
Light and Dark Kleins

get it babeh



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
06-29-2022, 01:04 AM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2022, 12:21 PM by Voodoo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Finally, the time has arrived!

Voodoo Klein will be having her first and only litter this coming month! Sired by the wonderful Torben these kids are coming into a wild world. Now these pups will be born solely to Voodoo as she is not letting Torben know that she is pregnant with his pups(She feels guilty because she actually did like him but she's a lesbian). It is planned later when they get older(perhaps close to a year) Torben may show up in their lives as Voodoo will confess they are his out of guilt. She'll be telling the pups their father is a large albino man but nothing more.

Currently a student in Abaven Voodoo is remaining there until her training is complete. However she has plans to join Wren in her pack upon it's creation. Meaning it's likely if things go as planned these pups will be raised in the Menagerie. If things don't go as planned she'll be hoping to rejoin Habari depending on if they'll accept her back being pregnant etc.

Activity: We all know my activity can be spotty at times. I believe real life always comes first, however I'm very much active with Voodoo as her plots seem to be going in that direction. If you haven't posted in a month I'll check in to see how things are going. No response for another two weeks or two months with no activity and I will reclaim the pup to either readopt out or otherwise.

Personality/Alignments: Voodoo tends to be on the more chaotic side of the spectrum although her development has changed. These pups won't be war mongering power hungry wolves. She values independence over all but won't hesitate to cull pups seen as weak as she believes they won't have a place in the world. These pups will carry the Klein surname and as such Voodoo expects them to act with a bit of dignity about themselves. I'll accept lighter aligned pups as their father is on the lighter side of the spectrum but as Voodoo will mainly be raising them check out her bio to get a bit more of a feel for her.(She's not as snobby anymore and a bit more considerate but she still is in love with poisons and the pain they cause others).

Plots: These pups will be well loved. Even if you don't get the chance to thread with her often I'm expecting her children to know that she will always be around for them in their youth. There shouldn't be a reason they resent or hate her other than maybe being jealous that she won't admit who their father is. Other than that I am all for any plots with these guys. Ambitious sure! Laid back, Sure! Just keep in mind that ic actions WILL have ic consequences and Voodoo will not stand for any relationships with her children under the age of two. These pups will be raised in a pack setting and as such shouldn't enjoy the thought of being a loner at the beginning.

Designs: You can choose one that I've provided here. Or your own. Should you make your own design and the pup falls inactive I will not use it(all credit due) unless stated otherwise that others can use the design. I'm not picky about it honestly. Also your pup can identify as any gender, any sexuality, there won't be any discrimination for Voodoo as she is a lesbian.

Currently I and Lackadaisy will be taking 1 pup each. Meaning 2 are taken. I have enough gems for everyone so if need be I'll be willing to do a 5 pup litter. Voodoo is 38" and Torben is an Albino Dire Wolf. I encourage any mutations or things you want to throw onto them.

Due date for apps is 7/15 !

Adoption form:

<b>Name</b>: Your username
<b>Pup Name:</b> I'm being open with the names I'd like them to be themed but honestly Voodoo will be naming them on a whim so go wild(Note names such as Siren, Calypso, etc are highly encouraged. Along with any magic or "kleinish" names you can think of)

<b>Appearance: </b>Chosen appearance(site minimum)

<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum

<b>Mutations and Height:</b>

<b>Plots: </b>Your plot idea's
<b>Rp Sample: </b>(If we haven't rped together before)

<b>Other: </b>any other details you'd like to include


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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06-29-2022, 01:15 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2022, 12:59 AM by Medusa. Edited 7 times in total.)
Name: Dragon
Pup Name: Phantom Klein

Appearance: one or two...possibly a different one, haven't decided yet D; For now gonna write as design #2

Phantom, like his namesake, is one with the dark. His coat is pitch-black with little to no other visible color or markings at first glance. Look close enough, however, and he bears the subtlest of striping upon his pitch-black coat. At night it is not visible to the naked eye, however, during daylight hours, the markings can be seen if you look hard enough. Even then, it's almost like phantom markings. Often causing others to do a doubletake or question if the markings are even there in the first place.

His coat is darkest surrounding his face, legs, and the end of his tail. The rest of his coat is a slightly lighter shade of black, however. Hidden upon his coat are striped markings that flow across his body from shoulder to rump, as well as his hind legs until they reach the darker socks he wears. The striping is a...bit of a...slate blueish color, giving off a bit of a subtle color change between a slate blue and charcoal gray depending on the lighting. Though it is slightly (but not by much) more noticeable on his front half as opposed to the back half.

Phantom is slender in appearance, with lean legs and a lean muscled body. His fur is silken to the touch, however, as he keeps himself well-groomed and always appears immaculate until he earns his scars from the fields of battle. His tail is plush with slightly longer hairs waving at the edges, however, most of his coat is like that. His fur length is mostly average, just slightly longer on the fringes.

Lastly, his eyes are as dark as coal, seemingly lifeless yet brimming with curiosity.

Personality: Like most pups, Phantom has a sense of curiosity about the world around him. However, his curiosity leans heavily toward the more morbid side of things. He does not fear death, nor does blood and gore disturb him. He's more of a quiet kid, observing the world and those in it, and has the tendency to pass off silent judgment. He doesn't care if you are a friend, family, or foe. Give him a reason, any reason at all no matter how minuscule to not like you, and his mind will likely never change about how he's perceived you.

That being said, Phantom isn't exactly the most social of wolves. Sure he'll tolerate the company of others, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll enjoy the company. Parties? Social gatherings? Ick! At most he'll tolerate pack meetings and mandatory pack things...but beyond that? Let's just say he prefers to keep to himself. A recluse, if you will.

TBA if chosen <3

Mutations and Height: undecided, likely gonna try to give him a mutation pending funds by the time they're playable <3

Plots: I dunno D; A bit protective of mom maybe?? Does little experiments, a strong interest in poisons, and possibly an assassin-like path??
Rp Sample: (If we haven't rped together before)

Other: er...nope I think that's it. Will add much more if chosen <3 also gonna want all the threads and plots (if chosen of course)


06-29-2022, 07:34 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2022, 05:31 AM by halfawyrm. Edited 7 times in total.)
Name: Wyrm
Pup Name: Viktor (or Wraith) Klein

[design in progress]
Viktor will be a curious child, yes, and in more ways than one. A shadow amidst sunlight, he will stalk and observe like a ghost, let us hope that he is friendly.
Starting off round and soft as all pups do, this boy will start off perfectly average in height and weight. But as he ages, he will not grow like his siblings. No, more accurately, he will lengthen. He puts on very little weight, thin like death. This is all thanks to proportion though, he stands tall and his legs are sturdy, despite appearances. His eyes shine a luxurious indigo, dark but glittering. He will be harsh in shape, but bear with him the curve of traditional elegance rather than brute strength.

His coat will be crow's black, matte and unforgiving, lacking any sort of iridescence or other shift of hue in light. It will darken near the spine, lighten near the belly, counter-shaded subtly, he is still wolf after all. But he will not be completely of the abyssal, thanks to his mother and father's striking white tones. A shock, a splatter of albino white will mark his right eye, lashes turned pale and marking his otherwise symmetrical coat. He is not fond of this marking, purely out of his own taste in aesthetics, and may later seek to cover it.

Viktor will know the rewards of a well kept coat. He will bathe frequently, diversify his diet, drink plenty of water. He is not fastidious, only thorough. His coat will be healthy and thick, soft to the touch. He will smell clean, almost sterile, due to the poultices he mixes. Sometimes one can pick up a trace of blood and carrion, if you encounter him at the right time.

Strange, reserved, inquisitive, observant, clinical
Viktor is out of the ordinary. For one, he is quite obsessive over his interests. It's very difficult to steer conversation away from them, and when you do his word's will become slow, stilted. Uneasy. He is humming his own tune and others will simply have to keep up. His passion for anatomy and the workings of the body is tangible, nothing quite fascinates him like a new disease or the way a bone breaks. He will relish in his own little studies, typically featuring a corpse he finds buried in the woods, or food brought back for him and his siblings. He doesn't eat much, and he is content to wait before eating to analyse. Others do not always share his passions, and family dinners might get tedious.

It is easy to say that Viktor is not a people person. When it comes to how they work, he know splenty more than the average pup, but talking to someone is a little... out of his reach. He is content researching solo thank you very much. If you want to get things done, you must do it yourself. His thoughts are mostly centered around himself, he cant quite put himself in other people's shoes. When he is told to, he will assume that everyone is like him, or should be like him. Why say please and thank you? Why ask about someone's day? People don't listen to him either and he's content with that. [not really, but he's not admitting that anytime soon.]

He's more curious than your average pup. He's not content with one word answers, he wants an essay with citations and evidence, and it's not something everyone can offer. He'll spend days thinking on a question before it is answered, and often it'll be all he thinks about. This is an internal conflict most of the time, he tends to catch people by surprise with the things he mulls over. While single minded, he recognises little details easily, things that people might miss. Unfortunately, he may focus on these details instead of the bigger picture that may be more immediately obvious to your average wolf.

Lastly, he is definitely not an empath. Emotions are something he believes hold little weight, and he doesn't care about how others might feel. He just wants to do his autopsies, and he doesn't care if someone complains about the crows the corpses attract or the smell that it brings. He'll hold some sentimentality towards his immediate family, but strangers? They are simply beasts to study.

Mutations and Height: 42", no mutations

Plots: Quirky lil plague doctor man, herb based hijinks and maybe some amateur autopsies. He's gonna end up bringing home a lot of crows. He could use one of his bigger siblings as an assistant/extra muscle maybe
Rp Sample: (If we haven't rped together before)
- his skills are gonna be healing and intellect/ maybee fighting, with a poisonous twist
- Might change his name to Victor depending on availability but I think I'll be fine



Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
06-29-2022, 04:08 PM
dropping into say that there is a 25% off albinism due to the father! get your albino babies here!



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
06-30-2022, 12:22 PM
Wanted to put in with abaven gone voodoo will be in habari until managerie is made due date for apps added



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Fighter (120)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual
07-14-2022, 02:42 PM
Name: Lolaf
Pup Name: Tomie (For Junji Ito's mutating murderess)


Tomie is clearly her mother's child at a glance, the only sign of her father's genetic contribution might be found in her frame. Tomie will be a bigger child from the get, rounder and bulkier than usual. For a while the exact idea of what she'll look like will be unclear, is her shape from muscle or from fat? But as she grows more into her body it'll become clear the girl is simply built like a warrior. The awkward look will eventually smooth out into a tall fighter's build, though she will eventually only grow to 40 inches tall she will easily outweigh her smaller mother. Though she will never truly grow into a graceful creature, Tomie is perhaps poorly named in that regard as she hardly seems to be comfortable embodying traditional femininity, in her walk or her stances, instead she's clearly aware of the power housed within her and confident in it.

Her pelt will she short and coarse, which will serve the girl just as well as it means she doesn't need to worry over it much. Tomie is wrapped in light and shadow, though the deepest colors of the night on her pelt will never reach quite as dark as her mother's do. The majority of the girl is a slate grey with that color only getting darker on her extremities, her tail and all four limbs darkening gradually into an ashy black. The grey marches up her chest and ends only at her jawline where it fades into the other most predominant color on Tomie. A snowy white marks the girl's face, the back of her neck, and flecks along her back some, a few splotches also marking her rump and tail. The white intermingles with the grey on her back, sides of her neck, and cheek fur where the two become muddy. The grey also barely marks slightly above her nose. The final clearly defined marking is a black mark around her eyes and dotting her brow, very similar to the markings her own mother bears.

Finally peering out from that dark eyeliner-like space on Tomie's face are a pair of brilliant blue eyes.

Personality: Tomie is in a word, a tom-boy. As a child she's rough and tumble, always eager for a tussle and to prove herself. Tomie is prone to bumps and scrapes and will hardly be stopped by them, instead wearing them like a badge of honor. While she is certainly capable of putting her mind to things it'll be clear that Tomie's preferred method of dealing with problems it simply to brute force them. But she's not nearly as unobservant as this may let on, she simply learns better through action than by sitting quietly and listening and will as a child often be found mimicking the adults around her.

As she matures she'll be a little less prone to solving everything with violence though she'll not soften up much either. While not unsociable Tomie will be gruff, blunt and unafraid of offending others with her words if she feels they are true. Conversely, she will be slow to anger and rarely put her pride above others, though she'll still take any excuse to pick a fight if she thinks it'll be fun. Due to the constant patching up she'll have needed as a child Tomie will have an interest in learning the arts of healing and hold herself to a high standard, her bedside manner could certainly use some improvement but she'd never let anyone tell her she's not damn good at what she does.

Anyone who's willing to see past her prickly exterior will find Tomie's a good friend, with an easy sense of humor and a strong sense of loyalty. She's a hard worker and dedicated to those she's close to. Tomie is just as likely to play a drinking game as she is to rib at her loved ones, while certainly not the life of any party she can be quite fun to be around as long as you're willing to leave your ego at the door and understand that she'll do the same.

Mutations and Height: 40" (Might use a post-acceptance dire on her once she's a year, we'll see), currently no mutations

Plots: Not sure, I'm thinking of her like a kind of rugged field medic, unafraid to get her paws dirty and willing to fight just as much as she's willing to help. Probably a butch lesbian tbh...
Rp Sample: -

Other: Ily!



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
07-19-2022, 01:01 AM
Congrats to lolaf and Dragon, im excited to see Tomie and phantom join their siblings!