
'Round and 'round you'll go, up and down, never slow




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-26-2022, 01:31 AM
The chill of winter was in the air and it seemed with each passing day that Beauregard and Trill spent in these lands the colder it became. The bluejay was never all that pleased with the weather, not that she had ever shown much amusement in the colder season. Today in particular his feathered companion made it quite clear that she would not be accompanying him and Beau understood well enough why. The cold was bad enough for Trill to manage… flying in snow, however? No way! She was going to stay in her tree where Beau left her, thank you very much!

But for the ashen cream and black-furred yearling, the snowy morning was ripe for adventure! He set off across the northern lands and, in time, found himself approaching the ocean. He could smell the salt of the water in the air as he stepped across the snowy landscape. The further he walked the colder it seemed to become, Beau noticed.

What he wasn’t expecting on his journey, however, was to discover something as massive as the thing he found himself standing before hours later. Its cold coloration reminded him of rock, covered with odd red-brown earth in places. It creaked and groaned in the wind, and the smell of salty, rotten wood caused the youth to wrinkle his nose.

‘This is definitely something new… I’ve never heard of anything like it!’ Beau thought to himself. He could feel his body quivering with excitement and curiosity as he made his way over to some rocks next to it. After some swift climbing and a leap, he was on the deck, his paws hitting the wood hard.


His gaze swept the area before him as he padded towards the other side of the vessel. Beyond the ship he stood on he could see the ocean’s waves rolling towards the shore. The gray-green color wasn’t very pleasant, but the rolling waves were almost hypnotic. Beau found himself standing at the edge of the deck staring out at sea as his mind began to wander. Had any of his family, or his friends, ever seen something like this thing? How many of them had actually seen the ocean?

And for the first time since he left home, Beauregard found himself missing his kin.


06-26-2022, 02:42 AM

The morning had been filled with little excitement for the monstrosity. He had caught a young caribou for himself and had brought back a small but plump fox that had been briskly given to his room mate. He had seen little of her otherwise. Just the occasional snack thrown her way when he was feeling nice. She didn't need to get used to him being nice always, but he was still attempting to gain the allegianceof some in this land. He would be daft to not do so.

he was holed up in the place he called his den while the winds whipped and snow fell. It wasn't that he minded this weather, just that he would prefer to not have his eyes blinded by the frozen water. Though it did seem the winds had calmed. Snow still fell quietly though. And then in the silence a noise. His ears pricked and he sat up quietly.  A sniff of the stale air of the room he took, nothing yet. He would have to leave his warm room for any idea of who or what decided to travel in this weather.

He rose and pulled himself from the bed. His glowing eyesset upon the doorway as he moved to investigate.  As he came to the doorway he spotted the younger male. Haunches moved to meet the ground in his doorway as he watched. The only sound he had emitted had been the sound of his nails on the metal of the floors. His face was an unreadable mask as he decided what to do about the interloper in his home.

Word count: 0 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: This is a very dangerous character, continue with caution!



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-28-2022, 05:38 AM
Had either of his parents felt this way? When they had gone on their own pilgrimages did they ever look out across the world and long for what they once knew? Not that Beauregard regretted his decision to remain in this land. Or his decision to follow Wren. The potential for adventure and a wealth of knowledge to be had outside of his homeland was what truly enticed him… But he did wish he could send word back to them. Sending Trill was out of the question too… he'd be lost without her. The bird was companion and navigation, a part of him in a way. They completed one another.

Beau wasn't sure how long he'd been staring out at the waves when a sense of unease washed over him. His ears twitched, uncertain if he really heard anything beyond the lapping waves of the ocean. Beauregard shifted on his paws, started when his pale blue gaze landed on a man a bit older than he himself was.

The stranger sat within an opening of the vessel, much like the opening of the mine, and appeared to be silently watching him. His face bore an expression puzzling to the yearling ; it was unreadable. His ears lowered slightly, the first signs of unease as Beau offered a small smile. "Greetings," The ashen cream-furred male called to the stranger. "Apologies, I didn't notice any sign of others nearby in the snow… Do you live here? What is this… thing?" He gestured at the vessel they were standing on.


06-29-2022, 12:47 AM

He could see the other's feelings on his face easily. How curious. Someone who wore their heart on their sleeve perhaps? He watched for what felt like forever for the other to notice he wasn't alone. But the monstrosity wasn't one to begin all interactions,  no one must figure another out before giving everythingto another.

He watched as the other finally took notice of him. Eyes would narrow down his snout at the other. 'Apologies, I didn't notice any sign of others nearby in the snow… Do you live here? What is this… thing?' The others words told the Wendigo something. This male was here looking for something, but didn't know where he ended up. He leaned forward then to speak clearly with his deep rumbling tones. "The snow is fresh, there's nothing to notice. But yes I do live here.

Large frame would them stand, about facing and moving into his den more. A glance over his shoulder was given to the striped male. "I prefer to not remain in the chill longer than necessary, come if you wish to converse." his glowing eyes would then turn back to his bed and he would move to it. The furs on it were plush and still new. A fox and a portion of a caribou, both soft and nice. He moved to lay upon them with his eyes on the door. If the male wanted to converse he would have to enter Shoosuva's den. His face remained placid for the moment. Perhaps the other could become useful if he played his cards right.

Word count: 0 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: This is a very dangerous character, continue with caution!



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-02-2022, 03:00 AM
Beauregard’s ears perked forward as the other male spoke with deep, rumbling tones. There was nothing to notice, the other had claimed, but he lived there. That alone was interesting enough; Beau wouldn’t have considered whatever this was to be good as a potential den. It was rather large though, wasn’t it? He supposed that from a logical standpoint many wolves could probably live here safely. He hadn’t seen the depths of this vessel but now Beau was even more curious about it than before.

The slightly older man moved back towards the depths of the vessel, stating that he did not wish to remain in the chill. Beauregard became more aware of the chill in the air at the mention of it, his own body shivering a bit. Perhaps getting out of the wind was a better plan. He hadn’t exactly found a good shelter yet and being out in the snow for extended periods of time wasn’t the most ideal. Especially just to talk. So, though uncertain about the area he was entering, the yearling followed after the other male into the area the man called his den.

His ears lowered slightly as he stepped over the threshold and Beau heard the moaning of the ship. Oh… he did not like that sound… He skirted into the room a bit quicker, noticing that the wind was now cut off from getting to him, just as it would be in a den. His ears remained in their slightly lowered position, his tail also reflecting a bit of a cautious approach… if only because the vessel he was on was making him nervous from her sounds in the wind.

“I sincerely hope I’m not intruding,” Beauregard began after a moment. “I’m still learning these lands… and I’ve never seen a thing like this before. It never occurred to me someone might call it their home.” His gaze traveled curiously to the furs that the man laid on. They looked soft… and it was definitely different than how his parents had made their own den. His gaze shifted back to the man and Beau offered a small smile. “My name is Beauregard Ravenwood, by the way! What about yours?”


07-05-2022, 09:21 PM

He watched the male enter and let out a lone huff of a chuckle as the younger seemed to be frightened by the ship settling in her icy prison. The sound was a normal daily occurrence for the monstrosity though. It pleased him to see the other male seeming fearful of the area. One should be afraid.

"Whether your intruding or not is yet to be seen." his face fell back into its stoic expression as he spoke and eyed the male. If he annoyed him enough Shoo would just eat this male. Or he could avoid getting his hands dirty and get his bunk mate to do it for him. It was no matter though, the male was not pack by his scent.

"I've been called many things, the most common being the Wendigo or a monstrosity. Call me what you will, names matter little to me." He eyed the man, a small spark of curiosity in his eyes. Did he not realize? Not really know? Was this land full of those who weren't concerned with the fact that someone might mean them harm? But then again he said he was new to these lands. Perhaps he could either make use of this male or make him a follower. "Where do you hail from out of curiosity?"

Word count: 0 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: This is a very dangerous character, continue with caution!



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-07-2022, 11:45 AM
The… Wendigo? Monstrosity? Those names didn’t exactly sound pleasant… but Beauregard didn’t run just yet. Beauregard had been given a reason to be cautious, but curiosity kept him from turning tail. That said, he didn’t venture further from where he stood either.

“I’m not familiar with what a Wendigo is, but most monstrosities I’ve heard of wouldn’t take the time to communicate with someone unless they benefited from it… or they weren’t as bad as others claim.” The ashen cream male kept calm for now, watching the other with his pale blue gaze. They certainly wouldn’t just have a casual conversation with a stranger... Right?

“A place roughly two seasons of travel from here from a pack known as Abyssium.” Beau furrowed his brow a little. “It is custom for yearlings of the pack to go on a pilgrimage on the first birthday, to learn the lands around them, and, should they choose to return, may not do so unless they reach adulthood.” A right of passage to show you had gained the experience you needed to survive.

“If names mean so little,” Beau flicked an ear thoughtfully. “Then why would where I hail from matter either? Especially if I don’t really know the lands were are presently in?” It… didn’t… really make sense. His brow furrowed, still not quite clicking that the stranger was off. That the situation he was in was less than favorable.