
A new day




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
07-13-2022, 01:16 PM
((To keep things moving it's been decided Voodoo will be the primary healer involved with this birthing thread, that said other pack healers are welcome to come and help however we will not be waiting too long on posts and keep a flexible posting order. Once the kiddos are born any other pack members who want to meet them are welcome to come say Hi.))

Her labour had started some hours ago when the moon had still hung in the sky even if it had been creeping towards the horizon. Recluse had a pretty good idea of what to expect at this point, the contractions started light enough and she hadn't raised the alarm yet, simply doing her best to keep herself upright and moving, trying to encourage her little ones to shift into the proper position and hopefully, their birth would be soon. And then the moon had set and the light of dawn had started to color the skyline and still, her contractions were far enough between and Recluse knew she was in for a long wait. The woman moved herself into the spacious den she'd taken more recently and continued to pace. Eventually, Eraithus had joined her and Recluse had done her best to assure him that she was fine, that he should sleep while he could, he'd know the moment the pups were properly on their way that was for sure. To be honest, she didn't know if he actually did get any sleep, she was a little too focused on the pain and discomfort in her abdomen.

The sun hadn't quite hit its zenith yet, and though Recluse was exhausted by the loss of her normal sleeping schedule compounded by the physical discomfort and pain she was being put through, finally, the true contractions started. Recluse winced, a whine pulling from her lungs and she hobbled her way over to her usual pile of furs. They would need to be changed once this was done of course but for now, she wanted comfort, wanted to lay down and get the pressure off her pelvic bones. She reached out to shakily tap Eraithus, still not sure if he was actually awake or not.

"Eraithus, the pups are on their way." She managed, voice clearly strangled as another contraction wracked through her body. She managed a wavering call for any of Habari's healers who might be awake to hear her before she finally lowered herself onto the furs and winced again as she was wracked by the pain. Gods she hoped that these children would prove themselves to be less painful than her previous litter.

"Speech" Think

Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
07-14-2022, 11:43 AM
Voo had known it was a good idea to keep these herbs. She had been lucky enough to get a hold of trillium, it was mostly for herself but the pregnant girl was still a little ways off. She could feel the pups wriggling inside her and it was a strange feeling but when Recluses call came she knew the whelps probably had sensed Recluses labor. Voodoo quickly bundled the herbs, trillium for pain, lavender for relaxation and a few poppy seeds for after. Carrying them quickly she entered the den, the cavern seemed like a nice place to be. Noting Eraithus dazed expression ad it seemed he had been sleeping.

"Recluse!" Voodoo smiled placing the herbs to the side. She quickly took the trillium and began to chew until she pushed the madhed plant to Recluse. "This will help ease the pain" she explained as she looked to Eraithus. "Fetch me some water lets keep her hydrated and clean." the blue male nodded and quickly exited the den. She looked at Recluse, "How far are the contractions from each other?" she didnt feel scared really Recluse body was young and healthy along with this being her third litter.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
07-14-2022, 01:51 PM

Eraithus stirred beside her but Recluse's attention was very much not on him at the moment, she was focused on her breathing between contractions. They weren't too close together yet but she'd absolutely reached the point where they were on their way. A shape darkened the entry of her den as Voodoo entered, dropping some herbs at Recluse's paws. The woman did her best to give her cousin a little smile but it was more of a grimace, even when her body wasn't tensing with the contractions the discomfort was there, constantly pushing down on her abdomen. Voodoo indicated some herbs to help ease the pain and Recluse dutifully lapped them up.

She turned her attention to her breathing again as her cousin instructed her husband to fetch her some water, cherry gaze lifting again as a question was posed. "A few minutes apart, but getting closer." As if to prove her point she winced as all of her muscles contracted at once and she grunted in pain. This was her first labor with any medication in her system and it was a strange feeling as the pain dulled somewhat, she could still feel the muscles in her body tensing but the pain felt more distant somehow. Which is to say that as the contractions kept getting closer and closer together she wasn't really prepared for the pain that would rip through her abdomen as the first pup decided it was finally time to slip into the world. The woman gasped, it still wasn't nearly as strong as it had been for her last litter but the herbs had done their job to dull the sensation just enough to shock her when things were suddenly much stronger.

The first of her children was a little boy, the color of sand and dappled in a way that reminded her of marble. Recluse reached towards him neatly clipping the amniotic sac and stimulating the little bundle to breathe, releasing her own held breath as he did with a squeaky whine. She gently guided him towards her stomach, nosing the top of his little head as he latched on and began to feed. The woman would lean back, a wave of exhaustion rolling over her. The next pup would no doubt surface soon enough but she would have a moment to catch her breath while she waited, tossing her cousin a reassuring smile and silently hoping her husband would return with water soon enough. By the end of this no doubt she'd be parched.

"Speech" Think

Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
07-14-2022, 03:47 PM
This seemed good, voodoo was glad as she checked the pups only needing a quick once over as Recluse did as she should. She at the same time was reminding herself to remember this in her labor. Eraithus returned with bundles of moss, he dropped one in front of Recluse before setting the rest next to Voodoo. "Youre doing great both of you" he looked to recluse then voodoo. She didnt pay too much attention pulling the sprigs of lavender from the pile, "You can take this if you like it helps with anxiety and your heart rate." voodoo made sure to clean the blood with the moss.

"Everything seems okay, just keep pushing like you have." she ran her paws gently across the alphas stomach. Eraithus hanging close by as he blinked at the bundles. Voodoo could feel this was a big litter, she smiled concentrating on her job at hand.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
07-14-2022, 11:57 PM

While instinct certainly helped Recluse had done this twice before and had smoothed the process over some in that time. One pup down and so far this had been the easiest labour she'd experienced, though there could have been a number of factors for that. Her cousin was there to help the process along, to check on the pups when she wasn't able too and that helped to ease her mind, also she didn't have a giant crystal growing out of one of her eye sockets this time, that probably also helped. The next pup decided it was his turn to enter the world before Eraithus had a chance to return with water, Recluse winced and braced and whined and finally he was born.

A little bundle of white and vibrant red, well that certainly answered the question of the children's parentage for now, and she moved to clean him and guide him towards his stomach just as she had his brother. He shoved at his marbled brother, bodily pushing his way towards her. In the break between the children she nosed at them each gently, they were close to the same size and suckling hungrily at her stomach, she managed a soft smile down at the little boys, licking each one before the next pup started her push into the world.

The next child to join them was much like her brother, swathed in reds though her tones were a bit more earthy, intermingled with a cream color. Her first breath was a protesting squeak and she batted at Recluse's muzzle as if to push her away as her mother cleaned her, tiny sharp claws flexed against her face, not a trait Recluse had herself but certainly not a totally uncommon one amongst her kin. The girl would take up position on the opposite side of the red and white boy and contentedly feed. Eraithus would return then and Recluse happily lapped at the soaked moss placed before her. Voodoo indicated to the lavender and Recluse couldn't help but chuckle. "Thank you, but I think I will pass for now. If I managed to get through giving birth last winter I certainly hope I can do so this year." Voodoo gently prodded at her stomach and the woman tilted her head back to look at her husband, grinning up at him, she was exhausted and from the way, her body did not yet stop its rolling contractions she knew she was not done yet but this was the most contented she had been during labour. She could not and would not pick favorites amongst her children of course but gods she really had been missing out the first two times.

Luckily for the woman this labour would continue as smoothly as it had been for the last two children. The first was another boy, a little creature of light and shadow he somewhat resembled his maternal grandfather though luckily for him not too much. It was validating after the two little red children to see her own genes were apparently not so weak. He opened tiny pink jaw and Recluse saw a familiar set of fangs in his tiny little pallet, her smile grew. He was a squirmy one and took some effort to wrangle to her side, nipping at his red sister before he managed to latch on properly.

Finally, the last pup would make her way into the world, a tiny little girl, notably smaller than her siblings. A little bundle of white and brown. When Recluse cleaned her up the sound that escaped her lungs was so high-pitched and soft Recluse nearly missed it. There was a tiny heart-shaped marking on the girl's forehead and Recluse couldn't help but press her nose to it before she nudged the girl to her stomach and made sure she was properly feeding. The last placenta would follow shortly and a sort of calm settled over her, the woman counted each of the pups, then the placantas and nodded to herself, 5 for both. She nodded to her cousin giving the younger woman permission to do whatever checks she wanted, of her or of the pups.

Then Recluse looked back at her husband again, flashing him another smile. Maybe it was the herbs dulling her senses, maybe it was the feeling of care and love that washed over her as she realized she wasn't alone for the first labour in her life, maybe it was the baby hormones but she made a decision then that she had never made for any of her children before. In the past the woman had waited to name her children, had waited until their eyes opened and they started being able to move properly under their own power, she had done so out of necessity, she knew if she named any child and then had to abandon them that she wouldn't have been able to, but today that idea wasn't even on her mind. "Want to help me name them?" She asked, blinking blearily up at her husband, she was exhausted and her body and mind screamed at her for the sleep that had been denied of her for hours now, but she would see this all the way through.

"Speech" Think

Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
07-15-2022, 12:08 PM
Voodoo nodded, she had a feeling Recluse hadn't needed it but somehow it had become a staple herb she always carried around. Considering it was good for the mental psychs. She was fascinated at the least, five pups a full litter. All seemed to be doing well as they snuggled up against their mother. Voodoo gave each one a good sniff, ending with finally looking over Recluse. She must have been tired, but from what she could tell this birth couldn't have gone any easier. Perhaps it was because she and Eraithus were here? After all Recluse had been sick during her last litter no? During the time Voodoo had played with life and got a result that she would carry with her. Yet here she was helping bring new life into the world. Now she was more excited than ever for her little ones to join the world. These pups covered in reds and grays, her eyes glittered as she sat back. "You did great Recluse, as always." she joked as Recluse turned to Eraithus. The man seemed surprised, she asked him to help her name them. Eraithus tail seemed to wag almost uncontrollably as Voodoo watched the male crouch looking at the new children. Their eyes not even open but Voodoo had checked everyone of them. Strong heart beats, none were in danger of dying in their youngest weeks.

"The little red one.... Nirah, the name of a snake god. This one, Enki." he gingerly pointed to each in turn but then looked back at Recluse. Voodoo guessed he obviously wanted Recluse's opinion and approval of these names. Voodoo felt her heart swell, she was glad she came back. How could she ever think Habari would stop being her home. She loved Recluse, Eraithus, and the wolves under it's command. For now this is where she would be. "I can leave you if you like, if you have trouble sleeping take a couple of these poppy seeds. Not too many it may end up in your milk although it would just make them sleepy for a bit." she shrugged but still wanted to give Recluse the warning.