
Fire and Ice Kleins



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
06-13-2022, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2022, 04:48 PM by Recluse. Edited 3 times in total.)
It's winter you know what that means! Recluse is pregnant again! This time there's two baby daddies, if you've never seen this before the break down of this is that each pup must have only one father! What that means is that when designing/considering what you can afford for a pup each pup can only claim a discount on mutations/colors/heights from one of the two fathers, not both.

The rules: Real quick right off the bat, I expect at least a moderate amount of activity for these characters, I am not the fastest poster however Recluse is my alpha and as such is one of my more active characters. If you feel you cannot be active for an extended period of time please reach out to me, if you fail to do so and go at least a month without at least one post your puppy may be reclaimed without warning. If you plan to set your puppy inactive please reach out to me, I will take them back no questions asked. If you do set them inactive I will reclaim them without warning. Once the kids are a year old I consider them yours and will only reclaim them if you set them inactive.

The Parents: Recluse Klein, Ignis Praetor and Noir Destruction!

Discounts/Inheritable Mutations:
Both Fathers:
- 25% off Albinism from Recluse
- Height up to 42"
- Viper Fangs Mutation From Recluse

- 25% off Blue Coloration

- 25% off Red, Yellow and Orange coloration

The Plots: These kids will be the first of Recluse's children to be raised with a father figure, though neither of their potential biological father's will be in the picture. Recluse got married officially a little while ago and she and Eraithus will be raising them together. That said Recluse would absolutely not hesitate to abandon children that she feels are not up to snuff. As such I will not be considering apps of any characters with obvious disabilities, physical or mental as Recluse would not keep them and they'd be left to die. Note: This does not apply to albino traits that give a character disadvantages, such as light blindness or fragile skin, as Recluse herself has those. Recluse also has two older litter so these kids will have older siblings already established. All of Recluse's current children are listed on her profile.

Additionally, as these puppies are the children of Habari's leader they will be in the running for Heir to the pack, though she will consider all of her children and not just her first litter, any particularly ambitious or active children will be considered for this rank and may be forced to fight for it and to keep it. Please keep in mind this includes Recluse's other litters, meaning their older siblings.

Alignments and Personalities: Alignments can range from true neutral to chaotic evil, the Kleins are a darker family generally and will not be taught what might be considered common morals, your character should not be a bleeding heart as Recluse would quickly stifle that in any of her children. Additionally, while she may be callous from time to time Recluse will genuinely care for her children and not be a neglectful mother to any children she keeps so familial hate would not make sense, I understand IC things can change a character but these should not be things planned from the outset.

Names: Creepy-themed names, avoid specifically literature or media names but things like creature names, feeling names or biological names are on the table. Ex. Chupacabra, Bile, Fear, Anxiety etc. Also for these kids names for Fire, Water or Ice related monsters will be heavily considered!

Designs: Please know all provided designs (and corresponding art) will be reclaimed/stay with the character if reclaimed or adopted out. They absolutely are not to be used outside of the site. You are free to provide your own, which will stay with you in the event of re-adoption. Some designs fit with one father over the other, they are marked with the father's name, any design that can work for both fathers are listed under Recluse's name.


[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Father:[/b] Ignis or Noir
[b]Apperance:[/b] (Please pick two designs if picking from those provided, site minimum)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Site minimum)

[b]RP Sample:[/b] (Only if we've never threaded before)

Note: Regardless of the number of free pups I will cover all pup passes so you do not need to consider that as part of your total for any purchases needed for these kids. Additionally, Dragon is currently taking one pup so there is one confirmed Ignis sibling in the litter.

Apps due on June 29th!
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-13-2022, 10:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2022, 02:13 AM by Kunai. Edited 2 times in total.)
please DM all tags to skelle#0666
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-14-2022, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2022, 01:08 AM by Eraithus. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: Kingpedle

Character Name: Boitata or Nirah (Boitata fire serpent, Nirah messenger snake god)
Father: Ignis
Gender: Female at birth(Possibly trans male we shall see how rp takes her)
Alignment: True neutral or Chaotic Neutral
This one or This one
Probably gonna throw cat claws(retractable) or snake fangs on her

Independent, Fiery, Honorable(?), Greedy, Considerate

Something about Nirah has always been off since her birth. She's louder, more boisterous then most pups. Enjoying doing her own thing she takes pride in trying to learn new tasks especially if they benefit her in anyway. Nirah can be fun bounding along she'll attempt to play pranks when she gets the chance all while on the inside she struggles with something she won't understand until her yearling stages. One thing to note is her temper, Nirah is snappy though this tends to be towards wolves who simply are pushing her buttons. Feeling as if she has pressure to prove herself she often adopts a defensive tone if any wolf even tries to give her constructive advice. Stubborn she assumes she knows what she's doing and everyone else can just crawl under a rock.

Despite this and her greedy nature Nirah like to weigh her options. Awfully apathetic she's not one to care about anothers pain if it really does not involve her. She is however Considerate of how she responds and what she might say to a wolf if they truely are having a hard time. Honesty is the best policy(unless it's an enemy) and Nirah goes out of her way to be open to her family about what goes on in her life. This isn't a display of her heart however, she simply desires honor. The honor of being trustworthy in a line of power. Nirah wants to shape her tongue to get what she wants but just isn't quiet sure what she wants out of life yet. Especially not when she feels.... strange in the body that she was born into.
Skills: Fighting, Navigation
Plans: I plan on Nirah being one of my main wolves, she'll be ambitious even to the point where when she is older might want to hold a pack of her own or some position of power. I do plan for her to try to throw her weight around but then her to be shaped by Recluse and the pack through ic interactions. Towards her yearling status she'll begin to think about going by he/him pronouns not feeling like she was ever meant to even be born a female.
Eraithus has a permanant bend in his tail, giving it a crooked appearance. Some of his art does not depict this.
he has a female snowy owl by the name kespie, it is assumed shes around regardless of mention.



Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
06-15-2022, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2022, 01:09 AM by Lackadaisy. Edited 7 times in total.)
OOC Name: Lackadaisy (is throwing her hat into the ring!)

Character Name:
Imp - a lesser demon in European lore (heavy preference)
Pooka - mischievous spirit of good or bad fortune in Celtic lore (semi-heavy)
Hoax - a prank (heavy preference)
Jinx - you're it! (heavy preference)
Trick - misleading action (semi heavy)
Joker - not literacy, but the word (less heavy)
Pyewacket - evil familiar spirit (less heavy)

Father: Noir or Ignis; don't really care!
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

heavy preference, medium preference or less heavy pref
depending on the picked appearance, he will be different than the other. but I will make him Extra Large or Large. Light build.
While I'd love to inherit muties, I do not have the item. He will be mutation-less unless I gain a post-acceptance pass!

A mischievous creature who only cares about himself. Seems to hold himself back from forming attachments, especially with family. Lackadaisical to the core and flickers through life on a whim. Wants to be known for himself and his own deeds, but struggles with getting out from under the Klein name. Finds shelter and safety there, a princeling who is spoiled and bratty to non-family. Two-faced but not malicious, more of a trickster who doesn't know what to do once he's won. It may change with age, but ultimately just a spoiled kid.

At the same time, [NAME] wants to break away and forge his own path. He finds communication in an open and honest manner difficult. He makes up lies and stories to boast himself high, afraid of others and afraid of their opinions. Shrugs off the bullshit and seems outwardly a very casual and leisurely young lad. Not much makes him mad, especially remarks about his family in a negative way. He is a prankster and will put spiders and bugs in bedding if he likes a girl. Practically harmless. Right now, anyway. Responsibilities and burdens may weigh him down as he ages; pressure can lead to meanness.

Frustration leads to lashing out. [NAME] is clever, but gives in to temptation a lot more than he wants to admit. Wiggly and active, cannot seem to sit still. Bursts out, loudly, a lot. Sore loser and whines/bitches when he starts and doesn't win. Holds a nasty grudge with underhanded remarks.

Skills: Fighting (Saboteur or Juggernaut) and Intellect (Bard or Tactician)

Puphood; Really wants to lead Habari one day, and doesn't care how he gets there. Sees his family as competition and isn't very close to them. Tries to butter up adults with what they want to hear; essentially a low-tier sociopath and manipulator. Uses his age to get away with a lot. Will start trouble and sew seeds of distrust in others. Seems to be in good standing with non-family members. May or may not have a little 'gang' of troublemakers.

Young Adult; Will probably mellow with age and experiences. Whether he still wants Habari or not is not known unless plotted. Essentially, he's happy to be able to LEAVE Habari's territory on his own. He may find new experiences in the big wild world.


06-17-2022, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2022, 09:03 AM by Bear. Edited 2 times in total.)
wip wip wip wip.

OOC Name: Bear,

Character Name: Arawn (In Welsh mythology, Arawn was the king of the otherworld realm of Annwn), Ridvan(Riḍván is a twelve-day festival in the Baháʼí Faith, commemorating Baháʼu'lláh's declaration that he was a Manifestation of God, Bathul, eelis vinicius?
Father: Noir
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful evil or Chaotic Neutral
Apperance: Recluse 2

[Image: tumblr_pe3vd4G1Ip1rp7llco4_r1_500.gif]
soft, he has the hands of a nurse and the brain of an self involved chemist. calculations in life are taken with great curiosity, an ever lasting battle with the rights and wrongs of moral construct.(as he grows and experiences more of the world, potentially) desperate to please and bring happiness to those around himself despite the digging silence that eats at him. a happy individual, his smiles are divine and true natured but a wallflower sits deep within. well spoken and taught of education beyond his years. medicine heart, medicine ward. a seasoned individual for his age. a book worm with a dagger in the leather of his boot.  wip


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
06-23-2022, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2022, 02:40 AM by Hermes. Edited 3 times in total.)
OOC Name: Hermes

Character Name: Enki (Mesopotamian God of the river Tigris)
Father: Noir
Gender: Male
Alignment: True Neutral (might change as he gets older, might not)
Apperance: Recluse 3 (1st choice) or Recluse 1 (2nd choice)

Height: 40”
Size: Extra-Large
Build: Light
(Writing this based off my first design choice)

The base color of Enki’s coat is the light tan of sun-bleached sand. It helps to make the boy’s coat striking, with the way the soft brown mellows and fades into a light pink around his muzzle. Some might call his features, feminine with his light build, sharp cheek bones, and dancer body but the boy is a fighter at heart and is ready to prove his skills at a moment’s notice.

The tan of his coat lightens on the back of his neck and in a swoop that paints his sides and curls under his belly. Enki’s hind legs and the underside of his tail bear the same light shade. While difficult to pin down, perhaps his most striking features are the dark splotches of a deep earthy brown that litter his pelt. Starting on his cheeks and moving all the down to his tail, the soft tans and pale pinks that make up his coat are darkened in a random, yet beautiful, pattern.

From his mother, Enki will inherit her pink nose while the only gift that his absent father, Noir, will give him, will be his light, baby blue eyes.

All in all, Enki is a looker… just like his mother.

Adventurous ~ Cynical ~ Focused ~ Motivated ~ Vengeful

From a young age, Enki will show a great interest in the world that lays outside his den. Once he steps foot outside, the boy will try to scamper off and explore anything and everything he can (even if he shouldn’t). This natural curiosity will follow him into other aspects; learning how to fight, what his mother does, why his siblings are so strange… the boy will be full of questions that might not always have an answer.

His family is his life and Enki will be distrustful of any outsiders that try to worm their way in. When he begins to leave the borders of his home, he will find it difficult not to try and figure what everyone’s motive are. No is just helpful, they will want something in return. Anyone not of the Klein lineage will be kept at arm’s length and it will take a lot more effort for them to gain his trust.

Enki will strive to be a great fighter and explorer, setting goals from himself to stay motived and moving forward. He will also be his siblings cheerleader, working toward helping them to reach their own goals as well as his. Family is everything and, if anyone crosses them or says an unkind word, Enki will track them down and teach the arrogant wolf a lesson.

Skills: Fighting & Navigation
Plans: Since Enki is so family focused, I would love to have a lot of family threads! I will work to skill him up quickly so if anyone wants to take him exploring... ;) Also, I am dealing with health issues and I can have little spots where it is difficult to write. I will keep in contact if this happens but I want to stay very active with him. I see him breaking hearts too...



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
06-30-2022, 12:23 PM
Gosh, these apps were so phenomenal you guys!

Congratulations to Kingpedle, Daisy and Hermes! I can't wait to see Nirah, Imp and Enki in play! Please all use your first choice (or first listed) designs! These kiddos will be joined by their siblings Akuma and Akhlut played by Dragon and Kat respectively.

We were granted 2 free pup slots, to keep it fair I randomized who would get the free slots: Imp and Akhlut! I will pay for the rest and send the purchases to you all once they're done.

These kiddos are born July 13th so please try to have them ready to go soon!
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.