
A Promise Fulfilled



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-18-2022, 10:11 AM

Aslatiel was pregnant. She'd worked hard to make it so. Indigo would raise the child as his own and the fawn and grey woman would have fulfilled her promise to give him a piece of what he had lost. Losing his children by that purple whore had brought Indigo low. Lower than she'd ever seen him. The promise of giving Indigo a child to raise had brought a spark of life back to the man's bright blue eyes, so it had become Aslatiel's goal to give him just that. Purple dire wolves were in short supply, but she'd managed.

There was a period of waiting, just to make sure that everything was going well. It was winter and Asla's coat was quite thick and fluffy, so it hid her rounding stomach well, though it had barely changed at all. Perhaps it would be a small litter, which she preferred. Soon they would be rogues again and a small group of pups would be easier to handle than a large group.

Finishing her patrol, Asla made her way back to the cave that she shared with Indigo. Night had long fallen as was the way in winter. A small fire burned in the hearth and the woman moved towards it, soaking up a bit of the warmth before shrugging out of her armor. After that, she went and joined her giant purple sibling on the pile of furs that they shared. Nosing into his cheek, Asla then placed her chin down upon one thick, dark foreleg. "I have some news," she informed him, tired from her patrol, but excited to give him this surprise.

"Indigo" & "Aslatiel"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-18-2022, 02:04 PM

Indigo was already snuggled up in the cave, warming the bed of furs before Aslatiel returned from her late patrol. Indigo had taken more of the healer’s position in Elysium while she took her oath as full warrior. Not that Indigo would stand up to fight were his pack attacked, that was what he had originally signed up for. As much as he was here to help Manea’s pack, he was realizing that Elysium was helping him. Having a purpose, a schedule, and orders to follow helped to realign him and his priorities. Meeting the wolves here, especially the youngest of his alpha’s children, cemented the desire to rebuild himself.

The maned man was tired after a long day working, but it was good for him. Keeping his paws busy and his mind similarly helped him in his recovery. Asla had been the catalyst though, reminding him that he was living in the past. If he wanted to move forward, he needed to move forward with himself. What was done was done, his wallowing helped nothing. To the contrary, he was killing himself over it.

Aslatiel had shown him the light, and since that day he was doing better everyday after. Maybe by a small amount each day, but there was progress. He had to be stronger for himself but especially for the beautiful woman in front of him. Asla ducked into the cave, chilled from the winter weather outside. Indigo grinned at her appearance and welcomed her to the warmth he would provide her. Today and every day for the rest of their lives.

She nuzzled in against him, making it so he couldn’t wrap his arm around her as she laid on it. Indy managed to be content nuzzling into her soft fawn fur. He had noticed the change of her scent, the shift in the structure of her body, but he hadn’t let himself hope yet. Part of him already suspected what her news would be as she told him softly that she had news for him. He pushed his nose into her soft fur and pulled in a deep breath, closing his eyes as she bewitched him. "Do you?" Indigo murmured, barely containing the grin that spread over his features.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-19-2022, 02:15 PM

The warmth as the big man wrapped his furry form around her chilled frame brought a murr of content from Aslatiel. She closed her eyes and buried her cold, pink nose into Indigo's thick for for a moment as they settled in together. He'd made progress in the time since she'd given him a sort of ultimatum. It seemed that, in reminding him that life was for the living, it had given the purple brute a much needed kick in the tail. He'd been trying harder, there was more life in him, his smiles were genuine and true. The shadow within his deep blue eyes faded a little more each day. She had hoped that he wouldn't let her down, but there had always been that tiny bit of doubt. Indigo had always been a slave to his emotions. He had proved her wrong though, and for that, she was glad.

Having told him that she had news, Indigo responded, burying his nose into her fur and pulling a grin from the fawn and grey fae. "I did as promised," she began, pulling her claws through his fur gently. "I'm pregnant. We'll have our own little family and you'll finally get to be a father." Asla pulled back enough so that she could see his face, wanting to see that initial reaction to the news that she delivered.

With being pregnant came worries, but not for Asla. She was healthy, she had given birth before, and she was confident that this birth would be just as easy. As with her previous birth, she would want to do it alone. It was a test for her and, in some way, an ode to her ancestors long past that had lived a much less civilized life.

"So, Papa," Asla purred to Indigo, kissing his chin sweetly, "We'll have to start thinking of names." There was no way to know this early how many she would be having, but there was no harm in compiling a list of names that they both liked.

"Indigo" & "Aslatiel"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-19-2022, 05:20 PM

Indigo held her to him, knowing he would never have to let her go gave him a comfort, contentment, and happiness he’d always thought was too far past his grasp. She didn’t bring up the talk they had, which meant that she had seen the improvement in him as much as he had. Indigo was living it though, and even if he felt like he couldn’t see the progress, Aslatiel noticed. Lidded blue eyes peered at her from the soft fur he was nuzzling into as he felt an anticipation in his core like never before. Even if he had his suspicions none of it was real until she said it. He held his breath as she spoke softly to him, pregnant.

He had been holding his breath but as she said it he lost it. "Aslatiel," he spoke breathlessly as an unstoppable grin spread over his features. She had pulled away to catch sight of his features and he wasn’t sure that he had ever wore a smile quite like this one. He gazed into her galactic eyes, she had always had his heart, but this fulfillment introduced a whole new level of love for the woman in his arms. Alsa was going to have to see his tears again but these were of joy. He couldn’t help himself. Indigo wrapped his arms around her and buried his features into her fur as she whispered to him again.

Papa. He was finally going to be the father he longed to be. The happiness was enough to scare away the fright that came along with this incredible revelation. Asla was confident, but there would always be that seed of doubt until he had these puppies in his paws. "Names…" He said dreamingly into her fur as he squeezed her a little tighter. "Asla," He was speechless, he couldn’t find his own words let alone think of names. "Asla, Asla, Asla." Was all that he could say, but every time he said her name the deep emotions he felt filled his voice.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-20-2022, 05:53 AM

The moment that the news was delivered, Indigo's face shone like the sun. It was contagious and Asla smiled along with him. The man held her close and she held him in turn, wrapping herself up in his arms and encircling him as much as she could manage with her own. Tears had filled Indigo's eyes, but Asla had known that they would. She was giving him exactly what he had always wanted. She was giving him everything that he deserved. Indigo would finally have his family.

Indigo couldn't think of names at the moment. All that he could do was repeat her own name and Aslatiel laughed softly, nuzzling into the giant brute's chest. It didn't matter what anyone else thought. There was no way that they could be wrong when everything about being together felt so very right. They had been born together and together, they would remain. Forever. Always. "It's always been you, Indigo," the fae whispered to the huge man. "You, Satira, Arcturus and whoever these will be," she gently brought his paw to rest upon her slightly rounded stomach, "You're all that I need in the world."

Aslatiel adjusted her body, laying partially on her back, partially on her side. It made it easier for Indigo's paw to rest upon her abdomen. She thought about names. "What abouuuuut... Lapis? Cobalt?" The fae's tone was playful as she made suggestions, wondering what he might come up with as well.

"Indigo" & "Aslatiel"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-20-2022, 07:24 AM

The revelation had both of them squeezing and clinging to one another in bliss. Indigo didn’t know that he could be this happy, but he had experienced rock bottom the lower he was, the higher he could rise. And Indy was absolutely in the clouds that moment. Light and free from the sorrows that plagued him for so long. This was what he needed, a promise fulfilled to truly fulfil him. Indigo wanted so badly to reclaim what he lost, and Aslatiel would provide him exactly what he needed. They were making a family.

He was so struck that he was speechless, he couldn’t utter any name but Aslatiel’s as he struggled to gather his bearings. His mind was a massive flurry of different thoughts and feelings, and as he held his love to his chest he thought his heart might explode with the love he had for her. She whispered into his fur, the words that he felt. Aslatiel had always been the one that held his heart. He’d loved and lost but she was the true one. His other half, the one that could make him whole.

Indigo lifted his smiling features from her fur as she shifted, lifting a delicate paw to his cheek as she confessed. They were a family, her two older children, these puppies, they were the family Indigo had always wanted to have. "And you are mine." He managed to say as he finally found his voice. She was all that he needed and everything he had ever wanted. She created the magical moment between them, taking one big black paw to place on her rounded tummy. He pressed against her soft fur to barely feel the growing children beneath. It was an indescribable feeling, one he wouldn’t have traded for anything else in the world.

He caressed her soft belly, and he could have been content to lay there with her the rest of his life, just astounded to be in her presence, and excited for the future for the first time in a very long time. A couple of names fell from her fawn lips, neither of which really sang to him. What did he want to name his children? He wanted them to have strong, honorable names. "What about… Violet or Sapphire?" Before she could answer he gave one more. "No… Skye." He finally spoke definitively. He didn’t know how many puppies or if they would be male or female. It didn’t matter though, his love for them was already deep and unconditional.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-22-2022, 11:36 AM

Asla's paw rested over the big black paw settled upon her stomach. She smiled as the joy continued to play upon Indigo's face. This was what he wanted. What he had always wanted. True to her promise, she had delivered. Soon they would be blessed with a litter of puppies and he would finally be the father that he had always wanted to be. The woman was happy to do this for him, though she hadn't particularly wanted more children. Arc and Tira were more than enough for her, but who wouldn't do whatever they could for the one that they loved?

Indigo started thinking about names and shared a few. Asla wasn't sold on either of them. The third, however, was appealing. "I like Skye," she agreed. She continued to hold his paw upon her stomach, tapping it lightly as she thought. Names... she didn't want to name a child anything related to her current family, though she wouldn't have minded honoring Azure. Asla spoke as much. "I know he's an idiot, but I wouldn't mind naming a boy after Azure. Or at least a middle name." Their brother was an asshole, but she loved him all the same, their close relationship when they were children not forgotten.

Asla continued, wiggling a little closer to Indigo. "How about Aia for a girl?" The woman mused, head tilting back and forth. "Aia Skye." The fae's purple gaze moved up to meet blue. "Would you mind if her surname is Indarra, like me?" Indigo knew how she felt about the Fatalis name and line, but if he wanted it...

"Indigo" & "Aslatiel"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-22-2022, 03:49 PM

He could have been content just having Aslatiel in his arms the rest of their days, but what he deeply wanted was to have a second chance at being a father. She had her children, and he was trying so hard to move past the ones he lost. This would help, he would believe they would come to term and he would have the family he craved. All because of Aslatiel.

She liked the name he decided on, Skye was a winner in both of their eyes. As they spoke the reality became more concrete to him. He could feel his dreams solidifying before his eyes as he caressed the soft fur protecting the precious cargo within. His babies. Aslatiel went on, and she surprised him with the next name she came up with. That of their brother. Indigo grumbled slightly, "I’d have to think longer about doing something like that." He answered as honestly as he could without outright denying her. Indigo didn’t have too many pleasant memories of Azure.

As far as wolves he would want to honor, Meadow was the only one that came to mind. Aslatiel had far weaker connection to Meadow than Indy had to Azure. "I love it." He whispered in return, holding her a little more tightly as she pressed closer to him. He didn’t even know if he would have a daughter, but he was already in love with the name as much as their faceless children. "They should have your name." He told her softly, trying to ignore the controversy their simple existence would cause.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-22-2022, 04:37 PM

Indigo didn't seem to like the suggestion to name a child after their brother. She couldn't blame him. Asla doubted that many had a connection with Azure like she did. Or like she had. She wasn't even certain if he cared about her anymore after Briar's wedding. Of all the wolves that he could have chosen... Hanako? Really? Azure was much better than that trash and she had proven just what kind of garbage she was at the wedding. Asla said no more about naming a child after Azure.

It seemed that Indigo did like the name Aia Skye, so they'd chosen at least one name. There would be time to choose others. Having at least one name picked out for each gender would be ideal, but Asla was in no rush. Her belly was small, so she doubted that she would have more than two or three anyway.

Indigo spoke again, saying that the pups should have her name. Asla frowned and looked up into the maned man's face. "It should be our name," she spoke softly. "Our name to bestow upon our children. With no ties to the Fatalis name, it will be less likely for them to have to struggle against that stigma." Aslatiel didn't know entirely how Indigo felt in regards to their family or the family name, but she wanted to share this with him. She wouldn't force it though. "Would you... want to take the name as well? Indigo Arcturus Indarra has a nice ring to it." A wistful little grin formed on the fae's features. "The Indarra Clan."

"Indigo" & "Aslatiel"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-23-2022, 04:17 PM

The prospect of naming their son after Azure was left to be thought upon later. Asla didn’t press him, and he would be given time to think, there would still be time before the puppies arrived. One name was good enough for now, plus he really wanted to meet them before bestowing their names. Aia Skye was beautiful though, a lovely name for a potential daughter. Despite where their little conversation went, Indigo wasn’t sure that anything could possibly keep the smile from his face. He was riding a high he hadn’t ever imagined.

Aslatiel frowned, however, and spoke her mind. He gazed down into her galactic gaze as she told him how things should have been. He was a little saddened at the fact that they couldn’t be the family they were at one time. He had clung to their born name while Aslatiel had forsaken the old and made her own. Maybe if things were different they would have never been having this conversation.

She mentioned the stigma they might face because of who they were and the family that disapproved of their existence. He was a sentimental fool, and had held onto his father’s name his whole life out of hope that maybe things would go back to the way they were. He was a fool but he wasn’t naive and he did live in the reality that kept him from their kin.

The beautiful woman tugged at his heart as she asked him to share her name, to share the name of their children. To finally cut his ties and embrace the life he had chosen. "I would love to have the same name as my family." He whispered in return, watching her brilliant eyes for a beta before leaning forward to claim a kiss like he’d wanted since she lay beside him. Indigo held her a little tighter, and feel deeply into the passionate kiss. The intimate action that held and delivered all of the incredible love he felt for her and the future that had brightened from night to day.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-24-2022, 06:59 PM

Despite the wrongs that the world had bestowed upon him, Indigo was much more optimistic than Aslatiel when it came to their family. He had maintained his hope and hers had been dashed long ago. She had always been close to Indigo. She used to be close to Azure. She had also been very close to their father, but now... the only wolves that mattered were the ones that she had named prior; Indigo and her children. If her estranged family wished to speak with her some day, she was open to it. They would simply have to accept that their lives were different.

Indigo considered her request, no doubt going over the pros and cons in his mind. Eventually he agreed and Aslatiel was sure that she had never smiled more brightly in all her life. If their family wouldn't accept them, then they would make their own family. They would be the Indarra's and no one would be the wiser that they had been born Fatalis.

A moment later and they were kissing. Indigo pulled her against him and Asla gave him all of the love that she felt for him in their melded mouths. Forelegs wrapped about his neck, paws burying themselves in his mane. They both had what they had always wanted. She had him and he would soon have children to raise. It didn't seem like the sun could shine any more brightly upon the pair than it already was.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-25-2022, 05:10 AM

He always had been more hopeful and optimistic than most in his family, but then again he had left them rather early in his years. He had followed Meadow into the Hallows to teach him healing, along with trying to stay away from his sister. He adored Aslatiel, but Sirius had made it clear all those years ago he would never bless the relationship they both knew they needed and wanted. Aslatiel was his other half, part of him had hoped that their family would understand someday. Now though, he realized that would never happen. They would be outcast forever for their heart’s desire.

That fact helped to make his decision as Aslatiel asked him to share her name with him. Indigo would have done anything to see her smile like she did when he agreed. He would take the Indarra name for her and for their future children. He wasn’t sure he had ever felt anything like the joy that Asla gave him.

She succumb to his affection, wrapping her gloved paws around his nack as they held each other tighter and fell into a deep kiss. She showed him her love as much as he gave her his as their lips met. This was what he had always wanted and needed, he’d tried so hard to build another life. Indigo tried to be what their father wanted, but denying the truth had only hurt him more in the long run. Losing the band and his children destroyed him. Aslatiel was his cure, his drug, his reason for being, and now there would be physical proof of their love.

He pulled away from her lips just enough to whisper against them. A few words that meant the world to him. "I love you, Aslatiel. More than words can say." He told her as his lidded blue gaze met her galactic eyes. Finally he felt complete and whole. Like he had his spirit back.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.