



10-01-2013, 02:13 PM

Nine months had passed since her birth, and the girl was excited. She didn't see herself as a child anymore, despite the fact that she was a mere three-fourths of the size she would eventually become. Her mind had grown vastly in her nine months of life, and she felt like she could solve anything she set her mind to - although that had yet to be tested. A howl would go up from ivory lips, beckoning her mother. Answers were required, and there was nary a wolf she trusted more than her mother. She had been late to the last meeting, and thus had missed most of the information that had been given, not to mention when she had arrived it had been difficult to pay attention and decipher just what was going on. Still, Solaine knew her mother would probably not mind explaining things if she felt it necessary for her daughter to know - and Solaine would make sure that it was necessary. She didn't like being in the dark. Of course, if her mother refused the information - or simply didn't know - next on her list would be her father or Gael, they both seemed to know what was going on. Gael would be more likely to tell her, as her father was protective and often sought to keep her mind innocent to the things of the world. The girl rocked onto her haunches and awaited her dam, bi-colored eyes moving rapidly to catch any sign of movement. To say she was eager would be an understatement.



10-01-2013, 03:58 PM

Soleil helped sort herbs, kept busy by the task or gathering and sorting as the inevitbale war grew nearer and nearer by the day. She hoped Syrinx was a stern teacher and would hold the pack back from the fight until Valhalla was good and ready. Soleil however could never be ready. Her daughter, son, and husband would all fight. They were able bodied and it was in their blood. Just the thought of it made the mother wish she could run blood transfusions on them all.

A heavy sigh left her, stressed, but she could think on it no more, a sound reaching her ears. It was Solaine, one of youngest daughters, calling to her. A smile lit her features, pleased to know that the growing child still desired her mother's attention. Gael was much the same, now a burly two year old, but Azalea was distant.

The female moved at an even pace toward her child, thankful that she wasn't all the way across Valhalla like she very well could have been. When she saw the bi-eyed female Soleil broke into an easy, motherly smile. "Oh, how I have been blessed with such beautiful children." She said openly, casting her eyes upward to thank whoever might be upstairs.

"Solaine, how are you my dear?" She approached, giving the smaller wolf an affectionate kiss on the cheek. Before too long Soleil would be outgrown, Collision's size seeming to do the trick in making sure that male or female their children were taller than her.

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10-01-2013, 04:47 PM

It never took very long for her mother to answer her call, and this time was no different. The pallid dam broke through the trees, revealing herself to her waiting daughter. A smile played across the girl's lips as determination twinkled in her bi-colored eyes. As happy as she was to see her mother, she wouldn't let that sway her from her ultimate goal of finding out just what was happening. 'Oh how I have been blessed with such beautiful children.' The smile grew wider on Solaine's face as she lifted her haunch from the earth and met her mother halfway, planting a kiss upon Soleil's cheek only moments after her mother did the same to her. ?I'm alright, ma.? Eyes would cast toward Soleil as she drew herself back an inch or so. ?How are you?? Perhaps that was a good segway into finding out what was going on in Valhalla. She had noticed ranks were given out in mass quantity, and everyone seemed to be on edge about something - even Soleil. ?What's going on with everyone?? Subtlety had never been her specialty. Solaine knew no better way than to bluntly ask what she desired to know.



10-01-2013, 08:37 PM

Soleil's body had become more barrel shaped. No longer did she have a perfectly trim waist line like the child before her did. She had a mother's body and while she wasn't fat she was filled out. This didn't bother Soleil in the least. To begin with, she had always been modest and didn't see herself as really pretty. Honestly, Soleil didn't think of herself in regards to looks anyway. She had a brain and four functioning legs and that was good enough. Who had time for pretty?

?I'm alright, ma.? Solaine's smile lit up the world and Soleil had to step back for a moment to take in, and not for the first time, how similar they appeared. It was like gazing at her reflection only a younger version. The green eye was not her doing, though.

?How are you?? Soleil smiled lightly even if that light didn't reach her eyes. "Well enough." She said. It wasn't a lie but at the same time it was easier than letting the young gal know that was about stressed to capacity. ?What's going on with everyone?? The petite female sighed, looked down as she shook her head. When she lifted her head she gave her daughter a solid look, serious. "There is going to be a fight... a big one. Your father, brother, and sister will all be getting ready to fight. I will be helping the wounded. You and your sister are both too younger to be involved in this, you may be going to Seracia to stay with your aunt." There was no reason to hide it from her. Solaine would have to find out eventually and why not from her?

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10-01-2013, 08:47 PM

Solaine wasn't much to pay attention to appearance, but as she settled near her mother it occurred to her that she was nearly a carbon copy of her dam. The green eye was the only thing askew in the mirrored image, that.. and her size. Though Solaine was still smaller than her mother at the present time, it was clear by her paws and ears that she would surpass Soleil's height, and possibly her weight as well. Perhaps then she would be seen as the adult she felt like - even if most of her confidence was unjustified.

'Well enough.' Her mother would say when asked how she was doing. Ah, so whatever was going on had managed to bother Soleil, that was a good piece of evidence. Soleil seemed reluctant to answer Solaine's next question, as she dipped her head and shook it. An ear twitched with anticipation, willing her mother to speak the truth and not a feeble attempt at distracting her from the real issue at hand. Then, it came.

'There is going to be a fight... a big one. Your father, brother, and sister will all be getting ready to fight. I will be helping the wounded. You and your sister are both too younger to be involved in this, you may be going to Seracia to stay with your aunt.' Solaine's bottom jaw unhinged and hung slightly lower than her upper jaw, creating a gap that might indicate her surprise. So that's why everyone had been on edge, that's why her father and brother were scarce. But the latter half of the news struck her the hardest. She was too young to participate, and she would be shipped off to Seracia to be babysat by the aunt she barely knew. Fantastic. ?Why can't we stay here? I could help you.. gather herbs or something.? I'm useful, she wanted desperately to say, but cut herself off for no real reason. Whining wouldn't get her anywhere.



10-01-2013, 09:10 PM

Solaine's shock was evident, her mouth popping open of its own accord. ?Why can't we stay here? I could help you.. gather herbs or something.? Her complaint came quick and Soleil gave her a stern look. "I do not know for certain yet if you two will be going or not but it is not my decision to make. Chrysanthe will decide what is best." She sighed, seeming to ease a bit.

Her tone softed, looking a bit apologetic as she spoke again. "I'm not trying to be mean to you, my darling. If I could keep you here I would but I may well not be safe here. We have no idea if Glaciem will show up on the doorstep." God did she hope not. Soleil didn't want the bloodshed to occur in Valhalla, it was bad enough it had to happen at all. "You pups are too much like your father." Her mild complaint came with a thoughtful frown. "Tell me, Solaine, what is it you would like to do when you get old enough? Hunt? Fight? Heal?"

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10-03-2013, 03:07 PM

Jaws would click shut resentfully as her mother's stern look made winter feel even cooler. The girl knew she wouldn't be allowed to help at all - as per usual. It seemed Valhalla had something against youthful development, at least in her mind. Chrysanthe would be making the call, according to Soleil, and Solaine would be sure to put her two cents into the Alpha's ear - if she could. An ear flickered back as her mother quickly apologized, saying that it may not be safe in Valhalla. These plains were all Solaine knew, what could be safer?

'You pups are too much like your father.' The girl would chuckle at the thought. She was rather like her father, now that she thought about it. Though that wasn't a bad thing in her eyes. Did her mother think it was? 'Tell me, Solaine, what is it you would like to do when you get old enough? Hunt? Fight? Heal?' Truthfully she hadn't given it too much thought, but she knew she would want to fight - she supposed she had always known it. ?Fight, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't hunt when I need to - and heal if I got hurt. I guess I'd like to do it all, you think I could?? She tilted her head at a slight angle, interested in seeing her mother's reaction as well as hearing her response. Was it possible for one wolf to be at least moderately talented in all three fields?



10-07-2013, 09:25 AM

Soleil's eyes locked with her daughters. She gave an exasperated sigh at the look in her child's eyes. Why couldn't she just have a daughter that agreed with her. She seemed to be very good at producing children with minds of their own, too smart for their own good.

Solaine chucked at Soleil's comments and she shook her head with a bemused smile. ?Fight, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't hunt when I need to - and heal if I got hurt. I guess I'd like to do it all, you think I could?? Now Soleil seated herself, smiling lightly. "So much like your sister as well. You should see if your father would help teach you to fight. I will teach you and your sister some healing, even if you do not wish to be a healer it is always good to know the basics." She nodded.

"We will find time for it, even with things headed in the direction they are. I have a lot of work to do, to help prepare the herb stores. Would you like to help me gather herbs?" It would be a good hands on training experience for her daughter and perhaps they could find Guinevere and she would pitch in too. Two for one training was always nice.

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10-17-2013, 05:13 PM

To think that the girl had such high aspirations was no miracle. It was a trait of the Adravendi's - or so she liked to believe. She watched as her mother settled to the earth. To think that her outside was nearly identical to her dame, and her inside was so very similar to her sire - it was as if she were a perfect mix of both. Her father had called her beautiful, and that was something she would always believe, but beauty wasn't all that important to the girl. It was nothing compared to power. 'So much like your sister as well.' Ha. Solaine found that hard to believe. The two weren't extremely close, regrettably, and so Solaine couldn't rightly say if she was anything like her sister or not. ?That would be good. I think it's smart for a fighter to know how to patch themselves up.? After all, even the greatest warrior got hurt from time to time. Soleil went on to promise they'd find time for all of the training she wanted - and this pleased the firstborn daughter. She hoped that they would live up to that promise. Herb hunting didn't sound too enticing, but Solaine wouldn't deny her mother now that she'd practically gotten her way. ?Sure, I'll go.? It couldn't hurt to learn about the strange plants her mother was always gathering and storing.
