
Held Together with Glue and String




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-31-2022, 07:45 PM

Word that her brother had shown up on Elysium's shore collapsed and crudely bandaged in vines had gotten back to her fairly quickly from the wolves that had helped carry him to his and Keelin's den. As soon as she heard she rushed down to check on him, but she was very swiftly driven away by the brindled woman, quietly telling her that he was resting and that she didn't want him to be disturbed. At the very least Manea had been able to catch a glimpse of him, seeing that he was in fact very much asleep and covered in a fur. That gave her enough peace of mind to know that he was being cared for and still alive to leave him be for at least a day or two.

She came back a couple of days later and luckily this time Keelin seemed to be out. Why she didn't know, maybe getting some more supplies or food, but either way there was no one to keep her from seeing Merrick. She knew that she could have just told Keelin to stand down and let her through, but she didn't want to do anything that would harm her healing brother nor did she feel like dealing with the wrath of his mate and healer. It was easier to just come back later than it was to make an enemy of his woman—even though she still didn't quite understand the extent of their relationship.

Manea walked into the cave, stepping over to where he was laying. There wasn't a fur draped over him this time so she could see the extent of his wounds and the numerous stitches that had been used to put him back together. "Whatever got you really got you good, huh?" she questioned as she brought her gaze up to his, a light teasing to her tone to try and deflect some of the seriousness of the situation. She settled next to him, giving him a questioning glance. "How're you feeling?"

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
05-31-2022, 07:56 PM

Keelin had been like a little harpy, barking orders and making demands. The violet and black man was in no shape to argue against her will, so he begrudgingly did as she instructed. He took the herbs that she gave, he didn't move, he didn't fuss as she changed his bandages. That didn't mean that he didn't growl a huff a lot, but it was all blustering. Merrick couldn't move without being in excruciating pain so his growling and threats were empty air.

During a rare moment when the brindled woman was out, none other than his sister walked into the great stone den. Laying on his side as he was, Merrick had a good view of the doorway. He'd insisted that he lay that way and had painstakingly turned on the bed with the help of Keelin. As Manea drew near, her words brought a chuckle from the giant. Her question was met with an exaggerated huff. "Like I was gored by an elk." He wasn't sure what she knew of his injuries or whether Keelin had kept his sister in the loop. He hoped she had, at least.

"Looks like I won't be fit for duty for a while," he growled, brows drawing together as he sneered, the edge of his lip curling back to flash a curved canine. "I can't even sit up on my own and to do that, she keeps me drugged." One paw lifted and he motioned towards the door and wherever Keelin had gone. "Sorry to leave you out one warrior, Manea." Merrick wasn't one to apologize, so the fact that he did meant at least a little something.

"Merrick Mendacium"
[Image: 9F8cjvQ.png]
Merrick is the most adult character that I have.
He is a walking trigger warning.
He regularly indulges in rape, murder, womanizing, pup murder and so much more.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-31-2022, 09:44 PM

Manea scoffed a little when he simply described how he felt as what it was which she supposed was fair enough. She certainly didn't expect him to say he was feeling fine and dandy after only a couple of days after getting an injury like that. She was quick to give a dismissive wave as he mentioned how he would be out of commission for a while and what he had to do to even sit up, gesturing in the direction of where Keelin had run off to. "Don't you worry about that," she insisted when he apologized, giving him a small smile. "We'll survive without you for a bit. You focus on getting better. I'm just glad you're alive. From what I was told you were in really bad shape when you showed up." She'd gladly be down a warrior for a while if it meant avoiding holding a funeral and mourning the loss of a brother she had just gotten back.

"You're lucky you have such a talented healer at your beck and call," she mentioned casually, giving a glance toward the cave's entrance as if she expected Keelin to show up in the middle of their conversation. She knew from having Irilyth around that having a good healer at the ready could certainly come in handy, but the fact that Keelin had been able to immediately treat him surely made all the difference in him being here right now. She looked back to him, her aqua gaze obviously curious as she searched the face of her gruff, violent brother. "She's very protective of you," she added, obviously interested in the relationship that he had told her little about when they first arrived. She had never really thought of her brother as the type to really settle down, but she also hadn't really seen him with anyone else since they showed up on Elysium's shore and at least from how Keelin looked at Merrick and cared for him it seemed like there was more going on there than perhaps her brother was letting on.

"Manea Mendacium"