
Luxury Accommodations


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
05-25-2022, 09:46 PM
Artorias couldn't help but giggle along with Briar as she playfully nudged him away amidst his assault of kisses and licks, his amber eyes flashing mischievously while she glared at him with that look that told him to behave. He didn't want to behave though, he wanted to pounce on her and love her silly! Maybe it was the combination of his natural attraction to her, his desire to always be wrapped up in her, and his wine drunk state removing his inhibitions, but he didn't really care that Manea and Alastor were lying right there across from them as he showered his fiancée in affections. Manea made a comment about the two of them being adorable and the Aegis' obsidian ears pulled back to his skull with a bashful smile. Then, as if reading his mind, Manea mentioned leaving them to their own devices so they could enjoy one another. As much as Artorias didn't want the fun with their new friends to end either, he definitely wanted to get himself beneath Briar's tail now that the alcohol had gotten him more than a bit randy, so he appreciated the tact of the other alpha.

That is, until Manea tacked on an addendum of them "getting in the way" of their fun, so to speak. Artorias' ears pricked to attention on his head, his surprised gaze coming to settle on Manea as she explained further how Elysian wolves were free lovers, and how she and Alastor wanted to thank them for their hospitality in their own way. Art's mouth hung open for a moment in stunned silence, casting his gaze over to Alastor next, who echoed his mate's sentiments with a lustful grin and smoldering gaze that left nothing up for doubt. Artorias' heart beat faster, a warmth flushing through him and pooling in his cheeks as he looked between the other alpha pair like he were living in some sort of dream. Had he passed out from too much wine and this was all in his head? Briar's stammering response caught his attention, and he looked over just in time to see Manea's paw stroking his girlfriend's foreleg. He surreptitiously pinched his wrist. Nope, definitely not a dream! Inside of him, his core tightened at the idea of not only getting to have Briar, but getting to share and indulge with this other powerful couple as well. Talk about building pack relations!

Briar stammered out a gracious reply, sounding as if she were about to decline the offer, but stopped when her turquoise eyes came to meet his. Artorias wasn't aware of the look on his face, so all he saw was Briar's nervous expression. He could understand why. Briar was far from the salacious kind of lover he was. She was still very much just beginning to explore her sexuality and find out who she was and what she liked, so this was a big ask of her. She was looking back and forth between him and the Mendaciums like she were stuck. He tried to give her a look that urged her to do whatever she was comfortable with and hoped it translated in his inebriated state. If Briar wasn't comfortable with this, then they would shut it down, plain and simple. He would never push his love beyond what she was okay with, and he knew how huge of a leap this would seem to her. He opened his mouth, about to say exactly that and decline the offer on her behalf—but Briar surprised him by agreeing on the condition that he was interested as well. Now Artorias looked blown away, and the ball was in his court again.

Artorias' mouth opened and closed a few times without any words actually leaving his lips. His swaying gaze shifted from Briar to Manea to Alastor, then back again. His eyes lingered over Manea for a few seconds, feeling his core tighten again as the pheromone-laced scent of her heat hit his nose again. It was impossible to deny that in her current state she wasn't arousing him, but he'd fully expected to turn all that lust towards Briar. Manea was certainly a very attractive wolf though. And a glance to Alastor showed that the brute was equally as interested in him as he was in Briar. Artorias swallowed hard, trying to not squirm beneath the other man's lewd gaze. After another short moment of thought, a slow grin crept across the Aegis' muzzle, a primal fire beginning to smolder in his fiery eyes. "I mean, I certainly won't say no to sharing an experience like that!" he said with a husky chuckle.

He knew Briar was doing this entirely for him, but he hoped that this would be a fun and good experience for her as well, and if he was there with her, maybe it wouldn't be so uncomfortable for her. All the same, Artorias leaned over to nuzzle and lick suggestively behind Briar's closest ear, using it as an excuse to whisper to her. "If you don't want this, just say so and we'll stop." He appreciated Briar taking a chance for him, but he wasn't going to do this without her. If she backed out, it ended. He wouldn't send his fiancée away to bed alone while he stayed behind and had all the fun. Turning his wanton grin back towards their guests, Artorias slowly rose to his unsteady paws and gestured for them to follow. "So... would you two like a private tour of the alphas' quarters?" he asked with thinly veiled suggestiveness, turning to begin making his way back towards the castle entrance, his eyes lingering over Manea and Alastor for a few moments longer as he did.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-27-2022, 11:21 PM

She thought for a moment that she had missed her change with the Hallows Queen as the tawny woman started to decline the offer, but then she saw the wheels start to turn in the young woman's head as she looked toward her husband to be with a look that made Manea wish she could read Briar's mind. There was something between them, something turning in her mind, but Manea had no way of knowing what. It made her infinitely curious, but she kept quiet, letting Briar come to her own conclusions. As much as she wanted to spend the evening doing every possible lecherous thing she could think of with both of them, she wouldn't risk the relations between their packs by forcing anything that she didn't want. Eventually though, something seemed to change her mind and she agreed as long as Artorias was interested, with the only stipulation being that she could leave if she wasn't enjoying it. Manea glanced toward Artorias and grinned when her fellow alpha agreed enthusiastically.

"I'll make sure you don't regret it," she promised Briar, giving her leg another pass with her paw before casting a glance over to Alastor, giving her husband a little, victorious grin before she leaned over to give him a quick kiss while Artorias nibbled behind Briar's ear. Artorias invited them back to their quarters and she gave them both a salacious grin. "You truly do have wonderful hospitality," she purred, chuckling softly as she got to her paws, though with a bit more of a sway to her stance than when they first laid down thanks to all of the wine they had been enjoying. She licked her lips as her gaze roamed over Briar again before nodding toward the castle and giving a wave of her paw, adding, "Lead the way."

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-28-2022, 02:42 AM

Briar's shock, fluster, and hesitation gave Alastor pause for just long enough to wonder if perhaps they'd misread the other alpha couple's intentions or if they'd pressed too far. He also caught the look that Artorias and Briar exchanged, wondering what sort of sordid secrets this seemingly wholesome pair were hiding between themselves. Just as he was beginning to turn a questioning look towards Manea, Briar's humming and hawing conceded to her agreeing to indulge in some fun with the Elysian couple, provided her fiancé also wanted to play and that she could back out any time she wanted to. They were easy concessions to make, and with Artorias also emphatically agreeing to join in, the dire brute's lecherously eager grin widened on his black muzzle. "Don't you worry about a thing, my dear," Alastor said with a wink to Briar meant to hopefully lighten the nervousness with a bit of silliness. "Manea is very good at making sure her ladies are well taken care of." He chuckled beneath his breath, seeing the way Manea's ravenous gaze was all over Briar already and interested to see what his mate had in store for the shy Hallows queen.

Rising to his massive paws as well, Alastor shook out his flowing coat before following beside Manea while the group headed into the castle. He didn't miss the looks Manea was giving Briar whilst licking her lips, swatting his long tail teasingly against his violet queen's rump. "Patience, darling. We're not even to their room yet!" he teased her in his husky baritone voice. Though he did have to admit, he had an awfully hard time keeping his eyes off of the beautiful Briar as well, fantasizing of all the ways he and Manea were going to get to ravage her. But the behemoth of a wolf didn't only have eyes for Briar. His hungry gaze also lingered on Artorias, roaming the other male's toned athletic form with an appreciative murr while he considered finally getting to indulge in some of the more sordid pleasures of the same sex. As Artorias and Briar led the way into the castle and towards their room, Alastor stayed beside Manea every step of the way, taking in the sights of their hosts' hind ends while exchanging triumphant glances with his own wife along the way.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
05-28-2022, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2022, 05:41 PM by Briar. Edited 1 time in total.)
As she had expected, Artorias only took a moment of thought before he agreed to the arrangement the Elysium leaders proposed, but she did she the shock on his face when she agreed. It was certainly a stretch for her and very much out side of her comfort zone, but being with Artorias did make it easier. On her own accord there was a very slim chance of her being intimate with someone other than Artorias with the exception of Lia, but even that would feel like a bit of a wild streak for her.

This was something very out of her realm and Art knew it, especially considering the whispered promise he made her that she could just say she didn't want to do this and they would stop. Her tail gave his hip a subtle brush of thanks at that, sharing a little smile with him. Her turquoise gaze turned back to Manea as the violet woman stroked her leg again, making her blush gently as she promised that she wouldn't regret it, Alastor chipping in his own encouragement as well, saying that Manea always made sure her ladies were taken care of. The look in Manea's eyes made it very clear indeed that she was the one the other woman had her sights on and the thought made her face flush even hotter, but she gave the pair of them a shy smile and a quiet chuckle, replying, "I'm sure you're right about that."

Artorias then invited them all back for a private "tour" of their alphas' chambers and she started getting to her paws, sticking close to Artorias' side as they started heading back into the castle. She caught Alastor's chiding of his wife and glanced back, catching Manea's aqua gaze that had hardly left her since they began their interaction and it made a heat start to spread under her skin, glancing way uncertainly as a little grin tugged at her lips. She couldn't say that it wasn't flattering to have such prominent and impressive wolves lusting after her like this, it just wasn't anything that she had ever paid attention to or considered before. Her side brushed Artorias' as they walked, trying to ignore the nervous flutters in her stomach while they walked through the castle corridors and up the stairs, leading the pair through the quiet halls to their large suite at the end of the hall.

She let Artorias open the doors to the room for them before she stepped inside, walking to the middle of the room before she turned to face the other couple again. Once the doors were closed and it was just the four of them secluded from the outside world she didn't really know what to do next, standing with a bit of awkwardness while her heart hammered in her chest, giving all of them a small grin. "So..." she said softly with a little giggle, leaning into Artorias' side for a bit of support. "How, um... How do we want to start?"

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-06-2022, 02:28 AM
As the group made their way up to the second floor and through the Carpathius Wing of the castle, Artorias felt Briar lean into his side, seeking reassurance from him. He leaned gently back into her, letting his tail swish and brush against the back of her thigh and over her own braided tail, seeking to both tease her some and get her mind on the much more fun aspect of their evening and let her know that he was there for her for the entire thing. The playful banter Artorias heard between the Manea and Alastor brought a sordid chuckle from the azure brute, and though he was excited, he couldn't deny that he also felt some nervousness at the prospect of sharing a bed with the other alpha couple, but any nervousness was outweighed by the excitement to try this new experience with his fiancée and share these discoveries with her. He knew how out of her comfort zone this was for Briar and he was proud of her just for even wanting to give a foursome a try. Whatever came of tonight, he supported her and her discovery of herself and her sexuality.

The two couples arrived at the end of the hall to the alphas' chambers and Artorias pushed open the double mahogany doors to the expansive room, already eyeing the massive canopy king bed with anticipation. Once everyone was inside, Artorias shut the doors and pushed the metal lock into the latch, ensuring their privacy for the rest of the evening. He turned from the door and moved to join Briar at the center of the room, watching while Manea and Alastor observed their surroundings and got comfortable. He noticed his fiancée standing with some awkwardness, not sure what to do as she expressed as much with a giggle and leaned into his side. To be honest, Artorias didn't exactly know how to go about initiating a foursome either—but he did know how to kick off the mood with Briar. If he guessed right, he didn't think it would take much persuading to get the Mendaciums involved with them. "Well, how about like this...?" Turning to his love, Artorias lifted a big azure paw to catch Briar by her chin and gently guided her muzzle to meet his, kissing her slowly and deeply. The wine in his system made him tipsy, but it also made him frisky, as Artorias was quite a lusty drunk. He had no reservations to being passionate with Briar in front of their guests; if anything, he guessed it probably turned them on too.

Artorias held Briar like that for a moment, his paw moving to caress her cheek while he slid his tongue into her maw, tasting her distinct flavor hinted with traces of the sweet wine they'd all consumed. It stoked the fire within him, the endless inferno starting to gradually burn hotter within him. He broke their lips apart after a few long moments, breathing a heavy and heated sigh as he grinned at his Briar with heavy-lidded, sultry eyes. He motioned towards the bed with a tip of his muzzle, then shot a smoldering look toward Manea and Alastor, trying to mask the nervousness while he grinned at them, then swatted playfully at Briar's rump with his tail before swaying his way over to the bed and hoisting himself up onto the wide mattress, waiting for the others to come join him and get things kicked off right.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-26-2022, 02:29 PM

Manea wasn't shy about how she was taking in the attractive couple ahead of them as they followed Briar and Artorias back into the castle following their delicious meal and Alastor easily picked up on it, earning her a playful swat of his tail. She turned her aqua gaze toward him with a sly, lecherous grin. "I just can't help myself. How could I?" she purred in response with a small nod to their hosts. Briar was a beautiful, elegant woman that Manea couldn't wait to get her paws on and Artorias was certainly a handsome brute as well. He was no dark cloud of raw, powerful muscle and devious obsidian eyes like her dear Alastor, but he was still very attractive and she hoped that Briar considered herself a lucky lady for snagging him. Between the two of them it felt like they were being led into a buffet of carnal delights—or at least she hoped so. She was determined to win Briar over before the night was done, but she was still aware of the fact that it would benefit both of their packs to keep their relationship strong so she certainly didn't want to do anything to risk those things.

They were eventually brought up into the second floor of the castle, down a corridor to a large set of wooden doors that once they were opened revealed the spacious, luxurious bedroom of the alpha couple. She stepped in behind Briar, looking appreciatively around the space and taking in the large bed, the fire place that sat across from it, and the various things that decorated the room that made it feel more homey and lived in. Her gaze eventually landed on Briar once more as she stood across from the Hallows Queen, noticing the smaller woman's nerves as she questioned how they should begin. She smirked a little at the adorable innocence that Briar possessed and if Manea had been anyone else she might have felt bad for corrupting such a sweetness, but instead it only made her all the more eager to show the other woman what it seemed like she had been missing. Artorias took a bit of a lead, pulling in Briar's attention as he made out with his fiancé and began to ease her into the idea of physical pleasures that they would all hopefully be sharing this evening.

Another grin tugged at her lips as she watched the other pair ravenously, leaning into Alastor's side with her tail brushing across his thigh and curling around the back of his leg. Tipping her muzzle up to his ear while Artorias and Briar continued to kiss, she caught the red-tipped appendage between her teeth briefly, teasing her husband just a bit. "I want Briar first," she whispered to him, staking her claim on the Queen for a number of reasons—but also because she had never seen Alastor with another man before and she was most certainly intrigued. Alastor's obvious interest in the blue-hued male had her very interested to see what he would do and she was eager to see the show. It would also give her a chance to warm Briar up to her a bit. The tawny woman seemed like a sensitive one and she was going to have to play her cards right for this all to work in their collective favor.

Once Artorias pulled away from their heated kiss be began to make his way toward the bed and Manea smirked as she stepped forward toward Briar, gently brushing her side against Briar's. She gave the smaller woman beside her a sultry glance with a hint of a grin on her lips as she brushed past her, encouraging and leading the more timid wolf onto the bed to join her fiancé. Manea hopped up as well, settling down with a graceful, languid movement of her body and stretched out to one side of the bed. She motioned for Briar to join her, her aqua gaze fixed on the turquoise of Briar's eyes with a tempting grin on her lips as she guided Briar to lay beside her. She didn't want to make Briar feel too trapped or intimidate her, so for now she simply pressed her side to Briar's and let her large, feline paw trace along the other woman's foreleg. "You seem so nervous, darling," she said quietly to Briar so that the other woman would hear as she lightly brushed her nose against Briar's cheek. Her scent was delectable and it was difficult to keep herself from pushing forward more intensely, but she would move at Briar's pace. "What are you afraid of? What is holding you back?"

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-26-2022, 09:18 PM

Manea's bold retort drew a hearty chuckle from the gargantuan brute when she claimed she couldn't help herself, gesturing to the attractive young couple hosting them. Oh, he didn't blame his beloved wife one bit for her remarks! Briar was a gorgeous fae, and Artorias a handsome brute. Both were very easy on the eyes and made a slew of lecherous thoughts and sordid desires dance about in the Mendacium man's head. He couldn't wait to get his paws on and all over them either! Being the carnal carnivore he was, Alastor was equally as eager to devour Briar as much as he was to ravage Artorias—hell, he might have been even more eager to have the young brute beneath him more! It was no secret between him and Manea that the dire brute had a curiosity he'd been itching to satisfy, and it seemed like the opportunity had finally presented itself for him to get to sample the pleasures another male could bring him. Dark eyes roaming the athletic form of the Aegis, Al quietly began to wonder just how much of a struggle the other alpha male might put up against him, and the thoughts made his core clench hard.

The Hallows couple led them up to the second floor, then down a quiet corridor to a set of dark wood doors that Artorias promptly opened for them. Inside was a regal bedroom of the highest order, the room spacious and opulent. A massive four poster bed sat against the wall to the right, a grand fireplace opposite it, and the far wall made almost entirely of glass windows. But despite the luxury of the bedroom, everything about its decor lent itself to a more humble and homely vibe that welcomed the wolves inside. Alastor let out a quiet whistle, impressed by what he saw. Artorias shut and locked the doors behind them while Briar sat opposite the couple, looking more like a meek deer surrounded by predators than a predator herself. Aww, the poor dear... She was so clearly out of her element here, no doubt her first time sampling other lovers than her black and blue husband-to-be. Alastor smiled at Briar, a more genuinely reassuring smile, though the undertones of lecherous hunger couldn't be completely masked. Just like Manea, Alastor delighted in the notion of getting to take the last of Briar's sweet innocence as they introduced both wolves to a whole new world of sexual pleasures and delights. No doubt by the time they were all finished and spent here tonight, Artorias and Briar would emerge changed wolves.

No sooner had the sweet and timid Briar asked how they began, Artorias was stepping up to the plate, preparing his fiancée with a deeply passionate kiss. Alastor's smile shifted back to that predatory grin while he watched the other couple making out with voyeuristic delight. He was impressed by the alpha male's confidence and initiatives to make sure all parties were eager and having a good time. It just made him want to put this wolf to the test even more! While he watched, he felt Manea's warm body lean into his side, supporting her weight with ease and noticing her enjoying the show before their eyes as well. He chuckled, but that sound quickly cut off into a sharp breath when he felt Manea's silken tail curl around the back of his thigh and brush up along some very sensitive parts of his anatomy. Sharp fangs caught his ear, sending a chill racing down his spine while she whispered her desires to him. He gave a husky chuckle, lust dripping in his voice. Of course Manea wanted Briar first. His wife had a penchant for taking lady lovers first, not that he ever complained. He always got his time with them both, and it meant he could enjoy the show while Manea worked her magic on steadily corrupting the modest Briar. Plus that meant he was getting his paws on Artorias first.

Alastor turned his muzzle to nip back at Manea's ear, whispering back, "You get her good and ready for us, sexy. I'll give you both a show to enjoy while you do." Manea would know exactly what he meant. Alastor was eager to get his first taste of a brute in bed and see where his sexuality expanded to. Manea was bisexual, and after having watched her with ladies, it had made the Mendacium brute wonder about himself. Now he had his chance, and he was going to make the most of it. As soon as Artorias pulled away from Briar and moved towards the bed, the Mendaciums were moving like coordinated hunters, Manea going toward Briar while Alastor headed for Artorias. While Manea ushered Briar onto the bed and got her into position, Alastor made a sneaky move of heading around to the opposite side, then climbing up and moving towards Artorias while the other brute was busy watching Manea begin to touch and seduce his fiancée.

Alastor was able to get right up on Artorias before the shifting of the mattress tipped the other brute off, but by the time he glanced up and amber met obsidian, Alastor was already flopping to his side on the expansive bed beside the Aegis, wrapping his powerful forelimbs around the other male's sides and pulling his body back taut to his chest and stomach. The gasp Artorias made sent shivers down Alastor's spine that settled between his thighs. "Did I startle you, Aegis?" he teased, massive black paws roaming leisurely up and down the smooth planes of taut muscles of Artorias' chest and stomach, digits combing through the thick azure fur of the young brute's underside. Artorias squirmed some, but Alastor refused to relinquish his hold, leaning his muzzle up to catch one of Art's dark ears between his teeth. "Your lover seems a bit shy," he mused in a low rumbling whisper directly into the other male's ear. "Why don't we give them something fun to watch while my wife helps warm your girl up?" Alastor didn't wait for a response before he let his paws roam all over Artorias' toned body from neck down to his waist, tracing through dense fur and over every inch of warm skin he could touch, focusing on the sounds he could pull from the Aegis. His nose buried in the man's scruff, drinking in his masculine scent while smoldering onyx eyes peered over the short distance to Manea and Briar, thoroughly enjoying getting to watch his mate tease and corrupt Briar while he got his first taste of intimacy with the same sex.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
06-27-2022, 12:21 AM
As Briar waited for one of them to kick off this adventure she was attempting to allow herself to enjoy, her fiancé thankfully tossed her a lifeline of sorts in the form of his paw catching her chin and guiding her lips to his in a kiss that was wonderfully familiar in this otherwise unknown scenario. At first it was hard to relax into the kiss when she knew Manea and Alastor were right there watching their every move, but after a moment or two she was able to focus in on what she knew with Artorias and returned his passionate kiss. She knew what to expect from a wine drunk Art and how a bit of drink could easily bring his lusts to the surface so it was really no surprise that he was eager and willing to dive right into things. She was thankful for it because it allowed her to follow his lead, murring quietly into his mouth as she savored the feeling of his lips on hers and tongues finding one another in a familiar dance. It rekindled the low, simmering fire of desire in her core, slowly eating away at her nerves and reservations the longer their kiss continued.

Artorias did eventually pull away from her lips and when she blinked open her eyes to let her gaze find his once more she was breathing more heavily as well and she was able to return his grin. She was still slightly self conscious under the watchful gaze of the other couple, but as always Artorias was able to calm her in a way no one else could. Art moved away to head toward the bed, but before she could move to follow him she was caught off guard by the feeling of another's side against hers and her turquoise gaze quickly turned up toward Manea as she brushed passed, the nervous flutters in her stomach flying out of control as she met Manea's aqua eyes and saw the heavy lidded, sultry, hungry look she was being given by the taller woman. At Manea's insistence and encouragement, she followed the violet woman onto the bed, hopping up after her and hovering somewhere between Manea and Artorias for a brief moment. It would have been easier if she had laid down closer to Artorias, leaning into what was comfortable and familiar, but Manea made it fairly clear that her invitation wasn't so much of a choice as a direction as a large, leonine paw curled around her foreleg and gently pulled her closer. Briar relented, settling onto her stomach next to Manea and immediately feeling the larger woman's side pressed into hers.

At first she almost missed the way Alastor had hopped up and immediately wound himself around Artorias with the way that Manea's paw was stroking along her foreleg and sending delicate shivers across her skin. She glanced over at Manea, catching her gaze before she felt the Elysium alpha's nose against her cheek, the gentle affections far slower and more thoughtful than she was initially expecting. When she glanced over to the men and saw the way that Alastor was eagerly feeling up her fiancé her face flushed hot and her ears flicked, but she saw the level of sexual advancement that she had been expecting from the overtly physical couple. She quickly realized that Manea was holding back for her benefit as she was questioned about what she was afraid of and she felt a mixture of appreciation and embarrassment at the realization. Her gaze lingered on Art and how he could find enjoyment in things even when he was getting a surprise attack of sorts from another brute, meanwhile she was struggling to relax even when Manea was moving at her pace and gently tempting her into their fun. "I... um..." she whispered back, struggling to find any words to respond to Manea with as she watched their partners quickly fall into more carnal pleasures. Watching Artorias like this made her core clench in a way she wasn't expecting with heat and desire, but also with something that she couldn't quite name. It was like jealousy, but not because he was with someone else—she was more jealous that she couldn't naturally be as free as he was with his sexual advances.

"I'm... I'm not sure," she finally managed in a whisper, peeling her gaze away from the brutes to look toward Manea. "I've never been with anyone like this besides Artorias... Well, I mean, I've kiss one other woman before, but that was while I was in heat," she explained softly, her ears folding back shyly. She glanced down to where Manea's paw was resting on her foreleg and she brought her opposite paw over to trace over her larger paw, feeling her soft, violet fur under her paw pads. If Artorias could sleep with other wolves so freely, surely she could manage this one night just to try it and see if she even enjoyed it. It wasn't like Manea and Alastor weren't attractive wolves and they very clearly wanted to show them both a good time... if not now, then when? Bringing her gaze up to Manea's again with her muzzle very nearly brushing the other woman's she hesitated, trying to find the courage to make the first move and failing, instead simply waiting for Manea to make the move she needed with her heart pounding like crazy in her chest.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-27-2022, 12:54 AM
Artorias had seen the way his kiss to Briar had gotten her to relax some, the grin on her face telling him all he needed to know. This was going to be a huge step for both of them, but together they could do it. The wine-drunk Artorias was already feeling hot and bothered and ready to go, eager to play with Briar and experiment with their guests, but he also wanted to do it with Briar joining in too. So he took things slow, moved at her pace, did what he could to get her comfortable. Once he'd settled onto the bed, he saw Manea approach Briar, brushing her side against the Fatalis fae's and catching her off guard. Manea guided Briar up to the bed, hopping up to join him first before his fiancée jumped up as well. Briar settled down between him and Manea, but before Artorias could slide closer to her, he felt the mattress shift and sag behind him. A quick turn of his head and he was greeted with the jet black eyes and lecherous grin of Alastor looming over him. Alastor teased him with his words as the massive wolf settled down to the bed just behind him. Artorias blinked in surprise, but that surprise quickly shifted into shocked realization as Alastor wrapped his powerful forelegs around his sides, pulling Art's body closer to his until his back was pressed into the dark brute's chest.

Artorias gasped, his heart hammering in his chest when he felt Alastor's massive ebony paws roam leisurely across his chest and torso, feeling him up from shoulder to waist. The other brute's hold was so incredibly strong, really showing off just how much muscle he had beneath all that fluffy black fur that he was now feeling pressing against his backside. Alastor's paws left no section of his underside untouched, exploring every dip and curve of his physique he could reach. It left Artorias gasping and squirming from the touches that left tingles singing across his skin everywhere he was touched. It was delightful and arousing and wholly unexpected as Alastor manhandled him mere feet from where his fiancée and the Mendacium alpha's wife were laying. Alastor grabbed one of Art's ears between his teeth, drawing a reflexive gasp from the Aegis, then teased him further with his comments about Briar's shyness, feeling the other male's whispered words right in his ear. With the way they were lying and Alastor was holding him, Artorias was on his side facing the ladies, everything Alastor was doing to him on full display while he would have a front row seat to watch what Manea and Briar did on their own.

Artorias shuddered from tip to tail, his gaze peering across the bedspread to where Manea was currently stroking and teasing Briar gently, gradually coaxing her out with purred words and seductive glances. Seeing the larger fae touching and tempting Briar sent a spike of heat lancing through Art's belly, fire racing in his blood at the sight before him. His breathing grew shorter, heavier, more uneven, only exacerbated when Alastor's paws roamed further south, teasing over his waist. Artorias groaned beneath his breath and writhed in the Genetor's hold, feeling Alastor pull him tighter into him. He knew exactly what sort of show Alastor had in mind to put on for the ladies with how low his paw was drifting, but in his position, he was powerless to resist him. All the squirming and thrashing for control did nothing, he was too overpowered by the stronger brute. "You think I'm gonna let you just take control, huh?" he growled back over his shoulder to the other brute. Alastor's chuckle in his ear sent a shiver racing down his spine, one of those huge black paws slipping down past his waist, dancing between his lower belly and groin in an awful teasing torture. Artorias gasped and released a heated breath, biting his lip to cut off an involuntary whine as he growled and squirmed some more. If Alastor thought he was going to dominate him so easily, drunk or not, he had another thing coming!

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 12:55 PM

The uncertainty and shyness in Briar as she was pulled into her side was certainly not unexpected, but it was sweet and endearing in its own way. She thought for a moment that perhaps even this was too fast for the Hallows Queen as Briar struggled to find any words to respond to her with and her gaze lingered on Artorias while Alastor did his work on her fiancé, but eventually Briar did answer her. She got a bit more of a glimpse into just how inexperienced and innocent this tawny woman was as Briar explained that Artorias had been her only partner other than a rogue kiss with a woman while she had been in heat. In a way that made Briar all the more appealing to her, knowing that she would be the one to give her all these new experiences and expose her to a whole different world of sex and pleasure. From what she had gathered it did at least seem like Briar and Artorias had quite the healthy relationship when it came to their mating habits, but that was still a different thing entirely to having three wolves ravenous over you.

A smirk crossed her lips as Briar's paw traced her own, the soft touch becoming the first willing contact from the other woman and a step in the right direction. Their eyes met with their muzzles so close she could feel Briar's breath against her lips and she gave Briar a moment, waiting to see if the timid woman would take the initiative herself, but she held back. Her smirk pulling into a full grin, she lifted her paw and brought it to Briar's cheek, caressing her gently before holding her in place while she leaned forward to connect her lips with the other woman's, a rumbling hum of delight escaping her at the soft feeling of Briar's lips on hers. A quick glance from the corner of her eye told her that Artorias was indeed watching and that only lit the fire simmering in her core, making her kiss Briar more passionately and insistently as she slowly pulled the Queen from her shell.

There was several long, savoring moments of making out with Briar before Manea finally slipped away again, her gaze finding Briar's once more with a heated sigh. Grinning as her paw trailed down the back of Briar's neck, she nodded to where Artorias was being manhandled by Alastor just a couple of feet away, bringing her attention back to their respective partners. "Doesn't it light a fire in you? Seeing him like this?" she questioned softly with a purr to her voice as she brought her muzzle up to Briar's ear, letting her tongue dance across the velvety appendage with a chuckle. "We both have a taste for large, strong, dominate brutes... and seeing them being the ones being dominated... It's one of my favorite things." While she spoke she slipped a foreleg around Briar's side, pulling at her waist to turn her more onto her side with her back against her, her paw trailing down Briar's stomach while she nibbled along the side of the smaller woman's neck. "Just relax and let me take care of you while we enjoy the show..." she whispered against Briar's skin, her touch moving lower while she watched Alastor and Artorias with a wicked grin, savoring the sight of her husband having his way with the Hallows Aegis while given them quite the show as well.

- fade -

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
07-02-2022, 01:41 AM

Every single one of the Aegis' reactions he coaxed from the other brute were even more exquisite than he could have hoped for! Alastor relished in and savored every little gasp, every sharp inhale, every quiver and shift of his body, everything. Teasing and playing with a brute so far wasn't much different than toying with a fae—just some different anatomy was all. But despite all the wonderful reactions he was getting from Artorias, the onyx and azure brute continued to squirm and resist him, growling and refusing to give up control to the Mendacium brute so easily. A low, rumbling chuckle vibrated deep in Alastor's chest. "Oh no no no, I fully expect you to put up a fight," he remarked, returning his muzzle to nip at Art's ear, his voice dipping to a husky whisper as he added, "In fact, I'm hoping you do." Alastor flexed his massive paws, extending his deadly claws to press into Artorias' warm skin on his lower belly. The resulting hiss it brought from the other male made Alastor quiver with desire, letting his claws comb through the brute's thick fur and dance over his skin and muscles.

Across from them, both Alastor and Artorias watched as Manea held Briar's head still while she pressed her lips to the tawny woman's. Watching the faes kiss brought an intrigued and delighted murr from Alastor, his gaze only leaving the sapphic sight to take in Artorias' reactions. The Aegis was stunned silent, watching with wide eyes and slightly parted lips that let heated breaths escape him as he took in the sight of his fiancée making out with the Elysian alpha. Alastor chuckled again, then let his paw slip down lower to Artorias' groin. That brought the young brute back into reality with expeditiousness, Art gasping and reflexively squirming back into Alastor's hold. Al hadn't quite reached Artorias' most sensitive parts yet, but oh, was he getting close! Black muzzle slid slowly down the side of Art's neck, breathing in his partner's rich male scent with a lecherous purr. "Mmm I'm going to have such fun with you..." he growled against the side of Artorias' throat, jaws parting to nibble at the tender flesh and let his tongue glide over the side of his neck. He could hear Manea patiently seducing Briar, framing the sight of the two brutes getting hot and heavy as an erotic show for the ladies to enjoy. Obsidian eyes glanced up to meet the gazes of the faes, his gaze smoldering with feral, ravenous lust. Oh, Manea wanted Briar to enjoy a show, did she? Well, then he'd give them both a show!

Making sure his eyes remained on both Manea and Briar's, Alastor shot both ladies a lecherous grin and shifted to hook one of his hind legs around Artorias' thigh, spreading the other brute's legs to everything was on display for them. Wrapping one strong foreleg around Art's midsection to hold him steady, Alastor let his free paw rest right on the Aegis' waist, his siam claws tickling the sensitive skin there and making Art squirm back into his hips, making the Genetor groan deep in his throat. "Keep squirming like that, Aegis, and you're gonna make me skip all the foreplay," Al teased with his teeth nipping at Art's throat. Amongst the gasps and whines he got from Artorias, Alastor began to slowly grind his hips into his partner's rump, using the other male's body as he pleased. "Don't look away," he growled into Art's ear, making sure both brutes were watching as Manea began to press forward with Briar, her leonine paw slipping down the Queen's taut stomach. "You're about to see why she's so popular with the ladies."

As Manea began to pleasure Briar, Alastor also finally allowed Artorias to experience real pleasure for the first of many times that night, his large paw finally slipping down between the azure brute's thighs. Artorias' reactions were immediate and delighted Alastor to no end, the dire brute grinding himself more insistently into Artorias' backside while their bodies rocked and writhed together, all the while keeping his searing gaze locked on Manea and Briar with an equally wicked grin as her, loving the sight of his wife having her way with the Hallows' Queen. Together, the two Mendaciums would show their generous hosts all new plethoras of pleasure. Nobody would be ending this night unsatisfied.

- fade -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
