
More Dazzling than the Lights

Avacyn ♡


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 12:38 AM

After a day of nothing but fighting predators that wanted to either kill them for fun or to eat them, Saracyn was decidedly done with trying to fight off the world. The Mendacium prince was covered in blood and sweat, his fur matted in some places from where it clung to his coat and dried into a sticky mess, and he was in desperate need of a good bath. This was certainly not how he had expected today to go when Avacyn had invited him out on their twin outing, and he hoped that her plans for them hadn't been ruined or sidetracked by having to fight off the world. Though he had to admit, he was still riding a bit of a high from all the combat, the taste of coppery blood lingering on his tongue and making him feel jittery inside in a way he didn't quite recognize. He continued to steal little glances over to his twin sister, looking her over to make sure she was okay and not sulking or injured. Every so often he would catch his gaze lingering, but it would be quick to snap back to the path ahead of them, the twins working their way through the fresh powdery snow along the coastal sound headed in the direction of home.

The sun had already begun to sink below the horizon behind them, casting the world in an ethereal bluish haze. The world around them was almost entirely silent, the wind having died down so the silence was broken only by their paws crunching through the snow. "I'm sorry today didn't go exactly how you wanted it to, Ava," he apologized with a sigh, his breath forming in a hot cloud at the end of his lips. "I know you didn't really plan on fighting the world today... but if it's any consolation, I still had a really good time with you." He turned his head a fraction of an inch to cast a small smile to his twin—and then froze with a hardened expression when he saw the glimpse of movement behind her. Cobalt eyes narrowed, locking with the pale blue gaze of the camouflaged predator just behind her.

"Don't move a muscle," Saracyn whispered, his body already tensing for yet another fight. "There's a snow leopard stalking us right behind you." Saracyn knew the arctic felines were ambush hunters. So long as he didn't break line of sight with it, they should be okay, and with enough attention, he might be able to intimidate it away. Sara flashed his teething a snarl to the snow leopard, keeping his eyes on it the whole time. Unfortunately, that meant he couldn't see its partner beginning to creep up into a pouncing position just behind himself...

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 02:31 AM

A tiger, three different kinds of bears, and a pack of rabid, cannibalistic wolves... When they started out their day together with a fight she hadn't realized that would be an omen for how this entire day was going to go. They were tired and sore with more than a few kinds of blood splattered across them, some of it on her head, a lot on her paws and around her muzzle and chest. At this point she was just ready to get home and take a bath and never go toward another mine ever again. But, even still, as she glanced toward Saracyn beside her, she couldn't help the little smile that tugged at her lips. Fighting along side him was always something that brought her a thrill and made her feel incredibly strong and capable, but even more than that she could see how much he cared and the way he would fight tooth and nail for her without hesitation. It was something she loved about her brother and something that only proved that her putting her full trust in him was never misplaced.

Her gaze turned toward him as he apologized for how their day together had gone, the only other sound around them the crunching of their paws through the snow. A smile tugged at her lips when he said how he had still had a good time with her and her tail wagged gently behind her as she replied, "I had a good time with you too... Cannibalistic wolves and all." That was certainly going to be a story she'd be telling for quite some time. She chuckled softly and was about to continue reminiscing on the other crazy encounters they had gotten into when she saw how her twin's expression changed and saw him freeze in place. She froze as well, looking at him with a questioning look in her obsidian gaze, following his lead for whatever it was that he had seen.

Once he explained that the reason he had stopped was the snow leopard stalking them behind her she understood and she started to prep herself fro yet another fight. In seemed like the entire world was seemingly determined to make it as exceedingly difficult as possible for them to get home as possible. She opened her mouth to respond only to be cut off by a flash of movement over Saracyn's shoulder. Faster than she could react, a second snow leopard appeared from out of the shadowed, evening darkness and landed on Saracyn's back. "Sara!" she gasped and immediately leapt into action, reaching up to lock her jaws onto the spotted cat's foreleg. She knew from her own claws that she'd just do more harm than good to Sara if she tried to just yank the feline off of him, so she bit hard and fast, twisting her head to tear into the ligaments in its elbow. That earned a pained yowl from the snow leopard and at least rendered one of its legs useless, but that was all she could manage before the other leopard was on her, its large paws grappling around her neck.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 02:56 AM

Saracyn didn't even hear the snow crunching behind him before he felt the weight of the second snow leopard on his back. He grunted, then snarled when he felt razor sharp claws dig into his skin. Avacyn was reacting in a heartbeat, biting at the feline's leg to get it to release him before he threw himself back to the snow, slamming the leopard on his back to the ground and rolling back to his feet. While he could have gone to press his attack on it, the movement he saw in the corner of his eye made his heart stop and his blood run cold. The original snow leopard had pounced on his sister's back and was grappling her around her neck. "Avacyn!" Sara bolted toward her, a crimson thunderbolt of rage snarling so loud his voice echoed around the surrounding mountains.

Saracyn used his larger size to his advantage, leaping to snatch the snow leopard off of his sister by the neck. As soon as the leopard felt the wolf's jaws around its neck, it yowled in alarm and began to struggle, thrashing its clawed mittens at Saracyn's face. Those claws scratched at his cheeks and jaws, coming far too close to his eyes for comfort, forcing him to release the feline before he could land a killing blow. Discouraged, but not defeated, Saracyn snarled and lunged at the snow leopard again, scooping the cat up before it could recover and throwing it down to the ground. The snow leopard yowled in fury and tried to claw out the wolf's eyes again, but Saracyn had had enough with all these damned predators. He caught one of the cat's paws with his own, pinning it to the ground and giving himself an opening to thrust his jaws down around the leopard's neck. The leopard fought for a moment more, but a swift snapping of his jaws around its throat crushed its vertebrae and broke its neck, killing the feline instantly with a sickening and wet crunch of bone and gristle.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 03:35 AM

Avacyn struggled against the snow leopard that had grappled around her neck, grimacing and growling at the stabbing pain of its claws cutting into her upper chest and the base of her neck near her shoulder. She jabbed her elbow back into its ribs, but that wasn't enough to get it to let go until Saracyn came charging in and removed the predator from her, causing the spotted feline to yowl and struggle. She didn't have a chance to turn and make sure Sara was okay though because the one that had been on his back before was now on top of her as well, limping toward them to help its companion despite its injured leg. It made a reckless strike at her, making her stagger back out of its path as its paw narrowly missed slicing across the end of her muzzle. Her lips pulled back over her lips in a snarl and she lunched forward, sick and tired of all of these fights landing in their laps today.

She threw her foreleg up as the snow leopard's paw swiped at her again, using the hardened scales along the front portion of her leg to block its claws and causing them to glance off of her. She lunged forward and caught its retreating paw at the ankle between her jaws, throwing her head to the side to yank the feline off of its paws, causing it to sprawl out in the snow in front of her. She bit down hard on the joint just to crush the smaller bones there for good measure, before she released it and slammed her paw down onto the top of its head, shoving its face down into the snow. She grabbed the back of its neck between her jaws, crushing down around its vertebra with a growl. Unknowingly, she ended the fight as quickly as it began in a very similar manner to her twin, twisting her head and snapping the cat's neck to make it immediately go limp under her.

She let go and stumbled back a step, panting as she quickly turned around, her obsidian gaze frantically looking for Saracyn. Once her gaze fell on him and saw the dead feline at his feet she gave a tired sigh, the tension in her shoulders easing again. She walked over to him, her brows pulling together as she examined the new cuts around his cheeks and jaws, lifting her paws to his face to gently look him over. "No more fights," she muttered with a soft chuckle, her gaze finding his. Once again she had him to thank for saving her, but she didn't feel like she needed to. He rescued her, she rescued him, and back and forth they had gone like that all day—looking out for one another as they always had. She truly felt like no one would ever have her back the way Saracyn did, but that wasn't a new revelation. It had always been them from the very beginning and it always would be.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 03:49 AM

As swiftly as the fighting had begun, it had also ended. The pair of wolves vanquished their foes with little effort required, but a tremendous amount of worry for the other, as the ambush predators had managed to catch them off guard. When Saracyn lifted his bloody jaws from the dead snow leopard's neck, the first thing he did was immediately look to Avacyn to make sure she was okay. He found her finishing off the second mountain cat with a twist of its head and a snap of its neck that sent shivers down his spine. He watched his twin for a while, breathing hard as that jittery energized feeling he got whenever he tasted fresh blood came over him once more. Dilated blue eyes followed her while she looked at him, then came closer to look over his wounds. The touch of her soft paw pads to his cheek left fire beneath his skin, warming him from her touch alone. For a long while, Saracyn just held Avacyn's gaze, looking into her dark obsidian eyes while she looked him over, then decreed no more fights for the rest of the day.

"No more fights," he murmured in agreement, a little grin turning up the corners of his lips. His massive white paws raised to gently grasp her shoulders, turning Ava this way and that to inspect the claw marks she had over her chest and neck, assessing them to make sure she wasn't badly injured. They had both suffered some bruises, bites, and lacerations today, but none had been concerning. Honestly, it was a miracle they had come out of today mostly unscathed! Still, returning home in their current condition didn't exactly seem like the best choice. "We should get cleaned up before Mom and Dad think we went off to war." He snickered, then gestured to the shallow bay behind them that made up the sound. That would do.

Rising to his paws, Saracyn escorted Avacyn down to the water, wading out into the shallows just enough for the water to come up to his chest. It was cold, but oh so refreshing after the day they'd had. It washed away the blood, the grime, the sweat and felt absolutely divine! Sara breathed a sigh of relief and waved a paw for Ava to join him. A flash of color caught his attention then, and a glance up to the sky revealed a spectacular sight. "Ava, look," he said, gazing up at the dancing ribbons and bands of radiant light up in the darkening night sky above them. Millions of stars began to glisten behind the Northern Lights, and a full silver moon hung heavy in the sky, casting the world in a silvery ethereal glow accented by the shifting spectrum of colors all around them. It was a breathtaking sight, and one he was grateful he could share with his twin. A little bit of peaceful redemption to their chaotic day. "Y'know, if I had to do today all over again just to be able to spend this moment with you, I'd do it gladly." Sara lowered his gaze from the lights back down to Ava, giving her a crooked smile. "Want me to help you clean up?"

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 04:07 AM

Avacyn let Sara give her the same inspection she had given him as his paws rested on her shoulders to turn her one way and then the other. All in all she was honestly surprised and grateful for the few injuries they had managed to get away with. Still, when he mentioned that they ought to get cleaned up before their parents thought they went off to war she chuckled and nodded in agreement. Getting cleaned up was most certainly high on her list after all of this. He turned her attention to the sound behind them and she turned to make her way down to the shallow bay alongside Saracyn, thankful to still be walking shoulder to shoulder with him right now. They very well could have ended up in far worse shape, but they were still on their feet with only a few scrapes and a lot of bruises to tend to once they got home.

Sara waded out into the cold water first and she followed shortly after. Usually she probably would have hated the cold water, but it actually felt delightful on her sore muscles and feet and was incredibly refreshing with all of the stuff that was matted up into her violet pelt. She eased herself into the water until it was up to her chest as well, letting her eyes close with a hum while she enjoyed the feeling of it for a moment. She didn't open her eyes again until Sara got her attention, blinking open her obsidian gaze to glance at him first and then up toward the sky. She gasped softly, looking up with wide eyes at the stunning night time sky, the colors of the northern lights lighting up the sky with bands of colors that created the most magical scene she had ever witnessed.

She brought her gaze back down to Saracyn with a wide grin as he spoke, her tail wagging gently behind her. Everything around them was cast in the glow of the northern lights and the full moon that hung in the sky overhead, but they were their own stars as well, their matching markings that connected them giving off their gentle glow. "I would too," she agreed. As rough as this day had been, they had created so many memories together that she would remember forever and she cherished getting to be with her brother like this even if they were going to go home scratched up and bruised. When his gaze lowered back to hers with an offer of helping her get cleaned up she nodded, giving him a smile in return. "That would be great."

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 04:20 PM

Avacyn expressed how she would repeat the strifes of the day all over again if it meant getting to spend the day with him and ending up right here. The rare genuine smile of happiness touched Saracyn's face, his usually hard and dour expression softened while he looked to his twin, their matching markings glowing a gentle white light as if they were stars themselves fallen to earth. His tail wagged gently, creating soft ripples on the surface of the still water. All things considered, Saracyn had had a fun time with his sister, and he wouldn't have wanted to share it with anyone else. Avacyn was his perfect match, his compliment, the balance to his chaos and the harmony to his fury. He would remember the day they spent together for the rest of his days.

When Avacyn accepted his offer to help her clean up, Saracyn's smile widened to a little roguish grin and he made a motion with his paw for her to turn around. Once she had done so, Sara lifted his drenched paws, scooping up some of the cool water and pouring it over her shoulders and back, watching as her fur practically melted against her. He did this a few times to sufficiently dampen her coat, then he went to place his paws on his twin's shoulders, gently rubbing and combing his digits and claws through her fur to free it of the sticky blood and gritty dirt that had accumulated throughout their adventures. Gradually, he began to see the vivid violet luster return to Ava's beautiful coat, the white speckling across her fur becoming prominent once again. He was careful as he cleaned around the scales that grew around her shoulders, yet still making sure he had sufficiently scrubbed away any dirt that had collected beneath the har plating as well. It was a strangely intimate moment for him. Sure, the twins had shared a room growing up and bath times together was nothing new, but it felt different now that they were older.

As relaxing as this probably was for Avacyn, it was equally therapeutic and oddly satisfying for Saracyn as well. He lost himself in the rhythmic rubbing and massaging of her back, working up and down either side of her spine from shoulders to just above her tail, his large paws making short work of the cleaning. He moved them slowly back up her slim sides, his movements getting more and more leisurely while he felt over her. His heart had begun beating faster for some reason, his breathing coming in shorter and quicker. That jittery feeling he felt when he tasted blood in the midst of combat seemed to grow stronger the longer he spend touching Avacyn and he couldn't quite place the feelings churning about inside of him deep within his belly. He swallowed hard, feeling an anxiousness foreign to him and yet somehow instinctually familiar while his paws roved up her sides from her waist to rest on her shoulders. He didn't say anything for a while, just enjoying the moment of scrubbing her fur despite the fact that she was more than sufficiently clean by now.

"You're so perfect, Avacyn..." Sara murmured under his breath in the quiet night, surrounded by the beauty of the stars and the borealis, yet his eyes never left her. She really was perfect. Beautiful, strong, smart, with a wicked personality... Avacyn was the most perfect wolf in all Elysium—hell, the whole world even. It was no wonder she was their parents' favorite.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-09-2022, 05:52 PM

At Saracyn's direction she turned away from him, the borealis above them on full display in front of her while she let herself just be pampered and bathed by her twin for a few moments. The cool water he poured over her back was both like a shock to her system and the most refreshing feeling she had ever experienced at the same time. As he started to comb through her fur and work out all of the matted blood and dirt form her coat, she hummed happily as she fully relaxed under his paws. The way she came across to others and the image she had around the other wolves of the pack was something she valued a lot and she was careful about how she presented herself to them. From the day she was born it had been made pretty clear to her that one day she would be the head of their family and their pack and responsibility had been something ingrained into her. Sometimes it felt like all of these gifts that had been bestowed upon her and the path that she had been set upon felt more like a burden than a benefit. When she was alone with Saracyn all of that strain fell away. She never felt pressured to be or act a certain way around him. She was just herself and she knew that she could trust Saracyn to understand her regardless.

Her eyes nearly closed as she fully relaxed from everything he was doing, but she kept her eyes open just enough to continue enjoying the natural light snow that was happening in the sky above them. When he started cleaning around the edges of her unusual scales, little hums of delight escaped her, her tail wagging gently and disturbing the surface of the water. It wasn't a spot that usually got such a careful cleaning and attention and it made little tingles dance over the rarely touched skin under and around the scales. That sensation that started at her shoulders seemed to take root as he continued down her sides and everywhere his paws moved over her back and sides started to prickle and tingle with what felt like electricity dancing over her skin. She didn't know how to describe this feeling or how he was making it happen, but she didn't want him to stop. It made something start to tighten and build in her belly, making her her heart skip and beat harder in her chest. It all caught her off guard and made her feel like she never had before, but it wasn't an unpleasant kind of feeling or emotion. Even if her fur already felt much, much better than it previously had and she was already certain that she was plenty clean, she didn't want him to stop.

The only thing that broke her out of this trance was Saracyn speaking, his quiet voice telling her how perfect she was. It made a warmth come to her cheeks and for the first time since he started bathing her she pulled her gaze down from the sky to look back at him over her shoulder, her gaze finding his again. It felt like all the air had been pulled out of her lungs, but somehow that was a good thing. She was pulled into the vibrant blue of his gaze and the faint, matching glow of his marking, the stunning show happening around them no longer her focus. "So are you," she told him just as quietly, slipping away from his paws so that she could turn to face him, the water quietly rippling around her as she moved. She knew how he felt and all of his thoughts about being the unexpected twin, the addition to her as she was placed in this position of power and expectation, lacking the over load of gifts that she had received—but she couldn't disagree with him more and she always tried to make sure that he was included right along with her in everything she did. She smiled softly as she moved closer, affectionately brushing her nose against his cheek. "We're the same... Two halves of the same coin. If I'm perfect then so are you." Her gaze found his again, her heart feeling like it might just leap right out of her chest as she lingered in front of him with her muzzle so close to his that she could feel his breath against her nose, but she didn't want to move away even if she didn't fully understand why.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-10-2022, 02:15 AM

The little murrs and coos of delight he was able to pull from Avacyn with his careful and deliberate grooming made that warmth inside him flare up, spurring him on to keep doing all the little things he was doing to get her to make those adorable noises. When Ava looked back at him from over her shoulder with that cute smile on her face, all time seemed to stop. His breathing came to a halt, mesmerized by her like he'd never been before by anyone else. She said he was perfect as well, and while he staunchly denied that fact to anyone else, only Avacyn seemed to be able to get him to even think differently. When she told him he was perfect, or how valuable he was, or how important he was to her, he believed her. Ava would have his faith and loyalty for all time until the day he died, and in whatever worlds came after this one. She turned around in his paws, the water gently swishing between them as she faced him. His paws rested on her sides just above her waist, holding her gently as they sat in the water together. Ava leaned in closer, bringing her body almost up to his while she brushed her nose against his cheek, leaving a pool of warmth to flush beneath his skin. She called him her other half, two parts of the same coin. He was perfect to her, and that was all he needed.

Saracyn's heart was racing in his chest, his pulse thrumming hot and fast in his veins and coursing liquid fire through his entire system from tip to tail. He leaned gently into her nuzzling, never wanting to separate from her. It was the same sort of connection and closeness he'd felt to her throughout their entire lives, from their young days of puppyhood when they would snuggle together every night. He never wanted to be apart from Avacyn, and that pull had never felt stronger than it did in this very moment. Ava pulled back, but only just enough so that their gazes could meet once more. Almost immediately, Saracyn began to lose himself in those dark jewels that entranced him, hypnotized him, especially with the way the swirling lights in the sky reflected off of them when she tilted her head up to look at him with their slight size difference. He could feel her every warm exhale against his lips in the chilly air, taste the sweetness of her breath so close. A shiver raced down his spine, and out of nowhere the yearling brute felt a compulsive urge to do something bold. It hadn't been a conscious thought; it was instinct guiding him fully now, telling him what he wanted and how to take it.

Saracyn leaned in closer until there was but a hair's breadth between their muzzles, so close their noses were just about touching. He hesitated, uncharacteristically nervous all of a sudden. Those jittery nerves that compelled him forward also made him second guess himself. But with one more glance into those alluring eyes, Saracyn surrendered to Avacyn and pressed his mouth forward to meet hers. The first contact of her soft lips on his sent his heart into rapid palpitations as his blue eyes drifted closed to give himself up to the intimacy of the moment. Fire burst in his chest and scorched its way through every part of him while electricity fried his nerves into oblivion. Every second after that he spent kissing Avacyn made the most energizing euphoria explode in his brain, giving him the greatest rush and high he'd ever experienced. It was greater than any hunt, any fight, any kill he'd made. Avacyn was perfect—he'd said so himself—and kissing her felt perfect. It felt right. Like this was always how they were supposed to be. After several long, glorious moments, Saracyn reluctantly broke their lips apart, though he didn't give her more than an inch of space between their snouts, cobalt eyes flickering open to seek her reaction and expression and see just how badly he'd fucked up.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-13-2022, 02:20 AM

Avacyn was lingering there in front of her brother and she wasn't sure how long she stayed like that, her breath caught in her chest as she tried to make heads or tails of the powerful surges of emotion that were running through her. They weren't unlike the closeness and bond she had always had with her twin, but they ran even deeper and hotter than that. Ever since they were little it had always been so easy to look at Saracyn and let the world fall away. He quieted her anxious thoughts, dispelled any doubts she had in herself, and somehow made her believe all of the sweet things he ever said about her. But right now, in this moment, all of those things felt amplified and as if they were the only two wolves that existed in the world. Then Saracyn broke the frozen stand off they were caught in as he leaned closer making something inside of her jitter with nervous excitement while her mind was still reeling trying to figure out what it was that she was feeling and why the magnetism between them was suddenly so much stronger. He hesitated, something that felt so unusual for her bold, brash twin, but somehow even that slight moment of hesitation made her heart skip with anticipation. Then he finally leaned forward and he gave her what she hadn't even realized she wanted or needed.

Sara's lips found hers and for a moment her eyes widened with shock as the nervous, excited, jittery, hot emotion that she couldn't quite name was suddenly cranked all the way up and hit her system hard enough to knock the air out of her lungs. Her thoughts reeled for a moment as she realized what was happening. She was kissing Saracyn. Saracyn had kissed her. But within a few heart beats she began to melt into that kiss and her eyes fluttered closed with a soft whine, every instinct and desire telling her that this was right, that this feeling she had was good and that she should crave it. She pressed back into that perfect first kiss, suddenly feeling as if the cold water around them was nowhere near cool enough to keep the fire flashing through her under her skin from burning her alive. It wasn't until he pulled away a few moments later that it seemed to break the trance and her eyes flickered open so her gaze could find his once again. She was blown away and taken aback, euphoric and confused. She was torn down the middle of what she should be doing and what her body wanted from her and in that moment she didn't know which side to listen to.

When she looked in his eyes again she found her anchor and supporter again and she knew he was everything she needed in that moment and so much more. The emotions she felt were complicated, but allowing herself to simply revel in how he made her feel and the thrilling rush he gave her was all she really wanted. Before she could over think anything again she allowed herself to follow her instincts and tipped her head forward to catch his lips with hers for a second time, immediately feeling a rush of relief from her uncertainty as she returned to this feeling that was at the same time completely new and strangely familiar. Usually she was so careful about her decisions and wanted to think them all through, but this time she followed the wild ride of emotions and let them take her wherever they wanted to go. His lips felt soft and warm on hers and while she kissed him with a tender passion her eyes closed again, savoring this feeling like it might be the last time she ever felt it. When she did finally slip away from his lips again it was with a soft gasp and her eyes flickered open, her eyes finding his and the special marking that connected them both. A little grin pulled across her lips and her tail wagged behind her, disturbing the water around her with the passes of it through the surface of the water. "Wow..." she whispered with a soft giggle, giving his nose a teasing lick.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-14-2022, 10:49 PM

When he had kissed her, Saracyn felt Avacyn melt into him after the initial surprise and tension wore away, the quiet whines she made for him while they shared that first kiss doing wonderful and tremendously new things to him. He had been so nervous that she would refuse him, reject his advances, but when she began to push back into his lips and body, the heat inside of him grew stronger, a molten core threatening to erupt throughout his veins and nerves. Then their lips broke, and that worry that he'd somehow managed to fuck up their entire relationship came scurrying back into his mind. Sara held his breath while he gazed into his twin's deep obsidian eyes, waiting for the other shoe to drop when he saw the conflict in her eyes. Everything about this moment felt so right, yet he couldn't help but he nervous that he might have done something wrong. What if Avacyn decided she didn't like him kissing her? What if she didn't feel the same intense and inescapable pull he felt tethering his soul to hers? What if he'd misread all the signals and now his sister hated him or found him disgusting?

All of those doubts and fears were quickly smothered and extinguished when he saw and felt Avacyn tilt her muzzle up to catch his lips with her own again, pressing him into another passionate kiss. Now it was Sara's turn to give a muffled sound of surprise that gradually shifting into a throaty groan of delight, bright cobalt eyes drifting closed behind scarlet lids to block out the world while he savored and worshipped Avacyn through their kiss. Immediately he felt those uncertainties and worries burn away as the molten core within him exploded from her kiss, blistering heat and searing fire scorching its way through his bloodstream to every nerve in his body. He felt lightheaded and euphoric, his body tingling all over while he moved his mouth in perfect harmony with Ava's, her lips soft and warm against his as they kissed like they'd been meant to all this time and like they'd done it a million times over already.

When their lips finally parted for a second time, Saracyn was also breathing in short, heavy gasps as well, blue eyes flickering open to find Ava's onyx jewels peering up into his with a little grin on her lips. Sara grinned a small crooked grin back, his eyes shining with an almost dopey expression of joy and excitement while his tail mimicked hers and wagged over the water's surface, smacking the water with a gentle splash from time to time. "Yeah... wow..." he replied in a mumbled whisper, his brain clearly at a loss for words while he let himself sink into the depths of his twin's stunning eyes, only able to grin and lean in to place an equally teasing lick under his twin's chin and over her lips. Avacyn was breathtakingly beautiful, more than any other wolf in the world. He lifted a white paw, his digits gently stroking over the edges of the special glowing mark they both shared, just barely disturbing her bioluminescent fur with his touch. She placed a teasing lick on the end of his nose and Saracyn giggled—the dour, moody boy actually giggled—then brought his paw up the side of Ava's face to stroke and caress one of her white-tipped ears, rolling the velveteen appendage between his paw pads.

Saracyn wanted to kiss Avacyn again—hell, he never wanted to stop kissing Avacyn now!—and get that hot, tingly feeling all over his body again. He wanted to hold her close so there wasn't an inch of space between them, wrap himself around her like they did when they cuddled in bed as pups, feel her warmth and softness while listening to her every breath, taste her lips on his own and feel her racing heartbeat pounding in her chest to mirror his own. "Um... Should we... start heading back?" he asked with an excited smile that betrayed the reasons why he wanted to sneak back into their den in the dead of night. "Or we could, uh... I dunno, find somewhere out here to camp out?" An empty cave or abandoned den they could use to keep each other warm in, exploring this new side of their relationship together until dawn.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-22-2022, 05:52 PM

Avacyn forgot all about where they were or even the fact that they were simply standing in the cold water of the sound as she gazed up at Saracyn adoringly, her mind still reeling from the kisses they shared and the sudden shift in their relationship. It wasn't like they weren't affectionate anyways, but not like this. This was very different from the usual nudge or bump or even the occasional times they would still cuddle like they did when they were pups. She was suddenly introduced to a far more intimate affection than she had ever experienced before and the rush of heated, tingling emotion that came with it was one of the best feelings she had ever experienced. Her head tipped to lean into his paw as it came up to brush over her cheek and ear, even that little affection making her heart skip in her chest. A grin still lingered on her muzzle as they stood there gazing into one another's eyes, but when she heard a rare giggle from her serious brother it made her grin widen even further as her chest swelled with happiness just from knowing how happy it had made him. She was always trying to find ways to keep her brother happy and learn things that he really enjoyed so that she could do them with him and this new experience had just given her a whole new outlet with how to do that. A soft, pleased hum escaped her as his paw pads rubbed against her ear, absolutely lost to the world as she contemplated kissing him again.

Then Saracyn made her snap back to reality a bit as he suggested heading back or perhaps finding somewhere to camp out here for the night. She blinked and glanced around, chuckling as she was reminded of where they were and what they had spent their day doing. "Ah... right," she said with a grin, looking back up at him with a bashful flick of her ears. She considered it for a moment and from the smile he wore that was infectious and made a similar excitement flutter in her stomach she knew exactly what was on his mind. It was the same thing she was thinking of as well and as much as she would like to just find a place to hide away with him for a while, she knew they should get back before they began to worry anyone. Besides, they still had a number of scratches, wounds, and bruises that would only be worse come morning so it would be better to travel now before they got any more sore and stiff. "Lets head back," she finally decided with a nod. She started to wade her way out of the water and once she was back on the shore she gave herself a good shake to get as much of the water off of her as possible. Turning back toward Saracyn, she waited for him to dry off a bit as well before she came to lean into his side, nuzzling happily into his neck as she told him, "I want you to stay in my room tonight." It wasn't as if it was a rare occurrence for one of them to end up in the other's room from time to time so it wasn't as if their parents would really find anything odd with it... They probably would just not suspect the purpose behind it and that was probably for the best. She kissed his cheek and smiled before she started walking back toward home with him, keeping close at his side both for warmth and simply because she didn't want to be apart from him.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-24-2022, 01:19 PM

Saracyn's smile widened and his blue eyes lit up with mirth when he saw the flustered shyness cross over Avacyn's features as she was pulled back into reality. The two of them had gotten so swept up in one another and the sudden dramatic shift their relationship had taken that everything else, including where they were, had been wiped from their minds. Not that he could blame Avacyn, of course. Kissing her had stirred things inside himself that the young male had never felt before, and suddenly he realized why their parents always seemed to be all over one another and so outwardly affectionate. Kissing had felt good—really good! Already the red-furred wolf was thinking about doing it with his violet-hued sister again and again, ready to explore this new depth and dynamic to their bond to the fullest. As if reading his mind, Ava suggested they head back home. It was a good call, given they were both still pretty beat up. They'd be able to tend to their injuries and not have to worry their parents with their unexpected absence.

"Good call," he said while wading through the water after her to reach the stony shore. Once his paws were treading dry pebbles and gritty sand, Saracyn paused just long enough to shake the water loose from his coat as well. The last thing either of them wanted was for the water to turn to ice crystals in their fur. No sooner had he finished drying, he felt Ava slip up beside him, her weight leaning into his frame while her slender muzzle brushed through his fur on his neck. Again those tingles flared up from her touch, making butterflies stir in his belly as an excited smile made itself at home on his face. His sister's words made his pulse quicken in his veins; so their minds were in the same place. Avacyn wanted him to spend the night in her room, and after the romantic moment they'd just shared together, something told him it wasn't just for warming cuddles. "It's like you read my mind," replied Sara with a husky chuckle, leaning in to nuzzle the top of his sister's head in return. "Anything for my Avacyn." Avacyn's words were more of a gentle command than a request, and one he was all too happy to obey. No one would suspect a thing of the Mendacium prince and princess, least of all their parents or caretaker. The two had been sharing a room for almost all their lives until they became yearlings, and snuggling through the night had been a regular fixture of their routine for just as long. Call it twin bonding, but now it was evolving into something far more intimate.

With a kiss to his cheek and one to her forehead, the pair set back off for home, Saracyn leading the way but maintaining his place at Avacyn's side for every step. He barely shifted away from her, most of their strides causing their sides to rub together with gentle jostles. Every now and then he would steal little glances and smiles down to her, admiring the way her marking glowed in the starlight or the way the auroras seemed to make her obsidian eyes glow iridescent. Avacyn was beautiful—stunningly, breathtakingly beautiful. The more time he spent looking at her and considering her, the more Saracyn was convinced that this was always meant to be. He'd thought his existence had been a fluke; a trick of fate or a cruel joke of the Ancients to give him gifts worthy of life when someone as perfect as Avacyn was the one who should have survived. But maybe he had been looking at it all wrong. Maybe the reason for his existence wasn't to lead, but to be by Avacyn's side with love and support. Maybe... just maybe... he'd been allowed to live for her.

It was late into the evening when the twins crossed the land bridge back to Alias Island. Elysium was silent, its inhabitants sleeping. It made it easy for the pair to surreptitiously slip unnoticed back into their familial den, Saracyn pausing just long enough to double check and make sure their parents and Irilyth were all asleep before he followed Ava into her room. The larger twin wasted no time in making his way over to Avacyn's plush and spacious bed of pelts and furs, settling himself down on it and stretching out his lean body and tired limbs with an appreciative groan. He was usually the big spoon whenever they cuddled, and he doubted this time would be any different. So, lifting a foreleg, he silently beckoned Ava over to join him with a casual yet eager grin, already imagining her arms around him and her lips on his again.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
