
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-08-2022, 01:36 AM

Now that Irilyth had gotten quite proficient at manufacturing her own poultices, potions, and tinctures, the sandy blonde fae began to focus on what else she could put her rapidly expanding medical skills to use crafting up. With her pharmacy fully stocked, all that she needed was some creativity and imagination—as well as her chemistry set—to make whatever she set her mind to. Iri looked over her supplies with appraising eyes, mentally going through all the known effects of the herbs and plants she had acquired over the months since Elysium's founding. What did she want to make first? A poison? A supplement? Inspiration struck her when she thought about things she could find practical applications with, her expression brightening in that "a-ha!" moment. A drug! Not just any kind of drug though. The lascivious woman knew exactly what kind of drug was likely to go down as a popular product of Elysium amongst the pack, as well as the rest of Boreas if they decided to package and sell it: an aphrodisiac.

Irilyth gathered up an assortment of herbs and additives—kava, cannabis, saffron, and honey—all known for their abilities to produce euphoria or act as aphrodisiacs on their own. Then she went to work. She crushed down the herbs and distilled them in small amounts of alcohol, letting them steep for a day before combining them with the saffron and honey, then mixing them together until the liquid was homogenous. A quick sniff revealed a sweet, slightly spicy scent. She smiled as she bottled her tonic, looking at the clear, pale gold liquid within. It almost looked like liquid sunshine contained inside, the color was so faint and fair. Now she just needed to test it out and see if it worked... But how should she test it? Sure, she could drink it herself, but really the best way to observe the effects it had was to be an outside observer to document and record her findings. That left really only one other wolf on the island that Irilyth trusted enough to perform her experiment with.

Wandering out of her room with the bottle grasped delicately in her teeth, Irilyth padded her way towards the alphas' chambers, pausing at the door long enough to peek inside. She didn't see or hear Alastor around, something she was thankful for. Iri took a couple more steps inside, peering around to see if Manea was in or if she was out about the pack. Finding nobody within, she frowned and slipped the bottle into her satchel before trotting out of the den and down the mountain path in search of the alphess. Irilyth wandered around Alias, sniffing in hopes of finding a fresh scent trail for her Mistress somewhere while she wandered the pine forests of the island. She didn't want to let out a call for Manea, not wanting to disturb her if she was busy or otherwise draw any unnecessary attention to the fact that she was about to attempt to drug up the Genetrix. So old-fashioned searching it was...




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-09-2022, 07:37 PM

Manea walked back across the land bridge that connected the island with the mainland. She had spent the majority of her morning scouting the nearby lands for places that they might be able to expand outward into, deciding which might be best suited for them. There were a lot of factors to consider, including her daughter's strong attachment to the near by lake, but ultimately she knew she needed to pick the one that would offer them the best resources that would balance out what they already had at their disposal. It was something that she wasn't exactly in a rush to get done right this very moment, but it was very much at the forefront of her mind as they prepared for some of the other life events that could be on the horizon. Nothing had be finalized and everything was very much up in the air, but as was typical of her work it was certainly never done.

She walked back through the island past the lake that was central to everything else on the island and she happened to catch a glimpse of the familiar sandy coat of her beloved handmaiden through the trees. She smirked slightly and welcomed the unexpected distraction, changing her path and sneaking through the trees. A brilliant mind and a fantastic healer Irilyth most certainly was, but a hunter she was not. Manea moved silently through the shadows of the pine trees she snuck up behind Irilyth and once she had crept up on the smaller woman she leapt forward, catching Irilyth around her waist with a chuckle and pulling her back into her. She settled back on her haunches and slipped her forelegs around Irilyth's torso, scooping her up and pulling her back till she was practically sitting in her lap while she nuzzled into Irilyth's pale coat along the side of her neck.

She certainly had never anticipated growing so attached and affectionate with the little fae that she had snatched from her previous life to be her servant and the care taker of her children, but over time she had grown more and more fond of Irilyth to the point where she hardly even considered her a servant or handmaiden. She still accepted Irilyth's help and was grateful to have it, but she was more of a friend and lover than she was anything else these days. "What has you out and about today, darling?" she purred, letting herself indulge a bit while she took a break from her work and hugged the little healer close, nibbling teasingly along her ear.

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-14-2022, 02:33 AM

The golden-coated fae moved nimbly and silently through the pine forest, sniffing about for any signs of her alphess. What she didn't realize was that she was the one actively being stalked and hunted by the very wolf she sought—at least not until it was too late. Manea was upon her in an instant with Irilyth none the wiser. Strong forelegs and large leonine paws were suddenly wrapped around her waist as she was pounced like prey, the diminutive fae gasping aloud as she was pulled back into her Mistress' body by those powerful limbs until sandy fur was mingling with violet. "Ah! Mistress!" Irilyth gasped in surprise as she was hoisted back until she was sitting in Manea's lap, held tightly to the larger fae's body in a delightful way that made her feel so feminine and helpless. It made a twinge start up in her core, that deep-seated gnawing starting up again, though she forced herself to focus for now. She had tracked Manea down for a purpose, after all.

Manea lavished her in affections, feeling her lady's warm breath on her skin while Manea nuzzled the side of her neck, coaxing quiet murrs from the petite woman. Raspberry red eyes slowly vanished behind golden lids while a happy grin made its way over her muzzle, leaning into the Genetrix's affections. Manea was certainly the most passionate and caring master she'd ever served; she treated her with love and protection that bordered on possessiveness, but Irilyth adored it! Truly the violet queen had saved her and improved her life in so many various ways, it would have been impossible to recount them all, but she was grateful for the life Manea had gifted her. Never before had she been so happy as she was when she was with Manea. In fact, Manea felt much more akin to a lover and a confidant than her owner, an attachment Iri had never developed before with any other creature in her lifetime. Only Manea.

Manea asked what she was up to, the way she purred her velvet lyrics out and called her "darling" sending delightful shivers down the littler woman's spine, her tail lashing back and forth excitedly against the softness of Manea's lower belly out of reflex. "I was actually looking for you, Mistress," she replied, leaning her svelte body back into Manea's strong, warm embrace all the more eagerly while she tipped her head upward just a bit to be able to peer up into the Matriarch's brilliant aqua jewels with her own raspberry eyes, giving her a sweet smile while she continued to shiver and squirm as Manea nibbled along her sensitive ears. Dainty gold-furred paws draped over Manea's forelegs around her midsection, stroking from elbow to wrist to give her Ladyship some affections back from her own submissive and captive position.

"I was experimenting with herbs to create a... ah, recreational drug I thought might be fun and beneficial to Elysium. I know that sexual relationships and breeding are a cornerstone to your beliefs, I thought I might find a way to make those carnal pleasures even more fun for the participants." Irilyth gave some pause to let Manea absorb and process her words, her curious eyes watching the alphess' face closely to read her reactions. "I was hoping that maybe you'd permit me to offer you and Master Alastor some as a test sample, so I could see its effects firsthand and know where I need to make adjustments." Irilyth's face started to grow hotter, her blonde ears falling to her sandy crown in shy coyness while she wondered how Manea would take a request to give her and her husband an aphrodisiac and then let the tiny fae observe them while they fucked.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-14-2022, 10:19 PM

The way she was able to make Irilyth react as she scooped her up into her lap and held the little fae against her torso made everything she did to her all the more entertaining. As she was looking down at Irilyth, peppering her with little affections with her forelegs wrapped around the golden fae's waist, she gave Irilyth an interested look of surprise when she was told that she was actually the one she had been looking for. Before she could elaborate though, Manea teasingly nipped at Irilyth's ear and told her, "Manea, Irilyth. Call me Manea." She had slowly been starting to break her handmaiden out of the habit of calling her 'Mistress' ever since the day she surprised her with dinner and physical affections up on the cliffs of the island's mountains. Hearing Irilyth moan her name had made her realize how much she liked hearing it from the submissive woman. She had enjoyed being called Mistress as well and perhaps she still would have Irilyth call her that in certain occasions, but she was far more than her handmaiden now and Manea wanted her to behave like it.

With that light scolding out of the way, she listened while Irilyth explained what she had been working on, presenting her with the idea of a recreational drug that that could be fun and beneficial to the pack. That was certainly an interesting concept that she had never considered before. She had certainly had her fair share of alcohol, but she had never really dabbled in any kind of drugs. What Irilyth ended up suggesting was not the kind of drug she would have immediately guessed, instead suggesting that they have something to make sexual and carnal pleasures even more enjoyable. She raised a brow and chuckled at the idea, a grin pulling at her lips as she tipped her head down to catch Irilyth's lips in a soft kiss. "You have my attention," she purred, letting Iriltyh go on to say how she wanted to give her and Alastor a sample and then observe it's effects. Manea quickly caught on to the fact that Irilyth was essentially asking to watch them fuck while on this drug she had concocted.

Manea gave Irilyth a sly, sultry grin, chuckling while her paws started to trace along the smaller fae's stomach, giving her another light kiss before she brought her muzzle to Irilyth's ear again, catching the tender skin between her teeth. "You want to watch your handiwork in action, hm?" she questioned with a sultry purr to her tone, letting her tongue slowly draw across Irilyth's ear. She had never simply had an audience to the things she did with someone else, only ever other participants, so she wasn't sure what to think of the idea. "Hmmm... Well, I'll certainly let you watch a show if you wish... though I can't promise I wouldn't try to pull you in." She grinned and gave Irilyth a little squeeze at the thought. That idea quickly rolled into another and it showed in the heated, lustful gaze that lingered on Irilyth's as she added, "But why wait for Alastor? You know what I'm like with you normally... Why don't you give some to me and I'll just have you instead. Then you can experience the difference first hand."

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-15-2022, 12:51 PM

Irilyth had barely begun to explain why she was out and about looking for Manea before the larger purple fae nipped at her ear, drawing a surprised squeak from the golden fae and a little squirm from her. She reminded her to address her as Manea, a practice that once upon a time would have gotten Irilyth beaten like a dirty rug for daring to call her owners by their names. It was a hard habit to break, but she was working on it—and the teasing reminders from Manea did help. Her face flushed hot, ears folding back to her head in silent apology while she gazed up at her alpha with a sheepish smile. "Ahem... I was looking for you, Manea," she corrected herself, noting her alphess' pleased smile and continuing with her explanation.

As she explained the intention behind the drug she had crafted, Irilyth noted the intrigued look in Manea's aqua eyes. She had taken the Genetrix by surprise with what she wanted the drug to do, but it seemed more like a pleased surprise than shock. Not that she'd thought Manea would have had anything against a drug for ecstasy to begin with; the Elysian alpha was a carnal creature herself and enjoyed partaking in her sexual needs frequently. It made sense that she would be interested in such a stimulant. Manea grinned, and Iri was quick to return her kiss as the alphess expressed her interest. The next part, where she suggested getting Manea and Alastor high on her substance while she observed the effects, was met with a sly and salacious grin. Iri's face went hot again, realizing what she was asking and knowing Manea fully knew it as well. It wasn't terribly out of the ordinary, given how many times she had been pulled into their bedroom for a ménage-a-trois, but it was still an awkward ask for her leader. She had been expecting a bit of surprise from the violet fae.

What Irilyth hadn't been expecting was for Manea's large, soft paws to begin roaming along her trim stomach, tracing over her taut muscles there and drawing quiet, shivering gasps from the tinier fae. Golden lips met rich purple for a light kiss, and then Iri was left quivering and gasping in Manea's strong embrace while her leonine paws moved over her lower body and her sharp teeth rolled a delicate ear between them. Irilyth's toes curled and her tail lashed in eager delight, unintentionally brushing over Manea's lower stomach and thighs with the way she was holding the blonde fae. Manea teased her by repeating the question back to her, asking if she wanted to watch her handiwork in action. Irilyth released a heated, shuddering breath and gave a nod and quiet "Mhmm..." while Manea's warm tongue traced the edge of her ear, making her hind legs kick and writhe. Then Manea agreed to let her watch the show, but made no promises to not pull her in as well. Iri's heart raced in her chest, heat rising within her as every nerve tingled. She'd been involved in threesomes with Manea and Alastor before—it was how their entire relationship together had begun. A sultry grin on her own appeared on Iri's muzzle then, turning glistening magenta eyes up to Manea once more. "I'd definitely get some good hands-on experience with the drug's effect that way..." she said between short breaths. Now she was looking forward to a field test of her drug all the more!

But Manea took it a step further, squeezing the svelte fae in her powerful arms and asking why they needed to wait for Alastor. Irilyth's heart skipped a beat when Manea suggested giving her some of the drug first and seeing how she behaved differently with her compared to normal. That heat in her belly practically exploded outward, searing every highly sensitive nerve in the golden-blonde fae's body. She quivered at the prospect, chewing on her lip for a moment while she considered the notion. "Well, I would still like to observe how the drug affects brutes too..." Lust-glazed raspberry eyes peered up to Manea once more, the tiny fae getting a bit bolder in her lover's embrace and letting her fluffy tail brush more deliberately between Manea's thighs as she sat in her lap. "...But I think getting some first hand experience first would be a good way to know what to expect." Tipping her muzzle up towards Manea's, Iri placed a slow lick and a gentle kiss to the underside of her alphess' chin, petite paws stroking slowly along the forelegs wrapped around her waist that kept her held to her lover's incredible body. Iri sank back into Manea gently, batting half-lidded bedroom eyes up at her alphess. "I just so happen to have the first sample with me right now... Would you like to find somewhere to steal me off to, or would you rather conduct our experiment right here in the woods, Manea?" Irilyth spoke her name with a heated breath, remembering not to address her as Mistress while also adding a little flair to entice and arouse Manea.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-26-2022, 09:05 PM

Manea loved how easily she could tease and manipulate Irilyth, fully taking advantage of the ability to handle her how ever she pleased and make the smaller woman squirm and writhe from the most simple of touches. A side effect of doing all of this to her dear handmaiden was her tail brushing back and forth against her lower belly and more sensitive parts of her, making a little shiver dance down her spine as if the fanning of Irilyth's tail was fanning the ever present fire and desire in her core. Manea was of course happy to go along with whatever "experiments" Irilyth wished to conduct with her new concoction, but she was also just as eager to have Irilyth right in this moment without having to wait for her husband to return. When she made the suggestion of trying it now with just the two of them she could feel the quiver than ran through Irilyth's body at the idea and she knew she had her hooked. It was never really that difficult to entice Irilyth as it was, but it was always enjoyable to see how she reacted and how badly she wanted her in return.

The desire to see how the aphrodisiac affected brutes as well was understandable, but she was glad that wasn't going to keep Irilyth from giving her some now for a bit of a side experiment. The soft, blonde and white tail brushing more intentionally between her thighs made her shiver with delight again and she breathed a shaky sigh at the light teasing that was just enough to make her want more all the more desperately. A soft rumble of a growl left her when Irilyth tipped her head back to lick and kiss her chin, making a sly grin pull across her features in response. As Irilyth reclined back into her more readily and peered up at her with those familiar bedroom eyes, Manea looked down at her with the same look, her paws continuing to work and wander over Irilyth's torso and belly with slow, savoring motions. Her brow lifted with interest when Irilyth explained that she had a sample of it here with her now—following the statement and question of where they wanted to do this with her name. Manea's grin widened and she gave another soft, delighted growl at the improvement, one of her paws moving lower between Irilyth's thighs as a bit of positive reinforcement.

She gave the options a bit of thought before she finally replied, "Come on, I know where we can go," and reluctantly let her hold around Irilyth loosen. If it wasn't still the middle of winter she probably would have simply stayed right were they were and had her way with the smaller woman right here in the forest. However, laying on the cold, snow covered ground didn't exactly sound very pleasant. Once they were both back on their feet she led Iriltyh back toward the mountain range where the bulk of the dens were kept and brought her handmaiden to one of the dens she kept prepped for any guests that might show up at their borders. It was a small cave, but there were several large, plush furs creating a bed to the back of the cave and it made it quite cozy. It would have been easy enough to take Irilyth back to her own den instead, but she was feeling a bit selfish with Irilyth today and she didn't feel like sharing with Alastor just yet if he returned home. Settling onto the furs she grinned and looked to Irilyth curiously. "Well? Shall I have some of this magical concoction you've made then?"

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-26-2022, 09:47 PM

The shaky sigh that she heard Manea breathe as her tail teased some especially sensitive parts of her flesh made Irilyth's sultry grin widen, and the little shiver she felt in her Mistress' body against hers was just the icing on the proverbial cake. She adored teasing and pleasing Manea as much as the violet matriarch seemed to enjoy teasing and pleasing her. It was a big part of the reason why Manea was not only her Mistress, but also her lover and her closest friend in the pack. The delighted growl that fell from the larger fae's throat from her submissive licks brought a quiet whine of glee from the tiny gold and white fae, happy she could be pleasing her alpha so well. Those large leonine paws that continued to roam over her slender torso and taut belly made her every muscle quiver and flex where she touched them, keeping her hovering right on the edge of maddening need. No wolf had ever worked her up so masterfully as Manea did, and as much as Iri wanted it to end so they could proceed to more physical activities, she simultaneously never wanted it to stop. She could have easily spent an eternity wrapped up in Manea's arms, letting the Genetrix have her way with her. But just as she wanted more, so too did the Mendacium leader, it seemed.

When she spoke Manea's name instead of addressing her as Mistress, she saw the way Manea's grin widened and heard the soft, delighted growl that left her in response. Irilyth grinned proudly—but that grin was quickly wiped away when her face contorted into a gasping expression of shock as Manea rewarded her by letting one big, soft paw slip down between her thighs to find heat and softness. The burst of pleasure made Iri's body tense and quiver in her hold, already yearning for more, but it seemed she would only get a taste for now. Manea slowly released her, much to Iri's displeasure, and urged her to follow to a more private place. Irilyth very nearly whined in protest, wanting more of those sensational touches here and now, but she followed eagerly, like an obedient pet heeding its master's call. She would have gladly let Manea ravage and have her wherever she desired, whether it was the finest bed in the warmest den or with her back pressed into the snowy earth with the dominant fae pinning her down. Irilyth was Manea's now—wholly and unequivocally Manea's. Whatever her Mistress wanted, she would give her. It was no longer just her duty, but her pleasure.

Still, Irilyth followed close behind, her first few steps shaky and unsteady from the way Manea had been teasing her, though she swiftly recovered and fell in line. Manea led them both back to the mountains and into one of the empty spare dens. It was small, but not cramped. It was perfectly sized and delightfully cozy for the two faes, especially with the large bed of plush and warm furs for them to collapse into. Irilyth was quite glad for the private one-on-one time with her Mistress as well; it wasn't that she didn't like satisfying Master Alastor during their group sessions, but Manea was the one she was bonded to. The time they spent together was extra special to the sandy blonde fae. So when Manea took her into this den alone and settled into the bedding, Iri couldn't keep the excited grin off of her lips. Manea asked for the drug and Irilyth slipped her satchel off, setting the bag down to the side of the den and pulling out the small glass vial filled with the pale gold liquid. Popping the cork stopper, she carefully passed it over to Manea.

"If I calculated my mixture correctly, this should be the ideal dose for a wolf of your size," she explained, coming closer to settle onto the bedding beside Manea, turned to face her Mistress. "Tell me all your impressions of it please. Color, smell, taste... and, ah, the effects when you start to feel them kick in. Tell me everything you're feeling or experiencing." If Irilyth's hypothesis and measurements were correct, then once consumed, Manea should begin to feel some of the same sorts of hunger she felt when she was in heat. A ravenous sexual appetite, heightened sensations of all her senses especially touch, an overall warmth of euphoria and relaxation, and a significantly easier time of finding her way to her peaks of pleasure during the actual coupling. But she would have to see for herself just what Manea actually experienced from this progenitor batch of her drug.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-29-2022, 07:55 PM

The grin that Irilyth wore as she came to join her on the furs was infectious and she couldn't keep herself from returning the same grin as she eagerly awaited whatever her little lover had planned for her. Curious aqua eyes watched as Irilyth slipped the satchel she had been carrying off and pulled out a vial filled with a pale gold liquid. After the stopper had been removed she took it from Irilyth, holding the vial up to the light to see the small flecks dancing through the concoction. "Yes, ma'am," she teased with a wicked grin as she glanced toward Irilyth after she had been given a list of things to report on as she took the aphrodisiac. Looking back to the liquid in her paw, she said, "The color is lovely. I don't know what it's supposed to taste like, but it looks delicious." Chuckling softly she brought the vial to her nose and breathed in the scent, finding a sweet, herbal, rich sent coming from the vial. "And it smells as good as it looks," she added with a smirk, swirling it gently as she gave Irilyth a sultry look, keeping her waiting in anticipation for a moment before she finally brought the vial to her lips and tipped her head back, letting the dose of Irilyth's drug pour over her tongue and down her throat.

A soft hum of delight left her as she passed the vial back to Irilyth, another grin pulling at her lips. "Sweet, but not too sweet. The herbs in it cut through the sweetness nicely." She didn't know if it would be to everyone's tastes, but it was certainly to her's. There was a pleasant warmth as it settled in her stomach and while she waited to see what this magic elixir she had been given would do she reached out one long foreleg around Irilyth's waist and pulled the smaller woman to her. She held the blonde, striped fae so that their chests and stomachs were pressed to one another's, one foreleg wrapped tightly around her waist. Everywhere they touched felt like electricity, but that was nothing new. She chuckled, her paw lifting to Irilyth's cheek and cupping her face gently while making an attempt to not get swept up in her until she could start feeling the affects of what she took. "I think it's going to be hard to figure out what's different when you already drive me crazy," she purred, a look of lecherous, sultry lust lingering in her gaze. Her paw gently stroked over Irilyth's cheek while she admired the woman's beautiful, delicate features and her berry-hued eyes, the paw around her waist starting to trail along her side to enjoy her slim, feminine figure.

"I'm so lucky to have snatched you up when I did," she mentioned with a wistful grin, the paw following Irilyth's side slipping down to rest on her rump, giving her a trim, affectionate squeeze. "Whoever else that might have tried to claim you wouldn't be worthy of how beautiful you are." She didn't really notice herself, but as the warmth from her belly started to spread outward from her core with a pleasant tingling across her skin, she started to hold Irilyth a little tighter and more possessively, looking at her like the entire world might just revolve around this little fae in her embrace. Slowly squeezing and groping Irilyth's rump as she felt up her lover, she felt this intense need and desire start to build and clench in her core and for a few moments she just let it build, getting lost in Irilyth's gaze as the electric fire that radiated outward from where their bodies were pressed together grew hotter and more intense with each passing moment. "I don't tell you enough how special you are to me," she breathed softly as she tipped her muzzle forward to brush her lips against Irilyth's, a heated, breathy sigh escaping her at the soft touch. The paw that had been resting on Irilyth's cheek slipped to the back of her lover's head, her claws lightly trailing against her skin. She finally pressed her lips hard to Irilyth's, giving into that ravenous desire she felt with a quiet moan into Irilyth's mouth, savoring the feel and taste of her while she rolled Irilyth onto her back and pressed her into the furs under them.

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-02-2022, 01:12 AM

Irilyth's face flushed hot with a tint of blush beneath pallid cheeks when Manea teased her with her subordination to her directions. Iri had never been in a position to give orders or commands, so even the playful jest from her Mistress made her a bit flustered when she realized how she was speaking to her owner and alpha. As Manea gave her opinions on the aphrodisiac, Irilyth made sharp mental notes on every detail she critiqued. So far, everything was getting a positive review, from the pale gold color to the floral scent to the sweet herby flavor. All the while, Manea continued to tease her, keeping her in suspense for the moment when she finally took the drug. When Manea did swallow the liquid, Iri dutifully collected the empty vial and stashed it back in her satchel, moving it safely away from the bed, lest they roll over onto it in their throes of passion, of which the blonde fae had little doubt would be following very swiftly if her drug worked the way she intended it to. Now all that was left to do was observe the effect the drug had on her alphess—if any at all—and enjoy this ride she was eagerly looking forward to experiencing from her perspective.

Manea reached out with a long foreleg to grasp Irilyth by her waist, making the dainty fae gasp quietly as her Mistress easy pulled her in closer to her body as if she weighed nothing. Irilyth adored being manhandled by Manea, the larger woman's greater size and strength making it easy for her to dominate the tiny golden fae. Manea shifted their bodies so both women were lying with their chests and stomachs pressed snugly together, not an inch between their forms as Manea wrapped herself around Iri in a protective and possessive manner. Irilyth's heart was pounding in her chest, excitement rushing through her blood like fire. She gazed up into Manea's beautiful aqua eyes with her own wide raspberry eyes, petite paws resting on her chest while her Mistress held her tightly round her waist and brought a second large leonine paw up to caress her cheek. Manea honored and flattered her with her compliment, Iri's face burning so hot she was sure her violet lover could feel it beneath velvety paw pads. "You flatter me, Mist-" Irilyth bit her lip to stop herself. "Manea. I really like driving you crazy." Iri's slender paws began to rub and stroke slowly up and down Manea's chest, roaming from collarbone to breast and back again. "I really like driving you crazy."

The purely lecherous look Manea was fixing her with made Irilyth's belly twist and clench with an aching need, her body growing hotter the longer she stayed entwined with her Mistress like this. Not long after, Manea's paws began to move again, one stroking her cheek and her facial features while the other trailed from her waist up along her side, following the natural dips and curves of her supple feminine form. Each touch left tingles of static in their wake, making her breathing hitch and stutter while she drowned in Manea's eyes, losing herself in those aquatic depths. It was nothing new for Manea to be handsy with her or start feeling her up during their embraces, but something in her lover's touch felt much more... intense this time. Manea reflected on how lucky she was to have snatched her up, and Irilyth's ears folded to her head with a shy smile touching her lips. She opened her mouth to protest and insist that she was the lucky one, but all that came out was a gasp when Manea's big, soft feline paw slipped down to grope her rump in a firm, affectionate squeeze that made the fae's body press tighter into the violet woman's. "Manea, you are much too kind to me," she spoke in soft, airy tones punctuated by gasping breaths, her paws combing through fur and kneading at the lithe muscles in her Mistress' form.

Irilyth saw the shift in Manea's gaze a moment later, felt her powerful limbs wrap tighter around her, holding her more possessively to her body as if Iri were a treasure she had to guard. The paw on her rump began to squeeze and grope her ass more freely, drawing breathy gasps from the diminutive fae every time. Golden-blonde tail swished with anxious energy, feeling her arousal spike with every touch Manea graced her body with. She loved being Manea's lover. She loved belonging to such a powerful and dominant woman. But most of all, she loved how Manea loved doing all of these things to her. Manea said that she didn't tell her enough how special she was, brushing her warm, silken lips against Iri's. "You always make me feel special, Man-" Irilyth's words were abruptly cut off as Manea's paw slid from her cheek to grab the back of her head, pulling the tiny fae into a hard, hungry kiss. Iri's eyes went wide with a small sound of surprise, but immediately rolled back as the sound shifted into a quiet moan back into her lover's mouth. She melted into Manea's embrace, greeting her lover's tongue into her mouth with gentle ministrations and strokes of her own as Manea fed ravenously from her. Tiny paws slid up to stroke the sides of Manea's neck, holding herself tight to the larger fae's body.

All of a sudden, the world began to shift, and Irilyth found herself being rolled onto her back as Manea settled her body on top of hers, pressing her down into the furs beneath them. Her brain was rapidly trying to make notes of Manea's behavior, but her Mistress was doing a damn good job of scrambling her mind enough to make focusing on anything besides the feel of her lover's lips and tongue on her own a Sisyphean task. Iri's golden paws slid up Manea's neck, moving to caress her Mistress' cheeks as she made out with her, pouring forth all the passion she possessed for Manea into their connected mouths, eyelids fluttering closed as she gave herself up to the every whim and desire of her dominating alphess. Manea's actions were more direct and insistent, driving Iri wild and setting her body ablaze with lust. Once she had the ability to speak back, she would need to force herself to remember to ask Manea what she was feeling and experiencing. For science. Yes, for science.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-02-2022, 11:54 PM

Manea savored the taste of Irilyth's mouth while she continued to make out with he smaller woman, keeping her delicate, feminine form held tight to her own as her body settled over top of Irilyth's. There were more words she wanted to say, more insistence over how extraordinary her handmaiden turned lover and friend really was, but as soon as she kissed her she was pulled into a deep, endless sea of lust and desire. Everything about Irilyth seemed to be lighting her on fire with it and the longer she made out with the caramel and cream woman she more she thought it might just burn her alive. Her hungry lips never left Irilyth's, even as one of her paws started to trace over her lover's skin to find her way from Irilyth's rump to the soft skin between her thighs. She was so lost in the haze of her need that she lost track of thinking about how she felt now in comparison to how she usually was when she was with Irilyth. All she could think about was the woman she was pinning down to the furs, the feel of her muzzle crushed to hers, the sound of the quiet moans they passed back and forth as the kiss continued, and how it felt like everywhere they touched was hot and electric.

Her paw that had settled between Irilyth's thighs began to work on bringing the blonde woman pleasure purely so she could revel in the sounds it would pull from her. When she felt Irilyth begin to tense and squirm under her touch she finally pulled away from their passionate kiss with a soft gasp, grinning with lustful adoration as she watched Irilyth's face contort with pleasure and listened to the cries she was able to pull from the woman under her. She shifted only slightly off of Irilyth so she was laying slightly off to the side of her on the fur only to make it easier to reach the parts of her that she wanted to. She still kept her other foreleg wrapped around her waist and held her tight to her as she continued unrelenting in her pursuit to make Irilyth fill this cave with her voice. She groaned against Irilyth's neck, nibbling along her skin while she was intoxicated by her sweet, natural scent. "I love the way it sounds when you moan my name..." she purred with a low growl of need in her chest, squeezing a little more tightly and possessively around Irilyth's waist.

She felt like her need and lust might just eat her whole, but her mind was singularly fixed on bringing Irilyth to pleasure first. She drew so much enjoyment purely from just listening to and feeling Irilyth and knowing that she was causing all of these reactions and cries and the way her body reacted in such a way that she knew was impossible to fake. The way she molded to her and gave in so entirely to her will... It all turned Manea on more than she could explain on a normal day, but today with this special concoction that Irilyth had given her she was even more ravenous than usual. But it was even more than just a sexual, physical need. She was reminded of how she tended to feel in among the endless rounds of sex she would have with Alastor during her heat, the rushes of passionate emotion mixed in among the hormones and the hungry physical desires. The feelings she had simmering in the back of her mind for Irilyth were being thrown to the forefront and it only made her want to spoil and pleasure the smaller woman even more.

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-03-2022, 01:15 AM

Irilyth kissed Manea back with all the same hot desire that she felt for her alphess and lover, moaning quietly into their making out as she equally savored the taste of Manea's mouth and tongue over her own, every incredible second spent locked in the throes of passion with the larger fae making her body burn hotter and hotter. All the while, Manea refused to let her go, keeping her petite and voluptuous body held tight to the violet woman's larger, svelte yet strong frame. The feel of Manea's weight keeping her pressed down to the bedding made Irilyth's heart race in her chest, beating so fast and hard she thought it might burst if Manea did anything to arouse her further. Her Mistress knew exactly what to do to get her going, knew all the right moves to turn her on and make her squirm and whine for more. Though Iri would never admit it out loud, she had begun to foster a growing love and desire for Manea, sown seasons ago when the Genetrix had given her a special day together atop the Elysian mountains. Irilyth loved Manea, loved her far more deeply and passionately than a wolf of her station should for someone she served. She was still Manea's handmaiden after all, even if she had been taken into Manea's bed as her paramour. She could never tell her though; the risk of losing everything was far too great. Besides, it wasn't like Manea wasn't fucking her silly as it was in their current arrangement. That would have to be enough for the blonde woman.

Iri's distracted thoughts were shattered instantly when she felt one of Manea's big, soft feline paws begin to trace a path from where it rested on her rump up over her hip, then down between her thighs. Irilyth's reaction to the touch of Manea's velveteen paw to her soft and sensitive flesh was immediate, the tiny fae tensing up as if she'd been electrocuted and sucking in a sharp breath through her nose. Raspberry eyes flew open wide from the surprise contact, her back arching and body roiling beneath Manea's as quiet, lusty moans began to join her needy whines against Manea's mouth, the hungry lips of her alpha never leaving hers the entire time. Again Iri's eyes rolled back in her head while her paws scrabbled to grip at the back of Manea's head, holding on to her desperately while she listened to all of Manea's lecherous moans mixing with her own pleasured sounds between their heavy making out. Only a few minutes later, Iri felt Manea's lips part from hers, both women gasping and breathing heavier, though Irilyth's breaths were much shorter and labored with breathless moans and cries as Manea's paw began its blissful work between her legs. The pleasure was instantaneous and amazing, a steady crescendo of mounting ecstasy that slowly tightened the coil within her belly. The golden blonde fae's body squirmed for Manea's touch, her hips rolling up into that leonine paw with need, her back arching and her face scrunching and contorting through various expressions of pure bliss and intense pleasure.

The diminutive fae felt her lover's larger body shift off from on top of hers, no longer pinning her to the bed, but instead lying beside her where her paw could have better reach to all of her intimate parts. Even though she was no longer pinned beneath the dire fae's weight, Manea still had her strong foreleg wrapped around her wait, keeping Iri from squirming away as her both writhed and danced on the bedding for her Mistress' touch. Manea continued to prove just how well she knew Irilyth's body by playing her like an instrument, making the tiny woman sing and fill the cave with her euphoric voice. It surprised Iri to hear Manea groan as she pleasured her, her alphess seeming to take great pleasure herself in bringing her lover to ecstasy. Was this an effect of her drug? It was getting hard for her to keep notes on anything, but perhaps this experience as a whole were her notes. Manea squeezed her tighter to her larger, more powerful body and spoke in purring, seductive words how she loved when Irilyth moaned her name. Iri whined for Manea, gasping and panting for breath with chest rising and falling with each shallow gasp. The coil within her was tightening to dangerous levels, threatening to explode at a moment's notice. She wouldn't last long now, and Manea seemed set on making sure that she didn't.

Tipping her head back to give Manea better access to her throat with those lovely nibbles, Irilyth let loose a louder moan, giving herself fully up to the pleasure her Mistress was bringing her. "Manea...!" she moaned her name amidst a symphony of impassioned cries, squirming all the more erratically the closer she got to her end. It didn't take much more to push the sandy blonde fae past the point of no return, and once she was, she was long gone. Irilyth's thighs squeezed down around Manea's paw, bucking and rolling her hips in a final desperate push to get herself over the edge, needy whines spilling endlessly from between clenched teeth. And then, with one last good gyration of her hips to rub Manea's paw against some very sensitive parts of herself, Iri went crashing into her finish with a breathless gasp and a long, loud, keening moan, her whole body trembling from tip to tail as she twitched and quivered in Manea's hold, toes curling and eyes screwing shut tight. Irilyth rode out her pleasure for as long as she could, like surfing a wave into a riptide that carried her off to a lagoon of warm and placid euphoria. As she tapered off into her afterglow, Irilyth collapsed back to the bedding, her body relaxing into Manea's possessive hold as tensed muscles went limp. The blonde and white fae was panting for breath, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth comically while half-lidded, pleasure-drunk eyes stared at the cave ceiling and into space, lost to the floaty haze of her climax. "Mmmm Manea..." Iri moaned softly between heavy breaths, a wide, loopy grin on her muzzle as she basked in the wonderful afterglow in her lover's arms, far too gone to say or do anything else at the moment.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-06-2022, 08:51 PM

Manea clutched tighter to Irilyth with a groan and a shiver running through her at the beautiful, euphoric cries and sounds she pulled from her lover, especially when Irilyth moaned out her name. She had never really minded Irilyth calling her 'mistress' and sometimes when she was feeling particularly dominant she'd still want that from the stunning woman in her arms, but right now hearing her cry out her name was everything she wanted and more. Her paw continued to work expertly at bringing Irilyth all of this pleasure that was making her writhe and squirm in her grasp while her lips and teeth teased Irilyth's throat, savoring the feeling of their bodies tangled together and the sound of her cries, her whines, and her heavy, panting breaths filling her ears. She was everything she wanted and needed in this moment and her entire attention was wrapped up in this delicate fae. She would never have imagined that she would be this infatuated and obsessed with Irilyth when she randomly scooped her up back before the twins were born, but since then she had become such an important part of her life and their family.

A shiver of ravenous pleasure and desire ran through her when Irilyth finally hit the peak of her pleasure, taking in every delicious reaction from her keening moans to the curl of her toes as her body tensed and shuddered against her own. Her light teasing continued through the duration of her plateau of pleasure to let Irilyth ride it out for as long as possible before she finally slipped her paw away once Irilyth's form relaxed back into hers again. She gave a low chuckle at the pleasure that Irilyth was clearly floating on, a sly grin on her muzzle and an absolutely hungry aqua gaze taking in the mess that she had made of Irilyth. She hardly gave Irilyth time to recover before she was moving again and her kisses and teasing nibbles resumed along Irilyth's throat as she started to devour this sweet little morsel of a fae. Her affections followed the curve of her neck and chest, making her way down Irilyth's stomach and over her waist until she had settled with her lips between Irilyth's legs, leaving torturously teasing nibbles and light bites along her inner thighs, catching her skin gently between her teeth.

With long, savoring, skilled movements of her tongue she brought Irilyth back to her heights of her pleasure while she got a full taste of everything that her lover had to offer. She gave a lustful, needy groan against her as all of her senses were filled with everything that Irilyth was, her taste on her tongue, her voice in her ears, her scent filling her nose. Her heavy lidded, lust drunk gaze remained on Irilyth as she worked, taking in every little reaction like it was the most entertaining show she had ever experienced. While she enjoyed Irilyth like she was the most delicious meal she could have imagined, Manea's paw trailed down her own body to satisfy the fire that was threatening to burn her alive, her eyelids fluttering as her paw pads found the source of that fire with an impassioned, muffled moan against Irilyth. The more high on her own pleasure she became the more ravenously she devoured Irilyth until she caught them both in a cycle of endless spikes of pleasure, finding their peaks over and over together until she was finally satisfied and willing to pull her muzzle away.

She was panting heavily with a deliriously pleasured grin on her lips as she pulled herself back up to flop beside Irilyth on the furs. She was licking her lips clean as she wrapped Irilyth up in her embrace again and pulled the smaller woman to her, tucking her possessively into her chest. For a while she simply laid in the head spinning after glow of her pleasure, catching her breath and letting the pleasant tingles that covered her skin slowly fade. At some point her breathing settled and she affectionately nuzzled Irilyth's ears, gently and tenderly grooming them while she held her. She was still high on the euphoria of it all when the words she had kept tucked in the back of her mind came rolling out past her lips, but even as they escaped her she didn't regret them. "I love you, Irilyth..." she whispered softly, giving her a slightly tighter squeeze in her embrace. She had become so much more than just her handmaiden or friend or even just her lover. She had secured a permanent place in her life and with her inhibitions non existent as they were it was easy for her to finally express what she should have told Irilyth long ago.

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-14-2022, 02:35 AM

It was easy for Irilyth to lose track of everything floating on the warm waves of pleasure Manea continued to let her drift away on as her skillful paw continued its work of keeping her hovering right on the edge of total relaxation and unbearable arousal. Each teasing stroke or rub brought breathy sighs and jittery whimpers from the golden blonde fae in her mistress' grasp, helpless to do anything but ride out that pleasure for as long as Manea wanted her to. Not that she would ever complain or tell her to stop, of course. Irilyth loved the way Manea made her feel, how she used her during their play times and made her feel so dainty and desirable. Yet even when Manea's working paw did finally stop teetering her on that cusp of insanity, Iri found there was little reprieve in it. She breathed a heavy sigh, berry red eyes slowly flickering open just in time to see that lustful grin and hungry eyes staring down at her while Manea admired her handiwork, and then her mistress was moving to rise over her, covering her tinier form with her dire-sized body. Irilyth gave a breathless gasp as soft lips and sharp teeth returned to her throat again, teasing their way with kisses and nibbles down her vulnerable throat. Again she did nothing to resist or inhibit her mistress, basking in the loving she was given and giving herself fully over to her alpha's desires.

As Manea slowly worked her way down her body, Irilyth would gasp, whine, twitch, and squirm in response to every little ministration her mistress did to her. The lower Manea went, the more intense Irilyth's reactions became. Passing over her taut stomach brought breathier gasps from the woman, and by the time the violet queen had settled herself between her thighs, the golden fae was practically begging with need. Thankfully Manea didn't make her beg, instead diving right into devouring her as if she were Manea's last meal. Iri's eyes shot open wide with an audible gasp that evolved into a long, breathless moan as her eyes rolled back in her skull. Everything from the teasing nips to her inner thighs to that soft, warm tongue doing wonderful things to her made Irilyth's head swim with intoxicating pleasure. Iri's world spun and swirled as she was once more brought up and up to the heights of pleasure, completely unaware of Manea watching her like she were a show to be enjoyed while she pleased herself with her own paw that had just moments ago been making her come undone, the two ladies reveling in the physical delights of one another's bodies to the absolute fullest.

Irilyth bit her lip in a futile attempt to hold some semblance of control as she kicked and squirmed, twitched and writhed for Manea's every touch and stroke, every lick and lap. Her hind legs twitched the most, hips rising to Manea's motions like she were being conducted by the violet fae. Together with Manea as their director, Irilyth felt the coil in her core tighten and explode again and again and again and again, reaching her peak over and over as many times as her mistress desired. Each plateau was announced by Irilyth's body tensing, back arching, and loud unrestrained moans for Manea spilling freely from her panting maw. Dainty forepaws reached down to grip at and caress Manea's forehead and ears, giving her wordless encouragements and praise for the pleasure she was delivering her without end. When Manea was finally satisfied and pulled away, Irilyth was left a panting, twitching, moaning mess on the bed of furs, her eyes glazed over and unfocused as she drifted in an abyss of euphoria within her own head. An equally delirious grin of total satisfaction was on her muzzle when Manea pulled herself back up to snuggle with her, her body totally limp and malleable while the larger fae pulled her into a possessive embrace.

Quiet hums and murrs of contentment and satisfaction left Irilyth in an endless symphony, the petite woman scarcely able to do much else while she basked in the most intense afterglow of her existence. Her whole body felt light, twitchy, and numb with a wonderful ecstasy. Manea spoiled her and treated her so, so good... It made it easy for Iri to simply melt into Manea's embrace, savoring the warmth and protection she found in her arms. Then came the affectionate grooming from her mistress, and the golden fae again gave quiet sounds of contentment while she relaxed in her mistress' embrace. She would definitely need to return the favor to her alphess once she got control of her body back; if the aphrodisiac was affecting her this intensely, she could only imagine the neediness Manea would need satisfied, and she wasn't about to leave her mistress hanging. But those thoughts were quickly interrupted and shattered when Manea whispered the words she did and squeezed her tighter to her body.

All at once, Irilyth felt the world stop turning. Clarity hit her like a freight train, and raspberry red eyes shot open wide. Had Manea really just said what she thought she'd heard...? Irilyth's head shifted to peer up at Manea, not able to see her very well from this angle or position, but it didn't matter. Her heart hammered at her ribs and raced in her chest. Manea loved her...? Thinking it again made her heart skip a beat and palpitate, her pulse quickening in her veins. Irilyth had felt more for Manea for so long now, but... she'd never once thought Manea would ever feel anything like that for her. Was this another affect of her drug? Words being spilled from her intoxicated mouth that she didn't know she was saying? Iri couldn't know for sure, but oh, she wanted to believe they were genuine so much, no matter how ridiculous it sounded. The alpha falling in love with her handmaiden? It was far more than seemed realistic. "Y-You... love me...?" she repeated, still in an obvious state of disbelief. But for now—even if it was just for now—she dared to let herself believe. A smile creeped its way across her face, and Iri nuzzled with joy into Manea's chest, breathing in her scent and clinging to pawfuls of her fur like she couldn't be close enough to her mistress. No—to her lover. "I love you, Manea... I was afraid to tell you, but I love you too...!" The secret emotions she'd kept hidden spilled forth from her lips, empowered by the hopes that maybe this wasn't just the drugs talking, and praying that she wasn't making a colossal mistake by pouring forth her heart and soul to her alphess.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-14-2022, 08:06 PM

Manea hadn't anticipated just how much the simple phrase would affect or how much it would mean to Irilyth until she felt the small, blonde healer that she had pulled into her chest freeze for a moment. At first she thought perhaps she had misread things and her declaration of love had made Irilyth uncomfortable as she felt Irilyth's head lift from her chest and she didn't get a response right away. She even voiced her disbelief, repeating back the statement to her with hesitation, but a moment later after her words seemed to sink in and Irilyth had a beat to catch up to this shift Manea had made in their relationship she felt Irilyth nuzzling into her chest with so much happiness that it genuinely surprised her. It made a wide, happy, touched smile pull across her lips and she held her close, just savoring and enjoying this moment that she could make Irilyth so genuinely happy. She hadn't known how deeply Irilyth had felt about her until this moment with it all hidden behind the quite professional demeanor Irilyth usually wore, but this genuine moment made Manea all the more happy that she had let her own feelings slip.

One of her large forepaws shifted up to hold Irilyth's cheek, guiding her muzzle up as she lifted Irilyth's head till her aqua gaze met the smaller woman's raspberry eyes, looking at her with adoration and joy while her opposite foreleg shifted down to her lower back and wrapped around her possessively. She kept their bodies pressed tight and tangled together, unable to get enough of the feeling of Irilyth's slim, feminine form against her own. Her tail brushed against Irilyth's leg and found her tail to entwine them, getting them as close as physically possible. "Never be afraid to tell me anything... I love you. I want to know every thought, hope, and dream inside that beautiful head of yours." She brought her muzzle down to Irilyth's, pressing their lips tenderly together with a deep, loving passion that she hadn't previously shown fully to her before. It was a love that she knew she should have given to Irilyth long ago, but the drugs she had been given had lowered her inhibitions enough to finally shake the words loose and now that they were free from both of their lips she felt so much unexpected relief and euphoria in that moment.

She had always seen Irilyth as hers, especially after she started to become selfish over her and not even let Alastor have her, but more and more the connotation of that ownership had changed until now it wasn't an ownership at all, but instead a deep, possessive love for her. She knew that if Irilyth were to suddenly disappear the gap she would leave in her life would be devastating and she needed to protect her dear lover and friend so that would never come to pass. She also knew that Irilyth deserved so much more from her life whether she would ever ask for it or aspire to it herself. Manea so badly wanted to see Irilyth thrive and have the confidence that she knew had to be somewhere in this gorgeous fae and it felt like her mission to bring it out of her. As her lips parted from Irilyth's she blinked open her eyes and peered down at her again while her soft, rounded toes gently scritched and traced around Irilyth's delicate ear. "I want more for you," she said softly, a dreamy smile lingering on her muzzle. "I don't want you to just be my handmaiden any longer. You deserve to work along side me and show everyone the amazing skill I already know and am constantly astounded by." She gave Irilyth another soft kiss and added, "I want you to be our lead healer, my love. You are the most knowledgeable healer I have ever encountered and I would trust no one else with this position."

"Manea Mendacium"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-27-2022, 02:29 AM

Wrapped up in Manea's strong, possessive embrace, pulled tight to her taut, gorgeous body, Irilyth had never felt more comfortable in her entire life than she did in this moment. Every sound, every little gesture, every action of affection made her pulse race in her veins, her heart palpitating like a samba as she grappled with this whirlwind of physical passion and emotional catharsis with her Mistress. The sandy gold fae remained with her face buried in Manea's chest fluff until the alphess' large leonine paw came up to catch her by her cheek, turning her head up until she was staring into those aqua eyes that had her hypnotized. The sensations of Manea's other paw sliding down her lower back to scoop her in a possessive hold, their bodies pressed so tight together that not an inch of skin wasn't touching, their fur coats blended seamlessly between themselves, and her tail brushing over her hip to entwine with her own and hold her in every conceivable way sent Iri's emotions into a flurry. It was romantic and erotic and sensational and incredible all at the same time! It made her simultaneously want to continue to explore this sapphic love with Manea until they were both fully spent as well as snuggle up in this protective cocoon of her lover's arms and just lay here forever. She had never felt this incredible or cared for in all her life, and it was almost enough to make the woman cry tears of joy.

Manea spoke to her in smooth, velvet tones, telling her she should never be afraid to tell her anything, and that she wanted to know all the things Irilyth kept inside herself. Her hopes, her dreams, her thoughts, her aspirations, her secrets... Manea wanted all of her. But before Irilyth could even think of responding, she found Manea's mouth coming back down to claim hers, drawing quiet, needy murmurs from the petite woman as their muzzles met yet again in a deeply passionate kiss. She could taste the love Manea held for her pouring forth in her actions, tiny golden paws clinging to Manea's violet fur as if for dear life. She squirmed in her lover's hold, wriggling her body eagerly up against Manea's larger form until she was nice and snug up against her, yielding easily to every insistent maneuver Manea made with her lips and tongue. Slowly she felt herself begin to sink into the depths of that passion and desire once more, letting it cascade over her like ocean waves sending her beneath the surface to drown in her wanton needs. Manea had always been possessive of her, especially when it came to her extramarital bedroom antics with the little handmaiden, but this was different. Everything felt amplified, no doubt from the drug she'd given Manea allowing the alphess to be as liberal as she wanted to be with no inhibitions to hold her back. Irilyth found she quite liked this Manea; she was wild, primal, her absolute most base self, a true reflection of who she was and what she wanted, and she was breathtakingly beautiful.

When their kiss broke apart once again, leaving Irilyth gasping for breath, the dainty fae slowly flicked open her eyes so raspberry jewels could gaze up at Manea, her head reflexively tilting to lean into her playful paw while it toyed with an ear. Manea's words confused Iri at first. She wanted more for her? What more could she want for her? Already serving Manea had been the greatest pleasure and honor she'd had in life. What more was there for her to attain? As if reading her mind, Manea continued on to elucidate on her enigmatic words. She didn't want Irilyth to be her handmaiden anymore—she wanted her to be Elysium's lead healer and to work alongside her instead of for her. Manea's sweet words brought a flush of heat and color to Irilyth's pale cheeks, pointed ears folding back to her head in bashful humility. The idea of being something beyond someone's servant or handmaid felt... intimidating. Undeserved. All she'd ever known was using her body and obedience in order to survive in a world she couldn't otherwise. Never did she ever consider more than her station. Yet that was exactly what Manea wanted for her. The violet queen saw something in her that she could not. Had her tail not been wrapped up in Manea's, it would have been wagging like crazy.

Irilyth's mouth opened and closed a few times while she struggled to put a sentence together that accurately explained how she felt. Golden paws pulled gently at the fur on Manea's chest, kneading at the powerful muscles in her breast just to have something to be doing while she grappled with her own self doubts. "Manea..." It still felt odd to speak her name on her tongue, but gods, did it feel good! "T-This is all very, very kind of you. But... perhaps it's more prudent to wait until the drugs in your system have worn off before you go making such decisions? I... I wouldn't want you to feel like you've made a mistake because of any impaired judgment." It wasn't that Irilyth did not appreciate Manea's confidence in her; quite the contrary, she was concerned Manea might have been making these bold choices in her as a part of the effects of the drugs. The last thing she wanted for either of them was the awkwardness of a sober Manea changing her mind or risking getting her hopes up by dreaming beyond her means. That was Irilyth, after all—trying to be sagacious as ever.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-08-2022, 12:09 AM
Manea watched the emotions that flickered across Irilyth's face as she revealed her desires for her that was in a way an offer for a promotion. There was no question to it since she fully intended to have Irilyth take the role regardless, but she did expect there to be some push back or uncertainty from her sweet Irilyth so she simply laid her thoughts out for the smaller woman to take in and she waited, watching the reactions as they crossed Irilyth's face. The confusion and surprise, the adorable way her face flushed and ears pinned back, the way she struggled to respond or find whatever words it was she was trying to find—Manea watched it all and gave Irilyth the time to process what would be a pretty drastic jump in her position in the pack. In reality Irilyth had already been their sole healer practically since the inception of their group, but this would make her rank and status among the pack far more official and would give her the ability to make her own say and call in important matters.

Eventually Irilyth did manage to speak and it was very much everything Manea had expected. Her nervous, precautionary nature tried to deflect Manea's offer, citing the fact that Manea was intoxicated as a reason to wait on such important decisions, saying how she wouldn't want her to feel as if she had made a mistake. Manea chuckled softly and while her forelegs were still wrapped snuggly around Irilyth and she kept the smaller woman tight to her body, she rolled onto her back and put Irilyth over top of her. Her large, feline paws trailed down her love's back to stroke over her hips, gazing up at her with an adoring grin. "There's no mistake, my love. You have been by my side since the beginning of all of this, have seen me through two pregnancies and births, and have proven your extensive knowledge again and again. No one could possibly deserve this position more than you." A little grin tugged at her lips as she gave Iriltyh's rump an affectionate squeeze, showing that the affects of the aphrodisiac she had been given were still very much in affect regardless of the more serious conversation they had found themselves in.

"You have dedicated and given so much to me in all of the time we've been together. It's time for you to take something for yourself," she told her encouragingly while her paws continued to feel up her former handmaiden, rubbing and squeezing across her rump and hips while her aqua gaze continued to never waver from the beautiful, blonde beauty on top of her. "Whether you take this position or not, you're not going to be my servant any longer. You are my lover and my confidant, but you are no servant. What you do with that freedom is up to you, but you know what I would like to see you accomplish."

"Manea" & "Irilyth"



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 01:27 AM
After spending all of this time with Manea, Irilyth felt like she had gotten pretty good at predicting what the sizable fae was likely to do. She had anticipated Manea's abject dismissal of her hesitations and concerns, but what Iri hadn't been expecting was for her alphess to tighten her arms around her slim sides and roll with her so that she was now perched atop her lover's chest with Manea on her back beneath her. The golden blonde fae gasped at the sudden movement, raspberry red eyes blinking in surprise as she gazed down into Manea's love and lust drunk gaze, her aquatic eyes some of the most beautiful things Irilyth had ever seen. Manea's large, soft feline paws stroked down and around her supple hips, leaving tingles on Iri's skin wherever she touched and very nearly making her quiver in the larger fae's hold.

Manea insisted there was no mistake; she wanted Irilyth in this position, citing all of her loyalty and skill as a healer as her qualifications for obtaining the role. Each compliment bestowed to her made the diminutive fae's cheeks flush hot, the blush barely visible on her pale cheeks while Manea felt her up and praised her to high heaven. As if to prove her seriousness despite her drug-induced intoxication, Manea grinned up at her, and then Iri gave a sharp gasp when she felt one of Manea's leonine paws squeeze her ass, making her tail flag at the sudden burst of pleasure that Manea had coaxed. She was proving that the aphrodisiac was still in full effect, and Iri began to wonder just how long her drug would last—though she supposed she was going to be wrapped up in Manea for as long as it lasted, so she was about to find out first hand.

Still blushing and feeling oh so sultry and hot inside, Irilyth grinned down at Manea, her smile more shy in response to her lover's more dominant and salacious grin to her. Tiny golden paws tugged and claws pulled through the soft fur on Manea's chest, rubbing and stroking over her just to continue touching her in this intimate moment. "Manea..." Irilyth paused, breathing out a delighted sigh while her lover and former mistress' paws rubbed and groped over her rump and hips, not once stopping her feeling up of Iri during their conversation and it was clearly beginning to effect the smaller woman. "What you're giving me... it's far too much. No one has ever treated me the way you do, and... oh, gods...! I humbly accept, my Matriarch. Nothing would please me more than to continue to provide my skills to Elysium." Biting her lip to muffle a quiet whine when Manea's feline paw gave her shapely rump an especially firm squeeze, Irilyth slid her slender forelegs forward to wrap around Manea's neck, draping herself over her alphess and lover while she brought her muzzle to the violet fae's and placing a few tender, shy kisses to her lips and muzzle. Sandy ears folded to her head, a touch of embarrassment rising in her expression as another question dawned on her. "Does this mean I'd need to move out of your den now...?"

"Manea" & "Irilyth"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 05:30 PM
Irilyth was so delightfully delicious and wonderful to tease that as they spoke on what would be considered more serious topics she just couldn't resist groping and feeling up her little healer. Her large paws roamed incessantly across her rump, enjoying the feeling of her feminine, delicate form and the way that every squeeze and feel she got of Irilyth pulled another reaction from her which Irilyth was doing an awful job at hiding. A low murr sounded in her chest from the feeling of Irilyth's claws coming through the fur on her chest and in the quiet, thoughtful hesitation that Irilyth had as she processed what she had been told, Manea struggled to keep her mind on the topic at hand until finally Irilyth finally expressed how everything she was being given was too much, but that she did accept the offer.

Manea grinned happily and gave Irilyth's rump another firm squeeze in response and gave a pleased hum as her former handmaiden slid down her body to drape her more delicate frame on top if hers. Her tail wagged gently as her sweet lover started to pepper her lips and muzzle with adorable kisses, making her grin even wider and chuckle softly as she returned the tender affections. Everything Irilyth did just cemented a more permanent place in her heart for the raspberry eyed woman and reminded her of how much she cared for her. Irilyth was far from pure or innocent, but sometimes she did things like these shy, sweet kisses that made her feel as though she was.

Manea noticed how Irilyth's ears folded back as something seemed to cross the other woman's mind and she looked at her lover curiously, trying to decipher what had caused her to feel this embarrassment that she could easily read on her delicate features. The question she asked revealed it to her and Manea relaxed again, chuckling with amusement as she wrapped her forelegs more properly around Irilyth's waist again to give her an affectionate squeeze. "Of course not. That's your home as much as it is mine. That den is for my family and you are part of my family, my love. In fact..." She gave Irilyth a cheeky grin and she chuckled, swiping her tongue playfully over her lover's nose. "Alastor should just be grateful I'm not making you move in with us to our bed so I can be with you every night."  

She knew she couldn't do that without having to share Irilyth with Alastor and she selfishly wanted to keep Irilyth to herself—partially because of the love she had for her and her want to protect her from what she knew Irilyth didn't enjoy and partially as some sort of way to even the playing field with Alastor over Relm... even though her keeping Irilyth to herself didn't seem to bother him the way him spending so much time alone with Relm irritated her. Regardless, Irilyth was hers and she planned on keeping it that way. Pushing those thoughts away, she grinned and slid her paws down over Irilyth's rump again, chasing away any thoughts beyond this delectable fae on top of her and how much she wanted to make her squirm and moan again. So that's what she did—again and again for as long as this wonderful aphrodisiac eventually faded and then some. The drugs that Irilyth concocted were certainly very effective and a lot of fun, but she hardly needed them. She was hungry for her beautiful lover regardless.

"Manea" & "Irilyth"