Master Intellectual (240)
Master Healer (240)
8 Years
Word had made it’s way to Sedna on their journey north that the Armada had moved. She still swung by the plains, to show her children where she had first landed when she arrived in this strange place, but they continued on north, past the hot springs where she had met their father (and they managed to get some warmth back in their bones), then north and west across veterans plateau.
Chips had gone ahead to find Hana, and she met up with them around the mile-high wood. Sedna felt like she needed eyes in the back of her head to keep her children out of the trees, but eventually they made it to the market, and she allowed them just a little bit of freedom to see what was on offer at the various stalls, trusting that Raijin would keep them out of getting into too much trouble. “So how ‘as life been treatin’ yer? It’s a lot bloody colder than I remember up ‘ere.”