
The silence is deafening


10-08-2013, 10:59 PM

It was time, with tidus by her side, and Kai, the young lady was ready. Fear filled to the top of her lungs, even though she kept it hidden down low. She held her head high, apart from her lameness in her gait as she crawled upon the deck of the ship. Hoping that she could appeal to her old lovers love for her. Though she did not doubt for a second Canttina would be hurt and it dug deep thorns in her heart. Kai beside her, the demon let out a small hiss. Whispering in the dame's ear. "Don't show them your fear, it means you have a weakness for your attachment for them. Hold your head high, and with pride to what you are about to say." The demon told her. As Ozz took in a deep breath her green eyes looking out. Scars on her eyes telling her of her loss the same as the wound on her side. The soreness under her shoulder and elsewhere. The lady let out a powerful call to let the members of Amenti know what was going on. It was also a call for Canttina though.
She was hoping things could go down without a fight, with her injuries she was in no condition to fight. She also, wanted to take the young lad Avalon with her. Though with what she was doing, she couldn't expect kindness should she? Ozz was leaving Canttina, let alone Amenti, for another man. Tidus would be here to protect her, but she was afraid of him being hurt as well. She didn't let it show, just as Kai told her. The lady perked her ears, she held her posture high. A fierce look in her eyes, she was ready for whatever was to come anyway.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-09-2013, 12:16 AM

Determined steps moved him to the lands of Amenti. Ears were straight forward, eyes flickering with the feeling of excitement, determination, and pride. He would look at Ozz for a moment as the moved side by side, a small smile peeking onto his face. He had barely met her no more then a day or two ago, and she had asked him to be her mate. Though the proposal was sudden, Tidus had accepted it because he knew that deep down, she needed him and he needed her. They both had similarities, of that he was sure. That day, he would never forget it. Even though Ozz was from an enemy pack, Tidus believed that she could change. And he would believe it, because they were here and she was willing to take the first step to start that change.

He would look at her, proud to have her as his mate just as much as anyone else should be. It saddened him to think that her former mate didn't think that way of her or support her. Otherwise, Ozz would not be doing this...or be with him. He touched his nose to her shoulder, giving her a gentle affectionate lick for comfort as he then moved closer and pressed his body gently against hers. He knew how weary and pained she was, and he wanted to provide as much comfort as he possibly could. He figured a fight with Taurig would be no easy task, the boy had yet to experience it. But perhaps if he survived this, he would ask the king for a friendly spar. He stopped, claws clicking lightly upon the wooden surface. He kept his posture alert should the queen decide to ambush him, after all...he was sure that a Tortugan wolf would be unwelcome here. But should anything happen, Tidus would fight his way out. But he hoped for Ozz's sake, that it wouldn't come down to that.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



10-09-2013, 02:40 PM

The woman had been horribly busy. Here and there. This way and that way. It was not fun. Though, really she enjoyed it. She had just come back from a personal patrol of the borders when a call was let forth from her woman. An excited smirk spread across her torn lips. The daemon slithered closer and closer to her home before two very fresh scents filled her wet nose. A male from .. Tortuga? A snarl was let forth as she charged closer. Her body was shrill with instant rage. The woman trotted up the deck as she saw the two. Ozz was bringing this man into her territory? A grunt was let forth, she stared at her woman. Their scents were mingles. Not in a friendly manner, a romantic manner. It hit her. Her Ozz had betrayed her. A horrible sneer flicked across her muzzle. "What does my Lady want? Why the fuck is this cock upon my land?" She snorted and her eyes flicked to the oddly marked Wolf.

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun


10-09-2013, 05:19 PM

Fear would not be shown, but concern would. Her emerald eyes wandered over her past lover with a slight pain. She still loved Canttina, as a friend, as her first love. To a wolf who had been rejected her entire life, Canttina was simply something different. Though as her head moved to Tidus then back to Canttina, she had to relay her words clearly. "I'm leaving Canttina. I'm leaving you to find a better home then this one, one where I feel more comfortable. I still care very much about you, but I have to walk my own path. I let you know many of these ladies care nothing about you, many of which are just power hungry. I ask as a request that you let me go, and you let me take Avalon with me. I know you are angry, and probably will hate me for the rest of my life. But Kai has even understood my wishes, he worries about you daemon. He worries of the thoughts of others around you. I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable around this place any longer." Her voice held high confidence as she starred down the smaller wolf.
Whatever happened, she hopped things would work out in the end. Her tail flicked back and forth as she looked desperate at Canttina for her to understand. Ozz didn't expect her to, after all it already looked like she hated her for life. She could do that if she wanted. At this point she didn't care. If her choice led to Canttina hating her, she'd take on the flame, but she would still love the girl all the same.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-10-2013, 12:16 PM

THE GOLDEN NYMPHETTE WAS NEVER TOO FOND OF THE QUEEN , she was fickle and untrustworthy, but Canttina had sworn her love to the fabled ruler and they paired together as Amenti's Empress and Lady. The air was sour and stagnant, but lacking the effluvia of blood. Her head was lowered, hackles raised as a livid growl began to bubble in the cavity of her throat.

Karmen approached the trio and sided along Canttina, letting the honey coloured hairs on her body brush against the larger frame of her Empress, her gaze finding the golden eyes of her beloved partner."I warned you, Canttina." Her voice was hushed, laced with disappointment as she narrowed her eyes. She should have never settled down, never got so involved with a wolf who was only good for her sex. She had fallen in love carelessly, and now her folly decisions had inflicted the entire pack. But her spiteful feelings would not be directed towards Canttina, oh no, she aim and pull the trigger at the fiend who dared to say that loved Canttina is return. Ozz.

"Impussiant tramp," she hissed, venom spewing from her lips as her ears flattened against the back of her skull. "You choose to leave us when our allies call for war? Your loyalty has proven to be as damaged as your mentality. Your demon is nothing more than a handicap reflection of your meek insecurities." She raised her head, rolling back her shoulders and replacing the anger on her face with arrogant pride. A nasty sneer touched her features as she looked at the duo-toned male who stood beside Ozz. "You will not just leave, and you will not be taking another with you." The undertones of her threat would not go unnoticed, her gaze seeking the hideous pet Ozz dragged in. If it would come down to a fight, Karmen would easily destroy the waste of space that dared to claim Ozz as his own and make heed with her and Avalon. That was a joke.


10-10-2013, 02:13 PM

"Despicable; you two won't be leaving here without a little something to remember us by." The venomous words left the french women, smirking creepily in a delight way. Although she wasn't all that fond of their Empress traitors were to be dealt with first and foremost. Claws clicked against the boards along the deck of the ship as she took a position to the right of a much smaller dame. Karmen was an interesting one, one that Morgana offered a glance yet said nothing more as her gaze settled on Ozz and the brute beside her. She was leaving at the worst time possible when war was on the dawn of it's era but alas Ozz wouldn't be leaving her without something to remember them by much less the male he too would receive quite the little gift etched into his hide.


10-10-2013, 06:08 PM

Hackles began to rise along with the fur on his spine and shoulders. He had stood by Ozz for support, listening and waiting patiently so that they could leave. But he was beginning to get riled up, the words of the masked dames two bitches were getting on his nerves. He didn't want to hurt Ozz by speaking out against them, but he would not sit idly by and allow them to bash her with words the way they were doing. If they were pack mates, then they should understand why she wanted to leave or at least should have understood their comrade. But it would seem that this pack was not all it was cut out to be, apparently it was just for a show of power. He scoffed at the idea, he knew this pack would fall soon. The wenches claimed to have loyalty, but he could see that they would turn their backs the moment something enticed them. To him, they were no more loyal then a pack of hyenas ready to turn on each other for no good reason. They were ugly, vile dirty fiends...and Tidus despised them.

He took a step forward, putting himself between Ozz and her former pack. He withheld a snarl, withheld leaping and tearing into the two bitches that dared show up to disrespect Ozz. "Hey! Keep your trap shut! She isn't doing anything wrong, if anything she's trying to find a happier life because obviously you lot have never even tried to understand or get to know her! And if you did care about your own kind, then you would understand. But you're just as low as a band of rats! Ugly, filthy, dirty creatures who would turn on each other at a moments notice just to gain power yourselves. You're no more loyal to your alpha then you would be to yourselves. And unless you want more problems on your hands, I suggest you keep them in check or you'll have a lot more then just me to deal with. You know Tortuga and our allies won't let this slide. We didn't come here to start trouble, just let us leave peacefully and we won't be a bother again."

His ears flattened to his head, knowing that no matter what he said they probably would not listen. Sure his hot headedness was begining to boil his blood, but he knew when to quit. If they wanted a fight, then he would fight. But he would put himself in the way of their wrath towards Ozz, after all, it wasn't her fault that she wanted to leave. And he could understand why she didn't want to be here...he would have done the same thing if he was in such a despicable place like this. His eyes burned with an intensity he never had before, glancing at each wolf in turn. He didn't want to fight, but it would seem that unless their alpha called them off then they would have no choice.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-10-2013, 08:30 PM

AN INSATIABLE RAGE BOILED IN THE CHASM OF KARMEN'S BREAST, brewing like witches' poison, bubbling and spitting like hellfire. The miniscule charm that touched her face had vanished, and what remained was a narrowing set of green eyes and a tightening set of lips. She had had enough of his meaningless words - like he knew what loyalty meant. Like he knew what beauty was. He had fallen in love with a leader who would rather abandon ship than see through to the end. She glanced at Morgana, who had arrived with the same wicked intentions as the golden nymph did, and if it was more of an appropriate time, Karmen would admire the wrath that coiled in her words, but her direct focus was on the unknown stranger and the pathetic excuse for a queen.

"A captain who does not sink with their ship is far from admirable." Her gaze lingered on the mismatched wolf before floating to Ozz, where it narrowed as she turned her face in disgust. In the mean while, the male's blabbering had to be stopped.
"Boy, cease your stupid prattle or with God as my witness I swear to cut your tongue where you stand." Her voice was still smooth, liquid like rum, sweet until it hits your stomach with an unforgettable burn. Unlike the ignorant man in front of her, she had come to terms with her immoral self and came to this meeting seeking a bloodbath.

talking to you

OOC: warning ~ the only reason I haven't started a fight is because I knew dragon didn't want to fight? and i respect that BUT basically Karmen's ready to kick some ass and she won't hold back on the next post so i thought i'd warn dragon, fyi.



10-11-2013, 11:08 AM

the daemon watched the two with a horrible sneer. She rolled her marred shoulders and growled. The words of Ozz were heard but all Canttina heard was 'I am leaving you.' The masked bitch seethed in rage, not heartbreak, rage. She would attack but her form was still damaged. "you better be lucky I am not at your throat." she snorted again and looked to the two women she had forgot to acknowledge. Canttina listened to the words of Karmen and Morgana. She watched the body language and the urge to kill grew. She snarled and spat forth words, "Do as you wish my pretties. Mark their delicate bodies if they decided to protest." Her yellow were full of seething anger.

the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun


10-11-2013, 11:36 AM

ooc:; As discussed before in the chat box there won't be any maiming on agreement, but I will allow two scars one from each on Ozz I don't mind where they are, and tidus gets nothing since this is Ozz's fight not his and scars aren't that bad after all.
Ozz was hurting, she knew it, emotionally Canttina wasn't caring about her. This had been her home her family, even if she had felt uncomfortable, it had been the home she couldn't have had at her old one. Green eyes glared at Canttina, as Ozz lowered her head and sighed. She wouldn't show them that she was broken or otherwise. As Tidus spoke out a deep growl started in her throat, this was his fight. She didn't care if he wanted to protect her, she wanted to get it over with. She stood in front of him chest raised high as she looked at all of them. "I was hoping you would all understand, especially Canttina, my love. Who I still care about. I just simply couldn't take the pressure yes I am weak I returned from my failure and I am weak. But there is one thing, I will take anything you throw at me. Scar me as you wish, and then I will never bother you again. I will take my new mate and leave and you will never see a word of me unless we happen to war against each other." Ozz said in clear tones, confident ones.
Ozz waited, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. She would bear the marks of banishment, again, for the second time. Her family had turned on her, again and again. She kept thinking on how she kept sticking with the wrong family, but she watched them. She was ready, after all, scars were something of stories. Maybe her hurt would be understood by Taurig? The world seemed to hate her at the moment, and her emotions that were felt were as real as ever. Even Kai silently was shaking his head, hissing in a slight disappointment towards Canttina.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-12-2013, 05:57 PM
Of course, the ebony bitch would show up. She really failed to care about what the Lady decided to do, it had nothing to do with her, so why bother? But of course, it had something to do with Queen, so the little black she wolf trotted up the stairs last of all, standing half in the shadows as she watched the trio of women snarl and spit at the pair who were planning departure. She felt it wasn't necessary to dirty her paws on the traitorous scoundrel of a woman who dared choose a man over her sisters.

Canttina's body was rigid with anger, her wondrous yellow orbs would be livid if Raven looked at them. She simply lounged in the shadows, the tip of her long tail flicking with amusement. "I think it's stupid to betray your pack for a man, seriously. If you aren't truly devoted to a pack, you serve no point being there." She commented quietly from her spot, exotic eyes staring straight at the former Lady as she spoke. She had heard faintly that Ozz thought none of these women cared about Queen, but Raven was quite taken with the beautiful daemon. She kept her mouth shut afterwards though, deciding it smart to keep her loyalties to herself, see how things went with these other women. She never saw the point in being ambitious, wanting power like a starving wolf wanted food. Why bother making the effort when you can sit back and let what crumbles crumble, and then walk through the rubble and claim what you could? That made more sense to the obsidian bitch. She lounged in the shadows, waiting for what came next.



10-12-2013, 06:14 PM

Occ: M for language.

A snarl left those thin black lips as the boy yapped about this or that growing more irritated by the moment. "Cease your prattling boy; you have nothing to do with this save the stick between your damned legs. If you want to lose your balls I suggest you suggest you shut the fuck up." Taking a step forward before the golden witch beside her spoke and only caused the dame to chuckle. "Wonderful words my dear." Already she was getting on The Pendragon good side. Her eyes fixating on Ozz as she opened the maw to speak up yet again. "Deary, you choose a bad time to do this. Being labeled as a traitorous bitch is never a good thing; Canttina will never leave you alone until your guts are spilled upon this earth." Morgana was indeed going all out as she spoke not giving a damn what the others thought. an odd look was in her frosted eyes left vanished quickly soon after; she liked Ozz sure but Morgana was simply doing what she had to. The dame wasn't going to go against Canttina at least not yet.


10-14-2013, 01:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 01:21 PM by Karmen.)

SHE WOULD ADDRESS HER SILVER SISTER WITH A FLEETING GLANCE, quick, formal, and curt. Her willow-green eyes were a-lit with the inferno of emotions that raged within the confines of her head. Her body was tense in defense, coiled and taught as if a viper in wait to strike. Her neck would elevate and curl into an authoritative arch, the ridge of golden fur that lined her spine raised and wickedly spiked in decorative and dominant display, following a raise of her tail. Her victim was willing, and Karmen did not appreciate a participant who wished for pain. It there was not an audience of her sisters awaiting the deserved punishment, she would insist that the ignoble Lady Ozz was not worth her time nor spent energy. But she would allow the anger that palpitated her heart to sway her opinion and act upon instinct and not personal taste.

Karmen would devour the distance between her and the informer Lady in sharp, calculated strides, her body aligned and straight, her sprinting form perfectly perpendicular to Ozz's left side. Gracefully, she raised herself, rearing up on her hind feet, attempting to stretch out her neck and splay her jaws, akin to a snake, and would try to sink her needle-like teeth into the side of Ozz's muzzle - Karmen hoped to get a grip on her, using saw-like motions with her jaw to attempt to secure her vice. She tried to use her weight to pull Ozz closer to the ground so that Karmen's short stature could actually reach her prized destination. Karmen elevated her left paw - and if all the informer moves had proceeded as planned - would splay her talons and deliver an unforgiving swipe that started across Ozz's left brow-bone and finished at the edge of her jaw.

And if she was successful, she would dance away, pirouetting in girlish circles as she finally halted, noted the damage she delivered, and faced the tuxedo man: Tidus. She would not cease her intimidating gaze, her dark lashes fluttering in an attempt to hide her murderous stare. He would see his new-found mate's blood on Karmen's face. She refused to lick the substance from her lips, for she boasted the liquid pigment, wearing it with a beguiling smirk - as if she had found a new favourite shade of lipstick.


10-15-2013, 01:18 AM
ooc// Sei allowed me to do some PP to take Ozz outta there ;D Therefore, we is gone now lol


A snarl would erupt from his chest when Morgana finished her words. Fur bristled with fury, and the young boy prepared to leap at the wretched wench. All his attention was directed at Morgana, and from the corner of his eye he saw the shorter figure approach his new mate. He whipped his head around, taking a step back as a gasp escaped him. But he was unable to react fast enough as the golden bitches jaws sliced Ozz's skin followed by a claw swipe. Bursting with anger, he lunged forward and attempted to slam his chest into Karmen, whether he hit or not he didn't care as long as Ozz was free of the bitches grip. With brutal snarls he held himself from lunging at her and tearing out their throats, but as it was he wanted to get Ozz out as fast as he could. Turning, he would push Ozz away and turn them around, taking quick pace to leave this damned area. He would not allow Ozz to come back...not without him anyway. His eyes blazed with fury, and he knew that if Ozz were not present, he would have thrown himself at the witches and torn them to pieces without a second thought. He took a last glance at the trio, his eyes piercing like a harpoon. He would get that wench back, she could be sure of it. As quick as he could, he pushed Ozz along and back to Tortugan lands...


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-15-2013, 01:41 AM

The fair lady proved to lung into the fight leaving Morgana where she stood a brow rose merely as she watched the fight go on; the smaller one proved to know what she was doing thus Morgana didn't make an effort in the fight not when she was seemingly dominating it. However Morgana likely would jump in if the brute decided to attack her being more then ready if she needed to do so yet the dame proved to retreated before much more could happen and the brute in turn rushed to get them off of Amenti lands. Flicking an ear that gaze shifted to Canttina for she had been silent through this whole ordeal.



10-16-2013, 09:49 AM

The daemon watched in silence. Her nose twitched and her rage bubbled within her vains as she witnessed such betrayal. Most women would have been heartbroken. But, not Canttina. She was just furious. She could barely function. The women watched as Karmen swung in. Morgana looked to Canttina in response. The masked bitch just shook her head. The mahogany being watched as Tidus and Ozz took their retreat. The daemon rolled her marred shoulders and sighed. "Let the cowards go. i will destroy them at a later date. we have worse things to be dealing with right now. She was nothing to us. Let us forget them for now." She snarled and stood. The bitch shook off her crimson died fur and turned to face her den. "Come my loves." Seh slithered up the deck and into her den.


the death and resurrection show

table by boo, image by hun