




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

3 Years

Pride - LesbianPride - Demisexual
05-27-2022, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 01:12 PM by Pleione. Edited 1 time in total.)

Now that she had regained her strength, Pleione was itching to get back into action. She did what she could on her own, taking on small prey where she could find it rather than relying on the pack’s hunters to provide for her, but even so she felt the weight of her own pelt dragging at the Empire’s heels. Pride kept her from over-indulging and the winter chill and her own less than optimal health tempered her ability to take down more than birds and rabbits, however, and at this rate she wouldn’t be back to fighting shape until the winter’s end. Judging by the powder that blanketed the packlands time and time again, only to melt in the morning sun, winter was only just beginning to bare her fangs.

There was nothing for it, she was going to have to ask for help. It shouldn’t have been a shameful thing, her father’s legacy as a peacemaker and negotiator meant that surely asking for help had come as second nature to him as breathing. To Pleione, it felt like giving up. If she couldn’t handle it on her own, then she’d already admitted defeat. It didn’t help that she was still so unfamiliar with her new packmates.

At the very least, she could take it as an opportunity to mingle with the right people. Surely the crown princess had to be the right person.
“Forgive my intrusion,” Pleione said as she approached, head dipped in courtesy despite the towering wolf’s head sitting higher than she could reach when straining even when relaxed. There was no intrusion- she’d been very careful to plan her approach for a moment when Shuriken wasn’t doing anything. “I’m no expert huntress but I wish to earn my keep, would you mind accompaniment on your next hunt? I have a lot to learn about the migratory patterns of prey around here.”



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
05-28-2022, 07:23 PM
Shuriken really hadn’t felt quite right since her father had left Ashen. There were three constants in her life, the Ashen Empire, her mother, and her father. Losing one of those dealt her a deep blow. Already under confident in her abilities Ike’s confidence in herself was undermined by being abandoned. He never came back, he didn’t care about her, and part of her wondered if he even thought about them anymore. Would he be proud of her, or just scowl at her clumsy antics.

She finished her patrol that morning and was making her way back to the palace to enjoy some lunch with Tanto. The akita was as much a servant as he was a partner in battle. The silver and white dog was never very far from her side. A tradition from her father she hadn’t let go because she had grown up with Tanto. He was her friend above all else and even if she was feeling lonely he was always there beside her no matter how much she tripped over her own paws.

Ike was just finishing her small meal when one of the newest members of Ashen approached her hesitantly. The princess tried to straighten her stature and look the part, but she always felt like she fell flat. "Oh, no intrusion!” She tried to assure her, maybe making too hard of an attempt. "Actually, I’d really appreciate that.” She deflated slightly, letting her shoulders relax as she accepted the help. "We’re due for a bigger hunt.” She ended, though big and hunt didn’t really go paw in paw on the islands there were deer and other ungulates here.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



2 Years

06-01-2022, 11:14 AM
Unbreakable Survivor

The last few days the girl had been wandering her new home. Well, more like bumbling due to her lack of knowing where everything was. There was quite a bit to explore, and it had taken up a lot of the youth’s time. The island cluster was bigger than she had thought. However, most of the individual isles were of smaller size and easily traversable. It honestly surprised her just how big the whole place was. At least it kept her busy.

Ciannait was quick to find the land bridges which connected each isle thanks to her innocent following of others. Their discovery had made the yearling feel like an idiot. Now she understood why Venom had looked at her the way she did the night Cian had swam to the island. The slender youth hadn’t asked to follow those who she did to find the bridges though. She didn’t like being guided around when she could be subtle about it and simply act like she knew exactly where she was going. The girl didn’t enjoy asking for help, especially when she could figure things out by other means. Still, some had noticed the new girl, offered to help her even, and she had occasionally accepted their offers when they had noticed her shadowing them. Otherwise she casually followed from a distance, learning the routes to the different places around the islands.

Today was like any other day for the gold painted youth. Exploring, taking a break, and exploring some more. A few times she had left the archipelago to break up her day a bit and to explore the surrounding area. Besides those small excursions, she had remained on the isles. As the willowy limbed peasant continued on her mission to know the packland, Cian caught on to the voices of others nearby. Well, that was an opportunity to get to know at least a couple of the wolves here. The Empress had expressed this as a necessity in order to become a full member of the pack. So instead of shadowing the other wolves she had stumbled upon in her wandering, this time the striped youth decided to try and actually interact with them.

The youth continued forward towards the sound of a speaking wolf. The sound was female, and from what Ciannait could pick out was asking for help on a hunt. That single request perked the youth’s interest and her gait sped up, but only just. Once she was close enough, Cian spotted the owner to the voice, a smaller russet female, though she seemed quite stout in build. The one which the russet woman was speaking to was much taller, her build much like Ciannait’s in its slenderness. However, it wasn’t the height, nor the dancer-like appearance that caught her attention. Rather, it was the speckled markings, the horns, quills, as well as the lengthy whiskers that truly pulled the youth’s eyes. She reminded the Adhil youth of the Empress, though their markings differed quite widely, the coloration was there as were those quills. Perhaps she was related to the Empress. Though in what way the new girl didn’t know. Yet.

The speckled woman seemed pretty relaxed, stating that a bigger hunt was due. Well, might as well see what she could do to help. Small prey was easy, but if they were going to hunt something bigger like the taller woman suggested, it might be a good idea to have more than the two of them. ”Sorry for interrupting,” Cian stated, announcing her presence to the two of them, ”But I overheard you two talking about a bigger hunt,” the youth continued as she switched her focus between the two of them. ”Would you two mind if I joined you?” the earthen toned youth asked, ”Though I’m not experienced in hunting bigger prey, I can offer what help I can.” Cian added quickly, as she now stood to the left of the russet woman, though not close enough to brush fur. That would be weird.

OOC || —




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

3 Years

Pride - LesbianPride - Demisexual
06-03-2022, 02:01 PM

Pleione felt a rush of satisfaction. Part of her had been expecting to be rejected, after all, why waste time on inefficient hunting with some stranger? It immediately faded at the sound of another voice. A third wolf took the attention off of her, and there was something about holding the Princess’ attention that felt good, maybe the only thing that had felt good in recent memory. She kept herself composed, only side-eyeing the other female for a moment before turning her attention back to Ike.

“If you think it’s prudent, of course,” Pleione said, growing more and more irritated by the second. It only made sense to have as many teeth and paws available for the task at hand, but now she felt like she was sharing the spotlight, or worse, competing over it. Not that she was very familiar with other members of the pack yet, but she’d never seen this girl before, and she could tell by the faintness of pack scent on her fur that she had probably joined almost or just as recently as herself. It was possible that Venom didn’t need the both of them, and that left her feeling more insecure than ever.

She hid her anxiety well, keeping her body language carefully casual, the only tell in the way her paws flexed in the dirt, uprooting grass. She was a professional, more than capable of putting her feelings aside for the sake of something greater.
“Lead the way,” she said, “My paws are at your command.”



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
06-04-2022, 05:49 PM
The young princess was speaking rather freely with the newer Ashen member when the second approached the pair of them, her eyes curious as she listened in. Her voice didn’t hesitate to sneak in as she offered herself up to be added to their hunt as well. As far as Ike was concerned she felt better that the two of them would be there to help her. She hadn’t managed to lead a hunt yet, but neither of them knew that. She was always so clumsy, Ike needed all of the help that she could get. Shuriken was already nodding her agreement when the other woman was giving her blessing as well. There was no reason not to allow her along.

"Thank you both.” She tried to speak more diplomatically. Ike hadn’t forgotten she was chosen at the crown princess. Something she didn’t always believe she deserved with how sub par she felt when compared to her brothers or sisters. "I’m Shuriken… Ike.. by the way.” The young heiress mentioned as she stood and began to lead the trio deeper into the island’s forest. "There’s a herd of white tail deer that bed in the thickets ahead about this time. There’s an older buck that’s got a limp.” While the princess didn’t see herself as proficient in her skill, she knew more than she gave herself credit for.

Ike had a few responsibilities and knowing the game that within Ashen’s borders was one of them. She had been planning to hunt him for a while now, this was just the excuse she needed. "I’m going to go ahead,” She whispered when they approached the thicket. "Drive them towards me and I’ll bring him down.” Living on an island the deer were not very sizable, but it would do well to help fill their stores. Ike trusted the task with the two she wolves and ducked around to the opposing side of the thicket. The whole while praying she didn’t misstep and screw everything up.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



2 Years

06-06-2022, 11:53 AM
Unbreakable Survivor

As she stood by the russet woman she could scent that something was off. Though her mannerisms held composure, the girl couldn’t help but scent an underlying irritation. The smaller woman had hardly acknowledged her presence either. A simple side-glance was all she got. Not that it mattered. Ciannait was not here to impress anyone, even if the older woman was. She was here to help, that is, if they both approved. She also noticed that the woman beside her didn’t smell as strongly of the pack as the taller woman did. She must be new — just like herself. However, it seemed that the russet woman wanted all the attention for herself as if she had something to prove. The youth didn’t say anything as she heard movement and glanced down to see the earth and grass shift ever so subtly beneath the woman’s dark mitted paws.

Apparently it wasn’t the woman’s choice if she was allowed to join their hunt or not. The russet woman’s tones were almost political as the decision was shoved onto the speckled woman before them. What? She couldn’t give her own opinion? Still, Ciannait stood beside her calmly waiting for them to either accept her help or throw it away. So the yearling’s attention shifted to the horned youth, waiting for the final verdict.

It seemed the monochrome woman was more inviting which was a nice change. Her poise and the way she spoke told Cian that she probably held an important role within the pack. She had yet to know all the wolves in Ashen. Not the high ranks, or the lower ranks, nor who came from important bloodlines and who didn’t. Though she didn’t really care about the latter. A wolf was what they made themselves, not what bloodlines they came from. Ciannait was not well versed in the politics of the pack, or pack life in general. How could she be when she had only arrived a couple days prior, and lived on her own since she was just a babe? The golden maned youth would find out in time, but at the moment it was the least of her priorities. Right now, all she wanted to do was simply find her own place in the pack, to assimilate into pack life before getting to the complicated stuff.

Lips curled into a slight grin as the youth nodded to the horned woman’s thanks. It was clear, then, that Ciannait would be allowed to join them. There was a bit of awkwardness in her introduction, which the earthen youth found surprising. Shuriken was her name, but she also took note of the monochrome she-wolf’s nickname. ”I’m Ciannait, Cian for short,” the youth shared her own introductions. Turquoise eyes heard the russet woman request that Shuriken lead the way, and so Cian began to follow the taller she-wolf deeper into the forest, listening to her explanations of the weakened buck. If it was weak, that would make it all the easier to hunt. Once Ike assigned  two of them their duties Ciannait nodded and glanced at her partner. She hoped that whatever was going on in her head wouldn’t mess up this hunt. It would cost not only the trio, but the whole pack, a meal.

Ciannait bent low, not wanting her height to become a hinderance and alert the herd to her presence. The striped youth was used to sneaking around, trying not to be noticed from a lifetime of fearing the bigger beasts out there, that she glided through the underbrush with practiced ease. Ciannait didn’t want to order her partner around, but she offered a suggestion with hushed whispers ”Maybe you could come around from the other side so we can prevent him from running to either the left or right?” Cian suggested, ”Unless you have something else in mind.” the youth added, waiting for the other’s response. Cian was open to suggestions, as she was no expert hunter, though she wanted to be.

OOC || —




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

3 Years

Pride - LesbianPride - Demisexual
06-08-2022, 03:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2022, 03:04 PM by Pleione. Edited 1 time in total.)

Pleione only knew of Shuriken by name and title, as she’d inquired about all the high ranking wolves of the Ashen and their allies. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but this yearling’s meekness wasn’t it. It seemed it was size alone she shared with Venom, the aesthetic of a warrior queen without the temperament. The diminutive nickname was noted and then promptly ignored. Pleione would show her the proper respect, whether she’d earned it or not.

“Of course, Lady Shuriken,” she said, still addressing only her direct superior, avoiding the other female’s gaze. She took note of her name nonetheless, it’d look thoughtless to not at least keep track of the packmates she’d met in person. She did not offer a nickname for herself when she added, “I’m Pleione.”

The princess proved herself a little more once they were actually out in the field. She moved with the confidence of a practiced tracker and even if she didn’t dole orders like a queen, they were reasonable and easy to follow. She nodded silently at Shuriken’s orders, a little annoyed she wouldn’t have a chance to strike at the beast herself, but self aware enough to know the honor wasn’t for her. It wasn’t until the two were left alone that Pleione finally turned her attention to Cian.

“Obviously I wasn’t planning on running up right behind it and getting kicked in the face,” she snorted dismissively under her breath. “Sure. Just match my pace and go on my signal, okay?”
She’d chew the other girl out over trying to boss her around later. Now wasn’t the time. She was waiting, listening carefully, tracking the time it would take for their leader to circle around behind the herd. At the same time she was creeping carefully closer to their prey, singling out the male in question.

“You see him there, right? We’ll start wide and come in from behind and either side to separate him from the herd,” she instructed, “and then flank him and drive him right into the Lady’s waiting maw.”
She was doing calculations in her head, sensing the wind, gauging the top speed and rate of acceleration she’d need. Waiting, watching, completely focused on the task at hand. She caught a flash of movement from the opposite treeline- Shuriken moving into position- and that was her cue. She shot a meaningful glance back at Cian, confirming without words, and then with a burst of speed she shot on ahead of her, flicking her in the nose with her tail in passing.

“Keep up, don’t hold me back,” she called back as the herd scattered, panic rippling through them like waves crashing against the sea.



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
06-08-2022, 05:26 PM
Both young women gave their names in return. Ike should have been a better heir and already greeted the both of them and introduced herself but she hadn’t. A mixture of procrastination and self doubt resulted in the action of doing absolutely nothing. The young princess knew it was a huge fault, but she hadn’t been able to kick the habit. Her mother was always so organized and prompt while she couldn’t even keep track of the new members within Ashen. She was shameful, creating another doubt to how much she deserved to be in this position.

The way Pleione answered her reminded her of this far too sharply. It wasn’t the she wolf’s fault, Ike was being far too unprofessional. Maybe she was spending too much time with Remus. Ike tried to ignore the thought as she slipped away, all of her focus on her paws as she kept control over her massive taloned paws. She was very nearly fully proportioned out, but her paws remained a little too ungangly.

By the grace of whatever good spirit was watching over her the heiress made it into position without making a fool of herself and without altering the herd to her presence. Then all at once the herd was moving when the two young women burst forth. Ike’s limbs coiled as she waited for the opportune moment. Her dappled coat kept her disguised in the thicket until she could feel his breath as she leapt from the bush. She wrapped her taloned paws around his shoulders and bring her jaws to his throat.

The other deer raced past her as she and the deer tumbled to the ground. He kicked and scrambled for a moment, but his life was swiftly ended by the experienced princess. She doubted herself, but when things were down to the wire she performed flawlessly.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



2 Years

06-26-2022, 11:33 AM
Unbreakable Survivor

The moment Shuriken left them to get into position her partner, Pleione, finally turned her attention towards the golden maned youth. Rose tinted eyes filled with impatience. Great. Did she say something wrong? This woman was definitely a piece of work. Her partner muttered under her breath, something snarky, and Ciannait rolled her eyes. With this lady’s attitude problems Cian wasn’t sure this would work.

The next words were spoken more clearly, dripping with disdain. A crack split down the youth’s patience, irritation starting to simmer within her. It was as if the woman thought Ciannait was trying to lead her when in fact she was simply offering a suggestion. She wasn’t about to take orders from this arrogant lady she barely knew either. So when Pleione told the striped yearling to go on her signal, taking control rather than working as a team, her irritation grew. Cian wouldn’t show this to the woman, however. She would not lower herself to Pleione’s level. Instead, the Adhil youth showed no response, and simply listened as she too watched the herd and the monochrome she-wolf get into position.

The smaller she-wolf then continued to point out the weakened male, describing exactly what Ciannait had suggested they do. A pincer strategy to single out their target. ”Well that was basically exactly what I was saying, but sure we’ll use the idea,” Cian stated rather bluntly. It wasn’t Pleione’s idea despite her maybe thinking it was. She must be so proud of herself. With a huff, Cian attempted to recenter herself and her emotions. This was no time for emotions to get the better of her. She would not let them cause her to fail this hunt. She would not let her partner’s behavior ruin this hunt.

Cian turned her focus from the discussion, if it was even considered one, and began to strategize her approach. The direction of the wind, the distance between the two of them and their target. How long it would take to scatter the herd and single out the wounded male and send him towards the trap waiting for him. As the gears turned in her mind, Pleione took off in a burst of unexpected speed saying something to the youth of her shoulder, her tail flicking towards Ciannait’s shadowed features. Her tail wasn’t high enough to flick the yearling’s face, and brushed her neck instead, but Ciannait felt a fire grow within her. Instead of shouting back at the woman, she grins, and takes off after the woman, her longer limbs pushing her past Pleione. As the earthen toned youth passes the shorter woman she glances at her with a wordless challenge in her eyes Right back at you her thoughts echo in her mind as she pushes ahead, leaving Pleione to do her part. Cian further scatters the heard as she curves towards the right, a growl rumbling in her chest as a fear tactic, sending the herd running.

With the herd out of the way they could finally focus on their target. The younger she-wolf let’s a few yips to signal to Pleione that she was ready for the next stage and, without waiting to see if her partner was finished scattering her half, Ciannait made her next move. Their target had tried to move with the herd, however Ciannait was too fast for him, and blocked his escape route by flanking him on the right. She nipped at his right flank pressuring the buck towards the waiting Shuriken.

OOC || —




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

3 Years

Pride - LesbianPride - Demisexual
08-19-2022, 02:36 PM

There was something to the thrill of a hunt. Pumping heartbeats and footfalls, the reek of adrenaline in her nostrils. It was almost musical, a thunderous roar, a desperate struggle to survive on either side. Eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. She could feel the blood lust welling in her, self control the only thing holding her back from striking at the herd as they splintered off, one at a time. This really was peasant’s work, she wanted to be the one to strike the killing blow. Then there was Cian and her long legs and svelte frame, showing off by running ahead. If the hunt had been any more complicated than splitting the herd and delivering a kill to an experienced huntress, they probably would have failed, and Pleione completely overlooked how that could be, in any way, her fault.

She was the last of the three to reach the body, and by the time she did she was thoroughly frustrated with the whole event. Group hunts just weren’t her style, she’d decided. She could find another way to serve the pack in the future, something that required the skill and finesse only she could deliver. Pleione felt too bitter to even have an appetite, looking down her nose at the dead buck that could have been her kill, if only she was any good at this bullshit.

Biting down her pride, she looked to her pack mates and said, “Congratulations and well done, all of us.”