would happen between them.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-23-2022, 06:47 AM
Erys was new to this loose lifestyle and primal actions. He’d made great strides with Azzurra, but having Reila in his arms was very different. He wasn’t sure why, he knew Reila just as well as he knew Azzurra when she came to him that night. The hesitance within him was obvious, especially as he pulled away slightly and asked after what was really happening between them. If this was some kind of expectation Erys didn’t want to proceed because it wouldn’t be for her or him in which they enjoyed each other.

The pearlescent man wanted her because she desired him, not because the encounter was expected of them. She answered him honestly, her sweet voice told her there was a mixture of reasons she pressed against him now. Chimera may have nudged them together, but it was their bodies that were the true leaders. They both felt an easy attraction that laced through their flesh.

Her blue gaze conveyed the message much more clearly than her words, as his silvery gaze met her bright blue eyes. She looked up at him from her softly lidded gaze and he saw no hesitation within her. Erys felt his own desire build as she wrapped her dainty paws around him and she pressed her lips against his once more. There was no resistance now, he had the answer he was looking for. He returned her affection with the same kind of intensity and their actions built off of one another.

Before the flames of desire could be stoked too high Reila pulled away from him. He offered her a dreamy gaze before the pair of them were leading each other towards the familiar bungalow that Erys occupied. For a moment he hoped Azzurra wasn’t around, but it was empty when he opened the door and invited the little she wolf inside. "Make yourself at home,” he whispered to her as he nuzzled the soft fur behind her ear. He didn’t know her well but now that he had the freedom to choose his own partners it was easy for him to enjoy her thoroughly.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-23-2022, 07:29 PM

Reila was a desiring woman, regardless of the experiences she had in her life prior. As much as she wanted to act just for Erys, she was doing this for own pleasure too. She knew the ways of both the bad and good experiences and in the way she was with Erys she was under her own discretion. But she still wanted to do everything just the way Erys wanted to. She was getting hot for him in the way they kissed and the thoughts that followed. She was ready to explore what they could do together further.

Once she broke them apart and they made it back to Erys' bungalow, Reila took careful steps inside as if admiring his place. It wasn't much different than her own but it was much more... comfortable in a way. It may have been the plush furs and light atmosphere but no, it was more just Erystotle's presence. She knew what more she wanted from him.

While he nuzzled behind her ear she gently pushed into him in response, just showing that bit of true lust she felt in their actions. She took only a moment more in a few steps forward observing the floors and walls of his home before she made it towards the soft and plush furs. Maybe he didn't need much coaxing, but as she turned her body with her side facing him the look on her face could say it all. She was calling to him without saying anything. She laid down leaning back just a little as her paw raised inviting him into her, her eyes never leaving his form. She was eager but she would take it slow. She'd look up at him for a few seconds searching his features before leaning into to the kiss they had started on the beach. Eventually she would pull at him in the gentlest way to suggest him on top of her. She wanted him to take the lead and give him the power, but maybe she would surprise him too. It was easy for her to indulge as well. The near silence of the room around them only enhanced the way she felt him against her and heard his breath. It was intoxicating to her.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-27-2022, 03:31 PM
Erys wouldn’t have wanted her to do any of this solely for him, he wanted any kind of closeness or hint of intimacy to come from her personal desire. Not any feeling of expectation. The way she touched him, the way her eyes lit up as they drew more near, told him she was feeding her own desires as much as his own. They both knew a life of use and abuse, but that also leant to knowledge within. They had enough experience to know what they liked and very much what they did not. Erys didn’t want to feel felt forced ever again, and he didn’t want that for Reila either.

He led her into his home, finding the room empty as he followed her inside. She took in the cozy atmosphere as he leaned into her, welcoming her. As he nuzzled into her soft fur Reila leaned back against him, pressing their bodies together. He liked the feeling of her being so close, the warmth of her as she brushed against his form. He took in a deep breath, inhaling her scent and whining softly as she departed from him and made her way towards the bed that took up much of the space within the bungalow.

He watched her for a long moment, realizing they didn’t need to know each other to get to know each other. Reila reclined back into the soft furs and invited him there with her. There were no words spoken, but none were needed in that quiet place. She lifted her paw for him to hold onto her and Erys didn’t hesitate anymore. He swiftly joined her there on the bed, naturally lifting himself over her. He rolled her gently so her belly was exposed, it was easy to lean down to accept and return her kisses.

There was a building heat in those gentle affections, but as the moments continued he felt the passion really ignite and he sank deeper and deeper into her lips. He didn’t keep their bodies apart for much longer, as he lowered his belly to hers. His paws were on either side of her shoulders and his hips lowered against her own, fitting himself snugly against her thighs. "I’ll stop, if you need.” Erys whispered against her lips when he finally released her for a deep breath. She was intoxicating, urging him on in all the right ways.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-27-2022, 07:21 PM

Reila easily fell under his paws and into his lips, she was asking for it after all. There was no sign of hesitation in her. She wholly wanted Erystotle in these moments. As much as she may have known she wanted to be with Chimera now, that was not the case as she looked at him and felt him all around her. All she could see was him. The two of them were experiencing the same as slaves who wanted to share each other on their own accord, she could feel like she knew him without either of them saying a word.

She had to be honest with herself how much she loved the attention of Erys’ returning kisses and eagerness for more. It did something to her, something that wasn’t exactly foreign but in this stage of freedom in her life it made her feel so incredible to be this desired. Even if Chimera hadn’t arranged for the two of them to meet... she would have wanted to be right here in this position anyway. Maybe that was a little scary, but she wasn’t having any harsh thoughts while she was here with Erystotle. Only the building desires as their kisses became deeper and more heated. It was still gentle and passionate but there was no denying what the two wanted to share with each other.

Reila breathed in a little sharp inhale as Erys dropped his body to hers, making all points of contact thrilling for her in new ways she hadn’t experienced before. Her hot gaze lifting to his as he let her know he would stop if she needed. "Don’t." she spoke in a hushed tone through a more than contented grin. She would tell him if she needed, but there was no doubt in her mind of slowing down. She knew she wanted more, she knew he wanted more. And Erys was so perfect to her even without knowing most of him. This wasn’t really healing for her per se, but she did need to experience this within his safety. There were things she was learning about herself just in these few moments they had spent together. With her paws reaching up around his neck she pulled herself up into him and into more kisses if he desired, her subtly grinding hips asking him to keep going. She’d help work herself into him when the time was right. There was only one way to prove they couldn’t be any closer.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-29-2022, 02:59 PM
The way she wanted him to hold her, the way he could feel her giving him control, created a plethora of different inner feelings. He was exploring something that should have been known a long time ago but that exploration was stolen from him. He had to take what he was given and there was never any real choice. Now he had his choice, Erys was doing everything because he wanted to, because the girl that he held wanted to. The both of them could embrace these special moments together even if they didn’t know one another. Because they shared the same background, and had the same possessions stolen. Now it was their time, finally they could have the pleasure that they desired. That both of them wanted.

He held her, and offered a halt to his advances, but she didn’t want him to stop. More than that she grinned into her breathy response, that little smile mirrored over his own features. She didn’t have any hesitation, he was making her grin. That fact made his heart flutter and lift as her paws wrapped around his neck and he let her pull him closer, falling against her lips. Reila pressed herself against him as he moved against her. There was no hesitation left and he took her completely. A soft gasp left his lips as he kissed her harder as he pressed into her, losing his breath as he learned her in the most intimate ways. They were practically strangers, but he felt like he’d known her his whole life.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-29-2022, 07:19 PM

She couldn't even explain how she felt as Erys fully indulged in her, something about not really knowing him just opened something up in her. Like he truly desired her, like she was beautiful, valuable. But she too felt like she knew Erys so well without. With only a general idea of his story, it was enough for her to feel completely connected to him as they came together and embraced each other. They both had and knew harsh pasts. Reila could feel that maybe they were healing each other in some kind of way. Whatever it was, it felt amazing to share this with him.

As Erys pushed forward, Reila too gasped from the feeling of him, falling back under him and easily giving in to what he could offer her. It was different not having the... expectations that she was given in her life prior. She didn’t have to act any way with Erys, she wasn’t given a criteria before joining with him. Here they could just explore their true desires and pleasures without needing to pretend.

She wouldn’t ask Erys for anything different, she’d stay right here under him with their lips and tongues still intertwined with each other. Reila used Erys’ own body as leverage to keep up with her own share in this process. She hummed and groaned passionately as they found their rhythms together. She was fine with this just the way they were, but she did wonder, "What do you want, Erystotle? Do you want anything differently?" Her lips barely parted from his, her more than contented grin he may have felt as she stayed that close. She really wanted him to experience to the fullest at least as far as he wanted, especially while she felt like he was giving her just the same. She didn’t need any more than this, and she was here to help him too. He could have her any way he wanted.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-31-2022, 11:28 AM
He had healed considerably since Chimera brought him into Fenmyre’s arms. He blossomed into the wolf he was supposed to be, and he was able to be here with Reila in entirety. His thoughts didn’t wander to the horrors he once endured, he didn’t think about any hefty consequences for revealing his innermost being. Deep down he just wanted to love, and help those that couldn’t do so themselves. As he fell into Reila, learning everything she was and would be he showed her the secrets of himself in return.

Erys was soft and gentle, sweet as pure honey as he held and touched her. He breathed her in and deepened their kiss as their bodies entwined and he shared the special experience with her. He had no expectations, he wanted her and more he wanted to see her happy. The little gasps against his lips, along with a subtle smile, told him she felt just that. They found an easy rhythm together, like they were always meant to find each other at this moment.

She broke their kiss and spoke again, her voice soft and breathy as she moved against him. For a moment he thought she wanted him to stop, he’d given her the option after all. Instead she wanted to see to his pleasure, to make sure he was at the highest peaks along with her. Erys grinned down at her, squeezing her tightly as he drew in a deep breath between the physical motions of his body. "I just want you, I want your smile,” he groaned softly as he lost his breath and his voice for a moment. "Just like this.” He sucked in his breath as he told her. Being with a woman was a new novelty that he enjoyed thoroughly with Reila.

"Erystotle Atlas"



4 Years
Chrono I

05-31-2022, 07:00 PM

Reila's shining gaze looked up at him as he responded, and he was incredibly heart felt and attractive all at the same time. Erys really made her feel just like the most important woman in the world in these moments alone even if they parted ways and went back to their duties after the fact. She loved the way he looked at her, saw her, held her. Everything about him was completely intoxicating and he'd get just what he asked for.

Reila relaxed a bit as he gave her a little more reassurance without knowing. Still she moved along with him in his pace while gently pulling him into her. She was able to move a little more fluidly with him knowing he was just as pleasured as she was. And that gentle smile was still there.

Reila wasn't so vigorous in her motions, she matched Erystotle's own energy and tones and let him know just how she felt in the brushes of her voice. Her nose fell forward into the crest of his shoulder where she gently nibbled through the fur there which was a completely new urge for her. She had never had the feeling or the experience to openly do something herself without being asked and her soft kisses into his fur was something entirely different for her to feel emotionally. She'd ride out the rest of the high with him, and when the time was right she'd drop her head back so he could look back into her exhilarated features if he chose to. She thought he'd want to at least.
