
shattered to pieces




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-02-2022, 10:33 AM

The falls were brilliantly colorful as ever - the pools of stone and crisp water trickling in peaceful unison. The sun was just beginning to set, and the falls truly lived up to their name in this prime time. Glazed swirls of orange, cream and goldenrod reflected in the flow of the water as a russet yearling approached them. She wasn’t happy. Her tail was down, her ears lowered. This wasn’t the Zoey who so eagerly consumed the sights of everywhere she went, happily observing and experimenting with the wildlife and bugs and flora she encountered. She ignored her new surroundings, aimlessly wandering as she had been since her pack - her supposed newfound home - had been shattered. Torn apart. It wasn’t as dramatic as she made it out to be, but the orphaned girl had good reason to feel this way. She knew and understood why her new home had been disbanded, but it didn’t mean it hurt any less. Tears constantly trickled from her wet coffee-hued eyes, her goggles fogging up so badly she finally sat down near the base of the falls and slipped them off. She looked down at the accessory in her firepaws, her snout wrinkling at the reminder of her first family, her mom and dad, that she lost to the ooze. And then the memory of the man who took her in - Solo, his name was - and showed her a new world where she thought she’d be able to stay and learn forever. She thought of even teaching a new generation of students as eager as she. But now that dream was lost, forever. The thought of that swirled in her brain, and for what felt to be the millionth time these few weeks, the girl collapsed into a fit of fesh sobs, her sobbing loud and wailing as she curled into herself, releasing all the hurt and sadness she could not contain.

”Speech” ‘Think’



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
08-04-2022, 05:07 PM


Exploring across Boreas in search of herbal supplies, Audra made her way toward Sunset Falls. Becoming a member of Menagerie gave her a new view on life. She could become someone important within this pack. Someone others could look up to. Menagerie could give her meaning, a purpose, a place where she belonged. It's all she wanted, right? Contemplating that within herself as she wandered, she was suddenly ripped from her thoughts by a noise.

Freezing with all paws planted firmly on the ground, she lifted her head with both ears pressed forward. Beside her, Mack also looked concerned. Was that sobbing? Not just any sort of sobbing, but sobbing as if someone had died. Concern flickered across her expression as she set into quick motion toward the commotion. Mack was right at her side, always there to be her other eye, as they came across a young girl curled up on the ground.

"M-miss, p-please, you'll o-only make yourself s-sick," Audra murmured as she reached out to touch the girl on the shoulder. Noticing how red her coat was and a pair of goggles laying nearby, she wondered who the girl belonged to. Maybe she had lost them recently... Feeling sorrow for the girl, Audra leaned down to curl herself around the youngster and wrap her paws around her. Truthfully, it was difficult when the other was a bit larger than herself, but she tried. Comfort was always a good first attempt in situations like this.

Laying there in silence as she listened to the girl sob, she would wait until she calmed down.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-06-2022, 09:50 AM

Zoey’s sobbing had certainly grabbed some attention. She didn’t even realize her cries would be heard, and whether it was by someone friendly or otherwise, she wasn’t sure she cared anymore. Everything she had known, loved, attached herself to - called it home for once in her life - had been destroyed. Ripped to pieces. Her desire to explore, her cheerful demeanor, the bubbly girl who wanted to know everything about the world, was submerged in lieu of a deep, spiralling sadness. Her chest ached, from the exertion of crying near constantly and from the pain she felt knowing she was all alone in the world again. She’d lost her parents and she’d now lost her home. There was nothing for her to go to, nowhere to live, nobody to turn to. Just..alone.

And suddenly a pair of limbs wrapped themselves around her curled up form, and she didn’t fight it. Her eyes were squeezed shut, blurred with tears. Zoey didn’t even know who was holding her, or what they wanted to accomplish. But it took only a second in between her sobs to hear a soft, female voice - Miss, please, you’ll only make yourself sick - and after a few moments her cries simmered to a few shuddering breaths. She felt like a tiny puppy again, crying out for her mother or father. And in some ways, she still was. With a big, snotty sniff, the russet yearling paused to blink her blurry eyes, wiping them with one paw. Her snout was wet with mucus and tears. She definitely looked a bot worse for wear. At last, the girl gently pulled herself to her haunches, murmuring, "Um..oh, I’m so sorry.." She sniffed and hiccuped as she found her goggles nearby, slipping them over her head and now ws able to clearly see who had embraced her.

It was a tan and brown she-wolf..a bit smaller than Zoey, and she only had one eye. She had a bobcat companion next to that same side, perhaps as a guide creature. She almost had a spark of curiosity glimmer in her expression, but it faded as quickly as it came. She was in the lowest of the low in terms of headspace. This woman was so kind as to not hurt her in her moment of vulnerability. "I, uh..thanks. For holding me. I-I guess I needed that right now," She replied, her voice tight. She forced herself to swallow the lump in her throat, but the tears were already returning as she looked down at her oaws and said, "I-I just lost everything and everybody I knew. My parents died during the Ooze outbreak and now Miss Theory is gone and the pack is gone and I have no home and-" Zoey forced herself to cut off her sob sotry as, in fact, another wave of sobs starting to shake her shoulders. Why was she spilling all this to a stranger? Why? She would just lose everything all over again if she opened up, would she?

”Speech” ‘Think’



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
08-10-2022, 01:51 PM


Audra let the girl sob until her heart's content. Keeping her eyes closed and body relaxed to help the girl calm herself, she hoped it would work. Moments passed as finally, the sobbing slowed to shuddering breaths. Popping her one eye open to glance at the girl wrapped around her legs, she felt the red-furred girl stir. Leaning away quickly as the girl rose to her haunches, Audra did the same. Sitting up with a small but timid smile, she made no comment yet. Audra would let the girl stutter out her words of thanks and apologies.

Even as the slight word vomit continued, all Audra could do was nod her head. There was no use in interrupting when clearly the girl was going through some things. Her interest was piqued when the lone girl mentioned Theory. Another outcast of the abandoned Abaven? A worried frown creased Audra's lips as she wondered how many more were out there like this one. Letting out a quiet hum, she continued to smile until the girl abruptly stopped talking.

"I'm s-sorry about your loss," Audra comments, this one toward losing her parents at such a young age. The Long Night and impending Ooze had wreaked havoc on almost every wolf in Boreas and Auster. It seemed not one soul had been safe... Letting out a sigh, she reached a paw to place it gently on her shoulder. "I h-had come up h-here to t-teach at Abaven. In its p-place, I h-have found a n-new pack called M-menagerie if y-you are interested," her voice is motherly and soft as she offers the girl a place to stay.

"Oh, I-I'm Audra by the way," she smiles a bit brighter as she tail wags against the grass a few times.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-11-2022, 04:09 PM
Zoey sniffed as the kind lady offered her sympathies, still grateful for the words even from a complete stranger. Her shoulders shook, her breaths still shuddering as she tried to catch her breath. She’d be bound to have a panic attack if she didn’t keep breathing. Sucking in some air into her nostrils - in and out, in and out - she once again calmed herself to some degree. But the hurt remained. The loneliness, the abandonment. The broken ties and lost family. Broken promises. Her head lowered a bit - perhaps the russet girl felt a bit ashamed that a kind wolf had stepped out of her way because of her obnoxious crying.

It was then the smaller woman had mentioned she traveled up to Boreas, to teach at Abaven. But upon news of its disbanding, she had found a different pack. Menagerie. Zoey racked her brains at the familiarity of the term - didn’t it mean some mix of creatures? A safe haven, in some way? Still, even as the lady - Audra, she introduced herself as - mentioned the yearling could join her, she couldn’t help but crease her brow. Worry. She’d never felt so worried; as a pup, even when orphaned and alone, she had nothing but courage and excitement to spur her adventures. Not once did the fear of being alone, with no home or family to speak of, crossed her mind. But now, after experiencing the loss of her parents, and the disbandonment of a pack she thought she’d be able to spend her life in - a home at last - she didn’t know if she could trust that the lady beside her would stick around. After all, what if this pack broke up, too?

Still, she offered. And Zoey was not in the right place or mind to wander alone. Even as a capable young woman. She didn’t have the heart to refuse Audra’s offer, even if the fear of Abaven’s fall still was fresh in her memories. And the memories of her parents was only further amplified as a result - striking her in the most horrific nightmares every night. She opted not to mention the bad dreams, though. It wasn’t the time and she didn’t feel like opening up all over again. Not yet.

With a quiet pause, only interrupted by an occasional oozing sniff, the puffy-eyed girl turned to Audra and said quietly, "You know what? That might be nice. If that’s okay with you and the pack, of course.." She frowned, her eyes downcast, staring down at her white toes. "I just don’t want to be a..burden or anything."




Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
08-23-2022, 06:19 AM


Audra was patient. She had always been and always would be patient with others. Some did not realize how long it actually took for a brain to process thoughts. Especially ones with big decisions such as joining new packs. Yet, the petite woman had hope as the girl in front of her sniffled away the snot dripping from her nostrils. A polite and rather happy smile tugged at her lips when the younger girl came around and agreed to join.

"You w-will love it! There are m-many younger w-wolves l-like yourself w-within the p-pack and w-we c-can always f-find you a r-room close to m-mine if you'd l-like," her tinkling vocals almost yip with excitement as her tail drags in happy wags across the ground. Standing up and giving herself a shake, she turns toward the direction of the S. S. Antiox. "W-we l-live on a sh-ship and our l-leader is v-very kind," Audra smiles once at the girl, never once asking for a name, before beginning their journey back to Menagerie lands.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-23-2022, 10:11 AM

In her vulnerable state, Zoey found Audra to be a beacon of hope. She was infinitely patient, even as she had sniffled and sobbed. Not a lot of strangers would just come over to a crying wolf and hug them and even invite them back to their pack. There was something about this woman that was a blessing - not even in disguise. Just a very kindhearted girl. In some ways, Audra had saved her from, well, wherever else Zoey could've ended up that probably wasn't any better. She didn't want to think about that alternate ending, though. The uncertainty frightened her, as it had for the past few weeks since the disbanding.

She lifted her gaze from her toes, lifting one paw to wipe her snot-dripping nose, she looked at Audra with a mixture of uncertainty, a deep sadness, and maybe just a flicker of hope. Hope. The yearling had to cling onto it, hold it close - just as she always maintained her scientific curiosity of the world. It had dulled immensely, all her passions and interests - but perhaps there'd be a time sometimes soon that she would heal, mentally and emotionally. And that hope and passion would gleam in her goggled eyes yet again. Audra mentioned she would love the pack - and she even mustered a smile as it was mentioned that there were wolves her age in the pack, too. That friends? Friends to share her love of science and exploration with? She had friends but they came and went, but she held each one's memory close to her. Zoey only hoped that she could make new friends and that they could stay together, for as long as..well, forever. That would be nice. Really nice.

And they lived on a ship, no less! That was probably the most unique pack land she'd heard of to date. Composing herself, the taller yearling rose to her feet, beginning to follow after the older woman. She paused, silent as she walked, but just as they began their journey she realized she hadn't even told the nice lady her name. "Oh, uh, I'm zoey, by the way," She said, offering a small but genuine smile. There, now she was known to Audra. She was somebody. And she had a home to go to now.


”Speech” ‘Think’