
dear deer


Asmodeus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
07-02-2022, 11:10 PM
Deus was feeling exceptionally proud of himself for the effort he'd managed to expend over the last week, working his absolute hardest to improve to a point where he could represent the Abraxas' positively. The pack had grown stagnant after the Long Night and the troubles the time had brought to their doorstep, and he swore he'd seen a mutated - but - not - in - a - good - way child scampering around the lake not long after the sun had rose once more. His father was so focused on hating his uncle, his uncle was so focused on hating himself, his mother was lost to her grief. Asmodeus was determined not to let himself fall to the same fate, and had set off to both hone his skills and fill their winter stores.

In summer, Fern Gully was a plentiful hunting ground. The ground was plentiful with flowers that wore every color of the rainbow, attracting all sorts of healers as well as herbivores to take advantage of the growth. In the winter, the land lost most of what made it unique and interesting to look at. The flowers wilted beneath the snow, trees were sparse, and the valleys barely dipped and rose across the landscape. It was nothing exceptional to look at, but it did provide a certain amount of utility to an eager hunter who's keen eyes could take advantage of the visibility and lack of distracting foliage.

Alongside him were his puppies, nearly adolescent and finally falling into the rhythm of how to best support their master. While the little malinois were still rambunctious and easily distracted, they were highly driven and eager to please, making Deus' job bringing home a sizable meal much easier. On high energy days like today however, they served mainly to annoy him as they wrestled atop a hill and crunched the snow loudly beneath their paws. "Settle, guys." He counselled them, sounding weary like it was the hundredth time he'd need to calm them this day.

Just ahead was a young deer, her form barely visible as she lay curled in the snow, her nose pushed just beneath the white as she bedded down to avoid the cold winds. She had not yet noticed the wolf and his pups, but if they continued the way they were going, they'd certainly lose the hunt. Deus crouched, stalking toward her with careful steps to ensure he did not disturb the snow too loudly. He neared closer and closer, and just as he was about to leap, a sharp whine broke the silence.

His puppies had begun to roughhouse while they awaited him, and one had bit the other's nose slightly too hard. Deus' head snapped back in concern at the sound, and by the time he had turned back toward the deer she was already rising and preparing to run. Deus sprung forward, jaws parted, slicing rivets along the back of her haunch but failing in the takedown. The deer bolted away, leaving the Abraxas man idling angrily in the snow. "Look what you've done." He sighed, calling them to his side. "No more of that now, behave or go home." He eyed both puppies firmly, and then turned back toward the space where the doe had slept.

A splatter of crimson was present on the pristine white snow, a clear sign that he had wounded it even if he hadn't succeeded in the kill. He was not the sort to leave an injured animal to suffer in the snow, and so he was forced to finish what he'd started. Luckily, the snow provided a clean, bright backdrop for the blood trail. This wouldn't be hard at all.

He stepped forward slowly, his puppies trailing him with the energy of sulking toddlers. The blood was beginning to coagulate and slow, no longer pooling and running across the snow but rather dripping off her hide every few feet. Deus continued, his gaze sweeping back and forth along the horizon, back to the blood trail, and back again to the plains. He was eager to get this over with, but the deer would be alerted now and would spook quickly. He had to maintain a calm, slow pace while he tracked her, to assure himself the upper hand.

Eventually he lost the blood trail entirely, having to rely soley upon the splayed, trianglular prints in the snow. It was not as easy as following the blood had been, but it was visible enough that he did not have to feel frustrated in pursuit. Shortly after, he spotted her in the distance - the deer clearly marked as his doe by the slices of crimson that ran down her haunch. Thankfully this time the puppies had no interest in ruining his hunt, both lowering themselves to their bellies to allow Deus to approach her himself.

The pursuit was fast, her leg still injured and her stamina drained from her sprint here. Deus fell upon her quickly, knocking her firmly into the snow and executing her with a swift slice to her vulnerable throat. Her lifeblood spilled out onto the snow, signaling to the puppies that they could now approach. It was a shame he could not take home the whole carcass, but between himself and the two malinois, surely he could bring home enough to bolster Aerie's stores.

Word Count: 888