
Set Me on Fire

Chimera ♡


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-01-2022, 12:26 AM
The Hallows wedding was a stunningly gorgeous affair! In all her life, Aliana could never have dreamed up such a thing being a reality! Seeing the grand castle done up in flowers and wedding decorations, the massive feast tables overflowing with food and drink, and the dozens upon dozens of wolves from all over the world turned up to give their love and well wishes to the happy couple... it was like something out of a fairy tale! For the once-slave turned queen, she felt a bit like she were dreaming it all up. She marveled at the splendor, feeling entranced yet also a bit overwhelmed by it all. There was so much to see and do and smell and taste and hear, it was a little like sensory overload to the little ash and snow fae who usually kept to herself on their isolated island. Still, she was tremendously honored to attend, even more so to accompany her handsome mate, staying at Chimera's side all the while. After they'd given the gifts to Artorias and Briar and given their congratulations, the two wolves had stepped aside to get some food and mingle—but not before Chimera's paw giving her shapely rump a squeeze drew a little gasping squeak from the queen.

At the time, Aliana had just shot Chimera a surprised look and impish smirk, not all that surprised by his outward display of affection, lust, and possessiveness, but she hadn't expected him to be quite so bold in such a public setting! The clouded queen had swatted at his hip with her fluffy tail and let it pass, but it had definitely let her know what Chimera still had his mind fixated on. His grope had caused her core to clench, as the Fenmyrian queen was still very much in her heat cycle and any physical affection stoked that ceaseless instinctual inferno inside of her. Something told her that she and her king wouldn't be making it back home without them attempting to start their second litter again. But for now, Aliana ate and drank and was generally merry, making small talk with any of the wolves that stopped to converse with Chimera, though they were few and far between and mostly his family. As the night progressed, Ali felt that ember that Chi had stirred up in her growing hotter and hotter low in her belly, eventually leaning into her mate's side while she sipped on her second cup of wine. She wasn't usually a very big drinker, but it was a social event, and everyone else was, so she played the chameleon and did as the Romans did.

The mood in the air was infectious, and as Aliana watched the happy Hallowed couple enjoying their day together with bright smiles and happy giggles, she couldn't help but feel her heart lighten as well. She leaned further in towards Chimera, her tail wagging gently behind her while she peered up at his handsome features with sparkling aquamarine eyes. "Thank you for bringing me, my love. I'm having a wonderful time," she said with a happy smile to the massive wolf she loved so dearly. With everything she'd been feeling lately, this special date meant the world to the clouded fae. She glanced back to the bride and groom sharing a kiss, then back up to the split-toned brute she was all but pressing her body into, resting a dainty white paw over his much larger one. "Do you think I could tempt my king into sharing some alone time with me?" Though she didn't think she needed to make her case, Ali gave him the sultry gaze he was intimately familiar with, batting long eyelashes up at him with a little smirk on her lips that implied just enough of what she was thinking about.

Though she didn't know the castle very well, she knew there were a number of places a couple of wolves could sneak off to fairly easily for a quick make out session. The guest rooms in the far wing, the gardens, the baths, the lounge, one of the higher floors... She'd leave the decision to Chimera—assuming he wouldn't decline her offer to indulge in some of the romantic atmosphere of the wedding, or the titillating sensations it was stirring in her along with the alcohol.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-01-2022, 01:18 PM

Chimera led Aliana through the gathering, ever the attentive mate. There was rarely a time that he wasn't touching her in some manner or another. As they drifted through the crowd, many steered clear, giving the Fenmyrian King a wide berth. His family came to give their greetings and a bit of chitchat and that was just fine. There weren't any wolves here that Chimera particularly cared to speak to. He kept to himself and they could keep to themselves as well. The man much preferred to keep a small, close circle rather than be friends with every wolf that wagged a tail at him.

His clouded queen sipped at wine as did the rest of the rabble, but Chimera did not. The man barely drank at home in the safety of his own kingdom. There was no way that he would imbibe out in the middle of so many strangers. He didn't like not being in control and he would have liked it even less out of his comfort zone. Who knew what kind of trouble these wolves were capable of? Besides, drinking brought out a different side of him. A side that he couldn't fully trust. So, it was better to abstain. He didn't mind his little woman drinking though. Aliana was free to enjoy herself to the fullest if she wished. He would care for and look after her drunk or sober.

More than once a brute drifted uncomfortably close to the pair and a low growl was given in warning, lips peeling back to flash noxious bridgework for but a moment. The message received, the offending wolves slunk off and away from Chimera and his queen. No doubt it was the heady scent of her heat that was drawing them near. With so much alcohol being consumed, their inhibitions were lowered. It seemed that Aliana's were as well. The delicate fae leaned against him, thanking him for bringing her. Chimera chuckled, smiling down into the lovely face of his woman. "Who else would I bring?" Was she not the love of his life? Did he not take her on more outings than his other queens? Were they not happiest together?

Aliana propositioned him, her slender frame pressing into his with that delectable little grin of hers. "You can't even wait until we get back home, you little harlot," he spoke in an affectionate whisper, teeth gently finding the fae's cheek to trail nibbles along it. Chimera was far from shy. If he wished to bestow affections upon his woman in view of the world, then he very well would. Well, she'd requested it of him and he wouldn't deny her. Again his paw found her rump and he turned her around, pointing her away from him. "Lead the way, my lascivious queen." He would take her wherever she deemed fit.

"Chimera & Aliana"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-13-2022, 03:48 AM
It had not gone unnoticed by Aliana how possessive Chimera became of her whenever they were out and about in public, especially when he would threaten and intimidate other males away with subtle growls and silently baring his fangs when they came too close. It was almost a bit like an unintentional game. The more she drank and relaxed, the more she unconsciously stopped trying to hide her obvious heat symptoms, and the less she hid them the more she attracted the brutes at the party for Chi to have to chase off. It was actually quite a bit arousing and endearing to see him possessive of her like this, guarding him all to himself like she were some coveted prize and not some simple slave-turned-queen. She liked belonging to him and when the king exerted his ownership over her, it was like a constant, masculine reminder of who she belonged to. Chimera's smile and chuckle when he asked who else he would bring to the event brought a touched flush of heat to her face, shy ears slicking back to her skull while she gazed up into his handsome features and mismatched eyes with nothing short of absolute love. Chimera really was the love of her life, her one and only, her soulmate.

As her advances turned more lascivious, Chimera teased her for her impatience about not being able to wait til they got home before she jumped his bones. Giving him a mock coy smile, Aliana reached a dainty paw up to rest on his chest, tracing a slow line down the center of his body. "Who said we can't do it again when we get home?" she teased him in heated whispered tones back. Ali loved being Chimera's personal little harlot, loved treating him right and caring for him in all ways a healthy, virile male needed to be cared for. Her mate's teeth found her cheek and nibbled at her, coaxing tiny murrs from the clouded queen who tilted her cheek up to his muzzle. She replied by extending a gentle lick across his jaw, her paw on his chest flexing to spread her digits through his coat and comb through his fur. The heat that sat constantly deep in her belly ached for him, ached for some relief, and there was only one cure she knew about.

Fortunately, Chimera didn't rebuke or refuse her suggestive offer, instead responding with a grope to her ass and telling her to lead the way. Ali squeaked in sudden surprise, but flashed him a wider grin with glistening aquamarine eyes that showed unrelenting enthusiasm for having her king take her somewhere so scandalous as in another pack's home in the midst of the alphas' wedding reception. Aliana didn't respond verbally, instead casting a smoldering "come hither" look back at Chi from over her shoulder and flicking her silky tail to bop him on the nose, tempting him in where she wanted him most. Rising to alabaster paws, Aliana led the way surreptitiously out of the great hall and down the long castle corridors. She spied a few wolves outside on the garden terraces, so she instead dipped down another corridor branching off from the foyer, finding them in a much quieter section of the castle.

Walking past rows of doors, Ali led the way almost to the dead end of the hallway when she walked by a door and heard the distinct sound of flowing water. Pausing with an intrigued head tilt, the clouded ash and snow fae pushed open the double doors to reveal an expansive bathroom, the center of the room taken up mostly by a giant empty pool with several spouts emptying into it. Ali realized quickly what she was looking at, and then hurried over to turn the only knob on the nearest spout. All at once, every spout began to fill the pool at a rapid pace. The room grew slightly humid with steam rising from the hot water; the castle must have tapped into a natural hot spring or had some sort of heating element keeping the bathwater heated at all times. Aliana knew how much Chimera liked the water, and this way they could do whatever they wanted, however many times they wanted, and all the evidence would be cleaned up and washed away. That was of course assuming none of the other guests heard them at any point in their throes of passion, and both Kleins were known to be quite vocal lovers.

Once the bath was filled, Ali turned the faucets off and cast another sultry look to her mate before sauntering up to Chi with a sashay to her hips, sliding past the massive brute with her slender side brushing his so she could quietly close the doors, sealing them into total privacy. She roamed back around past Chimera, this time letting her fluffy tail brush along the side of his thigh while she passed him on her way to gracefully descending the steps around the edge of the pool and into the bath. As soon as her body hit the water, her clouded fur melted and adhered to her voluptuous body, showing off every subtle and obvious curve to her frame to her mate's gaze. She knew the lecherous beast Chi was and had no doubt his hungry eyes would be upon her in a heartbeat. A contented sigh slipped from Aliana's lips while she settled into the bath, the water coming up to just over her chest when she sat down on the ledge. "Care to join me, my handsome king?" she purred to her mate in smooth lyrics. Her tail lifted above the water like a serpent, giving a tantalizing little wave back and forth to keep his attention held to the parts of her demanding the most attention. Hopefully he wouldn't keep her waiting too long, but if he did try to tease her, Ali would just need to try using her silver tongue for other methods of oral persuasion.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-24-2022, 09:32 AM

The pair were close and Chimera never made an effort to hide their relationship. If it made others uncomfortable, then he assumed that their lives weren't as lovely and fulfilling as his own. The brute openly touched his woman, caressing her side with gentle strokes as she pulled her claws through the fur of his chest. Her words about doing it again at home were met with a low chuckle. "Oh, we will," he assured her. The woman was in heat. He was enticed by the scent of her and she was enticed by the hormones rushing through her body. It was pretty much an absolute that they would be fucking at home as well.

Aliana led the way through the castle, Chimera close behind. They passed wolves, singles, pairs, groups, but he paid them no mind. All of his attention was on the woman before him. He knew that she was amplifying the sway of her shapely hips for his viewing pleasure and he appreciated the effort she was going through. He'd show her just how much he appreciated it once she found a suitable place where they could be alone for a while. In time, the clouded fae came to a room that seemed to intrigue her. She went inside first and the dual-toned brute followed her in. The chamber was a giant bath and he could smell the variety of soaps lined up on the stone shelving. There were linens for drying lined up as well. Chimera chuckled, watching Aliana start the water into the huge tub, and shrugged.

The woman moved past him, shutting the door tightly before sliding her body along his own on her way back to the tub. Aliana knew what she was doing with her casual touches and movements spreading the scent of her heat about the steamy chamber. The man stayed where he was, watching his queen move up the stone steps to enter the warm water. He enjoyed the way that the water slicked her grey and white coat to the curves of her body and openly ate her up with his pale gaze. Aliana invited him into the water and Chimera waited a moment longer, watching the fae's tail swish back and forth before he padded forward, sliding into the water with her.

Heat soaked into the brute as his big body sank down into the water. He settled himself before his woman, a little deeper in the water than she was since she was seated on a ledge. "Are you sure this was the wisest decision?" He teased her with a smirk. "I could get carried away and drown you beneath me." The giant's paw cut through the water to wrap around the fae, pulling her off of the ledge and against his chest. His foreleg shifted to settle beneath her rump, holding her aloft in the water, completely at his mercy. The brutes teeth found the edge of his woman's jaw where he nibbled and pulled, working his way up to her ear where he purred softly, "Shall we plant some more pups in you, Aliana Klein?" He knew that she would enjoy the threat of doing so, especially in her heated state. They all knew that he enjoyed it as well. The paw holding her up in the water shifted, pads drifted over her sensitive flesh as he teased her. She deserved it for teasing him so much in the hall.

"Aliana & Chimera"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-30-2022, 01:32 AM

It didn't take much tempting on her part to get Chimera to follow her every whim, nor to get him into the water with her. The ash and snow fae knew how much her king enjoyed being in the water with her—especially when that involved mating with her in the water. Had she chosen this setup deliberately to cater to his likes and kinks? Oh, absolutely. Aliana lived and breathed to please Chimera and make him happy. It was her life goal to bring him joy and love and show him how much he meant to her. She reveled in the way he looked at her, lusted after her, wanted her to himself. It made her feel desirable, powerful in her own body in ways she'd never felt before. All her life all she'd known was helplessness and submission. Chimera had done more than just liberate her from that existence—he had given her control of her life back. And now she was going to use that control to bring her mate to peaks of pleasure so high he'd be left breathless, crosseyed, and oh so spent.

The moment she heard the water slosh and splash behind her as her gargantuan king joined her in the steamy bath, she knew what she was in for. A sultry grin painted her visage, aquamarine eyes shining with an animalistic desire for him and him alone. Her core clenched, her heat making her yearn to be filled in ways only he could satisfy. The heat of the water around her was nothing compared to the blazing inferno deep in her belly, aching with a ravenous hunger that only intensified when she turned and saw him settling into the deeper water, his wet fur clinging to every curve of toned muscle like some sort of aquatic demigod. Oh, gods above, the things this man could do to her...! Chimera teased the prudence of her venue selection, reminding her that he could easily get carried away and drown her. Ali grinned back and giggled a low, sultry hum of laughter as she waded closer to him, reaching a dainty paw out to stroke across his broad pectoral muscles with lewd appreciation. "Don't worry, I'm pretty good at holding my breath," she teased him back with her double entendre, aqua eyes flashing up to meet his two-toned gaze. "Besides, I trust you with my life." There was no one she trusted more in life than Chimera. He wouldn't drown her, even accidentally. But if he did... well, at least she'd go getting her brains fucked out.

All of a sudden, one black-toed paw snaked through the water and caught her round her hips, pulling her off the ledge with a little yelp of surprise that quickly transformed into airy giggles as Chimera cradled her to his strong body. She slid her paws up his chest, wrapping those slender forelegs around his neck whilst his giant paw shifted to hold her by her shapely rump, her entire form now feeling weightless and floating in the water, totally at his mercy and powerless to resist. That sort of helplessness to her mate made Ali feel so very feminine and womanly, a feeling she loved every time she felt it. She adored the way Chi made her feel. Soft sighs and gasps fell from the Fenmyrian queen's lips while her king nibbled sharp teeth along the edge of her jaw, eyelids fluttering shut and dainty paws combing through his scruff and stroking the back of his head and up over his ears. His words made her core clench hard again, that agonizing hunger gnawing at her, like she might burn alive if she didn't get what her body craved right here and now.

Tightening her paws with her digits wound in his thick fur, Aliana pulled her body tighter to Chimera's, giving herself fully over to her mate's power. She leaned into him, brushing her muzzle against his cheek as she gave a quiet, needy whine into his black-furred ear. "I want nothing more, my Chimera," she purred in reply, squirming her body in his embrace in hopes to further entice him to give her what they both so direly wanted. "Fill me with your children and make me a mother again, my king." Another whine, a slow flick of her pink tongue against the edge of his ear, and Aliana left fate in her mate's paws. She craved him, needed him like a flame needed oxygen. Her body was ready to receive his seed, to conceive his pups and carry his children once more. All she needed was for him to do as their bodies demanded.

- fade -

"Aliana & Chimera"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-30-2022, 05:33 PM

Aliana pleaded with him, begged him with whines and moans to fill her with pups, to make her a mother once again. White hot pleasure lanced through the Fenmyrian King as his woman played into his kink. The man wrapped a powerful foreleg around the fae and threw her up against the edge of the tub, her forelegs and chest resting on the stone edge. He then came up behind her, covering her small body with his much larger one. His own paws rested on the edge of the tub and he quickly joined them.

Nothing would please him more than to see Aliana round with his children once more. He held her there beneath him, his body pressed down into hers, not allowing her to move in the slightest as he took total control over her small frame. It was easy to hold her captive there beneath him and he did just that. Water splashed out and onto the floor, but he didn't care. It was a bath. The floor was going to get soaked. Someone actually opened the door to see what the commotion was and Chimera released a guttural snarl, his pelt bristling and teeth gnashing. The door was slammed quickly. The king hadn't stopped his pistoning hips in the slightest.

Neck curling, Chimera wrapped his jaws around the back of Aliana's neck, but was careful not to puncture her flesh as they weren't in their own home. He held her there as his hips slammed roughly into hers again and again. And then... He growled around the mouthful of his woman as the white hot heat within him bubbled to the surface.


"Aliana & Chimera"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.