
Anthropology 101

Open Intellect class



5 Years

05-12-2022, 01:16 AM
If he were being honest, Milo was more than a little nervous to begin teaching his first ever class of his life. Sure, he'd shown off some of his collected relics and artifacts one on one with others before, but to teach a group that actually wanted to learn the things he was passionate about? The notion was almost enough to floor him! Humming a jolly tune to keep his nerves down, Milo bustled about the classroom he'd selected—a shallow cave that opened up to a thicket of trees and faced the ocean so he could teach indoors or outside as he pleased—and began to unload a few of the more basic relics he'd brought to his introductory lesson. What better way to get his students intrigued and enthused about studying the strange and alien creatures that came before them than with a paws-on lesson and exhibit they could interact with? Perhaps if he got enough interest, he'd be able to bring his class along for some excavation trips to some of the old ruins too!

Milo sat by a long, smooth stone slab he'd set up at the head of his classroom to act as a table, carefully arranging a few of his items out across its surface for curious eyes and paws to examine. He set out the silver multi-pronged tool, a metal necklace, and a solid metal cube with the crank broken off. These would be good starter items for his students to inspect. With all of his educational aids laid out, Milo puffed up his chest quite proudly and took a seat behind the stone slab, waiting for the first of his students to arrive.



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
05-14-2022, 09:42 AM

It never took very long for Zoey to catch wind of her classes. She never wanted to miss a single one, after all! Each day for her brought great excitement, and he never took it for granted. Having been accepted into the academy as an orphan, Zoey was settling in as well as she could, and her fascination for observing all manner of organisms, big and small - even the tiniest fly received her utmost attention. The russet-furred yearling had grown like a sunflower since she had initially arrived - her legs were leaner, longer. Her fur was smooth and no longer downy. Though, it wasn’t the most clean - the girl spent so much of her time frolicking outdoors that spots of burrs and pine needles were a common sight on her pelt. Ignoring the gnarled hairs around her form, the young student eagerly made her way towards one class she was told would be beneficial for her observation skills - a class all about observation, actually.

Zoey trotted towards the opening of the cave, noticing a figure already present with a slab of interesting-looking items. Sheer enthusiasm bubbled within her chest as she approached, tail wagging behind her. "Hello, teacher! I’m Zoey, one of your students!" She chirped, a wide grin settling upon her lips. Her goggles benefitted her greatly as she honed in one the pronged object in particular, leaning in to examine it visually. She glanced up at Milo with bright eyes after a few moments, practically brimming with excitement for her lesson. "Ooh, may I pick this up, please? It seems to have a unique set of prongs at the end, I’d love to take a closer look!" Perhaps her overwhelming energy was a bit much for such a simple lesson, but for her, this was her home - and she was thriving in this environment. Why not be so excited about each day and lesson to come?

”Speech” ‘Think’



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-14-2022, 06:45 PM
Though he hadn't yet solidified his plan to leave Abaven, it was starting to feel even more real in his mind. Of course he wanted to confirm it with Gloom, despite knowing deep down she wasn't content here, though with the arrival of their mother he worried that she might disagree with his idea now... but he pushed those worrying thoughts aside and tried to focus on the present. Despite all his shortcomings, Spirit had always been an eager student, content to learn above almost everything else. It'd been a long time since he'd had a proper lesson on anything and he was quiet excited by the prospect of classes beginning, no matter what they entailed - well, except for anything involving fighting, he'd gladly skip those classes to focus on more intellectual pursuits.

He was slow to arrive, wary as he peeked his head into one of the many classrooms here. His attention drifted first to Zoey, noting her visible enthusiasm. Her mood earned a tiny shy smile from him as he approached, his tail giving a slow wag behind his slender form. Next his attention fell to to the items on the table, none of which were really recognizable to him except for the necklace, which he felt he understood the use behind. The other things, well, not so much. Finally he looked to Milo, giving the older male a meek smile as he moved to settle down somewhere near the both of them, ready to learn.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-16-2022, 12:34 PM
Pheoonix hadnt been busy that wouldve been a lie. Yet he supposed with no classes ongoing he would simply work on himself. It could also be the mourning ache he wanted to stop. Hed lost both of his first litter and his first mate. Snake first and then Vipera during the eternal night. He just hoped the gods recieved them with open paws. Pheonix looked at the sky as his paws carried him to the location of the gathering. The small clouds dotting the sky nearly looked like shapes. His distraction was soon ended as he looked to see two other students already arriving. He was new so he didnt know how to go about it. However with a smile strong on his face he tried to let his heartache push back so he could concentrate.

"Greetings my name is Pheonix Isokan." he wagged his tail and scanned the strange objects. Human things? His father had told him a few stories passed down from birds and tortoises who had long lifespans compared to the wolves. Yet he never really paid attention, why care about a species who practically doomed themselves or erent around anymore. "I wonder what that was used for." he mummbled looking at the strange metal necklace. It looked like it was covered in a soft squishy texture too. After that though he sat comfortably and waited for class to start.



5 Years

05-25-2022, 08:39 PM
His first student arrived promptly, mere minutes after he'd finished setting up for today's lessons. A rusty red-brown girl wearing goggles that looked strikingly similar to some of the artifacts he'd found approached, introducing herself as Zoey. He smiled warmly and motioned with a wave of his paw to the table of artifacts. "Good morning, Miss Zoey! By all means! Pick up, touch, investigate. Just be careful, some parts are sharp. Once we have everyone here, we'll begin." Another wolf entered the classroom next, a shy-looking adult male wearing a coat of browns and whites. Milo greeted him with a warm "Good morning!" and let his student get comfortable. Lastly came another adult male, clad in gray fur with striking highlights of golden tan, introducing himself as Pheonix. "Good morning, Mister Pheonix!" Milo greeted him in turn, watching with delight as he also joined Zoey in investigating the artifacts. When some time had passed with no one else arriving, the new professor decided to begin his class. If anyone else wandered in late, they'd be welcome to join in the lesson too.

Rising to his paws, Milo moved about to the other side of the table from his students, dipping his head in polite greeting to them all. "All right, I think that's everyone for today. Good morning, class! My name is Professor Milo, and welcome to Anthropology 101! This course will be covering the study of the Lost Species, a bizarre and powerful species of animals that came long before us. We'll be covering their way of life, behaviors and beliefs, who they were as animals, and studying artifacts and relics they've left behind." A bit of a cheeky grin spread over the professor's muzzle as he added, "And if you're all feeling adventurous, perhaps we can go exploring in some of their ruins from time to time as well." Zoey had demonstrated a great interest in the pronged artifact while Pheonix had taken to the metal necklace. Milo gestured for Spirit to come closer and inspect some of the items as well. A practical lesson was no good if you didn't get paws on with it, after all!

"Very observant, Miss Zoey! This item was used by every single member of the Lost Species' tribes. Their homes were filled with them, all different styles and sizes. They were able to hold them and use them much like how a monkey would hold a stick. Now, what purposes do you think a creature might have for something durable with spikes on the end of it?" He posed the open-ended question to the young girl to mull over for a moment while he turned his attention to Pheonix next. "What could it be used for indeed, Mister Pheonix? Do you have any initial guesses?" Milo lifted the metal necklace up with careful paws and handed over to the other male, bidding him to take it and inspect it further. "Try putting it on. It's a bit heavy, so do be careful. This was found in a large ruin. Paintings on the walls showed individuals of the species wearing these along with long white robes. Perhaps they were a symbol of status, or a medal of some sort?" He allowed his pupils to inspect further, urging them to draw their own hypotheses and theories. This class would give them a brief intro to the vast world they could uncover, and later they would delve more in depth.



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
06-15-2022, 12:27 PM

Zoey, as in her nature, greeted all those who entered after her with a wag of her tsil and a grin on her lips. She was always so happy to see her fellow students - why wouldn’t she be, when they were all united in the common goal of learning and seeking more knowledge about their world? It was an endless, boundless supply of information she was taking in, all in stride. Her dark amber gaze drifted down to the fork, whom her teacher, Milo, allowed her to inspect. In her digits, the woman clasped the instrument as best as she could, although it was a bit difficult without fully opposable thumbs. She stared at it with awe as the teacher explained the course and its purposes. She was ever so fascinated by whom he dubbed the ‘lost species’ - just who were they, and what did they need these artifacts for? She smiles as she thrned the object over in her front paws. As Milo inquired as to what she believed such a pronged instrument was used for, she didn’t hesitate with an explanation.

"Hmm. Judging by the small size of the instrument, it must’ve been held in their paws. Like a knife, but not as sharp. But since the prongs are pointed enough..maybe they used it to grab stuff? Not sure what’d have to be pretty soft for it to make an impact." She wasn’t quite at the level of observation to understand that this was a utensil for eating, but she was close nonetheless. She paused after, waiting for feedback from their instructor.

”Speech” ‘Think’



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-24-2022, 11:08 PM
Pheonix calmly listened as his tail twitched, it was indeed interesting enough. He'd been too young and nobody in his family was well verse with Humans. He didn't even have the slightest idea as to what these would be used for. Though as the teacher handed him the strange necklace Pheonix blinked carefully placing it around his neck fur and feeling the weight of it. Strange he sniffed the long tube and then the end of it. "A medal?" he questioned slightly. "I know nothing about them but I did here humans always made things for a reason. it has to have more purpose than a medal. At least... I think so." he stated as he pulled the necklace off. Before handing it off he sniffed the metal ends and then the hollow end. Bumping his nose it felt funny. "It feels hollow on this end.... and then perhaps these two.... you can listen?" No that was ridiculous. "No that's." he chuckled and shook his head. Grabbing it he handed it off to Zoey as she inspected the other object.

"Woah.... you've got a pretty good idea." He blinked looked at it. In his head it looked like a weapon. After all if it was sharp enough maybe over time it had dulled just like any other weapon. "Maybe they used it to tag prey. It could've been sharper back in the day." he suggested. After all it would make sense but he didn't know what a human looked like. He was also assuming they hunted much like them or any other predator. They had been predators right?